Friday, October 16, 2015

Pre-AP English 9 Current Events Blog for Week of October 19

This week's current events blog is a little different.

Instead of you reading a blog and answering questions about it, you will, instead, find a blog and write questions about it.  Here are the guidelines:

1. Find an online article that relates a story about a person or a group of people who have been oppressed and who have overcome that oppression.
2. In the comments section of this post, write a paragraph-long summary of the story.
3. Come up with five questions that you could ask someone about the story.  These should be both "recall" questions (Who said this?  Who is this person? etc.) and "debatable" questions (questions with no clear-cut answer).  Type out these questions underneath your summary.


  1. Samantha Hayes

    This article exposes the truth of abortion. They have proven that Planned Parenthood is allowing the sale of babies organs. Cecile Richards, Planned Parenthood President, admits that her organization doesn't provide mammograms, other health-care services, treatment for hypertension, diabetes, depression, osteoporosis, and other diseases and ailments. The priority should not be funding an organization that treats women’s health in hiding. Women deserve health care that targets the full range of their health and well-being.
    1.What did The Center for Medical Progress’s undercover videos expose about Planned Parenthood?
    2.What does Cecile Richards organization not provide?
    3.What is the bottom line of Marjorie Dannenfelser’s comments?
    4.Do you believe in abortion?
    5.Do you think they should be able to sell aborted babies organs?

  2. Marley Hobbs

    My article was about the African-American Civil Rights Moment and how the African-American overcame their struggles. The article talks about how their struggles made an impact on how other movements were dealt with such as the disabled, gays and lesbians, certain backgrounds, and women of all back grounds.

    1. What anniversary was it of the Civil Rights Movement when this article was published?
    2. In Doron Shultziner’s recent article what was key motivation for the movement?
    3. Recall what city government was sued for putting African-American police officers in the more dangerous parts of Brooklyn?
    4. Who gave the executive order to ban racial discrimination in war industries?
    5. What is another movement that is happening today in which we could gain key knowledge by looking back at the Civil Rights Movement? Explain your answer.

    Link to my blog:

  3. Ben Hall

    Summary: For my current events blog, I chose to do an article about Muslim's, and how they're oppressed by the american society post 9/11. This article takes place in the perspective of a Muslim woman, who had just gotten married and moved to Seattle with her husband. As her individual story progresses, the tragic attacks of 9/11 took place, and this woman was called by her mother-in-law and told about the attacks. Following the attacks, this woman's local Mosque was burned, and throughout all the oppression from the american citizens, she eventually filed for a divorce from her spouse, and moved to New York City to spread the word and help to clarify to ignorant comment that "all Muslim's are evil" due to the 9/11 attacks. This is the article that I did for the current events blog, and you can find this article at

    Five Questions:
    1. What were the two locations that the woman lived before moving to the U.S.?

    2. Did the woman move to Asia or stay in the U.S.?

    3. What did the signs say that Muslim's held up after having their Mosque burned down?

    4. Was the woman primarily an Arabian or an Egyptian?

    5. Did the people that were discriminating against Muslim's do anything wrong, considering that it was directly after a terrorist attack, and they were still shaken up and worried that another attack might happen?

    This article is about women who haven't conformed to social expectation. They did what everyone told them they couldn't. They became CEO's of companies and leaders. Women are raised to think that they can do anything, when in reality they have an unfair advantage to men. People think that gender inequality is gone but they don't realize that every day women are forced to work just a little bit harder then men. Women are expected to dress different, women are expected to act different, women are expected to eat different, the expectations are endless and most people don't realize that.
    1. On average women earn what percent less then men?
    2. What is Denise Morrison's advice for women?
    3. Mary Barra is the CEO for what major company?
    4. Do you think that girls should be raised to think that they are equal to men or should they think that they have a disadvantage?
    5. Do you think women have a disadvantage to men? Why or why not.

  5. Jon Oue
    Olaudah Equiano came over as a slave from Africa. He was a slave in Africa before he was a slave in America. He wrote a book about his struggles and recounts his oppression and how he has overcome it. When he came to America he finally bought his and his families freedom. All throughout his slavery years, he stayed true to his beliefs.
    1. Where was Olaudah raised?
    2. What were characteristics of both the men?
    3. Would you have stayed true to your beliefs if you were in their position?
    4. Do you agree in slavery? Why or why not?
    5. Would you go back to the country you were taken from and try to see your family again?

  6. Crystal Bolden

    Should he really be freed? A Indiana man named Zach Anderson Had consensual sex with a 14 year old girl who claimed to be 17 years old. He was expected to serve two decades of time, but a Michigan judge shows leniency and only gets two years with probation.Now at 20 years old, Zach will not be registered as a sex offender on Michigan's list.Answer the following questions with your own opinion against this shameful subject.

    1.What was the accused sex offender full name?
    2.What was the girls real aged that he raped?
    3.Where did he commit the crime?
    4.Do you believe that Zach deserved to be "let off easy"?
    5.In your own words describe to me if you were in the girls place how would you feel about your wrong doing of telling him your wrong age?

    Adalia Rose is an 8-year-old little girl who suffers from a premature aging condition called Progeria that makes her look different from others and older than she actually is. Her parents set up a Facebook page about Adalia to share her story, and millions of fans became inspired by her optimism and cheerfulness. Sadly, some of the response to Adalia’s different appearance and condition are hateful comments written by cyberbullies. A few of these oppressors even send physically harming threats or death threats to Adalia and, occasionally, her family. Despite this negativity, Adalia continues to delight her supporters with an ever-present smile and adorable dancing videos that bring a joy to many hearts.
    1. What does the condition do to Adalia's body?
    2. What is Adalia’s parents’ reason for why people sneak long glances at Adalia?
    3. Why did Adalia’s mother create a Facebook page and website for Adalia?
    4. Explain why you think Adalia’s family continues to post normal and positive content on the website and Facebook page instead of addressing the insults and threats coming from Adalia’s oppressors.
    5. Do you think a person can be called beautiful even if they’re appearance does not correspond with the typical traits of physical beauty? Explain what it means to beautiful and why you think Adalia Rose is considered beautiful.

  8. Rachel Walker

    The article I chose is about how teens have an attachment to technology, and whether or not it's harmful. For many teenagers, is technology relief valve and also described as an outlet. Finland and Netherlands outperform the US in school because they have a greater emphasis on the student's happiness and less work. The parents in those countries do not seem as anxious about technology addiction. Studies in the US and UK show that children have lost the right to roam, hence why students may have turned to technology.

    1. Which countries outperform the US in education?
    2. In the countries, what have they done differently to defeat the education in the US?
    3. Why do students allegedly turn to technology?
    4. Why do you think teens turn to technology?
    5. Do you think technology "addiction" is harmful?

  9. Elijah Lane 6th Period Female Oppression.

    Africa. The country that has faced abuse in terms of slavery, racism, and discrimination. Although, as it seems that Africa is going better than they were during Atlantic Slavery Times, they face a problem behind the scenes, Adult Women abuse. Even now 125 million women there literally have there " lady parts" mutilated and their worth lessened. Which is why our awesome president Obama met with all the African leaders, which was the biggest meeting any U.S, president went through with that many South African leaders. to not only discuss political affairs, problems and concerns with their citizens as well. Obama even passed a law stating that women from another country are not even allowed to participate in practices in female mutilation. Africa to this day still has work to do, but they are making progress by allowing women to have a say on what happens to them, and even their roles in very important jobs such as scientific research.

    1. What practice did Obama prohibit from happening in the U.S.?

    2. How many women had went through through the abusive practice in South Africa?

    3.what event did I state was a time worse than even now?

    4.Name the struggles that Africa has been through.

    5.What job did i quote was a very important job that women could really help in?

  10. Alex George
    Tahmeena Faryal is a women’s rights activist in Afghanistan who is a member of the Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan (RAWA) whose main purpose is to set up secret schools and underground clinics for women so they have a chance at getting an education or become a doctor or nurse. Faryal documented many executions of women by the Taliban so she could show the world the type of circumstances that women in Afghanistan have to go through. The RAWA was established in Kabul in 1977 by Meena Keshwar Kamal a feminist poet who was later assassinated in 1987. Under the Taliban’s regime women were not permitted to hold jobs, get an education, and when they went out in public they had to wear a burqas to cover their entire body. Many RAWA members have been arrested, and the punishment decreed by the Taliban for membership is stoning to death. Faryal is always heavily guard and in hiding at all times as she carries out her work for women’s rights.
    1) What is the name of the organization that is fighting for women’s rights in Afghanistan?
    2) What type of secret things or programs do the RAWA do to help women have a chance at having rights?
    3) Who said this “I am the woman who has awoken. I have found my paths and will never return."
    4) What award did Tahmeena Faryal receive and what magazine was it in?
    5) Do you agree with the RAWA’s plan to allow women in Afghanistan to have rights and receive an education? Why?

  11. Joy Chou

    Hannah Combs was beginning her freshman year at Texas’s Harker Heights High School when a classmate poured super glue onto Hannah’s head. The super glue left first-degree burns on her scalp and her part of her hair had to be shaved off. However, the initial punishment for the student who poured the glue was only an in-school suspension. Hannah was uncomfortable attending the same school as her bully and her parents were upset, so they contacted the school district and asked that the bully be transferred to a different school. However, the school district told them that they acted in accordance to state law, board policy, and code of conduct. In response, Hannah’s mother started a Facebook page, “Justice for Hannah.” The page quickly went viral and Hannah’s story became well-known and received support from the Internet. The bully was eventually transferred to a different school and Hannah decided to use the attention from her Facebook page to urge others to fight against bullying.

    1. What happened to Hannah Combs?
    2. What was the punishment the bully initially received?
    3. How did the school district respond to Hannah’s parents’ request?
    4. What did Hannah’s mother do after being brushed off by the school district?
    5. Hannah’s parents requested that the bully be transferred to a different school, but some people have said that Hannah herself should just transfer, as it would be more convenient. Should Hannah have transferred instead of going through all that trouble?

  12. Jesslyin Edwards

    This article is about the oppressed, abused, and discrimination of women around the world. The women of the world are establishing groups and organizations to stop and hopefully eliminate this problem that has been going on for a while now. Women around the world are teaming up to help the other women who are in need for more help than they are. Many women mainly in Asia have a higher percent rate of abortions than any other place in the world because of the region they are in. Women shouldn't be treated like this at all, because everyone deserves a chance to be treated equally.
    1. What does GFA stand for?
    2. What percent of illegal abortions are performed in India alone?
    3. Why are there so many illegal abortions in India?
    4. Who produced the Veil Of Tears, and when will it be released?
    5. What did Rhonda say about the subject?

  13. Elle Turner

    This article tells us about a surfer who lost her arm, and almost her life at only 13 years old. She was back on a surfboard less then a month later. Two years later, she won first place in her age group in her state. Her positive attitude and determination made it possible for her to become a professional surfer at the early age of 21. Bethany Hamilton has overcome many obstacles in her life and they don't even seem to phase her.
    1. During what month did Bethany lose her arm?
    2. What was the name of the person who pulled her from the water?
    3. What arm did she lose in the accident?
    4. When she arrived at the hospital, they rushed her into surgery and did not get authorization to amputate the rest of her arm... Do you think they should have waited to get authorization incase the family wanted to save as much as possible?
    5. Should doctors be able to go against guardians directions if it would save the persons life?

  14. Abbey Ray,

    Oppression for women is a big deal, not only in third world countries, but here in the United States as well. In the U.S. some things that women struggle with include equal income, brutality, discrimination and intimidation. Women in Bangladesh also struggle with many of these things and Lucky Akter, general secretary of Bangladesh's Students Union, says that women struggle with being excluded from power because the men hold it all. Women in the Socialist Student Front of Bangladesh led a revolution within the student government at Jahangirnagar University to try and fight back for women. A male student, Manik, raped 100 women, but because of the Socialist Student Front he got expelled from the university, giving women a victory. In the United States human rights are thought to have great importance, but really the U.S. is making work places threatening to peoples lives causing workers to not be able to utilize their work. Bangladesh provides an example to how we all need to work together so that all women are free and to stop further oppression.

    1.What is capitalism?
    2. Who is Begum Rokea and what did she struggle with?
    3. What percent of the sweatshop work force do women make up?
    4. Do you think that women's oppression is a big deal? Explain.
    5. Do you think that patriarchy is the main cause of this oppression, why or why not?

  15. Luke " flame thrower " Hinton
    The article is about weather or not the white house should pass a law to raise the legal driving age to 18. The commons comittie of driving brought up the idea to give teens paid lessons before they dive. Some reqirements to driving if this law passes is people learning to drive from the age of 17, but not taking the test until they are 18.
    drivers completing a set minimum number of lessons with a structured syllabus
    extending hazard-perception training using computer simulators to encourage better habits in young drivers-to-be.
    a zero alcohol limit for all drivers for a year after passing their test.
    banning drivers from carrying passengers aged between 10 and 20 from 11pm to 5am for a year after passing their test.
    1. what comittie made this law go viral?
    2. if this law passes what time can people be carying passangers?
    3 what age
    4.. what are some pros of this law passing
    5. do you think the white house should alow this law? why?

  16. Zoie Pritchett
    Vice president Joe Biden declared that he will not be running for president in 2016. He says that he’s still grieving over losing his son Beau in May and he won’t be emotionally prepared for another campaign so quickly. He will not be running but will not be silent, so he will be speaking out. While being encouraged by some who were seeking an alternative to Clinton, Biden has spent months deeply engaged in family discussions and political advisors about entering and Democrats were questioning whether or not it was too late for him to run.
    1. On what day did he declare he will not be running for president?
    2. Who did he say is "not be our enemy"?
    3. Who said they were inspired by his optimism and commitment to changing the world?
    4. In September, he appeared on "The Late Show". What did he tell the host Stephen Colbert?
    5. Do you think that he made the right decision in not running for the presidential campaign of 2016?

  17. Amy Ingle
    The story talks about Nelson Mandela and how he fought for South Africa. He kept South Africa's best interest in mind and put their needs above his. He stood up for what he believed in and his hard work paid off. He overcame the oppression and got what he dreamed of.
    1. What was Nelson Mandela's dream for Africa?
    2. Who was Nelson Mandela?
    3. How many years was he in Prison?
    4. Did you think he did what was right for South Africa?
    5. If you were him what you have been that determined?

  18. Burton Drawhorn

    In England following years of civil war, the country became a common wealth and Charles I was put to death by execution. There were three men whose names were William Goffe, Edward Whalley, and John Dixwell. They were part of the council that sentenced Charles I to death, and now Charles II had taken the throne. They quickly set sail for Boston, despite their "invitations" to come home. They evaded arrest and lived out their lives in New England.
    1. Why do you think that Charles II wanted the three men to return home to England?
    2. What had ravaged England in the years before Charles I death?
    3. Who was Charles I son and how may years was it before his son took the throne?
    4. Do you think that what Charles II set out to do was right or wrong? Explain.
    5. If you were in Charles II shoes would you do the same thing or something different?

    This article discusses the affects of cyber-bullying on college girls, specifically Asian-Americans.
    It is proven that Asian American girls are bullied digitally four times as much as the other races. The article discusses that some people believe the bullying that college girls go through should be considered "sexual violence". It also touches on the mental effects that college girls go through in the "real world" due to cyber-bullying. College girls have said that they have either been stalked or sexually harassed online. The article goes through the resources and clinics that the girls could experience to help overcome this serious issue.
    1) What would the cyberbully most likely be connected to when committing the act of bullying to a college girl?
    2) What are some of the effects that middle school to high school girls experience during bullying?
    3) What does Dr. Moreno mean when she says that college girls being cyber-bullied is a "jump off the page"?
    4) Why do you think that more Asian American girls are being cyber-bullied?

    5) Why would some people consider college girls being bullied, "sexual violence" instead of just, "cyberbullying"?

  20. Baylie Smithson
    This article explains that three high school students are to face multiple charges after hacking into their school's computer system. The three teenage boys changed over 300 of students schedules, and at least two students grades were changed as well. A key logger was downloaded to the computer to allow them access. The hacker behind the whole project faces two burglary counts, three counts of computer tampering, three counts of identity theft, one count of computer trespass and one count of eavesdropping. Once he heard of the search warrant for him he ran away, and was cater found. The other two face one count of computer tampering and one count of criminal solicitation.
    1. What led to their arrest?
    2. What did the hacker do when he learned of his search warrant?
    3. Should the boys have been charged or should they have been given a warning?
    4. Do you think their actions and charges to the full extent of the law will influence other teens to stay out of trouble?
    5. Why do you think they were charged with such serious charges with the possibility of jail time?

  21. Liam Andrus

    This article is about the Mormon migration, which began in the mid 1840's. The Mormon church began in 1830's by Joseph Smith, who was said to have received revelation as a young teenager. From the start, there were many skeptics, but also many people who followed him. As the Mormon grew and grew, people began to think he was teaching false, even evil things. They were forced to run from state to state until, after their leader Joseph Smith was murdered, Illinois kicked them out for one last final time. Tired of running, the Mormons began their grueling trip west to establish a their own country, which they originally called Zion. Through several rivers and a deadly winter they finally reached their destination, at the Great Salt Lake. Numerous people died from the treacherous journey. In 1857 the U.S. Army came and frightened the Mormons, but didn't harm them. Overcoming their oppression once and for all, the Mormons established their own permanent home. The state of Utah.

    1. When was Joseph Smith murdered?
    2. Who was Brigham Young?
    3. Do you think it was right for the Mormons to be rejected by the U.S. government?
    4. On what day did Brigham Young declare that they had reached their destination?
    5. Seeing that the Mormons are a religious group, do you think they deserved their own territory (although it was cut down by more than 3/4 of its original size)?

  22. Elle Allen
    Current Event

    Alan Holmes is an 8th Grade Student in Oregon. His older brother served as a Marine, and Alan was very proud of him. As Alan grew up, the pride he had for his brother’s service to his country grew into patriotism. Alan was simply demonstrating his pride by wearing shirt to school that was made to memorialize fallen soldiers. The shirt read “Standing for those who stood for us” and had images of a gun, a helmet, and boots on it. The staff at his school asked him to change his shirt, and when he refused, they gave him a choice to either take the shirt off or be suspended, because the shirt was "demonstrating violence." He was suspended after he refused again to change his shirt.

    1. Describe the shirt Alan wore to school.
    2. Should Alan have stood up for himself and what he believed, knowing it would result in suspension?
    3. Do You think Alan’s Shirt was promoting/demonstrating violence?
    4. What was the ultimatum the principal gave Alan?
    5. What Branch of Government was Alan’s brother apart of?

  23. Abby Holmes

    This article explains the tragic news that Disney is making Another Mary Poppins.Fans of Mary Poppins are frustrated at Disney and scared it will ruin the magic of the original classic. Rob Marshall a director for the film clears up the controversy by explaining the film would not be a remake of the original Mary Poppins but instead will be a extension of the story inspired by the other novels wrote by P.L Travels.

    1. Who is the writer of the Mary Poppins Novel?
    2. Rob Marshall was a director of which new Disney film?
    3. Rob Marshall Compared Mary Poppins to which iconic book series?
    4. Do you think the new film is a good idea? explain your reasoning.
    5.Do you believe the new film will change the magic of the original film?explain your reasoning.

  24. Payton Brown
    Obama has recently spoken on the topic of the Black Lives Matter movement. He defended the movement and agreed that the black community is treated unfairly. A big part of Obama's speech had to do with police brutality towards black citizens. Although police officers work hard and dedicate their time to protect American citizens, Obama agreed that we must keep an eye out for prejudice actions shown by law enforcement.

    1. What did Obama have to say about the idea that the statement "black lives matter" was suggesting other lives don't?
    2. What criminal justice news organization hosted this panel discussion?
    3. What caused the "Black Lives Matter" movement to take on new life?
    4. What are your opinions on alleged acts of police brutality shown towards the black community?
    5. What are your opinions on the "Black Lives Matter" movement? Do you think the African American community is being mistreated?

  25. Kelsi Hobson

    President Obama said that gender oppression in Africa is "crippling" the development of other countries. He believes women should be empowered and should play a role in Africa's future. He believes that for this to happen,traditions that have "no excuse" should be gotten rid of, such as violence towards women. The World Health Oorganization says over 125 million girls have been cut in African and Middle Eastern countries because of complications such as infertility and cysts. The African Leaders Summit held a discussion on female empowerment on August 4-6. It is believed to be the largest gathering a U.S. president has held with african officals. A Nigerian women is a participant in the young leaders program and is handing out sterile kits for delivering babies and another women started an acadamey to try to stop human trafficing. The will be an expanding of the young leaders program to create 4 leadership centers in Ghana, Kenya, Senegal, and South Africa. The ideas of the group are to reflect those of Nelson Mandela.

    1. What is being done to overcome the oppression?
    2. What four countries will the young leadership program expand into?
    3. What was the largest gathering a U.S. president has held with African officals?
    4. Do you think gender oppression in Africa is "crippling" the develoment of other countries? Why?
    5. Do you believe it was right for President Obama to say that Africa should get rid of traditions that have "no excuse" for women to become empowered? Why?

  26. Chris Perkins
    Amelia Boynton Robinson is a 103 year old civil rights activist that was along side Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. in overcoming discrimination. Mrs. Robinson marched on March 7, 1965 in Selma and was attacked by police officers. She said they formed a wall and told them to go home, then warmed them with clubs and tear gas. Mrs. Robinson was beaten and knocked unconscious only to wake to a police man pouring tear gas in her face. Mrs. Robinson suffered burns and was in bad shape, but her photo after the attack ,that made it into a newspaper, caused a lot of talk. Even in bad shape she marched the other two marches and eventually the Voting Rights Act was passed as a law, letting all Americans vote.

    1. Who is Mrs. Amelia Boynton Robinson?

    2. What was the date of the march, where Mrs. Robinson was attacked?

    3. What is the name of the bridge that they crossed in Selma?

    4. What emotions does the picture of Mrs. Robinson after she was beaten by officers evoke on the reader of the article?

    5. Was the fact that it was in the 60's and it was their job excuse the officers from what they did?

  27. Jake Hammonds
    The article I choose to read about was a bout African American oppression and the racism of the confederate flag. It was talking about how Dylan Roof murdered many people and how he caused such a big movement in taking down confederate flags. Also, it was mainly about how students at the University of Mississippi wanted to take down their state flag which has a confederate flag in the upper left hand corner. The student body of the university also said that the nickname “Ole Miss” was racist and that it was something that slaves called their masters. The school said they don’t think the flag is coming down, but they like the stand the students are trying to take.

    1. What is the name of the University of Mississippi’s student body president?
    2. What did Dominique Smith say they wanted to do there at the university?
    3. What was the runner-up for the nickname behind Ole Miss?
    4. What is your opinion on taking the flag down? Do you think they shouldn’t be able to fly it at their school?
    5. Do you think they should change the schools nickname? Why or why not?

  28. Dustin Spencer
    6th period

    Back in the 1620-1865, white males bought and sold black Africans as slaves. They were forced to work for little or no pay at all. They were forced into Binary Oppression, black woman slaves were to do productive and reproductive work. The two main ways they would do that is through “Mammy” and “Jezebel”. Mammy would be an advice giver and overlooker of the white master’s children. A Jezebel was a black women slave giving off the impression that she needed, wanted, and strived for sexual attention to have reproduction occur. Personally, I think it was unfair to make the women do all of that work slaving away, literally, while all the men do is go out and farm. Yes, I know farming is a hard and demanding job, but some men could have helped the women serve or clean in the house.
    1. Who was forced into oppression and made to work for little or no pay at all?
    2. Explain Binary Oppression.
    3. What were the two different Slave names that were talked about?
    4. Explain the two names.
    5. Back in those days, was it right just to let the women inside the master’s house and tell the men to never show their face? Explain.

  29. Maxine Ball
    This article is about a group of protesters who are fighting against abortion rights that discovered a man who was protesting against them, holding signs that read "hail satan" on them in North Dakota earlier this week. The protesters were standing in front of the Red River Women's Clinic, North Dakota's only remaining abortion clinic.
    1. What was the name of the man who was protesting against the protesters?
    2. According to the City of Fargo, what is Bartholomew Schumacher considered to be?
    3. Nik Severson doesn't consider himself to be a protester, instead, what does he call himself?
    4. Do you believe abortion is right?
    5. Do you believe women should have the right to choose whether they abort their baby? Why or why not?

  30. India Kasteler

    Tahmeena Faryal is an Afghani woman fighting against the Taliban for the rights of women. The group that Faryal is fighting with is called RAWA and they hide cameras in their dresses to record what the Taliban does to women. Some restrictions of the women is that they can't speak or make any kind of noise in public, they can not go anywhere without a male relative, and if they even show their ankles they will be whipped as punishment. The Taliban is so mad at RAWA that they say that they have to kill them for religious reasons. Faryal is honored for her bravery to fight against them with the Woman of the Year award.
    1. What does RAWA stand for?
    2. List three rights women did not have in Afghanistan.
    3. What is the Afghan capital?
    4. Finish the quote from Kamal's peom," I am the woman who has awoken..."
    5. Do you think that RAWA members are risking their lives for a battle they can't win? Why or why not?

  31. Will Yarbrough

    BBC teaches the horrors of the Syrian Civil War in this article. The Syrian Civil War began in 2011 with President Bashar al-Assad opening fire on peaceful protests and illegally arresting students and torturing them. By 2013 the death toll was approximately 90,000 and doubling to 191,000 in 2014. In August 2013 President Bashar al-Assad released the chemical weapon sarin killing hundreds of freedom fighters in Damascus. Following the years of the ongoing civil war the amount of refugees leaving Syria dramatically increased to more than 11 million people as well making it one of the greatest mass exoduses in the last couple decades. This war has also given rise to ISIS and several other terrorist groups in Syria with similar ideals to al-Qaeda and Boko Haram. The Arab Spring has claimed Syria as a new battleground in the modern era leading to 250,000 dead in 2015 and millions homeless.
    1.What is one reason the Syrian Civil War began?
    2.What is the name of the chemical weapon released by President Bashar al-Assad?
    3.How many have died in the war so far?
    4.Do you think it is right to support the Freedom Fighters even though some are labeled as terrorist groups.
    5.Do you believe the freedom fighters should continue with the war or surrender to President Bashar al-Assad's forces?

  32. Reagan Ray
    In Ukraine, many Catholics are worried about their future and fear the Russian military. The people are so frightened that they are leaving their homes to go to other parts of Ukraine. The fear of a church being taken away and clergy arrested are very strong. Archbishop Sviatoslav Shevchuk of Kiev-Halych is offering prayer and support to those who feel threatened. Church was taken away and people were forced to practice their faith in secret; if you went to church, you went to the Orthodox church. Milchakovskyi said that the Russian military controlled who and what came in to see him as the military chaplain. The Orthodox church has always been dominant and if they are let free then who is a Christian and who is not will be uncertain.
    1. Who is Mykhailo Milchakovskyi?
    2. Did his church have legal status?
    3. How long was the Eastern-rite Ukrainian Catholic Church under Soviet rule?
    4. Would you practice your faith in secret, if it was the only way you could? Why?
    5. What is your opinion when people have to choose whether or not to stick to their faith and practice their faith even if it could harm them?


  33. Nia Hodges

    Michelle Carter Charged With Involuntary Manslaughter in Conrad Roy III’s Suicide: A seventeen year old girl named Michelle Carter encouraged her boyfriend, Conrad Roy III, to commit suicide. Even though she wasn’t physically there, prosecutors say she played a major role in his death when Conrad parked his truck and killed himself by carbon monoxide poisoning. Not only did Michelle encourage him, she told him to get back in his truck and do it when he was backing out. Michelle texted Conrad, “You can’t think about it. You just have to do it. You said you were gonna do it. Like I don’t get why you aren’t.” Joseph Cataldo, Michelle’s attorney, said that her texts should be protected by the first amendment and that Conrad had already made up his mind to kill himself months prior. Michelle stated that Conrad wanted them to die together like Romeo and Juliet.Cataldo further noted that the district attorney did not show Michelle’s texts where she tried to get Conrad help. In fact, the search history on Conrad’s phone shows that he planned his own death. The prosecutor wanted Michelle to be found of involuntary manslaughter since Massachusetts did not have a law against assisted suicide. A text Michelle sent to one of Conrad’s friends said, “… his death is my fault like honestly I could have stopped him I was on the phone with him and he got out of the car because it was working and he got scared and I told him to get back in… because I knew he would do it all over again the next day and I couldn’t have him live the way he was living anymore I couldn’t do it I wouldn’t let him.”

    1.How did Conrad Roy III kill himself?

    2.What did the prosecutor want to charge Michelle with?

    3.What did Joseph Cataldo say about Micchelle’s text messages?

    4.Do you think it was right for Michelle’s text messages to be read? Did it take away any of her rights or amendments?

    5.Do you think Michelle was right to encourage her boyfriend in his decision?

  34. Tyler Frederick
    The modern horrors of India's ancient injustice:
    This article is about the unfair treatment to the to the lower classes of India's society. The upper class is treating the lower class terrible by punishing them terribly for things they do. One lower class family's house was burned down and two babies were killed and the mother was left in critical condition. Another incident is two girls fled there village after they were ruled to be raped and paraded naked because of their brothr's actions. A group of powerful Indian women are traveling through the United States in effort to be seen and heard. They are drawing attention to the unfair treament towards the lower class.
    1. What does Dalit mean?
    2. Who called the Indian caste system "the great project of unseeing"?
    3. Who are the lowest of the four ancient classes?
    4. How old were the two children that were killed in the house fire?
    5. Do you think the women traveling through the United States are goingto be able to make a difference to this unfair treatment? Why?

  35. Brianna Ashcraft
    This article was about women and men's pay regulations. This has been going on for a while. Women want equal pay for them as what the men get. In California they just recently passed a law saying that businesses have to explain or prove that the higher salaries paid to their male employees are for reasons other than their sex. Men often think that it isn't a big deal because they are not affected by it because they are male, so they do not think about the situation if they we're a female. This article shows how important it is for women and men to have equal pay rights.
    1.) What state just recently passed a law about equal pay rights?
    2.) Did President Obama take the time to address the gender pay inequalities when he came into power?
    3.) Who was Noreen Farrell?
    4.) Should California have passed the equal pay regulation in their state at the time after their was already an act in place for the country?
    5.) Do you believe that this topic of equal pay rights needs to be heard about more?

  36. Holly McDonough

    The article I read was about Muslim women in America. Many still discriminate against Muslims being in America. Malala Yousafazai, however was said to be the most influential person in the world. Only two Muslims are shown in the media because that is how the media wants them shown. The media often takes the stories and twists it so all you hear is what they want you to hear.

    What did Ann Coulter say regarding Muslim women?
    Why do you think so few Muslims are portrayed in the media?
    Who was said to be the most influential person in a magazine?
    Do you think Malala was the most deserving of that title and explain why or why not?
    How did the Muslim women overcome oppression?

  37. Destini Erwin
    This article a woman named Olivia has an obesity problem. She weighed 440 pounds and she is a 47 year old woman who is stuck in her parents basement. She had always been made fun of for her weight. When she was 12, she weighed 180 pounds. She dropped out of school because of bullying and was one of the handful of Hispanics. One time she even tried to take her life by taking a handful of pain killers but her twin sister called the paramedics. After that she devoted her life to become 180 again. Right now she lives in Texas with her brother and weighs 256. When she grew up, she lived in an abusive home where her stepdad hit them and she was sexually abused at the age of 7 by a cousin. She grew up in Cicero, Ill. 3 years ago her house flooded and that's when she took the pills and her twin sister saved her. She was unconscious when the medics got there. They saved her. She has lost 233 pounds.
    1. Who saved Olivia from killing herself?
    2. How much did she weigh before losing anything?
    3. How long ago did the flood happen?
    4. Where did she love growing up?
    5. Should she lose anymore or is she at a good weight for what she was? Why?

  38. Erica Ramsey

    This article is about this women from Afghanistan who is speaking out on the treatment of women and girls in her home country. This woman goes by the name of Tahmeena Faryal, a fake name she created so she can remain anonymous. Faryal speaks out about a trial that happened many years ago that a woman's as killed for killing her husband in self defense from him abusing her. Faryal also tells the public about how the conditions are for women in Afghanistan and how the RAWA is helping them.

    1. What is the RAWA?
    2. Why did the taliban say she should be killed?
    3. What happens to women if they wear make up or show their ankles?
    4. Do you think that the punishment that the members of the RAWA are getting are worth what their cause is?
    5. Should the U.S. or any other nation should have stepped on by now and have gotten these women out of these situation, or should we just stand back and watch it happen?


  39. My article is about a huge barrier that has been broken in the world of autism. For a very long time children with autism have been labelled off as nonverbal if they weren’t speaking by the age of four. Many cases have now proven that children are becoming verbal well into their elementary years or even teenage years. They discovered that children with a higher IQ and lower social impairment are more likely to become verbal. This breakthrough was major because it gives a sense of hope and security to the families with autistic children.
    1 Where is the Center for Autism and Related Disorders located at?
    2 What two factors could help predict whether a child would become verbal or not?
    3 Who is Geraldine Dawson?
    4 Why do you think that many people put such a low age on autistic children gaining comprehensive verbal abilities?
    5 Do you feel that by elevating the age range for autistic children to become verbal could cause families to receive a sense of false hope?

  40. Lizzie Shaw
    This article begins with a women telling her story of when she tried to turn to a close friend about her being raped. Women are so often told that rape istheir own fault, because they were drinking or wearing scandalous clothes. The Author started a debate around rape culture on Twitter after reading an article in Time that downplayed sexual assault. She started the hashtag asking people to give examples of rape culture and it sparked an international discussion. She included a statement at the end that concluded why people tend to deny that rape is a prominent issue.
    1. What was the hashtag that trended on twitter about rape culture?
    2. What is the statistic for women surviving rape or attempted rape in the U.S?
    3. What is the quote that opens up the article that was said to the author when she came forward about her being raped?
    4. At the end of the first paragraph, what did the Author define rape culture as?
    5. Victims who come forward with their stories of sexual abuse are often asked what they were wearing, or if they were drinking. Rape culture is a culture where rape is normal,and victims are blamed for their abuse. Do you think America today has become a rape culture? How can we prevent future sexual abuse?

  41. Jessica Elwood
    This article is about how a retired US Army officer has had effects from the army. Tom responded to a drop of a spoon by attacking his son. After that they sent him to get help. He came back 3 months later from treatment, Tom said "Treatment can't fix what has been done". His son Will says he still reacts to things but not as bad. Tom had to overcome this for his wife Hannah and his son Will. Tom said " It's a choice to get better". That's what he did his family is what kept him from not giving up. He was diagnosed with PTSD (Post Traumatic Syndrome Disorder).
    1. what was his disorder called?
    2. how does Tom feel about what has happened?
    3. How do you think PSTD can affect someone?
    4. How did he react to the drop of a spoon?
    5. Do you think the treatment worked or he did it by himself?

  42. Hallie Grace Hamner

    Historically, ballet is a very "white" art. With ballets such as Swan Lake and Giselle encouraging uniformity and unbroken, clean lines, women of color are often not given the same chance as their white counterparts. One woman who overcame the stigma of being a woman of color in the dance community is Misty Copeland. Over her career, she has been rejected and stereotyped by many companies, all because of the color of her skin. Now, as a principal dancer with the American Ballet Theatre, Misty is putting out a documentary that will immortalize her story as one of the most famous black ballerinas of our time. This documentary is called A Ballerina's Tale, and it will come out in 2016.

    1. What is the name of Misty Copeland's new documentary?
    2. Who is the director of this documentary?
    3. How long did it take to film?
    4. Do you believe that women of color should be given the same opportunity as white women in the ballet world? Explain why.
    5. Explain how dancing might affect someones self esteem.

  43. Jared Snyder
    This article is about the brutality of the Taliban, and the suffering of the women living under them. A women named Tahmeena Faryal started a group or association to help educate and protect the women there. The women helping in RAWA have been interviewed and held speakings to let people know about the Taliban. They have even secretly videoed the whipping and execution of women.
    1. Who exactly Tahmeena Faryal?
    2. What is the groups official name?
    3.What are some things that refer to being whipped?
    4. Where is the group of 2,000 located?
    5. What secret things did the group established to help young girls?

  44. Kenna Eldridge

    Activists are delivering illegal abortion pills across Germany.They are attempting to repeal the 8th Amendment. The Socialist Party’s Rosa campaign group is the group delivering these pills illegally to Germans. The bus they are on will stop at certain locations to hold protests against not being able to have the pill. To take the pill, all the women have to do is have an online consultation with a doctor.

    1. What is the name of the group distributing these pills?
    2. which Act states that any person found guilty of “intentionally destroy[ing] unborn human life” is liable to a fine or imprisonment for up to 14 years.
    3. who stated that, “abortion extremists” were “playing fast and loose with women’s lives”.
    4. Do you believe what these groups should sell these pills illegally in Germany?
    5. Do you believe in abortion?

  45. This article is about a cheerleading gym. This gym has been through oppression because the cheer gym started off as a little gym with not very much cheerleaders. The gym overcame this by getting bought by the ACE cheerleading company. ACE is the largest gym company in the world. This is because there is more than 14 ACE gyms located every where.
    1. Why did this gym get bought by ACE?
    2. Who is the main owner of the gym?
    3. Why did this gym struggle through oppression in the beginning?
    4. What was their name before getting bought by ACE?
    5. Do you think being a part of the biggest gym in the world would be a exciting activity to participate in?
    Natalie Neubert 5th

  46. Avery Thomas
    The people in Zimbabwe are being oppressed by their president, Robert G. Mugabe. He has forced his only opponent in the next election to withdraw and hide in the Dutch Embassy. It is impossible for there to be a free and fair election, so other countries are talking about coming in with military force to isolate Mugabe politically and economically, so he will agree to a fair election. The only way, however, for this oppression to be ended is for the Zimbabweans to fix it themselves.
    1. Who is the current president of Zimbabwe?
    2. How has he fixed the election?
    3. Who is Zimbabwe’s powerful neighbor?
    4. Do you think only the Zimbabweans can fix this? Why?
    5. What could outside nations do to help?

  47. Arianna Taylor

    The article I read is about black racism oppression and justice for Sandra Bland. The author believes that United States citizens overlook police brutality against African American people. The author also includes that we all go around saying "racism no longer exists" and "The United States is a free country" just because we have a black president, but out there in the world racism still is happening, and it is happening through police brutality. Sandra Bland, an African American woman was found hung inside her jail cell after she was pulled over by the police for "inproper use of turn signals". As citizens of the United States, we should all stand up to fight the police brutality against African American citizens.

    1. How does the author feel toward police brutality?
    2. How does the author use Kendall Jenner and Iggy Azalea in the article?
    3. How does the author feel toward the Sandra Bland case?
    4. How does police brutality towards African American people make you feel?
    5. Do you believe that Sandra Bland's case was absurd or that the whole scenario is invalid? Explain.

  48. KaRon Coleman Jr.
    No IRS official would face criminal charges arising from a controversy of the processing of applications for tax-exempt status. They decided that no one did anything bad on political motives, and they found no evidence that they did. Because of it, the Justice Department canceled all investigations on the issue and all related issues.
    1. Will Lois Lerner face criminal charges?
    2. What happened in the firestorm two years ago?
    3. How do you think they mean't when the federal investigators said "she expressed her personal political views?
    4. Why and how did Lerner use "poor judgement"?
    5. There were many reasons why Lois Lerner wasn't charged with criminal charges. What do you think is the best reason why? Explain.

  49. This article is about gun control. It seems like every week there is a new mass shooting in the United states. There is a big need in the US for a answer to these huge problems. Presidents have tried to find answers, citizens, and others too. So there are some arguments of taking away guns as a whole, partially, or with a license only. What do you think?

    1. According to the article, what does it say the 4th amendment is?
    2. Who pledged 50 million dollars to address gun control issues?
    3.What does the article say is the first amendment?
    4. There are many views on gun control, what is yours?
    5. Would you use a gun for protection? Why or why not?


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