Monday, August 31, 2015

Monday, August 31

AP Language and Composition
We held a current events debate in class today.

Homework:  Students should obtain their copy of George Orwell's 1984 by Wednesday, September 2.

Pre-AP English 9
We held a current events debate in class today.

Homework:  Students should obtain their Dover Thrift Edition of Homer's The Odyssey no later than Friday, September 4.

Reading the Bible as Literature
We studied John Milton's Paradise Lost in class today, focusing on how Milton transformed the story of the Fall from Genesis 3.

Saturday, August 29, 2015

Pre-AP English 9 Current Events Blog for Week of August 31

Read the following article that discusses the use of video recording equipment in relation to the police:

Answer the following questions related to the article:

1. How have smartphones made it easier to record police activity?
2. Why do you think that police have a "bad response" to someone pulling out a smartphone to video them?
3. According to the article, if it is legal to record police in a public space, which has been protected under rights defined by the First Amendment, how have police been trying to stop this recording?
4. How is this video recording costing taxpayers money?
5. What is the NYCLU?  How has it been "fighting back" to ensure citizens are able to film the police?
6. Explain the "Right to Record Act" that was passed recently in California.
7. In your opinion, should citizens have the right to film the police while in a public place?  Do police have the right to confiscate their recording device or to ask them not to stop filming?

AP Language and Composition Current Events Blog for Week of August 31

Read the following article concerning President Obama's upcoming trip to Alaska:

Answer the following questions related to the article:

1. To what Alaskan city is the President going?
2. What is his goal for the trip?
3. What concern does Dan Sullivan have about the President's trip and speech?
4. What is GLACIER, and what does it have to do with the President's trip?
5. According to the article, what end-goal do Democrats have for President Obama in relation to Alaska?  What end-goal do Republicans have?
6. (This will take a small amount of research outside of the article.)  Give at least one reason some meteorologists and climatologists say that Global Warming is not a pressing issue.
7. When it comes to the energy issue, where do you stand?  Is it more important to not drill in Alaska and other American states and continue our dependence on foreign oil, or is it more important to sever our ties with foreign oil companies by tapping our own supply of crude oil?

Friday, August 28, 2015

Friday, August 28

AP Language and Composition
Students continued practicing claim identification under the Toulmin Model of argumentation in today's class.

Homework:  Students need to obtain their copy of George Orwell's 1984 by Wednesday, September 2.

Pre-AP English 9
Students learned the different purposes of fiction and non-fiction in class today as we continued our study of folklore and fairy tales.

Homework:  Students need to obtain the correct edition of The Odyssey by Wednesday of next week.  They also need to complete their obsession journal entries by Monday.

Reading the Bible as Literature
We covered Genesis 3 and the Fall in today's class.

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Thursday, August 27

AP Language and Composition
Students attempted to identify the claim and grounds from several different advertisements today.

Homework: Students need to procure their copy of 1984 by Wednesday, September 2.  They also need to finish their Current Events Blog by tomorrow at 3:30.

Pre-AP English 9
Students reviewed the rules of capitalization in today's class.

Homework:Students need to obtain their copy of The Odyssey by the beginning of next week. They also need to finish their Current Events Blog by tomorrow at 3:30.

Reading the Bible as Literature
We covered Genesis 3 and the Fall in today's class.

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Tuesday, August 26

AP Language and Composition
Students finished presenting their argument examples in today's class before reviewing the Toulmin model of argumentation.

Homework:  Students need to obtain their copy of George Orwell's 1984 by next Wednesday (September 2).

Pre-AP English 9
We finished our discussion of Fairy tales and Folklore in today's class.

For a copy of the notes, please click here.

Homework:  Students need to obtain their copy of The Odyssey as quickly as possible.  We will begin it next week.

Reading the Bible as Literature
In today's class we covered the creation of Adam and Eve as it is outlined in Genesis 2.

Homework:  Students should begin to study for their first test, which will be given at the beginning of next week.

Monday, August 24, 2015

Monday, August 24

AP Language and Composition
We held our first current events debate in class today concerning the comments recently made by Vice President Joe Biden at the memorial service of those servicemen killed by the Chattanooga shooter over the summer.

Homework:  Students should be prepared to start their argument presentations in class tomorrow.

Pre-AP English 9
We held our first current events debate in class today concerning recent actions by Al Sharpton who called on the pastors of African-American churches to encourage their congregations to support the newly-constructed Iranian peace deal.

Homework:  Students need to obtain their copy of The Odyssey as quickly as possible.

Reading the Bible as Literature
We finished discussing the Pentateuch in class today before talking about the divisions of the book of Genesis.

Friday, August 21, 2015

Pre-AP English 9 Current Events Blog for Week of August 24

Read the following article that describes the role of women in the modern-day military:

After you have read, answer the following questions completely:

1. What are the names of the two women who recently graduated from "Victory Pond"?
2. Why is it such a big deal for them to graduate?
3. How is Defense Secretary Ash Carter going about opening up all military positions to women?
4. What activities do candidates of the Ranger School have to complete within the first four days of training?
5. Janine Davidson, a governmental employee who works for the Council of Foreign Relations, believes that the prospect of women having fair access to all military positions is just "policy catching up to reality."  Recently, the military has made major headlines by rescinding its "don't ask, don't tell" policy, and the decision to allow women this equal access seems to be along the same lines.  Do you believe that there is a difference in these two decisions?
6. Should all people, regardless of gender, sexual orientation, or background, be allowed to have equal access to all military positions?  (You can either agree or disagree with this question outright, or you may qualify your answer.)

AP Language and Composition Current Events Blog for Week of August 24

Read the following article about the latest Ashley Madison scandal:

Answer the following questions related to the article:

1. Who are the hackers responsible for this latest information link?  Why do they say that they leaked this information?

2. What government agencies have been implicated in the scandal?

3. The Justice Department investigator who is quoted in the article said that he would take what action if someone tries to blackmail him because of the leaked information?

4. What does the article claim that the AP was the first news agency to do?

5. Since participating in this type of web service isn't technically a crime, would a government agency have the right to fire its employees for using the site?  Why or why not?  (Use evidence from the article to answer the question.)

6. If there is a government employee or leader who has been using the Ashley Madison site, should he or she be fired for their moral indiscretion?  In other words, how important is personal morality when it comes to democratic leadership?

Friday, August 21

AP Language and Composition
Students took their final summer reading test on I am Malala in class today.

Homework:  Students need to obtain their copy of George Orwell's 1984.

Pre-AP English 9
Students took their final summer reading test on Ender's Game in class today.

Homework: Students need to obtain the "Dover Thrift Edition" of The Odyssey as soon as possible.

Reading the Bible as Literature
We continued to discuss pop-culture reference to Scripture in class today.

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Wednesday, August 19

AP Language and Composition
Students took their first summer reading test, on The Great Gatsby, in class today.

Homework:  Students need to discuss their argument pieces with their groups in preparation for presenting them to the class on Tuesday, August 25.  They also need to complete their Current Events Blog by Friday at 3:30.

Pre-AP English 9
Students took their first summer reading test, on The Wave, in class today.

Homework:  Students need to make their three journal entries into their Obsession Journals by Friday.  They also need to complete their Current Events Blog by Friday at 3:30.

Reading the Bible as Literature
We began to discuss the Pentateuch and its possible authorship in today's class.

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Tuesday, August 18

AP Language and Composition
We continued establishing the meaning of argumentation in class today by enumerating the aspects of the Toulmin Model of Argumentation.

The class presentation on this subject can be found by clicking here.

Homework:  Students need to review their summer reading in preparation for the reading tests that will begin tomorrow. They also need to complete their current events blog for this week no later than Friday at 3:30.

Pre-AP English 9
We finished reviewing parts of speech today and used the review as a segue into our Obsession Journals.

Homework:  Students need to review their summer reading in preparation for the reading tests that will begin tomorrow. They also need to complete their current events blog for this week no later than Friday at 3:30.  Finally, they need to make three entries into their Obsession Journals by Friday.

Reading the Bible as Literature
We continued discussing sound Bible study principles in today's class, namely examining the practice of exegesis.

A copy of the PowerPoint presentation presented in today's class can be found by clicking here.

Monday, August 17, 2015

Monday, August 17

AP Language and Composition
We discussed argument in class today, attempted to define it, and began to use that definition in argumentative evaluation.

Homework: Students need to review all of their summer reading selections in preparation for the tests that will be given starting on Wednesday.

Pre-AP English 9
Students discussed the parts of speech in class today and used them to begin their obsession journals.

Homework: Students need to review all of their summer reading selections in preparation for the tests that will be given starting on Wednesday.

Reading the Bible as Literature
We began our discussion of Biblical terminology in today's class.

Sunday, August 16, 2015

AP Language and Composition Current Events Blog for Week of August 17

Read the following news article:

Then, answer the following questions related to the article:

1. Where did Vice President Biden make his remarks about the Chattanooga shooter?
2. Put Biden's explanation of how Abdulazeez became a "perverted jihadist" into your own words.
3. Who is Ash Carter?
4. Why had Abdulazeez recently spent time in Jordan?
5. Why does Biden make special mention of his son, Beau, in his speech?
6. The article claims that Vice President Biden's closing remarks drew applause from the audience for their pointed defiance of anyone who would threaten the United States with terror threats; however, the Defense Department has still not released an official statement saying that the shootings were an act of terror.  Was VP Biden wrong for labeling the attacks as such, even when the DOD hasn't done so?  Does his act show any sort of divide among the different branches of government?

Pre-AP English 9 Current Events Blog for Week of August 17

Read the following news article:

Then, answer the following questions in the comment section below:

1. Who is Reverend Al Sharpton?
2. What reason does he give for calling on African-American churches to preach support for the Iranian peace accord from their pulpits?
3. Which major political party is Sharpton attempting to target with his campaign?
4. How does President Obama's peace accord attempt to compel Iran to restrict its nuclear energy capabilities?
5. Which countries aided Secretary of State John Kerry as he attempted to make this deal?
6. In your opinion, is Reverend Sharpton's call for ministers to preach in support of the Iranian peace accord a violation of the principles that advocate separating church and state?  Explain your opinion?

Friday, August 14, 2015

Friday, August 14

I hope that everyone's first day went as smoothly as mine!  I am looking forward to a great year with a great group of students!

AP Language and Composition
We finished going over the syllabus in today's class and attempted to address the class' essential question: "What is argument?"

Homework:  Students need to have their parents read and sign the syllabus, the course content packet, and their accompanying signature sheets.  These are due on Tuesday, August 18.

Students also need to finish their summer reading worksheets, if they have not done so already.  These are due on Monday.  The summer reading tests will begin on Tuesday, August 18.

Pre-AP English 9
We finished going over the syllabus in today's class and attempted to answer the class' essential questions: "Why study grammar?" and "Why read classic literature?"

Homework:  Students need to have their parents read and sign the syllabus and its accompanying signature sheet.  These are due on Tuesday, August 18.

Students also need to finish their summer reading worksheets, if they have not done so already.  These are due on Monday.  The summer reading tests will begin on Tuesday, August 18.

Reading the Bible as Literature
We played "Name That Allusion" in today's class to see how well students know some of the content of the Bible.

Friday, August 7, 2015

You don't need no education, huh?

Well, school's not out for summer anymore.

It's okay, though, because you have this really cool class blog to look at!  Here's what it'll look like...

AP Language and Composition
AP Lang students will find assignments, help, and homework here.

Homework:  This is where your homework would show up.

Pre-AP English 9
This year can be stressful!  Use this resource to stay on top of your classwork and ahead of the game!

Homework: Look here for the dreaded work at home.

Bible as Literature
Thou should looketh at this pageth to see whateth we have beeneth doing in thine class.