Friday, October 16, 2015

Friday, October 16

AP Language and Composition
Students wrote an argumentative essay in class today about the dangers of comedic censorship.

Homework:  Students need to finish 1984 this weekend.  They also need to buy their copy of Franz Kafka's Metamorphosis by Monday, November 2.

Pre-AP English 9
Students began their research presentations in class today.

Reading the Bible as Literature
We continued our study of the Patriarchs in class today.

1 comment:

  1. Abby Nelson
    The article i read talked about not only one person who overcame adversity, but a few known celebrities who had overcome adversity in their lives. First, it talked about how Ashley Judd was abused by many men in her life and had to rely on her mother to help her achieve her goals. Someone who was in a similiar situation was Allen Iverson as the article said he grew up in a single-prent environment and had a hard time staying out of trouble. Next, was Shia LaBeouf who grew up in poverty and had to sell hot dogs to help his family. He tried to overcome his family issues by becoming an actor, and he did so. There was also Tyler Perry and Oprah Winfrey who both overcame different kinds of abuse in their life to be where they are now. Albert Einstein even had problems as a child, and his parents were worried about his slow development. Someone that went through different struggles was Mark Wahlberg who was a drug addict, but changed when he was older and said he never wanted his children to have a childhood like he had. Last talked about was eminem, who grew up being bullied; and Drew Barrymore, who struggled going to clubs when she was very young. These are some of the few people who have overcome adversity when they were younger and finally got to live a better life.
    1.) What did Shia LaBeouf have to do to make money for his family?
    2.) What was something that surprised you when you heard some things that had gone on in these celebrities lives?
    3.) How do you think these people were able to overcome adversity so they could have a better life? Do you think they could have done anything differently?
    4.) Who were the people who had to grow up with just one parent really involved in their lives?
    5.) Do you think you would have been able to overcome some of these struggles that people went through?


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