Monday, March 31, 2014

Monday, March 31

AP Language and Composition
In today's class, we began the final review in preparation for the AP Exam.  For the next month, students will be intensively reviewing everything we've covered this year.

Homework:  Students need to read Part 1 of Jesusland by Friday, April 18.

Pre-AP English 9 (1st)
After working on writing with a complex sentence structure, students began rhetorically analyzing "Things That Don't Exist: A Manifesto."

Pre-AP English 9 (5th)
After working on writing with a complex sentence structure, we continued our study of the Greek Pantheon and The Odyssey.

Homework:  Students need to read chapters 1-10 in Fablehaven by Friday, April 4.

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Pre-AP English 9 Current Events Blog for Week of March 31

Read or listen to the following article:

Answer the following questions:

1. What does it mean if something is orthodox?
2. What is a mitzvah?
3. Why do the Na Nachs worship the way that they do?
4. Who is Gabriella Wernick?
5. According to Magid, what is the Na Nachs' responsibility when it comes to the relationship between "religious" and "secular" Jews?
6. If this story were juxtaposed next to a story about the violence that is recurring in Jerusalem, what type of effect would be created?  What type of appeal would be created?  (Logical, Pathetic, or Ethical)

AP Language and Composition Current Events Blog for Week of March 31

Read or listen to the following article:

Answer the following questions:

1. What does it mean if something is orthodox?
2. What is a mitzvah?
3. Why do the Na Nachs worship the way that they do?
4. Who is Gabriella Wernick?
5. According to Magid, what is the Na Nachs' responsibility when it comes to the relationship between "religious" and "secular" Jews?
6. If this story were juxtaposed next to a story about the violence that is recurring in Jerusalem, what type of effect would be created?  What type of appeal would be created?  (Logical, Pathetic, or Ethical)

Friday, March 21, 2014

Friday, March 21

AP Language and Composition
Students continued to show their research videos in class today.

Homework: Students need to have their copy of Jesusland when they return from Spring Break.

Pre-AP English 9 (1st)
Students took their propaganda test in class today.

Pre-AP English 9 (5th)
We continued to discuss the Greek Pantheon in class today.

Homework:  Students need to have their copy of Fablehaven when they return from Spring Break.

Have a great Spring Break!!

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Wednesday, March 19

AP Language and Composition
Students worked on their research projects in class today and put the finishing touches on their bibliographies and Vietnam videos.

Homework:  Students need to finish their Vietnam videos, as they are due tomorrow.

Pre-AP English 9 (1st)
We continued studying propaganda in today's class.

Homework:  Students need to study for their propaganda and rhetorical fallacy test that will be given on Friday.

Pre-AP English  9 (5th)
We continued discussing the Greek Pantheon in today's class.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Tuesday, March 18

AP Language and Composition
In today's class, we went over the students' annotated bibliographies and any last-minute questions they had about their Vietnam videos.

Homework:  Students should revise their annotated bibliography to turn in tomorrow.  They should also finish their Vietnam video.  They are due on Thursday, March 20.

Pre-AP English 9 (1st)
We began discussing propaganda and logical fallacies in today's class.

Pre-AP English 9 (5th)
Today, we began discussing Homer and the Greek Pantheon.

Monday, March 10, 2014

Monday, March 10

AP Language and Composition
After taking the word of the day quiz, we read through and analyzed Plato's "The Analogy of the Cave."

Pre-AP English 9 (1st)
In today's class, we focused on our continuing analysis of Nancy Mairs' essay "On Being a Cripple."

Homework:  Students need to revise their comparative analysis essays.

Pre-AP English 9 (5th)
In today's class, we began analyzing Nancy Mair's essay "On Being a Cripple."

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Pre-AP English 9 Current Events Blog for Week of March 10

For this week's blog, choose an international or national current event, and describe the event in detail, including its major points and global or national ramifications, in one paragraph.  To get credit, make sure to include the link to your current event ON YOUR BLOG POST!!

AP Language and Composition Current Events Blog for Week of March 10

For this week's blog, choose an international or national current event, and describe the event in detail, including its major points and global or national ramifications, in one paragraph.  To get credit, make sure to include the link to your current event ON YOUR BLOG POST!!

Friday, March 7, 2014

Friday, March 7

AP Language and Composition
Students continued their research for the Vietnam War Research Project in today's class.

Homework:  Students need to finish the letter home and biography of the soldier who they are researching.  They also need to study for the word of the day quiz, which will be given on Monday.

Pre-AP English 9 (1st)
After taking their word of the day quiz, students peer-edited their last comparative analysis.

Homework:  Students need to edit and re-write their comparative analysis and have it ready to turn in on Monday.

Pre-AP English 9 (5th)
After taking their word of the day quiz, we finished reading through the Biblical account of the exodus to the Promised Land and discussed how that archetype plays into Steinbeck's Of Mice and Men.

Homework:  Students need to finish reading pages 1-65 in Of Mice and Men by Monday, March 10.

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Thursday, March 6

Sorry for the lag in blog entries this week.  We are having Internet issues at school.

AP Language and Composition
Students continued working on their research project in class today.

Homework:  Students need to continue working on their research project.  The hand-written letter and the typed biography page are both due on Monday, March 10.  They also need to study for the Word of the Day quiz, which will be given on Monday, March 10.

Pre-AP English 9 (1st)
Today, we studied the subtle nuances of capitalization.  Afterwards, we began analyzing Nancy Mairs' essay "On Being a Cripple."

Homework:  Students need to study for the Word of the Day quiz that will be given tomorrow.

Pre-AP English 9 (5th)
In today's class, we continued studying classical archetypes.  We read through the Biblical account of "The Fall" and "The Journey to the Promised Land" and began to relate the components of those stories to Steinbeck's Of Mice and Men.

Homework:  Students need to study for the Word of the Day quiz that will be given tomorrow.  They also need to read pages 1-65 in Of Mice and Men by Monday, March 10.

Monday, March 3, 2014

Monday, March 3

AP Language and Composition
After taking their The Things They Carried reading quiz, students were assigned their research project in today's class.

Homework:  Students need to look over the research project packet that was given to them and know the specifics of the project so that they are ready to begin the project tomorrow.

Pre-AP English 9 (1st)
We continued discussing the tone and symbolism of The Glass Menagerie in class today.

Pre-AP English 9 (5th)
Students continued presenting the second part of their research project in class today.  We then began to discuss classic archetypes found in literature.

Homework: Students need to read pages 1-65 in Of Mice and Men by Monday, March 10.

Sunday, March 2, 2014

AP Language and Composition Current Events Blog for Week of March 3

Read the following article:

Answer the following questions:

1. What is NATO?  What does the acronym stand for, and what is its purpose as an organization?
2. Why does Russia have such high interest in Crimea?  Why does NATO have such a high interest in the Ukraine?
3. What is the G8?  How is the US using it as a threat against Russia?
4. What is a ruble?
5. Who is Vitali Klitschko?
6. Does Russia have the right to make this move, since some of the citizens of the Ukraine are supportive of Russia's taking over of Kiev?

Pre-AP English 9 Current Events Blog for Week of March 3

Read the following article:

Answer the following questions:

1. What is NATO?  What does the acronym stand for, and what is its purpose as an organization?
2. Why does Russia have such high interest in Crimea?  Why does NATO have such a high interest in the Ukraine?
3. What is the G8?  How is the US using it as a threat against Russia?
4. What is a ruble?
5. Who is Vitali Klitschko?
6. Does Russia have the right to make this move, since some of the citizens of the Ukraine are supportive of Russia's taking over of Kiev?

Friday, February 28

AP Language and Composition
Students took a practice multiple choice test in class today.

Homework:  Students need to finish The Things They Carried by Monday, March 3.

Pre-AP English 9 (1st)
We continued discussing the tone and symbolism of The Glass Menagerie in class today.

Homework:  Along with their groups, students need to pick and study a passage from the play that exemplifies the subject that the group was given.

Pre-AP English 9 (5th)
After taking the final A Separate Peace reading quiz, students began to present the second part of their research presentation.