Friday, February 26, 2016

Pre-AP English 9 Current Events Blog for Week of February 29

For this week's blog, search the internet and find an article that relates in some way to a leader (or group of leaders) who has abused his/her (or their) power.  The article itself can be propaganda, or it can be discussing propaganda in some way.  (DO NOT JUST GOOGLE "ARTICLE ABOUT LEADERSHIP ABUSING POWER" AND PUT THE FIRST THING YOU FIND.  ACTUALLY PUT SOME EFFORT INTO THIS!)

To receive credit for your post, to the following:

1. Past a link to the article.
2. Summarize the article in a paragraph.
3. Write five questions about the article, including one question that is opinion-based.


  1. 1.
    2. This article talks about Elagabalus. He was an emperor of Rome's. He believed in child sacrifices. He also worshipped the roman gods. He was by standards a horrible and unjust emperor.
    3. A) Who was Elagabalus the grandson of?
    B) Who did Elagabalus worship?
    C) How old was he when he became emperor?
    D) How old was he when he died?
    E) Was Elagabalus a good or bad ruler? Why?

  2. holly mcdonough
    This article is about Vlad the Impaler an awful ruler who enjoyed finding the most different methods of killing for petty crimes.He was the ruler of Wallachia and began to rule in a bloody manner designed to strike fear at the opponents.
    1. what are three methods of torture vlad used?
    2. what was his nickname?
    3. what shape did he most commonly arrange the stakes into?
    4. was there anything he did well as a leader or ruler in your opinion?
    5. How did he die?

  3. Tyra Dunn
    2: In the article, it talks about Ivan the Terrible's background and how he was an orphan. It later goes into how he became so powerful, and all of his victories. He turned people from different countries into slaves after he defeated them. He was said to have many mood changes and was unreliable. Overall, he ruled by fear, and that's what contributed to his stay at the top.
    3: 1:In your opinion, was Ivan the Terrible an absolutist ruler?
    2: How old was Ivan when he became an orphan.
    3: Who did Ivan force into the "service class"?
    4: In your opinion, does he rule by fear?
    5: Would you have easily obliged to his rules?

  4. Alex George
    2) Doctor Josef Mengele was an SS medical physician famous for his cruel medical experiments that he did on prisoners at Auschwitz. Mengele earned a Ph.D. in physical anthropology from the University of Munich. Mengele joined the Nazi party in 1937 and served on the Eastern Front until he was injured and returned to Germany. Mengele began his career at Auschwitz in the spring of 1943 as the medical officer responsible for Birkenau's Gypsy camp, where he was responsible for its total liquidation. Mengele was known as the “Angel of Death” because of his brutal selection process for new prisoners coming into the camp. He removed people’s limbs just to see what would happen, and injected chemicals into people’s eyes to see if he could change their color. He’d remove limbs, castrate and sterilize his victims. He was completely safe in the knowledge that anything he did could be passed off as legitimate medical experimentation. Mengele evaded his war crimes by escaping to South America where he died in 1979 of a stroke.
    3) At the Institute for Hereditary Biology and Racial Hygiene in Frankfurt, he became the assistant of who?
    4) What was the name of the concentration camp that Mengele was transferred to in 1943?
    5) Mengele was drafted into the army, and thereafter volunteered into the medical service of the?
    6) What name was Mengele given do to his harsh selection process?
    7) Do you think that Doctor Josef Mengele Abused his power? Why?

  5. Hey Mr. Ray, I like my Ramon noodles chicken Flavored

  6. Kelsi Hobson

    Kim Jong-un comes from a family of dictators who are ultimately known for killing people. Kim Jong-un had his uncle executed publicly by close range mortars. North Korea's news agency, KCNA, confirmed the execution. Kim Jong-un had many people, who were apart of a orchestra, sentenced to death on charges of pornography. There are rumors of Jung-un's wife wanting a singer from the orchestra put to death. The singer was rumored to be Jung-un's ex-girlfriend. Kim Jung-un learned his brutal tactics from his father and most people that were killed were only accused of crimes.

    1. How was Kim Jong-un's uncle killed?
    2. What is the news agency that confirmed the execution?
    3. What were the people who were a part of the orchestra charged with?
    4. What relatioship did Kim Jong-un have with the singer who was executed?
    5. Do you think it is right for Kim Jong-un to execute people without proof of the crime they are accused of committing? Why?

  7. caitlyn lewis.

    2. Josef was a SS officer that had a medical degree so he was promoted to work at Auschwitz as the Chief camp Physician. he stood on the ramp judging whether prisoners worked or died. He often was saw off-duty looking for twins. He liked experimenting on fraternal twins to trace the genetic origins of diseases. He kept the eyes of his victims with heterochromia. He also murdered most of his test subjects just to do an autopsy on them.
    1.How many physicians worked at Auschwitz?
    2.What was the name of the first camp he worked at?
    3.What type of people were his main test subjects?
    4.What name was he buried under to hide himself?
    5. What punishment do you think he would get in today's society?
    6. List 3 similarities between Josef Mengele and Joffrey Lannister

  8. Abbey Ray,
    1. When were Han Qiaoni’s feet broken and bound?
    2. What was often the only way for women to marry into money?
    3. In what village did foot-binding continue even though it was outlawed?
    4. When was a foot considered a “lotus of gold”?
    5. In your opinion, do you think that it is right for adults to break children’s feet just so that they are recognized as having that status symbol?
    Han Qiaoni, a 102-year-old woman in China, had her feet bound together when she was two-years-old. Many women bound their feet so that they were seen as beautiful and as a status symbol. The perfect foot size was known as a “lotus of gold” which was three inches long. Foot binding was banned in 1912, but was still sometimes done in secret and in the village of Liuyicun. People’s feet were bound while they were little because their bones were easier to break. There were many different steps to the foot binding ritual.

  9. Tyler Frederick

    This article talks about all the bad things Gov. Chris Christie has done. Christie trashed Donald Trump then drops out of the campaign and endorses Trump. The author says that Christie should resign as governor and if he refuses then the citizens should initiate a recall. Christie showed his arrogance at a news conferences on Monday. He was refusing to answer any questions that didn't directly relate to his nomination as a Supreme Court Justice. Christie has obviously put his own interests before the interest of New Jersey Citizens.
    1. Who has Chris Christie endorsed?
    2. What state is Christie the governor of?
    3. Last Year, how many full or partial days did he spend outside of New Jersey?
    4. How did Christie respond when reporters asked him why he would not answer the questions?
    5. Do you think Christie should resign and if he doesn't do you think he should be forced out? Why?

  10. Natalie Neubert 5th period
    2. This article provides evidence of what people think of cheerleading and if it is considered a sport. Cheerleading is a lot like any other sport. It is physical, athletic, and has many different challenges. Everyone has their on opinion on cheerleading, in my opinion I would consider it as a sport. I believe this becuase it is just as hard and has just as much injuries as lets say, football.
    3. five questions:
    a) Do you believe cheerleading is a sport? (yes or no)
    b) If you tried to be a cheerleader for a day do you feel like you could do it?
    c) Do you think cheerleadng should become a professional sport?
    d) How difficult do you think this "downgraded" sport is?
    e) What is your opinion on cheerleading?

  11. Nia Hodges
    2. This article is making a comparison of Donald Trump to Adolf Hitler. Many of Trump's quotes and ideas are very similar to Hitler's. Both of them felt like people of different races shouldn't be in their country. It also talks about how people in America are starting to follow Donald Trump. If we don't speak up, then we could end up having a modern-day, less violent holocaust on our hands.
    3. 1)Out of the five quotes provided, which one belongs to Donald Trump?
    2) Who does Donald Trump want to keep from entering the United States?
    3) How does Donal Trump describe Mexicans?
    4) What date did Hitler say all non-Germans present after it had to leave?
    5) Do you think Donald Trump could be our next Adolf Hitler?

  12. Amy Ingle

    This article is about how President Obama, as well as other presidents, have used the power as the President of the United States of America. There is a long list of presidents who have abused their power such as FDR, John F. Kennedy, Lyndon B. Johnson, Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton, as well as many others. There are many different ways in which the power has been abused and based off of this article the power is abused more than you think.

    1.) What did Obama say about his views of congress at a press conference?
    2.) What did FDR prohibit the possession of?
    3.) According to this article, what was Clinton absolute worst move?
    4.) Why are they worried about our rights of unreasonable searches?
    5.) What actions do you think need to be taken to prevent a president abusing their power?


    The article I chose discusses Richard nixon and how he abused his power as president. Nixon wanted to be re elected president so he used his power as president to sabotage other candidates in the running. With the watergate incident nixon sent people to the democratic party's headquarters. Nixon bribed officers so that they would let it go and this caused nixon to resign before being impeached.The article gives all this information to the reader to help them understand how Nixon abused his presidential power.

    1. what anniversary was this article wrote around?
    2. who did Nixon get beat to in the 1959 presidential election?
    3. whose vice president was Nixon?
    4. What party did nixon try to sabotage?
    5. Do you think that overall nixon should be looked at for the good works he did as president or as the bad decisions he made during the re election? explain.

  14. Lacey Martin
    2. Traffic officers chased down a delivery van and tried to get the driver to remove himself from the vehicle even though they had no right or authorization to do such without stating a violation. They ended up pulling a taser on the guy, but luckily the entire scene was caught on video and the traffic officers were apprehended and face charges from the offended parties and the PNP.
    3. 1) How long were these officers suspended for their violation of the law?
    2) Do you think that the "no contact" rule mentioned should be so heavily enforced?
    3) What do you think would happen if these rules were not there in the first place?
    4) What was the big deal about the officers having tasers?
    5) What was the driver of the vehicle's occupation?

    This article was published after an unarmed black 18-year-old was shot and killed by a police officer in Ferguson, Missouri. The article contains a few instances where police officers have abused their power by mistreating and accusing African Americans for unreasonable or minor offenses. These examples of police brutality were mentioned in a report filed by the U.S. Justice Department to the Ferguson police department for discriminatory engagements on racial matters. It was decided that the officer who was involved with the shooting would not be prosecuted but the department itself would be looked at. They discovered that the officers there were participating in racist emails and jokes, and they were arresting blacks for petty offenses.
    1. What did the officer ask for the bus patron to give him in the first story?
    2. What was the reason for why the officer had the grounds to stop and question the man in the car?
    3. What was the man arrested for in the third example?
    4. What did the parents in the fifth example allow their children to do at the park?
    5. Having read this article, do you think that something needs to be done about the police department in Ferguson?
    6. Should the officer involved in the shooting have been prosecuted? Explain your reasoning.

  16. Liam Andrus

    The first two people i thought of when it came to leaders abusing were one: Adolf Hitler and two: the infamous Donald Trump. Luckily, I have stumbled upon an article that includes both of them.

    This Article leans more to a propaganda type article. It begins by comparing the German dictator Adolf Hitler to the rising republican Donald Trump. It elaborates on how Hitler took advantage of the countries predicament and used it to rise to the top.The same is applied to Trump. Danielle Allen (the author of the article) is saying that Trump is taking advantage of Americas uncertainty of what to do for the country. The last half of the article is sort of like a call to all the other presidential candidates that have dropped out, or are advised to drop out of the race to achieve the goal (of Trump not becoming president) through a set of steps that all American citizens must follow.

    1. Who is Hannah Arendt?
    2. What is the name of the book Hannah Arendt wrote?
    3. What country do some people joke about moving to if Trump becomes president?
    4. What is the author advising Ben Carson and John Kasich to do to achieve the goal?
    5. Based on the authors instructions, do you think Trump could be stopped?

  17. Marley Hobbs-

    This article talks about Ivan the Terrible and his reign of terror during his life. His parents both died when he was at a young age, and he was taken care of by the counsel of his parents until he was of age to take the throne. He said to be seen torturing small animals at times. In 1547, Ivan IV was crowned tsar of Muscovy and married Anastasia Romanovna. In 1560, his wife died and he ended up killing his son, beating his pregnant daughter in law. And killing many after gaining control of the power to sentence people to death and take their property.

    1. What year was Ivan the Terrible born?
    2. What was Ivan the Terrible’s grandfather called?
    3. Ivan the terrible was the first Tsar of what country?
    4. What is a Tsar (not in article)?
    5. When Ivan left Moscow after his wife died, what did he threaten to do?
    6. Did Ivan the Terrible Still have any positive effects on Russia during his reign and why?

  18. Rachel Walker
    In this article, a music producer named Luke Gottwald is being filed against from Kesha for harassment and abuse. Gottwold is a part of the music company called Sony, who Kesha was under a contract and released music with. Kesha has been under contract with this powerful company since she was 18. She accused Gottwald of sexual assault and mental abuse for 10 years. Because of Gottwald's power in the music industry, she couldn't speak out because her entire career and life would be potentially ruined. As of now, Kesha is not only trying to end her contract with Luke, but to never be affiliated with him.
    1. What did Taylor Swift do in order to help out Kesha?
    2. What happened on social media after a New York judge denied the injunction that would release Kesha from her contract?
    3. When did Kesha file for abuse?
    4. What hashtag started trending on social media in relation to this event?
    5. Do you think the power of Kesha's fanbase on social media help her fight against the powerful company?

  19. Ben Hall


    2. As many people know, the Korean dictator Kim Jung-Un has abused his power in the past, and still abuses in now. One example of this is how he is ensuring fear into his people, because he doesn't want them opposing and finding flaws in his government. He also denies people basic human rights because he feels some are defiant to his rules and policies. One last example is how he is supporting public executions in order to instill a fear of questioning his rule. These are all reasons how Kim Jung-Un is abusing his power in North Korea.

    1. Kim Jung-Un tightened control over which border of his country?

    2. Phil Robertson claims that Kim Jung-Un left off where who left off?

    3. The article claims that Kim Jung-Un is denying what from his people?

    4. What was Kim Jun-Un's uncles name?

    5. In your opinion, is Kim Jung-Un's strict rule and his way of inflicting fear into his people an insecurity about his ruling abilities or a fright of a large-scale rebellion? Why?

  20. Baylie Smithson
    2. Richard Nixon was always seen as a humble man, never known to do anything wrong. Nixon was accused of taking money from a reelection fund in 1952, when he was vice president. 20 years later, now President in 1974 Nixon became the first President to ever resign from office. Nixon resigned because his secret task for his plumbers to find out everything they knew about Pentagon Papers leaker Daniel Ellsberg, got out. The plumbers committed crimes for the Committee for the Re-election of the President. Nixon denied any knowledge of the plumbers activities. Although, a "Smoking Gun" tape revealed that Nixon was involved in the cover up.
    3. 1. What was the first thing Nixon was accused of?
    2. Who was President when Nixon was Vice?
    3. Using context clues,what does subpoenaed mean?
    4. What year did Nixon resign?
    5. Do you think Nixon's resignation was justified?

  21. Chris Thomas

    Former governor Rick Perry was indicted on charges on "persuading" an elected official into quitting and misusing state funds. Perry wanted to remove the prosecutor in charge of a state ethics task force. The governor says he used his executive powers within the law and the charges dropped. Rick proceeded o drop out the presidential race.

    1)Who is being charged?
    2)Why is he being charged?
    3)What is Rick's justification of removing the county prosecutor?
    4)What's the name of this case?
    5)Is Rick justified for his actions?

  22. Article 1

    Henry became king of England in 1502 after the death of elder brother. Throughout time in rule Henry elevated himself to the highest role in government which is, "Lord Chancellor." Henry is known as the, "father of the Royal Navy" considering that he built 50 navy ships during his rule when there were only 5 when he started. Henry had many wives and killed most of them because they wouldn't produce a son for him. But surely enough one of them did and every wife after that were pretty much unnecessary. Henry soon died of physical decline and his desire to be all powerful. He abused his power by thinking he could kill anyone who did him wrong or didn't give him what he wanted. All of his wives suffered death because of this reason except for his last wife named Catherine who actually outlived him.

    1.What was the highest role in government that Henry elevated himself to?

    2.Why was Henry called the "father of the Navy?"

    3.How many Navy ships did Henry build and what was the original number of ships when he started his rule?

    4.According to the article, how many wives did Henry have?

    5.In your opinion, do you think that Henry was a good ruler or was he a ruler who made reckless decisions?

  23. Jake Hammonds
    2. Otto Warmbier is a student at the university of Virginia that was imprisoned for taking down a banner in North Korea. It is said by North Korea that Otto said a lady from a church would give him a car and his mother $200,000 for him to bring the banner back as a trophy. They have him on recording saying that it was the worst decision of his life and that it is a severe crime, but the video seems very pressured. North Korea is really abusing their power by keeping this young man in their country,
    3. Questions:

    1. What is the name of the student who was arrested?
    2. How much was the car that was offered to him?
    3. What is the name of the news station?
    4. Do you think that he really stole the banner? Explain.
    5. Do you think that North Korea has the right to keep this man imprisoned in their country? Explain.

  24. Article 2

    Nero Claudius Caesar was the most horrible man to walk this Earth. He abused his power so much to the point where he blamed and killed people for something that he did. The article reported that he purposely set Rome aflame and blamed it on the Christians to have a reason to execute them out of Rome. Nero was one of the worst rulers to step foot into Rome's government considering the fact that he murdered his way up there. In the process he even got his own mother killed. All Nero had to do was touch something or think about it and it could be destroyed, that how cunning he was.

    1. What was Nero's full name?
    2. What did Nero do to Rome that was a huge tragedy?
    3. What religion did Nero want to exterminate in Rome?
    4. Who did Nero have killed as he was murdering into rule?
    5. In your opinion, Was Nero wrong or right in blaming the Christians for the fire?

  25. Reagan Ray

    2. While speaking to a crowd in Burlington, Vermont, Donald Trump was interrupted by protestors. He then asked security guards to remove these people from the speech, so that he could continue. Being Donald Trump, he couldn't just make them leave. Instead, he took their coats and told them that he would send them to them in a few weeks. The main question is whether or not Trump will use his power with wisdom and restraint. His supporters believe that Trump will be their bully, but to people who were at his speech, he acted cruelly to satisfy his power.

    3. (1) Where was Donald Trump when he abused his power?
    (2) Trump didn't just make the person leave, but what did he take from him?
    (3) What does Donald Trump's supporters believe he will do?
    (4) Donald Trump did not just restore order, but used his power to satisfy what?
    (5) In your opinion, did Donald Trump abuse his powers when he sent the man out or just when he took his coat? If you were voting for him, would these actions by Trump change your opinion of him and his campaign?

  26. Article 2

    Nero Claudius Caesar was the most horrible man to walk this Earth. He abused his power so much to the fact where he blamed and killed people for something that he did. The article reported that he purposely set Rome aflame and blamed it on the Christians to have a reason to execute them out of Rome. Nero murdered his way into rule and into government. In that process he even had his own mother killed. He was a bad man all around.

    1. Who did Nero have killed on his murder quest for rule?
    2. What is Nero's full name?
    3. What religion did Nero want to exterminate from Rome?
    4. What was the tragedy in Rome that Nero caused?
    5. In your opinion, could Nero have changed or do you think that all people stay the same forever and never change?

  27. Naiya Rice

    Adolf Hitler did anything by any means to have power, he didn't care how anyone felt, it was what he felt was right goes. There is no surprise that Hitler is always labeled as a bad guy although, he really did everything to better his country.He wanted peace but in order to get peace he used violence. He wanted to better his country's economy ,but instead of pushing them out the country, he killed them off. He was a bad influence, he also showed that he wanted to change Germany for the better not the worse. In doing so committing sins that aren’t even thought about.

    1. What was the only legal party in Germany?
    2. What was his first act as president?
    3. What seven characteristics had Hitler labeled as corrupt?
    4. Before the president had died what was Hitler's position in the government?
    5. What was his first attempt for wiping out the Jewish citizens?

  28. Madeline King

    This article talks about the Cuban political leader, Fidel Castro who helped lead the Cuban revolution. He used guerilla warfare to gain leadership and became prime minister of Cuba. Castro`s government formed covert military and economic relations with the soviet union, leading to many different events and crisis`s. After serving a few years he became president of Cuba and had more power.

    1.)Near which part of Cuba was Castro born?
    2.)What was Castro`s original name before?
    3.)What did Astros marriage change about his political drives? Did it encourage him more or not as much?
    4.)Why did Castro do to become sentenced to 15 years in jail?
    5.)Do you think Fidel Castro was a very good at leading his country onward? Why or why not?

  29. Elle Allen
    Two Tennessee football players abused their power recently. Michael Wilson and A.J. Johnson were found not guilty of rape back in 2014, they claim the encounter was consensual. Now, six female students have filed a lawsuit, five of the girls claimed that they have been sexually assaulted while they were students at the school. This suit claims that the wide receiver for the team was threatened after driving one of the rape victims to the hospital and helping her report what happened. Other players felt like Bowles, the wide receiver, had betrayed his team, and by doing this he had abused his power. The University of Tennessee is working hard to prevent sexual assault.
    1. Who is the Attorney that made a statement?
    2. When were the two players suspended?
    3. How many pages long was the lawsuit?
    4. In what month did the incident first occur?
    5. In your opinion, who really abused their power, Bowles for helping the victim, or Wilson and Johnson for doing what they did in the first place? Do you think that Sexual Assault is treated too lightly, should people be more aware?

    Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi Is the current leader of ISIS. He is very secretive, the US isnt even positive he is alive at the moment. He used to be a cleric in a mosque before he became a leader. Some believed he was a militant jihadist during Saddam Husseins reign and he worked his way up in power. He is known as a highly skilled terrorist and he has a reward on his head. There ae many questions unanswered about him.
    1. how much money is his reward worth?
    2. Who was the leader of isis before abu?
    3. What did Abu do during 2003?
    4. Who did Abu allegedly become a jihadist for previously?
    5. Do you think that Abu has a right to terrorize people because his faith belives he can?

  31. Zoie Pritchett

    2. A 2016 Republican presidential candidate Rick perry was indicted on two charges for allegedly improperly threatening to veto $7.5 million in funding for the Travis County Public Integrity Unit if Travis County District Attorney Rosemary Lehmberg didn't resign following an arrest for drunken driving. He basically stated he didn't regret what he said and he thought he did the right thing. He said that the indictment is a political act that they could achieve in the courthouse and not the ballot box.
    3. How much money was he threatening to veto?
    What did he say before he entered the courthouse?
    How long was the first punishment meant to serve in prison?
    What did Mr. Perry say about the prosecution?
    In your opinion, do you think that he abused his power and do you think he should be put in prison?

    This article was about police brutality but not just recent brutality but some a couple years back. The article gives great examples of where brutality was used and too much was and not needed. The article gives many examples of brutality from East to West and anywhere North to South. Most of the mistakes are of people younger than 19 years of age even an 11 year old boy.
    1. How many incidents are there with "tasering to death"
    2. Are cell phones a hero in terms of police brutality? Explain
    3. According to the article, it says as video camera's become cheaper police brutality cases go up. Is this true?
    4. What is a police brutality case you have heard of?
    5. Was the officer put in jail or let go? If you think the decision was just explain.

  33. Payton Brown

    This article shows the first New York Times article on Adolf Hitler. The NYT article from 1922 suggests that Hitler's anti-Semitic policies were "propaganda" for his future plans. Since we all know the outcome of Adolf Hitler's reign in Germany, this incorrect article would make modern Americans quite uncomfortable.

    1. Who found the 1922 article on Adolf Hitler?
    2. What did the article have to say on Hitler's anti-Semitic propaganda?
    3. What was the name of the NYT article?
    4. Who wrote the NYT article?
    5. How might a modern American feel when seeing this old article?

  34. Sam Webb

    This article shows how terrible Josef Mengele was. Mengele was apart of the Nazi party as a medical expert. He got promoted and moved to Auschwitz and did excruciatingly painful experiments on the inmates. He earned the nickname "Angel of Death" and loved working on twins. After the war, he escaped to a place near Sao Pãolo and later died of a stoke.

    1. Where did he escape to?
    2. What party was he apart of?
    3. Which concentration camp was he sent to?
    4. What type of human was he obsessed with?
    5. How do you think he earned the nickname he received?

  35. Joy Chou
    In October 2015, a 16 year-old girl was yanked from her desk and dragged across the classroom by a police officer at Spring Valley High School. The officer used excessive force because the girl reportedly refused to put away her cellphone or leave the room. The officer has since been banned from all school property, according to the chairman of the school board.
    1. Where did this event take place?
    2. Who is the police officer involved with this matter?
    3. What was the school district’s reaction?
    4. What is the view of James Manning, the chairman of the school board, in regards to this issue?
    5. In your opinion, were Fields’ actions justifiable?

  36. Avery Thomas
    Imelda Macros and her husband were put on trial for stealing money from the Philippines. Her husband died soon after the trial started. She was given time to grieve, and the trial was then resumed. She was defended strongly and walked out of a court of cheering people not guilty. This is not the whole story, however. She was proved to have spent a very large amount of money on very extravagant material items. She was very stressed about the case and had to have medical assistance.
    1. What position did Imelda hold in the Philippine government?
    2. What were the charges against Imelda?
    3. What did Imelda get husband for their 24th wedding anniversary?
    4. Do you think Imelda should have been found guilty?
    5. What do you think should be done to Imelda now?

  37. Kenna Eldridge


    2. Abraham Lincoln was accused of abusing power. His actions directly went against the constitution. He claimed he had the right to use any means necessary to defeat the enemy, which led him to make executive decisions without the approval of congress. The most blatant abuse of Lincoln's power was his suspension of habeas corpus. He gave himself the power to imprison people without a specific charge. Lincoln did great thins as president but abused his power in many ways.

    3.1. Which rights did Lincoln blatantly abuse?
    3.2. How old did you have to be to be drafted in Lincolns military?
    3.3. What was the most blatant abuse of Lincoln's power?
    3.4. What was Lincoln's only executive order?
    3.5. Do you think that Lincoln's abuse of power was justified? Explain.

  38. Jared Snyder
    Nero Claudius Caesar, one of the most despicable manifestations of human flesh ever to disgrace this planet, he was educated by the philosopher Seneca who Nero got to commit suicide. He was the cause for his mothers death and basically murdered his way to power, After a great fire broke out in Rome everyone knew it was Nero so he could get a new city. Nero blamed the Christians for this fire and persecuted all the followers of Jesus, it was named "The Neronian persecution".
    1. When was Nero born?
    2. How was his life characterized?
    3. Who did Nero blame for the fire and mayhem?
    4. What was the execution of the Christians called?
    5. In your own opinion, Do you think Nero was right in executing all those Christians? Explain.

  39. Katherine Pham

    Obama basically wants power and while it appears to be endless, he made an affordable care act known as Obamacare. He wants to do things his own way, but follows the path of congress.

    1. What is the affordable care act?
    2. how do republicans feel about gay marriage?
    3. What does Obama want to expand?
    4. Is Obama following the path of congress? why or why not?
    5. do you believe that Obama is abusing power? why or why not?

  40. Elle Turner
    Donald Trump has abused his powers many times... He lies about things, constantly flaunts his money, and insults people about thing the cant fix. He decided to insult a New York Times reporter. This is true Trump fashion, he insults and is constantly throwing shade. But this reporter had a disability that causes his limb to continue to draw up and shrink. Trump insisted he didn't know the reporter but the reporter said they are on a first name basis.
    1. Where does the reporter work?
    2. What is the reporters name?
    3. What company spoke out about the candidates action?
    4. On what day did Donald Trump ask for a apology via twitter?
    5. Should Donald Trump be our next president? (opinion)


    This article is about a bill that was passed that people think is Obama abusing his executive power. Many people believe that this is a wrong doing. Obama thinks he is doing nothing wrong. The bill was passed with majority vote.

    What was the number of votes? ____ to____
    What did obama say america will not do (and neither will he)
    Who is the bill’s sponsor?
    How many democrats voted in favor?
    Do you think obama was abusing his power?

  42. Hallie Grace Hamner

    This article discusses a member of the Oklahoma City Police who has been accused of raping 13 women. The former officer, Daniel Holtzclaw, was accused and convicted of rape and 263 years in prison. The age range of the victims was from 17-57, all black women. It is believed that he abused his power in this way because he thought that their word wouldn’t hold up against his in court, because he was a police officer. Holtzclaw, who cried like a baby as he was convicted, has also been denied another trial. I really hope he’s happy about the irrevocable damage he did to these women, because now he has 263 years to think about it.

    1. What was Daniel Holtzclaw accused of?
    2. How many years in prison was he sentenced to?
    3. Who finally reported this behavior?
    4. Who said "Where is the national outcry for their justice?" and why is his identity significant?
    5. Do you believe that Holtzclaw abused his power or is he just an awful person? Justify your answer.

  43. Jessica Elwood

    In the article it tells us how Mr. Jong-un has been mistreating his country North Korea. Abusing your power as a leader can turn many tolls in your life. Jong-un has his whole country blinded by the wrong he's been doing.Does he even realize what he's doing to his country? South Korea has some things to say about this.

    1. What did the United Nations Security Council do?
    2. North Korea has often threatened nuclear war with who?
    3. Who opposed deployment?
    4. On Friday, the North Korean news agency charged that the exercises included drills for?
    5. Do you think Kim Jong-un is abusing his powers to his country? why and how?

  44. Christian Taylor
    2.The pop singer Kesha, is currently in a case involving the producer Dr. Luke. Kesha has made aligations that she was abused sexually,physically,and emotionally by him. Kesha's case went to the supreme court and the legal system denied the whole case. Dr. Luke is clearly abusing his power. It is sickening to watch Kesha go through this legal battle and not get her case approved when it is clear that he did those things to her.
    3. 1.How would you feel if you were in that situation?
    2.How can we stop people from abusing their power?
    3.Why do you think the Supreme Court denied the case?
    4.What is your opinion on the legal system on how it treats women?
    5.Since the U.S. legal system is terrible already, how do you think we the American people can change that?

  45. Maxine Ball
    This article is about a French monarch called Napoleon Bonaparte. He is remembered for many things, but in particular his roles, which included Emperor of the French, during the Napoleonic Wars, and his defeat at the battle of Waterloo on 18 June 1815. He abused the power of being monarch by forcing laws onto French citizens and other rival countries. Napoleon Bonaparte died on the island of St. Helena in the year of 1821.

    1. Where was Napoleon Bonaparte born?
    2. When was he emperor?
    3. Where was he born?
    4. Who was France at war with when he was made emperor?
    5. Do you think Napoleon abused his power? If so, how?

  46. Grace Gibson,,20091148,00.html

    Summary: During the 1900s a.k.a. the time of the Holocaust, there was a doctor who was allowed to find new leads in medicine and perform beneficial experiments. He was given access to thousands of people and tools. He had so much power but he abused it. He abused it by performing harmful experiments without amnesia or any sort of pain killers so therefore, most of his patients suffered. Josef Mengele was a man who had so much power and opportunities to do good but did not do anything good and abused his power.

    1) What was his actual title and what did his victims call him?
    2) At what geographical location did Mengele do most of his work?
    3) Name at least three "crimes" Josef Mengele committed.
    4) What was Mengele a parody of at Auschwitz.
    5) Do you believe that Joseph Mengele was abusing his power? Was what he was doing right? Why or why not?




  48. Brianna Ashcraft
    2.) This article shows how a boss or person can abuse their power badly and it shows the different ways a boss can take control. It says that a leader who uses their power appropriately can motivate staff. It says the opposite saying a leader who abuses their power can bring down morale. While talking about different types of bosses who abuse their power, it talks about different ways they do so and how it effects the people around them.
    • What do leaders who use their power appropriately do to their staff?
    • Leaders who abuse their power often do what to their employees?
    • Leader power is the ability or potential to influence others according to what two college researchers?
    • What are the two key types of leaders who abuse their power?
    • In your opinion, if you hear someone say their boss or person above them is strict and mean does that mean they are abusing their power?


  50. Wynn
    2. This article covers the life of Joseph Stalin. Stalin was the former ruler of the soviet union during the second world was. Stalin was a well known mass murderer. The estimated numbers of people hes killed rivals that of the holocaust. The article highlights many books and articles about Stalin.
    3. What was his fathers profession? how many people did he kill in total? How many people did he kill per day? How long did he rule his country? If you were to employ reason of state into the argument, would his actions be justified?


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