Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Tuesday, March 31

AP Language and Composition
Students wrote a synthesis essay in class today.

Homework:  Students need to finish reading The Things They Carried  by Friday, April 17.

They also need to order their copy of Columbine, by Dave Cullen, by Friday, April 17.

Finally, they need to finish the first part of their research project, which is due tomorrow (Wednesday, April 1).

Pre-AP English 9
Students continued discussing satire in today's class, and they practiced beginning an analytical essay that analyzes a piece of satire.

Homework:  Students need to finish reading chapters 1-5 in Animal Farm by tomorrow.

Bible as Literature
Students finished studying the minor prophets in class today.

Homework:  Students need to study for their Word of the Day quiz, which will be given on Thursday.

Monday, March 30, 2015

Monday, March 30

AP Language and Composition
Students practiced reading and responding to a synthesis essay and an argumentative essay in class today.

Homework:  Students need to finish The Things They Carried by Friday, April 17.

Students also need to be working on their research project.  The first part of the project in due on April 1.

Finally, students need to obtain their copy of Columbine by Friday, April 17.

Pre-AP English 9
Students began studying satire in today's class, reading through examples of satire from The Onion.

Homework:  Students need to read chapters 1-5 in Animal Farm by Wednesday, April 1.

Bible as Literature
Students continued studying the minor prophets today, as we looked at Jonah, Micah, Nahum, and Habakkuk.

Sunday, March 29, 2015

AP Language and Composition Current Events Blog for Week of March 30

NOTE: Due to the sensitive nature of this week's current event's blog, all students MUST ensure that they do not answer any of the questions in a way that may be deemed offensive or inappropriate.  If a student chooses to do so, his/her comment will not be posted on the blog, he/she will not receive credit for the assignment, and he/she will receive disciplinary action.

Read the following article:


Answer the following questions related to the article:

1. Explain Indiana's "Religious Freedom Law."  What does it entail?  What do lawmakers claim its intent is?
2. What are some of the ways that opponents of the law have protested its passage?
3. Organizers of the Statehouse rally hope that one major, positive result will come from the law's passage and their rally against it.  What is that result?
4. How have opponents of the law, who are also major business leaders, decided to protest its passage?
5. In your opinion, does the separation of church and state have a play in the issue that the law addresses?  In other words, does the government have the right to mandate whether or not business can reject certain customers based on the business owners' religious beliefs?  How does this affect personal freedom?

Pre-AP English 9 Current Events Blog for Week of March 30

NOTE: Due to the sensitive nature of this week's current event's blog, all students MUST ensure that they do not answer any of the questions in a way that may be deemed offensive or inappropriate.  If a student chooses to do so, his/her comment will not be posted on the blog, he/she will not receive credit for the assignment, and he/she will receive disciplinary action.

Read the following article:


Answer the following questions related to the article:

1. Explain Indiana's "Religious Freedom Law."  What does it entail?  What do lawmakers claim its intent is?
2. What are some of the ways that opponents of the law have protested its passage?
3. Organizers of the Statehouse rally hope that one major, positive result will come from the law's passage and their rally against it.  What is that result?
4. How have opponents of the law, who are also major business leaders, decided to protest its passage?
5. In your opinion, does the separation of church and state have a play in the issue that the law addresses?  In other words, does the government have the right to mandate whether or not business can reject certain customers based on the business owners' religious beliefs?  How does this affect personal freedom?

Friday, March 27, 2015

Friday, March 27

AP Language and Composition
Students finished their time in the library today as they continued to research their soldiers for the Vietnam Veterans Research Project.

Homework:  Students need to finish The Things They Carried by April 17.

They also need to buy their copy of Columbine by April 17.

Finally, students need to continuously work on their research projects.  The first part of the project (letter home, biography, and bibliography) are all due on April 1.

Pre-AP English 9
Students read "Why I Write" and rhetorically analyzed George Orwell's purpose of the essay in class today.

Homework:  Students need to read chapters 1-5 in Animal Farm by Wednesday, April 1.

Bible as Literature
Students continued studying the prophetic books and the Israeli exile in class today.

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Thursday, March 26

AP Language and Composition
Students continued their research in the library today in preparation for putting together their Vietnam Veterans Research Project.

Homework: Students need to finish reading The Things They Carried by Friday, April 17.

They also need to be actively working on their research project.  The letter home, biography, and bibliography are all due Wednesday, April 1.

Finally, they need to go ahead and buy their copy of Columbine by Dave Cullen.

Pre-AP English 9
In today's class, we continued discussing the difference in analyzing fiction and non-fiction.  To practice, we read a short article, written for Mental Floss and practiced writing thesis statements that began an analysis of the article.

Homework:  Students need to read chapters 1-5 in Animal Farm by Wednesday, April 1.

Reading the Bible as Literature
We began our study of the Minor Prophets in today's class.

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Wednesday, March 25

AP Language and Composition
Students spent time in the library today researching information for the Vietnam War Veteran Research Projects.

Homework:  Students need to continue reading The Things They Carried.

Pre-AP English Language and Composition
Students spent time discussing the Russian Revolution in advance of reading Animal Farm.

Homework:  Students need to obtain their copies of The Glass Menagerie and The Lord of the Flies ASAP.  They also need to read chapters 1-5 in Animal Farm by Wednesday, April 1.

Bible as Literature
We studied the book of Ezekiel in today's class.

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Tuesday, March 24

AP Language and Composition
Students took their first The Things They Carried test in class today.

Pre-AP English 9
Students finished reading "Harrison Bergeron" in class today before beginning to discuss satire.

Homework:  Students need to read chapters 1-5 in Animal Farm by Wednesday, April 1.

Bible as Literature
We continued discussing the major and minor prophets in class today, overviewing the books of Jeremiah and Lamentations.

Monday, March 23, 2015

Monday, March 23

AP Language and Composition
Students received information about a research project that they will be conducting over the next several weeks in class today.

For a copy of the research packet, click here.

Homework:  Students need to finish reading chapters 1-14 in The Things They Carried by tomorrow (Tuesday, March 24).

Pre-AP English 9 
In preparation for reading Animal Farm, students read Kurt Vonnegut's short story "Harrison Bergeron" in class today.

Reading the Bible as Literature
Students began studying the major and minor prophets in class today.

For a copy of the notes on the major and minor prophets, click here.

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Pre-AP English 9 Current Events Blog for Week of March 23

Read the following article:


Answer the following questions related to the article:

1. In the article, Howard Schultz gave a reason for Starbucks conducting their "Race Together" campaign.  Explain his reasoning in your own words.

2. What did the full-page ads taken out by the company say?  To what is this phrase alluding?

3. According to Schultz, the campaign isn't over, even if employees aren't writing "Race Together" on cups anymore.  What are the company's future plans to continue the campaign?

4. Critics of the campaign say that Starbucks "was overstepping its boundaries with a campaign on sensitive cultural topics that had no place in the coffee shop's lines."  Explain what this means.  Do you agree?  Why or why not?

5. Do a little research on how individuals or companies have tried to use race relations / the Civil Rights Movement as an advantage for themselves or their company.  Explain how they did it and whether or not they were ethical in doing it.

AP Language and Composition Current Events Blog for Week of March 23

No AP Lang current events blog this week!!

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Wednesday-Friday, March 11-13

This week, classes will be taking their midterms!

Good luck to everyone in their studies!!

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Tuesday, March 10

AP Language and Composition
Students received their mock exam responses back today.  We began analyzing the mock exams and the responses that each student gave.

Homework:  Students need to read chapters 1-14 in The Things They Carried by Tuesday, March 24.

Pre-AP English 9
In today's class, we reviewed over the material that will be on tomorrow's exam.

Homework: Students need to study for the midterm!

Bible as Literature
We finished discussing the book of Nehemiah in today's class.

Homework: Students need to study for the midterm!

Monday, March 9, 2015

Monday, March 9

AP Language and Composition
Students looked more closely at the AP argumentative prompt in today's class.

Homework:  Students need to finish reading chapters 1-14 in The Things They Carried by Tuesday, March 24.

Pre-AP English 9
Students read a news article about a real-life Romeo and Juliet in today's class after taking their Word of the Day Quiz.

Bible as Literature
Students continued studying the book of Ezra in today's class.

NOTE:  If a student would like to go on the field trip to the Birmingham Museum of Art, he or she must turn in their permission form and money no later than March 24.

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Pre-AP English 9 Current Events Blog for Week of March 9

Read the following article:


Answer the following questions related to the article:

1. What major food corporation owns The Corner?
2. What is an "intrapreneur"?
3. Why would major food corporations try to open clandestine, independent-looking restaurants?
4. How did this strategy backfire for the "Yum" brand?
5. What effect do you believe the fast-food industry has had on the eating habits of our country?  Use real-life examples to back up your response.

AP Language and Composition Current Events Blog for Week of March 9

Read the following article:


Answer the following questions related to the article:

1. What are the primary factors, according to the article's author, that affect an individual's ability to kill?
2. During his seven-month deployment in Afghanistan, who was the author constantly trying to kill?  Did he eventually kill him/her?
3. What happened to how the author felt about his enemy the more he thought about him/her?
4. Who was the first Marine to be killed after 9/11?
5. If the two men that the author described killing were not planting a bomb, how could that situation be considered situational irony?
6. What is the tone of this article?
7. In your opinion, can soldiers, like the ones in the article, be held responsible for killing innocent citizens of another country, even if they don't know that they're "innocent"?

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Wednesday, March 4

AP Language and Composition
Students finished presenting their findings on the Vietnam War in class today.  Afterward, they rhetorically analyzed a letter from a Boston attorney who aided draft-dodgers in the war.

Homework:  Students need to read chapters 1-14 in They Things They Carried by Tuesday, March 24.

Pre-AP English 9
Students learned about active and passive voice in class today.

Homework: Students need to finish the active/passive voice activity that they were assigned at the end of class.

Bible as Lit
Students took their test on Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and Song of Solomon in class today.

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Tuesday, March 3

AP Language and Composition
In preparation for our reading of The Things They Carried, students researched the inciting and important events of the Vietnam War in class today.  They then began to present their research to their fellow classmates.

Homework: Students need to read chapters 1-14 in The Things They Carried by March 24.

Pre-AP English 9
Students continued discussing John Knowles' "A Turn With the Sun" in class today, using it to practice formulating ideas about how imagery can inform an audience about an author's theme.

Bible as Literature
Students continued learning about the Babylonian exile in class today.

Homework:  Students need to look over their Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and Song of Solomon notes for the test that will be given tomorrow.