Friday, April 1, 2016

Pre-AP English 9 Current Events Blog for the Week of April 4

Read the following article:

Answer the following questions related to the article:

1. What are the current minimum wage rates in New York and California?
2. The article claims that Democrats in both states are hailing the wage hike as a “boon” to workers.  What is a boon?
3. By what year must the wage be implemented in California?
4. If the current population in American is roughly 319 million people, how many of those people live in New York and California?  Why would the author include this statistic in the article? (Think: pathos, logos, and ethos.)
5. What other economic deal did New York pass in confederation with the minimum wage hike?  Hint, they claim it will help the middle class in the state.
6. Hillary Clinton advocated for the minimum wage to be raised to what amount?
7. In your opinion, should the rest of the country follow suit and raise the minimum wage?  Why or why not?


  1. Wynn
    1. 10 dollars an hour.
    2. Something to be thankful for.
    3. 2022.
    4. 63,800,000 to give a numerical value
    5. American Action Forum.
    6. $12.
    7. Yes because the cost of living is getting higher.

  2. Lacey Martin
    1. $10
    2. a benefit
    3. 2018
    4. 63,800,000, It would be effective in showing what large influence California and New York have over the US and the world.
    5. The $9 minimum would gradually rise to $15 in New York City by the end of 2018 and then in some prosperous suburbs by the end of 2021, but only to $12.50 in 2020 in the rest of the state
    6. $12
    7. I think the minimum wage should definitely be raised in all states, but not all states are California or New York, every state has its own needs so they shouldn't be risen at the same rate or even risen to the same number because some states economy couldn't handle the same rise as others.


  3. Rachel Walker
    1. $10
    2. Something that would benefit them.
    3. 2020
    4. 63,800,000. The statistic is included because it shows how effective it would be for the majority of people not being paid enough to live where they live.
    5. 9$ minimum wage would be raised to 15$ by the end of 2018.
    6. 12$
    7. I don't think the rest of the country should raise minimum wage to 15$ but possibly a lower number because the cost to live in cities like Los Angeles and New York City is much more expensive than the cost of other areas.

  4. 1)$9in New York and $10 in California
    2)A boon is something that is helpful or useful
    4)1 in 5 Americans live there. They included it because it shows how many people live on a small budget.
    5)Middle class tax cuts and paid family leave.
    7)I think so because if people have more money to spend they most likely will. It has to be a balance though or else you get inflation.

  5. Jessica Elwood
    1. $15.00 an hour
    2. something that is asked for
    3. 2022
    4. 1 in 5. Because the author is using ethos to prove a point of how many people will actually get this essential.
    5. the legislative plan.
    6. Everyone should make $12 an hour
    7. Yes, because things are getting more expensive and costly. It would help kids support their family more and let them be in school more now that they don't have to do that. More kids will be set on college rather than helping the family get by. They would still be doing that but just less time would be put in and more towards school. The way you work should determine how you get paid though too I think personally.

  6. Jared Snyder
    1. 7.50
    2. someone who is not smart or careless around others
    3. 2022
    4. He would include it because he wants the reader to realize that all the people in those states want a raise
    5. By gradually raising the wage price over the years
    6. 12
    7. yes, Even though we are in major debt it would not hurt to raise the amount of money you earn. If we do, then it could prevent future riots, strikes and flat out complaining from everyone.

  7. Amy Ingle
    2.something to help somebody else
    4.1 in 5; The author did this to help you understand how many people get paid that money
    5.minimumwage deal
    7. I don't think so. It will cause businesses to lose money because they will have to pay their employees who don't have as much skill more.

  8. Jesslyin Edwards
    1. $10
    2. A thing that is helpful or beneficial.
    3. 2022
    4. 63,800,000, and to prove her point on the minimum wage change that should occur because of such a high population.
    5. That $9 minimum would gradually rise to $15 by 2018 and to some suburbs in 2021, but only 12.50 in 2020 to the rest of the state.
    6. $12
    7. Yes they should raise the minimum wage because it would help out other people in poor areas and some that are homeless. It will help out a lot of people with money problems, and it will cause more good than bad. It also would make sense that since that products are increasing in price so should the amount that we get paid.

  9. Marley Hobbs-

    1. 10$
    2. They are using it as something that is helpful or beneficial.
    3. The year 2022
    4. 1 out of 5. They may include this to show about how many people will be effected by the raise of minimum raise.
    6. 12$
    7. I don’t think they should because it would make the more expensive paying jobs to be worthless. More people might just work at say McDonalds for 12 dollars an hour instead of going to college and getting payed 17 in hour. You should want the dividend between the two numbers substantial but no to the point where it is unreasonable.

  10. Tyra Dunn
    1: $15 an hour
    2: help
    3: 2022
    4: about 63.8m people. ethos because is a community
    5: to gradually increase the minimm wage and hopefully reach their goal by 2020.
    6: $12
    7: yes because usually the people working off minimum wage are the ones working the hardest.

  11. 1. $10
    2. helpful aid
    3. 2018
    4. the author would use this to emphasize the logos part of it.
    5. they want the minimum wage to raise in 2018 then to drop in 2020.
    6. $12
    7. No, because we have people that are out of jobs and we are worried about raising wages? We need to worry about getting people jobs and then about raising wages.

  12. Ben Hall

    1. $10.00 is New York's, $9.00 is California's.

    2. A boon is a helpful increase.

    3. 2022

    4. One fifth of the population (63,800,000). To show how significant the change would be through logos.

    5. Wasn't stated in article due to it being edited on April 2.

    6. $12.00

    7. No, because this would strain the american economy, and pay people too much for such minuscule jobs.

  13. Alex George
    1) $10.
    2) A thing that is helpful or beneficial.
    3) 2022.
    4) 63,800,000 it shows that a huge percent of the country’s population live in two large metropolitan areas, and it shows the large amount of people that would be affected by the raise in the minimum wage.
    5) The $9 minimum would gradually rise so it wouldn’t affect people all at once.
    6) $12.
    7) I don’t think that the rest of the country should raise the minimum wage to fifteen dollars because people will have trouble paying everyone such high amounts and so all they would do is fire a large amount of them. They would just replace them with machines which would only increase the amount of unemployment.

  14. Jack Smalley
    1. 8.75 is NY minimum wage and 9 is California.
    2. Something that is positive or helpful.
    3. 2022
    4. 63,800,000 People. Author included this because it is a fact to start off the article to appeal to logic.
    5. Couldn't find it
    6. $12
    7. The rest of the country should NOT follow suit and raise the minimum wage . The minimum wage is perfect for young people starting up in the job world allowing them to do basic things. Most minimum wage jobs are jobs where you don't need any type of skills or trade. Raising the minimum wage would set wages higher for people with low or no skills than people who have possibly been to a 2 year or possibly a 4 year college and did what was right in school to get their education. You should get paid based on your education. Minimum Education= Minimum Wage

  15. Joy Chou

    1. $9 in New York and $10 in California
    2. Something that is beneficial
    3. 2022
    4. Roughly 63.8 million people out of 319 million live in New York and California. The author utilizes logos by including the statistic, and by doing so, his credibility is increased.
    5. They plan to gradually increase New York City’s minimum to $15 by the end of 2018 and in prosperous suburbs by the end of 2021, but only $12.50 in 22020 in the rest of the state.
    6. $12
    7. The federal minimum wage should be gradually increased. As research suggests, modest increases in the minimum won’t heavily impact employment. If the minimum is gradually increased, the wealth disparity between the rich and poor should diminish over time while preventing widespread job losses.

  16. 1. California’s minimum wage is $10 and New York’s is $9.
    2. A favor that could be helpful or useful.
    3. 2022
    4. Around 63.8 million people. He uses logos because it is a statistic or evidence that makes his article and information seem more plausible.
    5. In New York City, the minimum wage will rise to $15 in 2018. In the successful suburbs of New York, it will rise to $15 in 2021. However, in the rest of the state, it will just reach $12.50 in 2020.
    6. $12.00
    7. Yes. We should be giving the minimum wage workers the ability to support themselves and their families just like everyone else in America. Instead of pushing people down for not receiving all of their education and insisting that they work harder to earn a better pay, I believe we should support them so that they can have a stable income and maybe it will make them want to achieve and push for more money and a better job.

  17. Katherine Pham

    2.almost like a favor
    4.Caifornia-38 million New York-8 million Because it shows that bigger cities would mean to have more people and could lead to not have enough money for minimum wage
    5.Flight for 15
    7.sort of because some people are poor to the point that they need the money, but what about the country isn't possible for the country could lose more money that way

  18. Joshua Giles
    1. $10.00
    2. Something that is helpful
    4.1 in 5, the author adds this in for means of logos. He tries to persuade the audience that this should be supported because the states contain the most people.
    5.income equality
    7. Yes the country's minimum wage should be raised because people around here need some more money. The economy is bad, and people are struggling. People who shouldn't be struggling are struggling, and not to mention the people who are actually having a real struggle. People need more money for all the work they do.

  19. Elle Turner
    1. 10 dollars for Cali and 9 dollars for NY
    2. a boon is something that is beneficial to someone or something
    4. 63 million of those people live in NY or Cali. he tells you this to show that the most populated people are raising minimum wage.
    6.12 dollars, if all you do is stand in place and flip a pancake I don't think you should get paid 15 dollars an hour. some jobs deserve it, others not at all. 15 is way too much. 12 dollars is a little high but in some places you have to have that to cover expenses. it really depends where you are.

  20. Caitlyn Lewis

    1. 9$ for NY and 10 for Cali.
    2. Favor?
    3. 2020
    4. 1 in 5. To provide evidence that with many people you can change the world.
    5. taxpayers would get 40% more income
    7. Yes but not to 15$ but a little bit less so businesses don't go out of, well, business.

  21. Cameron Wyatt
    4.1 in 5 Americans, to show how many people are on minimum wage.
    5.Workers Food Strike
    7.No,we shouldn't support people who did not get an education. We should not praise them for doing the easy jobs. Anyone can work at McDonalds. They don't deserve that much money if they do not have any degree.

  22. Natalie Neubert 5th period
    1) New York: $9.00
    California: $10.00
    2) A thing that is helpful or beneficial.
    3) 2022
    4) 1/5 of all 319 million people will live in California and New York.
    5) They will raise the minimum wage whether some people need the money or not.
    6) $12.00
    7) Yes, they should because then we could use governments money for needed things and not just welfare but no, because we can not afford this. This country is not in the best shape of raising minimum wage.

  23. Liam Andrus
    1. $9 an hour.
    2. Something good or something that will help them .
    4.67.8 million. The author uses logos because he provides the statistics, which make things look bigger than they really are and “more logical” that they should deserve a minimum-wage raise.
    5.They will raise minimum wage to $12.50 in the rest of the state.
    6. $12
    7. No because places like New York have a higher living cost so people living there actually need it, but in places like Alabama it’s not needed.

  24. Luke " flame throwa " Hinton
    1. 9 $ and 10 $ an hour
    2. Something that is helpful ( Thanks Google )
    3. 2022
    4. 8.406 million , 38.8 millon
    6.12 $, it will send prices on things sky high

  25. Burton Drawhorn
    1. $10 in California, $9 in New York
    2. a boon is something that is helpful
    3. 2016
    4. 63.8 million people according to the article live in California and New York. To show readers that these states have lots of power, not only in elections, but speak for lots of people as far as states go.
    5. They plan to raise the minimum wage to $15 dollars in New York City and prosperous suburbs, but only to $12.50 for the rest of the state.
    6. $12
    7. No mainly because it would cripple small buisnesses and other parts of the economy. While I see the reasoning behind raising the minimum wage, I also still believe that if you work hard you will succeed in life. If you work hard and believe you can prosper, then you will. Also, because with a higher income, prices will also go up, just making more things complicated.

  26. Abbey Ray,
    1. The current minimum wage rates in New York is $10.00 and in California it is $10.00
    2. A boon is something that is beneficial or helpful.
    3. The wage must be implemented in California by 2022.
    4. About 63,800,000 people live in New York and California. This statistic that the author included represents logos and is meant to persuade the reader by reason.
    5. New York also passed a deal that cuts income tax starting in 2018.
    6. Hillary Clinton advocated for the minimum wage to be $12.00.
    7. Yes, I think that the rest of the country should raise the minimum wage rates because who doesn't like more money, and more money would help those families that are just getting by.

  27. Reagan Ray
    1. The current minimum wage rates in New York and California is $10.
    2. A boon is something that is helpful or beneficial.
    3. California's wage must be implemented by 2022.
    4. About 63,800,000 people live in New York and California. This was included to persuade the reader that if this many people are going to change their minimum wage then why wouldn't you.
    5. A tentative deal that cuts income tax.
    6. Hilary Clinton is pushing for the minimum wage to be $12.
    7. Yes, I think that the minimum wage should be raised everywhere, but not that high because the higher they are paid then the more money the state will take out.

  28. Madeline King
    1.)$15 dollars an hour
    2.)it is a thing that is helpful or beneficial; it can also be a favor or request
    4.)every 1 out of 5 live in New York or California/ maybe to show that it was not a good idea to contribute too
    5.)many taxes have been higher and income has changed many students ideas about the job they are currently in
    7.)I think they should because many small families or students that may live alone with a little one at home that they need to care for need food and shelter and with the amount they are given it is not helping. I do ,however, think they need to work for their needs and not just depend on the government for everything.

  29. 1. New York $9 California $10
    2. A favor
    4. 315,810 are not within California or New York which would serve as the type of people who are not Californians and New Yorkers and might not need the wage rise, think its unethical, or dont have the power to even have any influence unlike the other two states.
    5. Democratic led states
    6. $12
    7. If they do raise the minimum wage, its possible that it could cause more harm then good. Richer citizens could become richer, while the poorer could become poorer. The more money that comes in, the more that could comes out; therefore, raising the minimum wage is a bad idea.

  30. Griffin Eldridge
    1. 9 and 10
    2. something beneficial
    3. 2022
    4. 78,200,000: logos because it provides proof that many people will get pay increases
    5. they want to slowly raise the wage in some areas so that it doesnt kill their economy
    6. 12 dollars
    7. no because it will kill economies in places that are already struggling.

  31. Jake Hammonds
    1. $10.00
    2. A favor or something that is beneficial
    3. 2022
    4. 15.95 milion. It is showing that many people have already done it on the country so others should too.
    5. They gave the middle class an income tax cut.
    6. $12.00
    7. No I do not think they should ,because people who work hard for their money and do harder jobs than a fast food worker ,that doesn't do that much at all, should be paid more for their smarter choices and hard work, rather than the minimum wage workers getting paid a good bit for not doing much.

  32. Baylie Smithson
    1. $15
    2. Something benefical.
    3. 2022
    4. The author most likely included this to emphasis how many minimum wage jobs are in certain areas of the country.
    5. The amount may fluctuate.
    6. $12
    7. In my opinion, I think they should be more focused on helping all those people working at minimum wage jobs to get more educated on the jobs that some of them actually want and that pay higher reasonably.

  33. Samantha Hayes
    1. In New York and California minimum wage is $15.
    2. A boon is something helpful to the democrats.
    3. 2022 is the year they hope for.
    4. 1 in 5 people live in New York and California. The author wants to use statistics to convince us that even that small amount of our population in
    America can go a long way so we should join in too.
    5. New York wants to gradually raise it by the end of 2018. Also in some suburbs by 2021.
    6. She wants it to be $12.
    7. No, it will force business owners to close and, therefore, jobs to leave.

  34. Kelsi Hobson

    1. In New York it is $9 and in California it is $10.
    2. A boon is something that will be helpful or beneficial.
    3. By 2022.
    4. 63.8 million. To show how many people would be affected by the raise of minimum wage.
    5. Omit
    6. She said it would be raised to $12.
    7. I do not think the rest of the country should raise the minimum wage because it will cause people to lose their jobs and businesses will end up closing.

  35. 1. The current minimum wage is $7.25.
    2. A boon is a thing that is helpful or beneficial.
    3. The wage in California needs to be implemented by 2022.
    4. Almost 64 million people would live in New York and California. The author used logos in providing this information so that the reader would see the logic behind their plans.
    5. The article did not talk about the middle class in particular, but they plan to raise their minimum wage in New York from $9 to $15 no later than 2021.
    6. She advocated for the minimum wage to be raised to $12.
    7. I think the minimum wage should be raised based on population. If everyone is getting a raise, but businesses are not getting much business, then that business could go into debt and then people would be out of a job. Also, employers would fire people in order to stay within their budget.

  36. Avery Thomas
    1. NY $9 CA $10
    2. a favor
    3. 2018
    4. 63,800,000, he is trying to appeal to logos. If that many people are supporting the cause then, shouldn't it therefore be right? He is also pushing peer pressure.
    5. state-income tax cuts
    6. $12
    7. I think the minimum wage should be raised because there are still plenty of people stuck in poverty, but I don't think that $15 is a reasonable amount. I think if we raise it that much, we will face inflation and it will be even harder to pay for things, and the US will go into deeper debt.

  37. Elle Allen
    1. $9
    2. Something that is helpful
    3. 2022
    4. 63, 800, 000 people live in New York. The author would include this statistic to show the reader how many people that will be paid that much more money and how that could be a logical issue.
    5. "In New York, Democratic Gov. Andrew Cuomo and legislative leaders have agreed on a more complex plan. The $9 minimum would gradually rise to $15 in New York City by the end of 2018 and then in some prosperous suburbs by the end of 2021, but only to $12.50 in 2020 in the rest of the state, with further increases to $15 tied to inflation and other economic indicators. The measure headed to Cuomo's desk after passing the Legislature on Friday."
    6. $12.00
    7. I don't think that they should. I think that is too large of an increase. While I believe that the money is deserved by most people, I don't think that there is enough money for that to happen.

  38. India Kasteler
    1. California is $10 and New York is $9
    2. A thing that is helpful or beneficial
    3. 2022
    4. 63.8 million people
    5. American Action Forum
    6. $12
    7. I think that they should raise minimum wage a little bit so there won't be as many strikes, but they shouldn't raise it too much.

  39. Abby Kate Holmes
    1. $9.00 in New York and $10,00 in California
    2. something helpful or beneficial
    5. the conservative American Action Forum
    6. she has supported $12.00 and says it should raise to $15.00
    7. maybe I don't really know, it would help a lot of people who need to provide for there family's but cant get a better paying job.

  40. Brianna Ashcraft
    1.)California’s is $10 and New York’s is $9
    2.) Something that is helpful
    4.)63,800,000 people, one fifth of the population. They would include this because it shows how many people live in California and New York out of the whole country. It would show how big of an impact raising the minimum wage would have on the whole world.
    5.)In some suburbs the minimum wage increase rate would increase at a slower rate than in the cities and would only reach $15 by 2021 instead of 2018.
    7.)No, I don’t think all the states should have to raise the minimum wage if the state is doing well at the amount they have now.

  41. Keyanna Stokes
    1.$9 in New York and $10 in California
    2. a thing that is helpful or beneficial
    3.2022 york have 8.406 million and california has 38.8 million
    5.The $9 minimum would gradually rise to $15 in New York City by the end of 2018 and then in some prosperous suburbs by the end of 2021, but only to $12.50 in 2020 in the rest of the state, with further increases to $15 tied to inflation and other economic indicators
    7. yes because some people might need the money to support their family.

  42. payton brown

    1. $15
    2. a favor
    3. 2022
    4. 1 out of 5 live there and they included this to remind readers of how this would effect the us population.
    5. budget deal
    6. 12
    7. i believe the rest of the country should follow along with this because it could help the lower class and it would be easier for them to provide to their families.

  43. holly mcdonough
    1. $10
    2. a blessing
    3. 2022
    4. 63,800,000 logos
    5. strong community organizing activity and Democratic politicians eager to translate the movement into legislation
    6. $12
    7. In my opinion the rest of the country should not follow because it is just going to put more people out of business because they can't keep paying workers.

  44. Hallie Grace Hamner
    1.$9 and $10
    2.A thing that is helpful or beneficial.
    4.19.75 million and 38.8 million. They included his to appeal to pathos.
    5.They have a more complex plan.
    6. $12
    7. Yes, because the lower class deserves better pay for their hard work. Also, people can’t demand services (like McDonald’s) without acknowledging that the workers there deserve to be paid.

  45. Christian Taylor
    1. ten dollars
    2. something to be thankful for: blessing
    3. 2022
    4. 63,000,000 logos
    5. The $9 minimum would gradually rise to $15 in New York City by the end of 2018 and then in some prosperous suburbs by the end of 2021, but only to $12.50 in 2020.
    6. twelve dollars
    7. In my opinion I think that the country should raise the minimum wage but not all the way to 15 dollars, because in big states and cities such as New York, it is already expensive to live there, and people with business might have a hard time paying their employees. Maybe they should raise to about the 12 or 13 dollar range, so maybe the business owners could pay their employees.

  46. Zoie Pritchett

    1 $10 in California and $9 in New York.
    2 Something that is beneficial.
    3 2022.
    4 Around 63,800,000 people. To show how many people are affected by the topic of this article.
    6 $12.
    7 Yes because our country is already going down really fast and the current minimum wage isn't helping at all.

  47. Destini Erwin
    1. $7.25
    2. Something that is beneficial
    3. 2022
    4. He added it in the article to provide statistics to show how much money the country would have to pay of the minimum wage was raised.
    5. How they were going to raise the minimum wage in other areas besides New York.
    6. $12
    7. In some places it should be raised, not all, like Micky D's. Get a better job and you won't have to get paid minimum wage.

  48. Sarah Taylor
    1. The current minimum wages in New York and California are $10 (CA) and $9 (NY) .
    2. A boon is something that is helpful or beneficial or a favor or request.
    3. 2022
    4. Approximately 63,800,000 people. The author included this number, or example of applying the rhetoric, logos, in order to get the readers to realize how many people are actually affected by the topics to be discussed in the article to come.
    5. I've heard from some that it was the commerce clause and I've heard from others that it was raising the minimum wage by a certain period. so I'm gonna go with commerce clause.
    6. She advocated for it to be raised to $12
    7. Yes the minimum wage should raise. The current minimum wage is barely, if at all, enough for people to live off of. People can’t afford the basic necessities for life any longer, much less provide for a family.

  49. Maxine Ball
    1. $7.25
    2. Something that is beneficial
    3. 2022
    4. He added it in the article to provide statistics to show how much money the country would have to pay if the minimum wage was raised.
    5. How they were going to raise the minimum wage in other areas besides New York.
    6. $12
    7. In some places, maybe. But places like McDonald's or other fast food restaurants shouldn't have too high of minimum wages because it isn't something you should make a career out of.

  50. Sam Webb
    1. $10 in California and 9$ in New York
    2. A benefit
    3. 2022
    4. 63,800,000 To show that a lot of people want the minimum wage to be raised.
    5. Raise the minimum wage.
    6. $12
    7. No. If they raise the minimum wage the the products the companies sell will raise too.

  51. Crystal Bolden
    2.Something beneficial
    4.He added this so you could see how much the country would pay if minimum wage was raised.
    5.How they will raise minimum wages in other places besides New York
    7.Yes, because minimum wage just isn't enough to live with everyday life in our society!


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