Monday, August 11, 2014

Pre-AP English 9 Current Events Blog for Week of August 11

Read the following article:

After you have read, answer the following questions:

1. What do protestors claim happen to Michael Brown?
2. Deanel Trout claims that most of the looters and violent protestors come from where?
3. Who is Tom Jackson, and what does he have to do with this case?
4. Of what past event do some critics of the case claim this shooting reminds them?
5. As we are about to study To Kill a Mockingbird and the Civil Rights Movement, how big of a part does racism play in this case?  In what way does racism play a part?


  1. Morgan Burroughs:
    1. The protestors claim that Michael Brown was shot because of his race
    2. Deanel Trout says that most of the looters and violent protestors came from outside Ferguson.
    3. Tom Jackson is the head police chief of the Ferguson Police. He is one of the people heading the investigation of the shooting of Michael Brown.
    4. The critics thought it reminded them of the shooting of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin by a Florida neighborhood watch organizer.
    5. I think that racism plays a large role in this case. Racism plays a part in this case because this is the second time in 2 years that a young African American male has been shot for no apparent reason by an authority figure.

  2. Sydney Emmons, 3rd pd.
    1. The protesters think that Michel Brown was innocent.They think that the officer was racially discriminating Brown and then shot him because of his race. Similar to the Trayvon Martin shooting awhile ago.
    2. Deanel Trout claimed that most of the trouble came from people right outside of Ferguson.
    3. Tom Jackson is the chief police officer. He tells us information that might be useful. For instance, he told us that the incident wasn't recorded because the recently bought body cameras aren't in use yet. Also, police car cameras, building cameras, etc. didn't film this incident either.
    4. This reminds them of the Trayvon Martin shooting back in 2012, because they believe the officer was racially discriminating in this case as well.
    5. Racism plays a pretty major role. Because, the protestors believe this happened because of people judging Brown by his race. In my opinion, I think they believe this because they were influenced by the Martin shooting in 2012

  3. Carter Billings 3rd Block (1 Protestors claim that Michael was unarmed and had his hands in the air, but was still shot by the police officer. (2 Outside of Ferguson. (3 Ferguson Police Chief, and he is the one giving us all of the facts and the details concerning the case. (4 The Trayvon Martin case. (5 Racism plays a big role in this case, this was racial profiling in that the officer saw a black male and jumped to the wrong conclusions. This is what I think led to Michaels death.

  4. MacKenzie Jones

    1.) Protesters claim that Michael Brown was shot by a police officer while unarmed, only because he was African-American male. Although he didn't listen to the officer when he said to get out of the road.

    2.) He claims that most of them are from outside of the Ferguson area, and took Browns death as an opportunity to steal not to protest.

    3.) Tom Jackson is the Ferguson police chief, he informed KSDK-TV that there was no video footage from any resource and that Johnsons and the officers blood samples were taken in for Toxicology tests.

    4.) It reminds them of the 2012 racial shooting with Florida resident Trayvon Martin.

    5.) Racism plays a big role in this, because it seems that they’re targeting African-American males. It also could play an even bigger role once the race of the police who shot him is released.

  5. Lynsey Simpson:
    1. Protesters claim that Michael Brown was shot unarmed by a Ferguson police officer for no reason.
    2. They came from outside of Ferguson.
    3. Tom Jackson is the head police chief/ and he is handling the case on one of his very own officers.
    4. Trayvon Martin and George Zimmerman.
    5. Racism plays a huge part, because they bring up the rioting because of this shooting and keep taking it to the civil rights and that it was racist for the officer to open fire, when the officers race hasn't been revealed to the public yet.

  6. Shalyn Dale
    1.) Protesters claim that Michael Brown was shot several times even after he fell to his knees.
    2.) Most of the looters and violent protesters come from outside of the city.
    3.)Tom Jackson is the is the chief of police from Ferguson, he claims that there is no footage of the shooting
    4.) The shooting of 17y.o Trayvon Martin who was also unarmed.
    5.) Racism has a lot to do with this case in my opinion. I feel like if it would've been a white teen killed by a black officer, this case would already be solved. The black man would be in jail. But because the teen is black and we are often referred to as the minority of America, it doesn't matter that another one of us has been killed by law enforcement. I'm sure this officer will walk free just as George Zimmerman did.

  7. Emily Keller
    1. Michael Brown was shot and killed.
    2. from outside Ferguson
    3.Jackson is the Ferguson police chief.
    4. Treyvon Martin shooting in 2012
    5. People are claiming the officer only shot Michael because he was African American.

  8. Josie Parham

    1-Protesters claim that Michael became aware of the shots and had his hands up and was surrendering and the officer still began to shoot more shots at him.

    2-Deanel claims looters came largely from outside of Ferguson.

    3-Tom Jackson is the Ferguson Police Chief and, he is giving the news information about why there is no footage and about the officer.

    4-Critics say the case reminds them of Trayvon Martin.

    5-Racism plays a big part in the case because the teen was black and as we know in the past blacks are sometimes racially profiled and that's what people are upset about.

  9. Kayla Fincher
    1. They claimed he was unarmed then shot and killed
    2. He claimed that the troublemakers where from outside Ferguson and used Brown's death as a chance to steal
    3.The police chief
    4.Trayvon Martin
    5. The police officer was possibly racist because he wasn't causing harm and was unarmed and the police still shot him.

  10. Ke-Anna' Rich: 1. Protestors claim that Brown was unarmed and was not attempting to harm the officer when he was shot.
    2. From outside Ferguson
    3. Tom Jackson is the Ferguson Police Chief who is looking for evidence.
    4. The Trayvon Martin case
    5. Racism may play a huge part in this case. First, the officer shot at the boys for no reason, then when Brown tried to comply the officer shot at him several more times.

  11. Lorenzo B. Winston:
    1. Police claim that Michael Brown was unarmed and shot numerous times Saturday after a quarrel with an officer in Ferguson, Missouri.
    2. Deanel Trout claims that most of the looters and violent protestors come from outside Ferguson and that they had used Brown’s death and the observance as a chance to steal.
    3. Tom Jackson is the Ferguson Police Chief and he is a part of the case because he said that there was no video footage of the shooting from the apartment complex. He also stated that the second person wasn’t arrested or charged and it wasn’t lucid if he was armed and he took blood samples.
    4. Some critics of the case claims the shooting reminds them of the racially attacked shooting of the 17-year-old Trayvon Martin by a Florida neighborhood watch manager who had exonerate murder charges.
    5. Racism plays a big part in this case. The way racism plays a part in this case is that the victim was a young African-American boy and the officer was an older Caucasian man and the police officer had no relevant reason of shooting the young boy.

  12. Troy Banks
    1. They claim that he was shot and killed while walking home with his friend. They believe that his death is unjustifiable considering that he was unarmed.
    2. He claims that the looters and violent protesters came from areas outside of Ferguson, Missouri.
    3. He is Ferguson's Police Chief. He is the overseer of the anonymous police officer, whom he has put on a paid leave of his job.
    4. The shooting of Trayvon Martin.
    5. Though I am unsure if racism had anything to do with it, I do think racial prejudice had a lot to do with it regardless of the race of the police officer. I don't find it to be a coincidence that numerous unarmed black teenagers have been killed recently by the same people who are sworn to protect us.

  13. Olivia LeComte

    1. The protesters believe that he was unarmed and posing no threat when he was shot by a police officer.
    2.Most of the looters came from out of town and were using the vigil as an excuse to loot
    3. Some critics claim this shooting reminds them of the Trayvon Martin case
    4. Race ,sadly, has almost everything to do with this case. This is because of all the racial profiling in the U.S. justice system. It plays the part of the determining factor in why this happened.

  14. James Smelley

    1. He put his hands up before the officer shot him.

    2. Outside Ferguson.

    3. He is the police chief of Ferguson.

    4. Trayvon Martin's shooting.

    5. Racism could be playing a large part in the case. Racism could play a part because the officer may have shot him or felt threatened because of his race.

  15. -Joy Hill
    1.Protesters claim that Michael Brown was shot unfairly while he was unarmed and walking with his friend.
    2. Trout claims most of the looters/violent protesters came from outside Ferguson.
    3. Tom Jackson is a Ferguson police officer. He has something to do with the case because he brought up the fact that no apartment cameras in the area or cameras in squad cars saw the shooting occur.
    4. Some say that it reminds them of the Treyvon Martin shooting.
    5. Racism is a BIG part of To Kill A Mockingbird. Because of the time period in the story whites and blacks still aren't at peace with each other. The main conflict in the book is because of racial discrimination and discrimination in general.

  16. Makenzie Taylor

    1) Protestors claim that Michael Brown was fatally shot unjustified because of his race.
    2) Deanel Trout claims most of the looters and violent protestors come from outside Ferguson.
    3) Tom Jackson is the Ferguson Police Chief helping with the investigation and is informing the public about what is going on in the investigation.
    4) Critics claim this case reminds them of the shooting of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin.
    5) Racism could potentially play a big part in this case. Yet another unarmed African-American teenager has been shot because of his skin color.

  17. 1. Protestors say that Michael Brown was shot multiple times for walking in the road with his friend to his apartment.
    2. Deneal Trout has stated his belief that the protestors have come from outside of Ferguson, Missouri.
    3. Tom Jackson was an eyewitness to the murder, and friend of Michael Brown.
    4. Critics of the case are reminded of the Trayvon Martin case in 2012.
    5. Racism plays a huge role in this case. Michael Brown was an unarmed african american teenager walking in the middle of the road to his home. It would've been easy enough to tell them to move over to the sidewalk without using the excessive force that they did. But, because for some reason some police officers see these children as target practice rather than citizens: more like a problem than like actual human beings. It is for this reason that so many marginalized communities don't feel safe around the police. How could any minority feel safe when so many acts of police brutality against their race go unacknowledged and unpunished? When you see two young black men in the middle of the street and the first thought of them in your mind is a stereotype then you need to reevaluate your way of thinking. If negative stereotypes cloud your judgement on any person of color, then you definitely do not need to be apart of a force intended to "serve and protect" all citizens, regardless of their race, color, creed, national origin, ancestry, sex, marital status, disability, religious or political affiliation, age or sexual orientation. Does anybody honestly believe this would have happened if Brown was not a minority? That if it had not have been two black males walking together this altercation still would've ended in murder? When people still refuse to realize that internalized racism and white supremacy still exist in present day society it makes me question not when the change will happen, but if any change is even possible at all.

  18. Leigh Davis: 1) They claim that Michael Brown was innocently killed by a police officer one night.
    2) They came from the outside part of the Ferguson area.
    3) Tom Jackson is the police chief of Ferguson and he states facts about the consequences of the victim and when they will run certain tests.
    4) Critics say this reminds them of the case and shooting of Trayvon Martin when he was discriminated against and innocently shot because of his ethnicity.
    5) As the case is now we do not know how big a part racism plays in this case because the ethnicity of the police officer has not been announced. If he were to be Caucasian race would play an extremely significant part because you could state the teenager was solely killed because of his race and you wouldn't be completely out of the normal range of reason.

  19. Emily Perry:
    1. Brown and his fiend were walking in the road when an officer told them to get on the sidewalk. Both of the boys kept going. Brown eventually felt a shot and he turned around and the officer still approached him and kept firing shots at Brown. Neither of the boys were armed.
    2. The protesters were mostly from outside of Ferguson.
    3. Tom Jackson was the police chief on the case and he claims that there was no video footage of the shooting.
    4. This shooting reminds them of the shooting of Trayvon Martin in 2012.
    5. Racism is played in this case b/c a white officer shot a young black male out of racism. He had no need to shoot the boy, he should have approached them and asked them nicely to move to the sidewalk.

  20. Grace Singley
    1. Protestors think that Brown was shot and killed only because of his race. They believe he was unarmed and just walking home when he was shot by a white police officer for no apparent reason.
    2. Deanel Trout claims that most of the looters and violent protestors came from outside Ferguson and that the troublemakers had used Michael's death and the vigil as an opening to steal.
    3. Tom Jackson is a Ferguson police chief who is involved with the case because he says there is no video footage of the shooting.
    4. Some critics thought this case reminded them of the racially charged shooting in 2012 of the 17 year old Trayvon Martin by a Florida neighborhood watch organizer who was found not guilty of murder charges.
    5. Racism is a major part of this case because Brown was just walking home with his friend and causing no harm when the police comes up and tells them to move to the sidewalk. When they kept walking the police fired his shot and killed Brown after a few more shots. He wasn't doing anything wrong it was just the fact that he was black. The family and friends are very angry and one said, "We're outraged because yet again a young African-American has been killed by law enforcement?"

  21. Abbye Blocker
    1) Protestors claim that Michael Brown was shot while unarmed by a Ferguson police officer for no reason.
    2) Deanel Trout claims that most of the protestors came outside of Ferguson and used Michael Browns death as an opportunity to steal.
    3) Tom Jackson is the Ferguson police chief and is involved by saying that there is no actual video footage of the officer killing Brown.
    4) Some critics say that this case reminds them of the shooting of seventeen year old Trayvon Martin who was also killed unarmed but by a neighborhood watchman in Florida.
    5) I believe that racism is playing a huge part in this case because Brown was doing nothing wrong but just walking on the sidewalk. There is no evidence to prove that Brown was doing anything illegal or violent towards the officer enoght to make the office use lethal force.


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