Monday, October 31, 2011

Monday, October 31st

Happy Halloween!

In today's class, we took our second quiz on To Kill a Mockingbird, that also included everything we discussed in class over the past week and a half.  We also discussed the horror genre, reading through works by Edgar Allen Poe and Mark Twain, as well listening to a tale by Alfred Hitchcock.

Homework: Students need to begin reading chapters 12-21.  We will have another quiz on these chapters as well as the other class content we cover on Tuesday, November 8th.

AHSGE Reading Review
In today's class, we took a quiz on propaganda.  We also began talking about fact vs. opinion and logical fallacies.  For notes that deal with these subjects, please reference the posts from last week, where electronic copies of these notes can be found.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Friday, October 28th

In today's class, we went over the rules for using commas and apostrophes.  We also finished discussing the last section of To Kill a Mockingbird that the students are required to read before the test.

Homework: Students need to study their Words of the Day, grammar "white pages," and comma/apostrophe worksheets, as well as finishing read Chapters 8 through 11 of To Kill a Mockingbird and looking over their Harper Lee notes. The test on this section of the book and notes will be on Monday, October 31st.

For a copy of the comma worksheet, click here.
For a copy of the apostrophe worksheet, click here.
AHSGE Reading Review
We finished our discussion of propaganda, fallacy, and fact vs. opinion today.
For a complete list of notes, Powerpoint Presentations, and handouts, please refer to the blog post from Tuesday, October 25th.

Thursday, October 27th

In today's class, we finished discussing and presenting all of the concepts found on the grammar "white pages."  (See yesterday's post.)

We also began a discussion of Chapter 9 and 10 in To Kill a Mockingbird.

Homework: Students need to study their Words of the Day and Grammar "white pages," as well as finishing read Chapters 8 through 11 of To Kill a Mockingbird and looking over their Harper Lee notes.  The test on this section of the book and notes will be on Monday, October 31st.

AHSGE Reading Review
We continued our discussion of propaganda and fallacy today, and we watched part of a movie entitled August Rush to determine whether or not it is propaganda.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Wednesday, October 26th

Grammar, grammar, grammar!  Even though this is an often ill-sought after subject, our class centers around grammar's importance in our everyday life.  This is also an issue in the novel we are reading, To Kill a Mockingbird, and whether or not someone speaks proper grammar says a lot about their character and upbringing.

This being the case, we spent a lot of time in class today on several close-reading devices that, when used properly, help to increase our understanding of the works that we are reading and writing about.

A copy of the grammar "white pages" that we used for the lesson in class today can be found by...

Clicking here for page 1
Clicking here for page 2

Homework: Students need to familiarize themselves with all of the terms on the grammar "white pages" and finish reading chapters 8-11 in To Kill a Mockingbird, to get prepared for the test on Monday, October 31st. (Please note, this test has been moved to Monday.  It was originally scheduled for Friday, October 28th.)

AHSGE Reading Review
We continued our propaganda lesson that we began yesterday, watching several different examples of WW II propaganda and modern-day propaganda.

For a copy of any of the notes and documents related to this lesson, please see the blog post for Tuesday, October 25th.  We will have a propaganda quiz on Friday.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Tuesday, October 25th

Pre-AP English
In today's class we talked about several things.  First, in our grammar starter, we discussed figurative language such as metaphors, similes, and hyperbole.  Then, we went over notes about Harper Lee and how her early life influenced the events of To Kill a Mockingbird.  Finally, we ended the class by conducting a close-reading on chapter 8 of TKAM.

The prezi presentation about Harper Lee can be found by clicking here.

Homework: Review the "white pages" and begin memorizing the terms found on them.  (I should have an electronic copy of these posted on the blog this week.  All students should have a hard copy of them as well.) Begin reading further in TKAM. Students will have a quiz on chapters 8-11 on Friday.

AHSGE Reading Review
Today we started the class by taking a test on main ideas, supporting details, and summaries.  Then, we began our unit on propaganda, a student-favorite.  For the rest of the week, we will be reviewing and referring to the notes that we start today.  The notes, partially filled in, can be found below.  The PowerPoint presentations that we will be using to fill in the rest of the notes can also be found below.

We will have a test on propaganda on Friday of this week.

Propadanda Notes  click here

Propaganda PPT   click here

Fact vs opinion PPT   click here

Fallacy wkst   click here

Monday, October 24, 2011

Monday, October 24th

After a very busy homecoming week last week, in which we began our journey into To Kill a Mockingbird, we started off our day with a quiz on the first seven chapters of the book.  After the quiz, we began a review of several grammatical concepts that most of the students learned in middle school.  Each student should have a copy of the "grammar white pages" that the class received today.

Homework: Review the "white pages" and begin memorizing the terms found on them.  Begin reading further in TKAM.  Students will have a quiz on chapters 8-11 on Friday.

AHSGE Reading Review
Today we are discussing predictions and generalizations and practicing the concept through  several different mediums.

A copy of the prediction and generalization notes can be found by clicking here.

Tomorrow, the class will have a quiz on main ideas, supporting details, and adequate summary.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Tuesday, October 18th

We finished our discussion today about the central themes and issues related to To Kill a Mockingbird.  We also started taking notes on the background of TKAM.  Our discussion today revolved around the case of the Scottsboro Boys, a court case around which much of the story of TKAM is based.

Our prezi notes for the case can be found by clicking here.

AHSGE Reading Review
Today we discussed main ideas and how to identify them when they are directly stated and when they are implied.

A copy of the notes for finding main ideas can be downloaded by clicking here.

Monday, October 17th

In our pre-AP class today, we began talking about the central themes and issues of To Kill a Mockingbird.  The class went through several statements that reveal the themes and issues dealt with in the book, and helped students see that what they will read about is very relevant to many issues going on today.

Students also received their unit test, midterm, and research paper grades.

Homework: Student must have chapters 1-7 of TKAM read by Thursday.

AHSGE Reading Review
We started a new class today by having a discussion about the state of education in Alabama.  We then watched a documentary about the Lakota Sioux tribe in South Dakota, and the difficulties that they have to overcome every day in order to receive an education and break the poverty cycle that is so prevelant there. 

We learned that there is no excuse for someone who wants to receive an education in our area not to get one.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Thursday, October 13th and Friday, October 14th

It's midterm time!  On Thursday, fourth block is taking the mid-term.  On Friday, first block will take the mid-term.

On the day that each block is not taking the midterm, we will be assigning the book To Kill a Mockingbird to each student so that the students can go ahead and begin reading the book over the weekend.

AHSGE Reading Review
On Thursday, October 13th, the class will be taking the final exam for the term.

On Friday, October 14th, we will be wrapping up everything we did in the class.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Wednesday, October 12th

We spent most of our day today reviewing for this week's midterms.

For the rest of the class period, we began reading through the short story "The Most Dangerous Game" to find examples of the grammatical phrases and sound devices that will be on the midterm.1

For a copy of the midterm study guide, click here.

1st block's midterm will be on Friday, October 14th.
4th block's midterm will be on Thursday, October 13th.

AHSGE Reading Review
In part of today's class, we finished Stand and Deliver and took a quiz on the movie's plot.

We finished out the class by going over a study guide for tomorrow's midterm.

For a copy of this study guide, click here.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Friday, October 7th

I hope everyone has a fantastic Fall Break!!

Don't forget to look over all your notes to prepare for midterms next week!

The midterm schedule is...

Thursday, October 13th-- 3rd and 4th block
Friday, October 14th-- 1st and 2nd block

Please email me ( if you have any questions!

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Thursday, October 6th

Today we took the unit test on The Odyssey, which also included everything else we've covered in this unit, including grammar, words of the day, and classical god identification.

Homework:  Students should begin reviewing over all of their notes to prepare for the midterm.  For 1st block, the midterm will be on Friday, October 14th.  For 4th block it will be on Thursday, October 13th.

You can download a copy of the study guide by clicking here.

AHSGE Reading Review
We continued our discussion on education in America today.  First, we took a quiz on Freedom Writers, then we began watching Stand and Deliver.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Wednesday, October 5th

While reading through a story or poem, advanced readers will be able to identify three different levels of meaning in the story.  The first level is surface-level reading or reading for facts and details.  The second level is analytical reading or reading for linguistic or symbolic meaning.  The final level is thematic reading, where the reader tries to connect what he or she finds in the text to a larger, universal truth or piece of knowledge.

We analyzed parts of The Odyssey this way in class today, in preparation for the unit test, which is tomorrow.  We also reviewed the meaning of different kinds of sound devices and phrases that authors can use to achieve certain literary purposes.

Homework: Students should re-read The Odyssey and study all notes, previous quizzes, and words of the day in preparation for tomorrow's test.

AHSGE Reading Review
We finished Freedom Writers today and took a quiz on the movie's plot.  We then had a discussion on the movie's portrayal of America's educational philosophy, and discussed whether or not this is true in our present situation.

Tuesday, October 4th

Today we took the quiz on Part 4 of The Odyssey.  After the quiz, we went over the answers to the Word of the Day quiz and the part 3 quiz from last week.  By tomorrow, students should have all previous quizzes so that they can study for the unit test on The Odyssey which will take place on Thursday.

Homework: Students should re-read The Odyssey and study all notes, previous quizzes, and words of the day to prepare for the unit test.

AHSGE Reading Review
In today's class, we began watching a movie entitled Freedom Writers.  We are continuing an emphasis on education in America, discussing whether or not the American Dream, accessible through education, is available to everyone equally.

Monday, October 3rd

Welcome to Fall Break week!  In today's class, we finished up our close-reading of The Odyssey by reading through part 4 with an emphasis on Penelope's unusual role as a heroine and the symbolism that Homer uses to portray the wastefulness of death and the longevity of true love.

Homework: Students should re-read through Part 4 of The Odyssey in preparation for the part 4 quiz tomorrow.

AHSGE Reading Review
In today's class, we learned about college readiness.  After exploring the website of different colleges, students went to the library's computer labs and explored the website of a college of their choice, writing down that college's admission requirements.