Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Wednesday, February 29th

Happy Leap Year!

In today's class, students received a sample bibliography to help them as they continue to work on their research papers.  Then, the classes quickly went to the library so students could finish their research and their paper outlines.

Remember: The rough draft for the research paper is due on Friday, March 2nd (not March 1st as is said in the packet).

Most of the information about the research paper can be found in the research packet, which can be downloaded by clicking here.

A few extra notes about the research paper that didn't make it into the packet:

1. Wikipedia cannot be used as a research source.
2. If students do not use in-text citations, there paper will receive an automatic zero.
3. The paper presentation is worth 50 points, not 150 as is stated in the packet.
4. The paper presentation should be 4-6 minutes long.

If you have any questions about the research paper, please email me.

AHSGE Reading Review
We began a discussion on the state of education in America and Alabama in today's class, and discussed the difficulties many students face as they attempt to pass the graduation exam.  This will lead into a project that the class will be starting next week on job-readiness and career preparation.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Tuesday, February 28

In today's class, students received several tests and grades, all of which are in inow.  We also quickly discussed MLA citation and bibliographies before going to the library to begin researching topics for the research paper.  The outline for the research paper is due at the end of class tomorrow (Wednesday, February 29th)The rough draft for the research paper is due on Friday, March 2nd (not March 1st as is said in the packet).

Most of the information about the research paper can be found in the research packet, which can be downloaded by clicking here.

A few extra notes about the research paper that didn't make it into the packet:

1. Wikipedia cannot be used as a research source.
2. If students do not use in-text citations, there paper will receive an automatic zero.
3. The paper presentation is worth 50 points, not 150 as is stated in the packet.
4. The paper presentation should be 4-6 minutes long.

If you have any questions about the research paper, please email me.

AHSGE Reading Review
In today's class, we read through "Gift of the Magi" and used it to review all of the standards that are covered on the graduation exam.

Monday, February 27, 2012

Monday, February 27th

In today's class, we finished our notes on folklore and fairytales, and began talking about the research paper, which is due on March 5th.  Most of the information about the research paper can be found in the research packet, which can be downloaded by clicking here.

A few extra notes about the research paper that didn't make it into the packet:

1. Wikipedia cannot be used as a research source.
2. If students do not use in-text citations, there paper will receive an automatic zero.
3. The paper presentation is worth 50 points, not 150 as is stated in the packet.
4. The paper presentation should be 4-6 minutes long.

If you have any questions about the research paper, please email me.

Homework: Students should choose their research topic from the provided topics in the research packet, and they should begin preliminary research on that topic.  We will spend Tuesday and Wednesday in the library researching as well.

AHSGE Reading Review
In today's review class, we finished our discussion of fairytales and used the story of Pocahontas to demonstrate how you find a main idea in a moral tale.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Friday, February 24th

In today's class, we discussed the origin of folklore and fairytales and why the Brothers Grimm and Hans Christian Anderson collected so many of the stories we know so well today.  We read through and analyzed "The Frog Prince" and "Cinderella" and contrasted how each of these stories differ from the versions that we know today because of companies like Disney.

Homework: Students should read "Little Red Riding Hood" and "The Little Mermaid" in the packet of fairytales that they received in class.

To download a copy of the "Folklore and Fairytales" PowerPoint, click here.

AHSGE Reading Review
In today's class, we read through several classic fairytales, focusing on the imagery found within them.  We also used the fairytales to review finding main ideas and summarizing.

Thursday, February 23rd

In today's class, our discussion revolved around the apostrophe and its uses.

If you need more help or practice with the apostrophe, click here.

Homework:  Students should read through "The Ugly Duckling" in the fairy tale packet that they received and be prepared to take a short quiz on it tomorrow and to discuss it in class.

Also, tomorrow is "Fairytale Day."  We will be discussing the origins of many of our modern fairytales, as well as why stories given in the oral tradition are important pieces of history.  If they would like, students can bring "fairytale"-themed snacks and drinks for everyone to consume.

AHSGE Reading Review
In today's class, we discussed the origin of folklore and fairytale, including several examples of local lore and legend.  Tomorrow, we will be reading through several examples of fairytales from The Brothers Grimm and we will use them to discuss finding the main idea and summarizing passages adequately.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Wednesday, February 22nd

Students took the Unit Test for The Odyssey in class today.

Homework:  Students were given a packet of fairytales that we will be using for the next several days in class.  Tonight, students should read the following sections:  "Introduction,"  "About the Grimms," "About the Stories," " The Frog Prince," and "Cinderella."  There will be a short reading quiz in class tomorrow.

AHSGE Reading Review
In today's class, we read through "The Ransom of Red Chief" by O.Henry and analyzed it for figurative language and plot details.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Tuesday, February 21st

I hope that everyone enjoyed their holiday!

In today's class, we spent time getting ready for Wednesday's unit test by reviewing the grammar that will be covered as well as the symbolic action of The Odyssey.

Homework:  Students need to review all of their notes from our unit on The Odyssey, including grammar notes and literary notes.  See the post from Friday for a complete study guide.

AHSGE Reading Review
In today's class, we finished analyzing O. Henry's "Gift of the Magi," using it to study several different AHSGE reading standards.

Friday, February 17, 2012

Friday, February 17th

Of course, none of our students feel this way. :)

Happy Friday!
Students took the third test on Homer's The Odyssey today in class.  After finishing this exam, students then peer-edited each others' essays so that they could revise them over the weekend and turn them in on Tuesday, February 21st.

Homework:  Students should finish revising their Voyage of the Dawn Treader essays to turn in on the 21st. On Wednesday, February 22nd, students will be taking the Unit Test for The Odyssey, which will cover all grammar we've done in class since the beginning of our Odyssey study, all literary terms from the "Close-Reading Toolbox" worksheet, all Words of the Day, all action from Voyage of the Dawn Treader, and all action from The Odyssey.

AHSGE Reading Review
In today's class, we analyzed William Sydney Porter's (O. Henry's) short story entitled "Gift of the Magi" and used it to review main ideas, summary, context clues, and predictions.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Thursday, February 16th

Colons and Semi-colons smattered our grammatical time together today.  If you would like a copy of the Colon and semi-colon rule sheet, you can download it by clicking here.  Besides spending time on punctuation, we finished discussing the last part of The Odyssey.  Finally, we also had a guest speaker in class today.  Dr. William Ulmer, who has served as the head of both the Honors College and the English Department at the University of Alabama, came and spoke about what it takes to be successful at the college level, especially in an English classroom.

Homework:  Students need to finish reading Part 4 of The Odyssey (pages 1009-1018) and be familiar with the action that ends our study of this epic.  Students also need to start writing the Voyage of the Dawn Treader essay that they were assigned yesterday.  (For the essay prompt, scroll down this page to Monday's post.)  The test on the final part of The Odyssey is on Friday, and the essay is also due on Friday

AHSGE Reading Review
In today's class, we continued with our occupational education lesson series by bringing in Ishmael Pruitt, head of the Little Friends Daycare program at Calvary Baptist Church.  Several of our students are interested in early-childhood education and Mr. Pruitt came and spoke as to how to pursue a career in that field.

Wednesday, February 15th

In today's class, we resumed our quasi-normal routine.  Before we jumped into The Odyssey, we discussed the rules of comma usage, and how they are much more complicated than simply placing a comma every time you pause.  A copy of the "Comma Rules Worksheet" can be found by clicking here.  After studying commas, we then covered Parts 2 and 3 of The Odyssey, paying special attention to the nautical symbolism that Homer includes in the poem.

Homework:  Students need to finish reading Part 4 of The Odyssey (pages 1009-1018) and be familiar with the action that ends our study of this epic.  Students also need to start writing the Voyage of the Dawn Treader essay that they were assigned yesterday.  (For the essay prompt, scroll down this page to Monday's post.)  The test on the final part of The Odyssey is on Friday, and the essay is also due on Friday

AHSGE Reading Review
In today's class, we finished our discussion of "The Lottery" that we began yesterday.  We also began our lesson series on occupational awareness by bringing in our first guest speaker.  Her name is Amber Kemp and she works as a stylist at New Creations Salon in Tuscaloosa, AL.  She spoke to the class about what it takes to work in cosmetology and what students will have to do post-high school in order to pursue a career in this profession.

Tuesday, February 14th

Happy Valentine's Day!!

In conjunction with our study of the Greek Pantheon, we watched Disney's Hercules in class today.

Homework:  Students need to finish reading Part 4 of The Odyssey (pages 1009-1018) and be familiar with the action that ends our study of this epic.  Students also need to start writing the Voyage of the Dawn Treader essay that they were assigned yesterday.  (For the essay prompt, scroll down this page to Monday's post.)  The test on the final part of The Odyssey is on Friday, and the essay is also due on Friday.

AHSGE Reading Review
In today's class, we analyzed a short story by Shirley Jackson entitled "The Lottery."  We studied symbolism in the story, using context clues to figure out intention and word meaning, and what the main idea of the story is.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Monday, February 13th

In today's class student took the second test on The Odyssey, which also included the action of Voyage of the Dawn Treader.  After the test was over, we finished watching the Disney version of Hercules.

Homework: Students need to write a five paragraph essay comparing elements of The Odyssey and Voyage of the Dawn Treader.  See below for the prompt.  Also, the third test, on part 4 of The Odyssey, is going to be on Friday, February 17th.

Essay Prompt:  In both The Voyage of the Dawn Treader and The Odyssey, there is one character who drives the story on and keeps the crew of the prospective ships moving forward, even when they want to stop or turn back.  In a five-paragraph essay, compare Reepicheep and Odysseus, describing their role as “cheerleader” and “motivator” on their ships with their crews.

This essay will be due Friday, February 17th!
AHSGE Reading Review
Students took a test on the Greek Pantheon today, as an exercise in following directions.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Friday, February 10th

Students took the first test on The Odyssey today.  On Monday, because of time restraints, they will be taking the second test on The Odyssey.

Homework:  Students need to finish reading Part 3 of The Odyssey, they need to finish Voyage of the Dawn Treader, and they need to study over the Greek Pantheon to prepare for the second Odyssey test, which they will take on Monday, February 13th.

AHSGE Reading Review
Today's class continued our discussion on the Greek Pantheon.

Thursday, February 9th

Heroes were the topic of discussion in today's class.  Well, actually, heroes and how they fit into the epic poetic cycle was the real discussion topic.  The epic cycle can be used to map the plot of numerous works, both ancient and modern, and what we discovered in class today is that many of the movies and books we enjoy the most can be classified as "epic."  To finish out our time, we discussed the background of The Odyssey, including Odysseus' role in the Trojan War.

Homework:  Students should review Parts 1 and 2 of The Odyssey and look over the "Close-Reading Toolbox" terms in preparation for their test tomorrow.  It will cover Words of the Day, the "Close-Reading Toolbox" terms, and the action of the first parts of The Odyssey.  Students should also continue reading Voyage of the Dawn Treader and have it finished by Monday, February 13th.

AHSGE Reading Review
In today's class, we began an exercise in following directions by beginning a discussion of the Greek Pantheon.  After studying all of the Greek gods and goddesses, we will be doing an activity relating these ancient stories to our modern life.

A copy of the PowerPoint used in class today can be downloaded by clicking here.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Wednesday, February 8th

In today's class, in the absence of the test, we continued on with our discussion about the Greek Pantheon.  We also began talking about Homer's background, along with his use of the epic poetic cycle and the epic story arc.

Homework:  Students need to review Parts 1 and 2 of The Odyssey and be prepared for the test on Friday, which will cover Words of the Day, the terms off of the "Close-Reading Toolbox" worksheet, and the action of Parts 1 and 2 of The Odyssey.  On Monday, we will take the next test on The Odyssey which will cover Part 3 and all of the notes we have taken in class on the Greek Pantheon, Homer, and the epic poetic cycle.  Monday's test will also cover Voyage of the Dawn Treader.

AHSGE Reading Review
Mrs. Coleman came to class today to discuss college readiness and good study habits.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Tuesday, February 7th

The topic of today's class was two-fold.  First, we discussed several literary devices that authors can use in their writing to varying degrees and for various purposes.  Students presented these terms to each other and taught each other what each term means and gave examples of each.  After finishing with these presentations, we then turned our attention to the Greek Pantheon (the collection of Greek and Roman gods and goddess).  This discussion serves to build background knowledge going into the text of The Odyssey.

Homework:  Students need to finish reading parts 1 and 2 of The Odyssey out of their literature textbooks.  DATE CHANGE!  The first Odyssey test will now be on Friday, February 10th, instead of Wednesday, February 8th.  Students must also finish Voyage of the Dawn Treader by Monday, February 13th.

To download a copy of the Greek Pantheon PowerPoint, click here.  (Warning: it's a large file!)

AHSGE Reading Review
In class today, we finished watching October Sky and drew a comparison between events in this storyline and the storyline of Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Monday, February 6th

In today's class, students broke into groups and studied different parts of the "Close-Reading Toolbox" information sheet that they received at the beginning of the year.  Students then spent time teaching each of their fellow classmates about each one of the literary terms.

Homework:  Students need to read The Odyssey Parts 1 and 2 (pages 963-992) by Wednesday, February 8th, when they will take the first Odyssey test.  The test will also cover the aforementioned close-reading terms and the Words of the Day.  Students also need to be reading Voyage of the Dawn Treader by C.S. Lewis.  They should have this finished by Monday, February 13th, when they will have a test on it and the third part of The Odyssey

For a copy of the "Close-Reading Toolbox" information sheet, click here.

AHSGE Reading Review
As an exercise in understanding context clues, students created non-sense poems about their favorite subjects and put in made-up words throughout the poem.  Their classmates then had to figure out what the words meant that they created based on their use in the poems.

Friday, February 3, 2012

Friday, February 3rd

Finishing up our unit on Romeo and Juliet, students finished watching Simon Birch today and completed an analytical worksheet comparing the two works, with a special emphasis on the role of fate and love in each prospective work's story.  Then, we had a short lesson on Shakespearean etymology.

Homework: Students need to begin reading The Odyssey.  Parts 1 and 2 (pages 963-992 in the literature book) should be completed by Wednesday, January 8th.  Students should also begin reading Voyage of the Dawn Treader by C.S. Lewis.  It must be completed by Monday, February 13th.  If students are completing the extra credit essay on Romeo and Juliet vs. Simon Birch, it must be turned in on Monday, February 6th.

AHSGE Reading Review
In today's class, we discussed context clues and how to find the meaning of words based on their context in a sentence.  We used the poem "Jabberwocky" by Lewis Carrol as an example.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Thursday, February 2nd

In today's class, students completed a worksheet on sentence fragments and sentence run-ons.  Then, students began watching Simon Birch, a movie with striking similarities to Romeo and Juliet.  Students will complete a worksheet comparing and contrasting the two works and will have the opportunity to write an extra credit essay expounding on the worksheet.  The essay prompt will be, "Write a comparative analysis describing the pathos of Simon Birch and Romeo and Juliet."  Essays must be at least five paragraphs in length and must follow all grammatical rules we have covered in class.  They must also follow the standard MLA format.  (Essays NOT in the MLA format will receive NO credit.)

For a reminder on the definition of pathos, click here.

Homework:  Students need to get a copy of C.S. Lewis' Voyage of the Dawn Treader as quickly as possible and start reading it.  It should be read by Monday, February 13th.

AHSGE Reading Review
In today's class, students took a test on predictions and generalizations.  Then, they began a compare/contrast activity that stresses the importance of literary interpretation and highlighted the basic tenets of medieval chivalry.

Wednesday, February 1st

Students took Part II of the Shakespeare Unit Test today.  They wrote a five-paragraph essay dealing with prejudice in Romeo and Juliet.  After the essay, we had a mini-lesson on Shakespearean etymology.  Shakespeare actually created many of the words and phrases that are common in the modern English lexicon, and we discussed and used several of them in class today.

Homework:  Students need to procure a copy of Voyage of the Dawn Treader and begin reading it.  They should have it read by February 13th.  Students SHOULD NOT wait until the weekend before the due date to try and read the book, because they will also be reading The Odyssey in conjunction with this novel.

Finally, students wishing to complete the extra credit, five-paragraph essay on Simon Birch must turn in it by Monday, February 6th.

AHSGE Reading Review
In today's class, we discussed predictions and generalizations and did several activities related to making predictions about characters.