Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Ninth Grade Research PowerPoints about the Civil Rights Movements

Here is a list of the research topics and the PowerPoint presentations that the students created (click on the title to open the presentation).  Students should look over these links to help them to prepare for the test which will be given on Friday, August 29.

The Scottsboro Boys


Malcolm X

Plessy v Ferguson and Brown v Board of Education

Lynch Mobs and the "Jena Six"

Harper Lee's publishing of To Kill a Mockingbird

The life and murder of Emmett Till

The Great Depression and the New Deal

1 comment:

  1. Sarah Snyder
    1 a white hacker
    2. Person who thinks they are an ethical hacker
    3. Yes they all are the same, some may be wore than others, but all violate another person.
    4. Secret is hacked by people tracing back peoples emails.
    5. I think that people should not be able to post anonymously because if they are goin to post it online for everyone to see then that is not private. If they did not want anyone to see it then don't post it. I think things should be monitored because some things should not be allowed to be posted online. I do think privacy is necessary when you only want your friends to see your post.


If you are in one of my English classes, please make sure to type your name at the beginning of your comment so that you will receive credit for your thoughts.