Monday, February 24, 2014

Ninth Grade Current Events Blog for Week of February 24

Read the following news article:;_ylt=AwrTWfyEXAlTqFkAEWLQtDMD

Answer the following questions:
1. Who is Henrique Capriles?
2. Who is Leopoldo Lopez?  What does he have to do with the current protests happening in Venezuela?
3. When did the current political turmoil begin? (What date?)
4. The article states that many of the protestors, especially the ones taking the brunt of the violence, are students from local universities.  It seems to be a pattern that students, especially college students, are at the center of many revolutions around the world.  Why do you think that this is so?


  1. Marie Doyle
    1. A two-time presidential candidate urging on and rallying protesters.
    2. He was a protest leader who was recently jailed. His arrest angered many of the protesters.
    3.February 12th
    4. College students have much less to lose. They don't have families and their responsibilities are much smaller, so they can protest without having to worry about the repercussions. Also, college students love to feel a part of something, and feel like they are doing things that matter. Protests make them feel awesome, and bring about change and new ideas, so it is a win-win for everybody.

  2. -Ava Travis
    1. Henrique Cariles is a two-time presidential candidate.
    2. Lopez was a protester. He roused the opposition was the defeat in the mayors election.
    3. February 12th
    4. I think the college students are at the center of it is because their generation is going to be the one most effected by it. They also have different ways they think the government should be run in order to help them and the upcoming generation.

  3. Gabby Traywick, 1st
    Henrique Capriles is a two-time presidential candidate who told citizens to urge the government to resolve inflation based problems. Leopoldo Lopez is a risky mayor of Caracas, Lopez is involved in the current protests because he, takes to the streets instead of helping the poor. The current state of inflation started on February 12th by opposition marches. I believe that youth is protesting because they realize what happens now is their future and will affect them in their lifetime and already is.

  4. Henrique Capriles is a Man who urges supporters to keep pressuring the government of Venezuela and solve problems in the government. Leopoldo Lopez is a man who has been jailed by the Venezuelan government because he proclaimed protests after a defeat in the December elections prior to last Saturday when this political turmoil began. It seems to be that college students are at the center of revolutions around the world, I believe that this could be because of young people's desire to have a better functioning government and strong economy for the overall future of themselves.
    -Brandon Appling

  5. Hannah Glasscock
    1. A two-time presidential candidate
    2. A fiery hard-liner and because the government jailed him and he is the one who roused the opposition.
    3. Febuary 12th
    4. I think that its because they are always involved in things around the world and because they always think that what they are talking about is right when really it can be wrong.

  6. Claudiamartin
    #1-Henrique capriles is a two time presidental candidate

  7. Claudoamartin
    #2-Leopoldo Lopez is a fiery hard-liner who roused and opposition along with its defeat... he has been said to take it to the streets and was jailed and had a least ten people killed or.injured..

  8. Claudiamartin
    #3- the current political turmoil bagan February 12th

  9. Claudiamartin
    #4- I think that its mostley the college or just students protesting and are at the center of revoluytins because they probably understand but don't understand the full process of everything going on..

  10. 1.) A 2 time presidential candidate
    2.) A hard-liner who brought out the opposition following its defeat in December's mayoral elections, and dozens of other student activists.
    3.)February 12
    4.) I think that is so because they're now realizing that this is their future that is being toiled with, and they don't want to live in a world where they cannot do what they want to do, or prevented from doing it. They want a good economy that allows them to do what their heart tells them to do, and doing something they love. They're taking a stand for their own future.
    -Tanner Bramlett

  11. Henrique Capriles is a two time presidential candidate. Leopoldo Lopez is a activist he helped lead protests in Venenzuela which led to his arrest. The current political turmoil began on February 12. The young people want to make things better for the years ahead of them. If it means protesting so be it.
    ~Taylor Burge

  12. Nikhil Singh

    Henrique Capriles is a two time presidential candidate, who is against
    the current government of Ukraine. Leopoldo Lopez is a hard-liner who arose
    opposition of the government and was jailed. The current political turmoil began
    on February 12 with huge protest marches in Venezuela. Students are at the
    center of revolutions because they want to revolt against wrong, so when they
    grow up they can live in a better world.

  13. Taryn Dockery
    Henrique Capriles is the 41 year-old two-time presidential candidate of Caracas, Venezuela. Leopoldo Lopez is a major part in the protests going on. He was put in jail. He has instigated a lot of the violence. Everything started February 12 of this year with a march. I think it is because college students are very opinionated. Most are just beginning to form opinions on current events all over the world. They want to show everyone that their opinions really do matter.

  14. Henrique Capriles is a two time presidential candidate for the president of Caracas, Venezuela. Leopoldo Lopez is a man who was in jail and he is someone who aroused opposition following the defeat of a protest. He has something to do with the protests today because he is one of the men who aroused one of the first protests. The current political turmoil began February 12th. College students are probably more active in revolutions around the world because they want better for their children, who are the next generation and now that they have more means than they did say 50 years ago.
    -Jordan Tatum

  15. Henrique Capriles is a two-time presidential canidate who has been urging on protesters in Venezuala. Leopoldo lopez is one of the major protesters who has been jailed.Lopez has roused many students to protest. The present conflicts started on Febuary 12th with opposition matches that left three people dead. Younger generations are more open to revolutionary ideas than adults.
    ~Blake E. Lockridge

  16. Kayla Compton
    1) a two time presidential candidate
    2)a man involved in the protests who roused the oppositions
    3) Feb. 12th
    4) because college students bring on a wave of new thinking, which help fuel revolutions

  17. 1. A two time presidential candidate
    2. Leopold Lopez was the person who roused the opposition
    3. Saturday
    4. Since they're in college and are currently the new generation they have the most power to make a change and see something that's wrong unlike the people who grew up with that view.

    Demetrius Smith

  18. 1. A Venezuelan politician who opposes Maduro
    2. A politician who violently opposed the government after losing an election. He is organizing and leading these protests
    3. February 12
    4. They want a better worlds for their and generation and the one after them. They want an equal chance of freedom.

    -Luke Yarbrough

  19. Grace Glasscock
    1. A two time presidential candidate
    2. A fiery hard- liner: The government jailed him and he is the one who roused the opposition
    3. February 12th
    4. They are always involved in things around the world, and because they always think what they are talking about is right

  20. Abby Ingle
    1.He is a two-time presidential candidate who is encouraging the protestors to pressure the government to solve their problems.
    2. Leopoldo Lopez is a student activist that is protesting the government
    3.It began on February 12.
    4. They are the center of the revolutions because it affects their future- jobs, families, everything.

  21. Jordan Moore
    1. Henrique Capriles is a two-time presidential candidate that urged protesters to keep pressuring the government.
    2. Leopoldo Lopez was jailed by the government. He roused the opposition following the December mayoral elections.
    3. February 12th
    4. most college students have just been able to get into the world of politics and want their voice to be heard.

  22. 1. two-time presidential candidate
    2. a fiery hard-liner who roused the opposition when the government jailed him
    3. feb.12
    4. because many young people have radical ideas about the future they are going to be a part of, and have grown up in a generation where they seek for reform
    Kailie Porter

  23. 1. Two-time presidential candidate.
    2. Hard-liner activist. He was jailed for rousing the opposition following its defeat in December's mayoral elections.
    3. Feb. 12
    4. Because they are the ones growing up in the society and forming it to how they want it to be for them since they will be the ones to live in it. They want what they want.

    Kailee Post

  24. Hannah Jackson
    1.) Herique Capirles is a two-time president candidate that urged supporters to keep pressuring the government to resolve problems thar caused suffering to eastern Caracas.
    2.) A fiery hard-time, he roused the oppositiion following its defeat in December's mayoral elections, and dozens of other student activites.
    3.) Feburary 12
    4. Because students are more likely to believe that it's "okay."

  25. Henrique Capriles is a two-time presidential candidate that urged supporters to keep pressuring the government to resolve problems afflicting the oil-rich nation. Leonardo Lopez is a fiery hard-liner who roused the opposition following its defeat in December's mayoral elections. He has to do with the current protests going on in Venezuela because Capriles criticized Lopez's strategy of taking to the streets without building support among the poor. Lopez was accused of fomenting the violence. The current political turmoil began on February 12. College students are usually at the center of many revolutions because they are just getting out into the world and understanding how things are going. Since they are just figuring it all out, they don't want anything to change because, then, they'll have to start over and learn an entirely different thing.

  26. Kryana Brown
    1) A two-time presidential candidate.
    2) A fiery hard-liner who roused the opposition following its defeat in December's mayoral elections, and dozens of other student activist. He is criticized for the strategy of taking to the streets without building support among the poor.
    3) Feb. 12
    4) They are fighting and protesting for their future while they're young and capable of doing it.
    Kryana Brown

  27. Jane Frances Armour
    Henrique Capriles is a two-time presidential candidate in Venezuela. Leopoldo Lopez is a fiery hard-liner who brought the opposition following its defeat in December's mayoral elections and more student activists. He is also a violent protest leader, when he protests people get hurt. The current political turmoil began on February 12(my birthday lol). College students are at their prime and they are easily persuading and this is the time for them to find who they are and so leaders can take advantage of them and use them for their own help.

  28. 1. two-time presidential candidate
    2. "a fiery hard-liner who roused the opposition" ; he got all the people together for the riots
    3. feburary 12
    4. They are usually the ones with different ideas of the way things should be run and want to break away from "traditional" ways.
    -Dillon Baker

  29. Matthew Sloan
    1) Henrique Capriles is a two-time Presidential candidate.
    2) Leopoldo Lopez is a supporter of the uprising in Venezuela.
    3) The current political turmoil began February 12, 2014.
    4) Because they are young and are open to new ideas and don't like the old order of things.

  30. 1.A two-time presidential candidate.
    2. a hard-liner who started the opposition between the mayoral elections.
    3. February 12th.
    4. I think it is because they are young and don't want to grow up in a way they don't want to live, so they try to change it the way that they want the government and the world to be ran.
    -Abby Cooper

  31. Henrique Capriles is a two-time presidential candidate that urged supporters to keep pressuring the government to resolve problems. Leopoldo Lopez is a fiery hard-liner that roused the opposition which followed the protest's defeat in December's mayoral elections, and dozens of other student activities. The political turmoil began on February 12. I think that students are at the center of many revolutions around the world because they are the ones that are most active in today's society, and in the present world, it seems that these generations are the ones that are becoming more open to the idea of violence.
    -Katelyn Hardy

  32. Henrique Capriles is a two-time presidential candidate from Venezuela who is urging protesters to continue pressuring the government. One of those protesters is Leopoldo Lopez, who was jailed for sparking the movement which began on February 12th. Many students are getting involved in the revolution for the same reason the Bourgeois was involved in the French Revolution; it takes literate and capable minds to tear apart a government these days. Viva Revolution.
    ~John Foster

  33. Henrique Capriles is a two-time presidential candidate who supports the protesters. Leopaldo Lopez was a protest leader who got put in jail. The current political turmoil in Venezuela was started on February 13, 2014. I think that college students often end up at the center of revolutions because they are educated and can see the harm that oppression does, they are old enough to go out to protests, andare young enough that they are actually willing to go to protests.
    John McDonough

  34. Peyton Ochoa -
    1. Henrique Capriles is a critic Lopez's ideas, a possible canadite for election as mayor.
    2. Leopoldo Lopez is the main leader against Henrique along with dozen of other activist against Capriles.
    3.Febuary 12, 2014
    4. The leeaders ideas are ideal to that class of people, they probably feel as if he's not running their city the way they want it to be ran.

  35. Abby Nelson-
    Henrique Capriles is someone who was criticizing the strategy of the things going on in the streets. Leopoldo Lopez had a strategy of going into the streets without building support of the poor. He is basically the one with the ideas of the things in the streets. This began on February 12, 2014. I think this is so because college students now think they have a mind of their own and want to speak up.

  36. 1. Henrique Capriles is a Venezuelan politician/lawyer and from 2000-2008 was the mayor of Baruta municipality.
    2. Leopoldo Lopez is a fiery hard-liner who roused the opposing side. Because of him and the fact that he roused the opposing side 10 people from each side are dead and more than 100 people have been injured.
    3. The political turmoil began February 12.
    4. College students are the cause of these revolutions because they are young and haven't really experienced the world. Therefore they have ideas of how it can be better and those ideas push them to react to the world in this way.
    Victoria Jones

  37. 1. He ran for president in Ukraine
    2. He is a student activist, he participated in the protest.
    3. I did not see a specific date
    4. Because people are finally speaking out about their beliefs and feelings.
    Destinee Ferrell

  38. mills harrison
    1. two time president canadet
    2.he was astudent activets and because he was jailed
    3.feb 12
    4. because they are young and crazy and think they know every thing but they think they can fix everything


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