Monday, November 25, 2013

Week of November 25

This will be the only blog post of the week!  Happy Thanksgiving!

Anne Riley, author of Shadows of the Hidden, came and spoke to all of my classes today.  Many of these students won a free, signed copy of her book, so check with your student to see if he / she was a lucky winner!

If you would like to keep up with Anne or read more about her, you can visit her blog at


Advanced English 9- study for your Odyssey test that will be given TOMORROW!

Friday, November 22, 2013

Friday, November 22

ALL CLASSES:  Don't forget!  Anne Riley, author or Shadows of the Hidden, will be visiting to speak with us on Monday, November 25.  If you would like to buy a copy of her book so that she can sign it for you, please bring $10 with you to class (in cash if possible).  If you have any questions, please email me at

AP Language and Composition
Students took their word of the day quiz and a practice multiple choice exam in today's class.

Homework:  Also don't forget that the AP Lang classes will be taking a field trip to see Catching Fire on Tuesday, November 26.  Bring extra money for snacks (only if you want more than is already provided) and a fast-food lunch.

Pre-AP English 9
After taking their word of the day quiz, we continued discussing the Greek Pantheon in today's class.

Homework:  Students need to bring their copy of The Odyssey to class with them starting Monday, December 2.

Advanced English 9
After taking their word of the day quiz, we reviewed for The Odyssey exam (which will be given on Tuesday) and began reading Romeo and Juliet.

Homework:  Students need to study for The Odyssey exam, which will be given on Tuesday.  It will cover the entire poem, the Greek Pantheon, the epic story arc, verb mood, and parts of speech.

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Thursday, November 21

AP Language and Composition
We continued studying visual rhetoric in today's class.

Homework:  Students need to study for the Word of the Day quiz that will be given tomorrow.

Pre-AP English 9
We began discussing the Greek Pantheon in today's class in preparation for our reading of The Odyssey.

Homework:  Students need to study for the Word of the Day quiz that will be given tomorrow.

Advanced English 9
We began discussing Shakespeare and the evolution of the English language in today's class.  For a copy of the PowerPoint notes (and the link to the Prologue of the Canterbury Tales, which students can memorize for extra credit) click here.

Homework:  Students need to study for the Word of the Day quiz that will be given tomorrow.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Wednesday, November 20

AP Language and Composition
We began our discussion of visual rhetoric in class today.

Homework:  Students need to study for their Word of the Day quiz that will be given on Friday.

Pre-AP English 9
We finished our research presentations in class today.

Homework: Students need to study for their Word of the Day quiz that will be given on Friday.

Advanced English 9
We finished our discussion of The Odyssey in class today.  We also reviewed parts of speech.

Homework:  Students need to study for their Word of the Day quiz that will be given on Friday.  The Odyssey test is postponed until Tuesday, November 26.

Monday, November 18, 2013

Monday, November 18

AP Language and Composition
Students had time in class today to finish and revise the essay that they wrote on Friday.

Homework: Students need to study for the Word of the Day quiz, which will be given on Friday, November 22.

Pre-AP English 9
Students began presenting the second part of their research project in class today.

Homework: Students need to study for the Word of the Day quiz, which will be given on Friday, November 22.

Advanced English 9
After taking the Fablehaven quiz, we continued reading The Odyssey in class today.

Homework: Students need to study for the Word of the Day quiz, which will be given on Friday, November 22.

Ninth Grade Currevent Events Blog for Week of November 18

For this week's blog, GO BACK TO LAST WEEK'S BLOG POSTING and look over the comments made my your peers.  Choose one of their comments that you would like to comment on and defend, challenge, or qualify their opinion.  Remember to exercise proper classroom etiquette.

AP Language and Composition Current Events Blog for Week of November 18

For this week's blog, GO BACK TO LAST WEEK'S BLOG POSTING and look over the comments made my your peers.  Choose one of their comments that you would like to comment on and defend, challenge, or qualify their opinion.  Remember to exercise proper classroom etiquette.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Thursday, November 14

AP Language and Composition
Students received numerous grades back in today's class.  We also analyzed the last essay we wrote and multiple choice test we took.

Pre-AP English 9
In today's class, we began to discuss fairy tales and folklore and the archetypal situations and characters we see in both these genres.

Homework:  Students need to finish part II of their projects by Monday, November 18.

Advanced English 9
We continued our study of The Odyssey in class today.

Homework: Students need to finish reading Fablehaven by Monday, November 18.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Wednesday, November 13

AP Language and Composition
The students took a practice AP Multiple Choice Quiz in class today.

Pre-AP English 9
We finished our survey of western poetry in class today.

Homework:  Students need to finish the second part of their research project.  It is due on Monday, November 18.

Advanced English 9
We continued reading The Odyssey in class today.

Homework:  Students need to finish reading Fablehaven by Monday, November 18.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Tuesday, November 12

AP Language and Composition
After taking their word of the day quiz, students took a practice AP Multiple Choice exam in class today.

Pre-AP English 9
After taking their word of the day quiz, we continued our survey of western poetry in class today.

Homework:  Students need to bring their copy of The Odyssey to class with them each day.  Also, the second part of the family folklore research project is due on Monday, November 18.

Advanced English 9
After taking their word of the day quiz, we continued reading The Odyssey in today's class.

Homework: Students need to bring their copy of The Odyssey to class with them each day.  Also,students need to finish reading Fablehaven by Monday, November 18.

Monday, November 11, 2013

Ninth Grade Current Events Blog for Week of November 11

Watch the news story that can be found at the following website:


When making an argument, you can choose one of three options in stating your opinion.  You can either defend your opponent's argument (agree with them), challenge your opponent's argument (disagree with them), or qualify your opponent's argument (agree and disagree to an extent).

After watching this news story, I want you to qualify the university's actions and the students' actions. In other words, explain not only the situation, but also explain how both parties in the situation could be correct.  THEN, defend or challenge either the university's or the students' opinion with an opinion of your own.

AP Language and Composition Current Events Blog for Week of November 11

Read through the following article.

Discuss the ethics involved in this issue.  Do individuals have the right to post this kind of page on a public social networking site?  Should Instagram be held responsible for the consequences that are wrought from the account's posting?  (Please do NOT discuss whether or not it is right for the owner of this account to post what he/she did.  That is a moot point.)

Make sure to bring in other relevant current events or real-life issues that would enhance your discussion.  Be prepared for your post to be read and responded to by your classmates.

PLEASE NOTE:  Your comment is due by FRIDAY, November 15 at 3:30.

Friday, November 8, 2013

Friday, November 8

Pre-AP English 9
Homework:  Students need to study for their Word of the Day quiz which will be given on Tuesday, November 12.  They also need to have their copy of The Odyssey by Tuesday as well.

Advanced English 9
Homework:  Students need to study for their Word of the Day quiz which will be given on Tuesday, November 12.  They also need to have Fablehaven read by Monday, November 18.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Thursday, November 7

AP Language and Composition
Students wrote a rhetorical analysis in class today.

Homework:  The Word of the Day quiz has been moved to Tuesday, November 12.  Students should take the extra time to study the words carefully and thoroughly.

Pre-AP English 9
We reviewed bibliographies, analysis, and citation in today's class.

Homework: The Word of the Day quiz has been moved to Tuesday, November 12.  Students should take the extra time to study the words carefully and thoroughly.  Students also need to revise their bibliographies and turn them back in tomorrow (Friday, November 8).  Students also need to have their copy of The Odyssey by Tuesday, November 12.

Advanced English 9
We continued our lesson on visual analysis in class today before continuing The Odyssey.

Homework: The Word of the Day quiz has been moved to Tuesday, November 12.  Students should take the extra time to study the words carefully and thoroughly.  Students also need to be reading Fablehaven, which must be read by Monday, November 18.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Wednesday, November 6

AP English Language and Composition
Students wrote a rhetorical analysis essay in class today.

Homework:  Students need to study for their word of the day quiz, which will be given on Friday.

Pre-AP English 9
Students finished presenting their research presentations in class today.

Homework:  Students need to study for their word of the day quiz, which will be given on Friday.  They also need to have their copies of The Odyssey by Friday.

Advanced English 9
We began making our way through the action of The Odyssey in class today.

Homework:  Students need to study for their word of the day quiz, which will be given on Friday. They also need to read Fablehaven by Monday, November 18.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Tuesday, November 5

AP Language and Composition
Students wrote a rhetorical analysis essay in class today.

Pre-AP English 9
We began class today by discussing verb mood, tense, and voice.  We specifically focused on verb mood.  If your child needs extra practice with identifying and using verb mood, you can find that by clicking here.  After this, we continued our research presentations.

Homework:  Students need to obtain their copy of The Odyssey and have it with them in class by Friday, November 8.  They also need to study their words of the day.

Advanced English 9
In today's class, we began by discussing verb mood, tense, and voice.  We specifically focused on verb mood.  If your child needs extra practice with identifying and using verb mood, you can find that by clicking here. Afterwards, we began studying our way through The Odyssey.

Homework:  Students need to study their words of the day.  They also need to read Fablehaven by Monday, November 18.

Monday, November 4, 2013

Monday, November 4

AP Language and Composition
Today, we finished reading selections from George Orwell's "Politics and the English Language" before moving on to his essay entitled "Shooting an Elephant."  We analyzed the essay for Orwell's use of vivid imagery and precise diction.

Homework:  Classes that did not finish the essay need to finish reading it (you can access it by clicking here) and finish your image analysis.  Afterwards, answer the following questions: 1. Explain Orwell's purpose in writing this piece.  2. Explain how his use of vivid imagery helps him to achieve this purpose.

Pre-AP English 9
Students began presenting their research findings in today's class.

Advanced English 9
After taking the Dirt Road Home quiz, we finished discussing the Greek Pantheon before moving into our reading of The Odyssey.

Homework:  Students need to read Fablehaven by Monday, November 18.

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Ninth Grade Current Events Blog for Week of November 4

This week's current events blog is going to be a little different.

Everyone's comment about the school safety issue has been made public, and we are going to have a little online debate.  Skim through your classmates' articles and find someone whose opinion differs from your own.  Using the concession-counterargument method, comment on your classmates' comment (just one) and show that you understand his/her comment and explain how your opinion differs. If you can't find a classmate whose opinion differs from your own, then play the devil's advocate and PRETEND to disagree with him/her.


AP Language and Composition Current Events Blog for Week of November 4

This week's current events blog is going to be a little different.

Everyone's comment about global warming and the government's response to it has been made public, and we are going to have a little online debate.  Skim through your classmates' articles and find someone whose opinion differs from your own.  Using the concession-counterargument method, comment on your classmates' comment (just one) and show that you understand his/her comment and explain how your opinion differs.