Sunday, January 25, 2015

AP Language and Composition Current Events Blog for Week of January 26

Read the following article:

Answer the following questions that are related to the article:

1. Describe the new technology that elicited the writing of this article.
2. How does the author of the piece portray the current role technology plays in our lives?
3. The author claims that he is not nostalgic about days without modern technology, but does he contradict himself in his writing?  Why or why not?
4. How does the author use the show Black Mirror to underscore his argument?
5. Do you agree with, disagree with, or qualify the author's opinion about technology.  To receive credit for your response, explain your stance using a personal, first-hand account you have had with technology's influence over your life or the lives of those around you.


  1. Jon Owens

    1. The new technology is a set of goggles created by Microsoft that some how "superimposes" an operating system on our world (only seen through the glasses though).
    2. He portrays this piece of technology as not healthy for our lives, almost like its some type of evil.
    3. He doesnt really contradict himself, hes just trying to connect with the reader and to get them to understand his stand point on technology that is sucking us into a situation that might 'crash our plane into the ground', so to speak.
    4. He uses the show to bring up certain questions and to help the reader realize that we could be falling victim to a simple piece of technology.
    5. I qualify the authors opinion. I understand where hes going with the whole situation, trying to help us realize that we're being taken over by technology. That is partially true, we choose to condemn and appease certain items. Like cell phones. My mother swears that im a slave to my cell phone, when in reality i control when i want to get on my phone or when i text back to others. I might even choose to get on Instagram or Twitter or Vine. You want to know why? Because i CHOOSE to. Bottom line, youre only a slave to the things you let take hold of you.

  2. Carrie-Grace Gardino
    1. The new technology that was presented was the announcement of Windows unleashing a new technology called Hololens.
    2. He portrays technology as taking over people's lives. For example, he says children are only taught to pay attention long enough to greet someone, then go directly back to their phones or screens in their pockets. He also shows that now people have to have another device to accompany the one they are watching.
    3. No, I do not think he contradicts himself in this article. I think in the world we live in today everyone has become accustom to technology or some form of it and there is no way to live completely without it, as in the days before technology. I think the author feels there should be less of it, but not completely without it.
    4. The author uses Black Mirror to underscore his argument by demonstrating the role technology plays in the lives of the characters. He also uses Black Mirror to show where technology will eventually be headed.
    5. I qualify with the authors argument. I think that technology is becoming more and more apart of the daily lives of people. Almost everything is accessible through technology. For example, I use technology everyday. I use technology in school, for entertainment, a way of communication, and social media. A productive way that I use technology is for checking my grades and communicating between teachers and my parents. Another way technology is also used in my life that is not as productive is entertainment and social media. While I do think technology is a great source for communication and can be very useful in many ways, I think it has started to dictate people's lives. It has developed a society that text instead of direct communication. It has created new kinds of bullying. It has created online dating, and so on. I do agree with the authors opinion that technology dictates people's lives, but I also think it's is a productive resource that can also be used.

  3. Jessica Lewis
    1. Microsoft's new "hololense" is augmented reality glasses. Their purpose is to superimpose virtual objects and environments onto the real world for our viewing. They potentially also allow us to control the virtual environment using hand gestures.
    2. The author portrays current technology as helpful and useful but overused and addictive. He also sees augmented and virtual reality as being too much.
    3. The author claims that he doesn't feel nostalgic about the 'good old days' however he then goes on to talk about his children coming over and he worries they will be bored but now they only look up long enough to say hello then go back to their phones. This is mildly contradictory as he is claiming he is unbiased about change being bad but the mannerism in which he writes about how stuff used to be to how it is now hints at slight distaste in how things have changed.
    4. The author uses the TV show "Black Mirror" to underscore his argument by drawing comparisons between the show and where how reality is heading in an attempt to give his concerns validation.
    5. I can't really take sides; I can relate to both the practical and usefulness of modern day technology, but it can be overused. From my point of view, technology has opened various doors of opportunity. I've even stumbled across people halfway across the world whom I can trust more than someone sitting in a desk across from me. Admittedly, technology like the internet and video games have drawn me away from the rest of the world- so it can be debatable whether such things have has a positive, negative, or even neutral impact on my life.

  4. Ashby Shelley
    1. New Hololens glasses that basically makes things come to life through glasses.
    2. We are screen obsessed people, and it controls us.
    3. Kinda. He says he doesn't miss it but that tehnology has way too much control on our everyday lives.
    4. Because Black Mirror asks where is all of this technology taking us too, and that the life in the show is about to hit us right where we are.
    5. I qualify the authors opinion on technology. I agree because technology has taken over way too much of our everyday lives, but its how people use it. I have to say that I don't think that the "Black Mirror" will come to life right where we are, but I think if we aren't careful technology will overcome us.

    1. The new technology is a pair of lens that you wear like glasses, that allows you to see both the world you live in and the technology world.
    2. He portrays technology to be as if it is becoming a bad thing instead of good.
    3. Yes. He contradicts himself by in the beginning stating how much of a bemefit technology is but then claiming this generation is full of idiots because of it.
    4. He uses the show to show how technology could become a bad thing by giving people senarios on what could happen in the future.
    5. Honestly, I can not really tell what the authors opinion is, but I think he is trying to say he does not think technology is very good. If this is the case I have to disagree with him. Technology has only been a benefit for me. If I do not understand something in class I am able to use technology to help me. This biggest benefit of technology is the education it can provide us with if you use it correctly. Although, some people do use technology inappropriately, such as bullying or not having any real human interaction except for the internet. Although some people do abuse the benefits of technology it is a helpful resource for everyone. It does not only help us in education but can help us catch up with old friends or being able to see the weather in advance.

  6. Will Larsen

    1. Microsoft Hololens that creates a virtual reality in your house

    2. It consumes the lives of many and this would just add to that.

    3. He watches a tv show on netflix to compare and talks about buying gloves on amazon

    4. He claims that in the series people are consumed with virtual reality kind of like he predicts this will.

    5. The Author has an agenda to make it seem like technology is evil and yet the Author claims to be able to enjoy life without it even though he is using technology to write his story watch Netflix and have research to even make this article have facts. People make claims like these all the time and often fail. Touchscreen Phones consume the lives of people around Hillcrest High School especially Iphones which have major flaws. Technology has made my life easier to be able to answer this question to you then do a worksheet based on the information of a subjective newspaper. As far as this specific piece of technology this will not consume peoples lives because A: the headset will make people look like Sci FI nerds B; It will most likely be abundantly expensive to where no one will want to purchase it.

  7. Jordan Twilley
    1. The new technology that elicited the writing of this article is Microsoft's HoloLens. The HoloLens is a pair of goggles that puts holograms over what we actually see.
    2. The author portrays technology's role in our everyday lives as saddening. The author says that technology is useful, but we are relying on it too much, and the author relates it to a TV series called "Black Mirror."
    3. The author does contradict himself in his article. Towards the beginning of his article, he claims he does not want to go backwards and not have technology at all because he himself also has several devices that were made in our technological advancement; however, he later complains about how our human race "has gotten to the point where even our distractions require distractions." The author also states, "children are made to look up long enough to greet me, then they resume interacting with the screens in their hands." Both of these examples are controversial because the author is complaining about what are race has turned into with technology apart of our lives, and yet he claims he does not miss the times where technology was not in our lives. If he did not want to go back where technology was not evident in our lives, then he would not of made the article in the first place because it would be seemingly pointless.
    4. The author uses the TV series "Black Mirror" to emphasize his argument by comparing our lives now to the show. He talks about how the show is a dystopian environment and how the show's negative effects and world "is just one click away from the one in front of us." The author says that "Black Mirror" is our future if we do not stop relying on technology so much.
    5. I agree with the author to an extent. Our advancement of technology has positives and negatives to it just like most things in life have. For example, students can go online and use a textbook for their class rather than either buying one or lugging the heavy thing around all day, but the same students can easily get distracted since their computer is not strictly for educational purposes. It is a matter of self-discipline. In my life I see students everyday relying on technology too much. I would much rather handwrite notes, look through an actual textbook, and read a hardcopy of a book than rely on my phone, tablet, laptop, etc. The problem here is we are becoming distracted and not learning as much in our schools due to technology. Education is how we made the technology we have today, and I feel like if we begin to use it in excessive amounts we will not develop social skills nor the intelligence to further our advancement in technology.

  8. Lizzie Walker
    Read the following article:

    Answer the following questions that are related to the article:

    1. HoloLens were invented by Microsoft. They are a set of goggles that superimposes the operating system of the physical environment.
    2. How does the author of the piece portray the current role technology plays in our lives? She is a little creeped out by the advances in technology. She feels that reality is threatened.
    3. The author claims that he is not nostalgic about days without modern technology, but does he contradict himself in his writing? Why or why not? He does contradict himself because he says he does not want to go back to a time without technology and and has the latest electronics, yet he says that technology is threatening civilization.
    4. He explains how the show has realistic scenarios for future technology and is not some dystopian future. He uses it to show what could realistically happen in the near future.
    5. I do agree that technology can pose a threat in the near future, but as of right now nothing seems threatening. Technology has influenced my life in both positive and negative ways. It has made learning much easier. Instead of spending hours looking for something in a book or in a library, I can just get on the Internet and Google it. However, it is extremely negative in that I can't seem to go anywhere without my phone. Every free second I get I'm checking Twitter or Instagram. I have also observed that I'm not the only in who does this- even my parents are glued to their phones like I am. Having a smartphone that is capable of so much often takes away my need for social interaction; instead of starting a conversation with someone in a room to pass time, I will just keep my eyes glued to my phone.

  9. Cameron Stone
    Microsoft's HoloLens which can project an image of something to where you can see it in the real world and it looks 3-D.
    The author believes technology plays too big of a role in our everyday lives.
    Yes, because he continues to talk about how everything was before everyone had a smartphone and how people actually made friends, talked to people, and interacted with something other than their phones.
    The author uses Black Mirror as an example of what society can become with all of this technology and how it can affect us.
    I would have to agree with the author in the fact that technology can affect society, but it also has great benefits. Technology has influenced my life in the fact that I'm on my phone a lot and watch TV late at night but it has also helped me because my truck allows me to get where I want to go quickly. The lives around me have been affected by the fact that people at school are almost constantly on their phones and most notes and other school activities are done on a computer.

  10. Kali Sturgis
    1. The new technology that elicited the writing of this article is a set of goggles called the HoloLens that allows one to use the operating system on the actual world.
    2. The author portrays technology as an intellectual helper but also as a distraction from reality.
    3. I don't think he contradicts himself because it's not like he is saying technology is completely terrible, he's just saying that it's gotten to a point where it hinders social interactions if you allow yourself to become completely immersed within it.
    4. He uses the show to underscore his argument by showing that many of us are beginning to use technology as a support station instead of actually going out and experiencing the world first-hand. It implicates that we are all just "watching" instead of "doing".
    5. I agree with the author's opinion because, as sad as it is to say, people today are never satisfied with just the simple things in life. People are continually trying to improve our current reality because to many it is considered too insufficient to distract or entertain us. Now I'm not saying technology is completely terrible because I am extremely grateful that majority of my questions can be answered by the click of a button, but I also notice that instead of enjoying a day outside or a calm evening to myself, my phone has to be by my side always. Unfortunately, nowadays, technology, which is supposed to increase social interactions amongst people one cannot reach easily, hinders our social interactions amongst people we are able to communicate with on a daily basis and completely immerses us in a world where self-value is based on how many likes or favorites one can receive instead of us enlightening ourselves by venturing out and experiencing what reality has and has been offering us.

  11. Abigail Long
    1. The "HoloLens" created by microsoft that are a pair of goggles that overlay a computer screen onto your actual surroundings, thus making your computer screen and actual environment mesh.
    2. he says it is of the utmost importance and all of us need, not just one, but multiple screens to keep us satisfied.
    3. no he doesnt because while he makes statements about how modern society relies so much on it he never says that it is necessarily a bad thing or that he doesnt believe in it.
    4. he uses to make a point that society's need for technology has become so bad that a satirical show was created just for the purpose of exposing the harsh new reality and new struggles dealt with as a result of technology advancement.
    5. i agree with him in the fact that it has kind of taken over our lives because as I'm sitting here typing this i am doing so while simultaneously being on my computer, texting/on social media, and watching tv. and i also agree that while it is very cool and neat to see how technology has advanced so much to the new HoloLens im not sure how necessary it actually is and dont seee why I need something that will do what i can already do on my smartphone and computer just in a different way.

  12. Maya Turner
    1. Goggles from Windows that use holographic in the real world.
    2.He portrays technology as a factor that is slowly taking over our lives.
    3.Yes, because he says that the new technology freaks him out, especially the way he believes technology is slowly taking over our society.
    4. The show is about technology and how it affects us. It reflects on who we are becoming through that.
    I qualify about technology because although it is needed basically for everything in our lives, it is also bad because it causes us to not even be in reality. Technology has totally affected my life because my cousins who lived in California were in a car accident because the other person was drinking and driving. In the result of that, one of my cousins died while one stayed in the hospital for weeks and had to go through physical therapy. That was a big eye-opener for me about technology and I realized how it really affected your lives and those around you. But technology is still needed in in everyday society basically for it to even continue. From your alarm in the morning to your notes to go to the grocery store and to your GPS to get to a new place.

  13. Caitlin Lavender
    1.HoloLens is a set of goggles that is able to make the people wearing them seem like they are in a totally new environment.
    2.he says that its heartening.
    3.yes because he says that Microsoft is starting to freak him.
    4.because that show come to his mind when he saw the live demonstration of the HoloLens and he said that it reminded him of that show mainly because the series uses technology as a way to reflect on who we are becoming in the increasingly screen-infested environments we move through.
    5.i think that technology is coming to the point to where its not safe anymore. people can access other people's tablet just by having the same kind of tablet and they can break into your tablet and steal all your secrets and tell the whole world all about your secrets. people can also spy on other people just by having the exact same tablet that they do.And all they would need to have is your e-mail address.

  14. Drew Forrester
    1st period

    1.) The technology is a Microsoft product called HoloLens that will be glasses with holographic-like properties such as the kind seen in sci-fi movies.
    2.) The author of the article portrays technology as an enhancement to our lives that can easily be used for worse things.
    3.) He kind of contradicts himself in his writing in that he talks about how "Black Mirror" scares him about technology.
    4.) The author uses Black Mirror to show that technology is advancing more and more and that yes it is a good and marvelous thing, but it does have some drawbacks.
    5.) I qualify the author's stance; I agree that technology is great but I disagree when he says that people are always glued to some screen or another. Yes, there is a few who are, but when I go to public places, I see couples talking, friends joking around, people reading, or just walking. Not everyone is addicted.

  15. Sarah Snyder
    1. HoloLens, you can see another environment through a set of goggles.
    2. Our lives have everything to do with technology, and he thinks it is a scary thing.
    3. Yes because he still has strong feelings toward technology whether they are good or bad, in this case bad.
    4. To show that anyone who has technology and is like the show states. Anyone who has electronic devices are looking on a screen most of their day and not paying attention to their real life and how technology had a toll on us.
    5. I agree with the author in a way but also disagree. People always have their phones or tablets out distracting them from their lives in reality. I think it makes kids, and teenagers see things out in the world sometimes that they should not see; and it is not hard to access with a click of a button. Also with social media, people say things that could get them in trouble or hurt someone else. Also with social media, some teens become addicted to seeing what everyone is doing, who can look the best in one picture, and who has the most followers and likes. I know from own experiences how you cant wait until you can get a chance just to see what others are doing, but it is a good way to keep in contact from dstant family and friends. Technology is very helpful in many other ways. Like to help with homework or schooling. Anyway someone looks at this, positively or negatively, you cant deny that this generation is built on technology.

  16. 1. Describe the new technology that elicited the writing of this article.
    2. How does the author of the piece portray the current role technology plays in our lives?
    That our lives have been enriched by the internet
    3. The author claims that he is not nostalgic about days without modern technology, but does he contradict himself in his writing? Why or why not?
    Yes, because he talks of TV shows that he must have watched
    4. How does the author use the show Black Mirror to underscore his argument?
    He claims that Black Mirror is a show that portray everyday life and its something that is real because nothing is ever secret anymore.
    5. Do you agree with, disagree with, or qualify the author's opinion about technology. To receive credit for your response, explain your stance using a personal, first-hand account you have had with technology's influence over your life or the lives of those around you.
    I agree and I also disagree(which means I qualify). I agree because our generation now takes technology to another level. Its to the point we can not live without a phone and also 10 year old children have brand new smartphones and that was not possible when I was younger. But I also disagree because we need technology. Without technology our world would not be our world today. I believe that technology has a huge impact on me. I have to have my phone or it feels like I have lost a best friend. I also love my car, without my car I don't know what I'd do. And last TV REALITY SHOWS ARE MY FAVORITE.I never miss an episode. The intensity of watching TV shows are real.

  17. Trent Ray
    1. Microsoft has created technology called HoloLenses and they basically project the virtual world into the real world. By looking through the goggles, one would see what is on their screen as a hologram in real life.
    2. The author says that technology is very important and useful in everyday life, but it is too important and takes up too much of our life according to him.
    3. I think he does when he talks about how people are constantly on their "screens" even and especially when it is not necessary. He seems bothered by this which makes him seem a little nostalgic.
    4. He uses the show to do this because the show is about his argument. He is arguing that people spend too much time on their "screens" and are too dependent on them, and the show shows instances in which technology is used for evil.
    5. I disagree with the author but only slightly. I do think people are on their phones too much nowadays especially children, but I also think that furthering technology is the key to our success as a country and as people in general. Technology is amazing and can be used for good, but it should not consume our daily lives. I use technology everyday and one way it has impacted me is with school. I use the internet to answer questions I have about homework and to look up words or phrases that I do not understand. It is certainly better than using an encyclopedia/dictionary.

  18. Riley Holmes
    1) Goggles called HoLo lens that puts the images into reality.
    2) Its taken over our lives and we no longer look for friends but followers.
    3) A little because he acts opposed to all of the technology around us.
    4) He talks about how it is trying to portray what is happening now into a show.
    5) I believe that technology has taken over peoples lives and needs to be cut back because its ruining some of our social skills. There is a girl i follow on instagram that lives her entire life on the internet to the point where she has ruined her relationship because she cared more about what her followers thought was the truth than what was actually the truth. Social media is made possible through technology. People can no longer leave their house without their phone and I do believe we have become too dependent on it and that it should be cut back before it gets out of hand.

  19. Micaela Tierce 1st
    1.) The article focuses on a project Microsoft is developing called Holo Lens, where everything on the screen becomes three-dimensional and life like even to the extend that you can try stuff on off of Amazon.
    2.) The author portrays it as very dominant, like technology is just an addition to our hands and is used in every single aspect of our lives.
    3.) Some people might take the article as satirical so yes I would say he contradicts himself. A good example of when he contradicts his view on how important life with technology is when he talks about his grandchildren coming over and his fears of them being bored and then they are so busy that they don't even socialize with them. He displays it as good thing and then provides examples that display less than ideal situations like the grandkids visit.
    4.) He refers to this TV show that displays a dystopian society to reference how our world could revolve into if technology use got out of hand. He uses this to provide an example so he can create a logical appeal.
    5.) I disagree, although I do agree that technology somewhat controls our lives I do not agree that we should continue to enable it to do so. There are several things that technology have done to make our lives easier but also several things that add to our stress levels, mental health, and physical health. Plus the technology we have now is no where near perfect so we should work on it before making newer and bigger programs. I mean how many times have computers crashed at school, an online text book not able to be opened, or the 4g on our phones not working? My church recently participated in a fast and I gave up social media for 21 days, and I saw a difference in the way my time was being used. My grades improved, my time was spent doing more important things, and I exercised more often. This taught me that technology should not be a dominant thing in my life and leads me to disagree with the points made in this article. Technology is great, but only in moderation.

  20. Jaida Minor
    1. Microsoft's Hololens superimposes the operating system on actual world
    2. He acts like its a bad thing because he didn't like the way technology revolves around our everyday life. We pay too much attention to it.
    3. Yes, because he says that he doesn't like technology but he still uses it
    4. He says Black Mirror is really showing what life is like today and that technology should be like it
    5. I agree that technology can take over person's life because Twitter, Instagram and other sites are some things I go on EVERYDAY! My phone keeps me updated and sometimes I loose track of important things such as school. But on the other hand it can give you knowledge and updates on present news.

  21. Karen Otts
    1. It is a set of goggles called HoloLens that project holograms onto the things around you.
    2. He shows that everybody uses technology on an everyday basis and most people own multiple technological devices in their homes.
    3. He doesn’t necessarily contradict himself through his writing. He simply states that he is just as guilty as everybody else in the society of today by using technology.
    4. It asks fundamental questions about where this is all headed by hitting us right where we live. Its world is just one click away from the one in front of us.
    5. Today people have become very reliable on technology. I agree completely with what the writer is saying. I use technology daily and I usually have to charge my phone during the day because I’m on it so much. We text and use social media to talk more than anything. I use my phone to check Instagram, emails, grades, Facebook, and then I repeat the process. Most teenagers spend more time on Netflix and YouTube then they do outside and if they are outside they are posting pictures of what they are doing. This time now a days children will go outside only for the perfect “selfie” lighting and they never leave their phones inside.

  22. Amber c. Price

    1.The new technology made by Microsoft that windows was about to be made life like with just a set of goggles called HoloLens which make a physical environment that lays over surfaces where ever you are and make it seem real.

    2.The author portrays that technology is what we use for everything and has took over our lives and it is like we depend on it.

    3.No, the author does not deny the truth about him missing the days without technology because he has four tablets, four remotes and three screens and it shows he enjoys having technology as much as everyone else.

    4.The author uses the show Black Mirror to give examples on how the show gives live examples of how technology has took over our lives. he gives examples to really let people see what he is talking about especially about a women who fell in love with an avatar of her deceased lover. It helps further explain the argument.

    5.I agree with the author technology has a big part in our lives and it is like a drug. I sometimes cannot go without my phone because it is like a drug by i want to always be on my phone to text people and see how they are. Sometimes get on instagram and look through pictures and see what other people are doing and get followers of people that never noticed me people or don not even talk to me. When we post a picture on a Social media site it is like we want people to like and comment on them even if we do not talk to people. Some people use the internet as their dairy or a way to escape life by posting pictures to be popular and get followers and it is like you want everyone to know your business and then some people complain that everyone knows well you should not have posted it. It is like people treat followers more important than their actually friend because they get popular by having so much followers and it is their life.

  23. Brittany Davidson 1/29/15

    1) We are so dependent on technology for everyday life but now we are able to see things in
    3-D and interact with things that we use to just see on computer screens and phones (hinting around tot he new goggles Windows made). Basically saying that we are blending virtual life in with real life like said in the article.
    2) The author is saying we demand so much from our phones that we are not seeing what technology is really doing to us. For example he said that technology is a screeninfested enviroment.
    3) He contradict himself by saying that he is glad that we are able to use technology rather no technology but he knows that technology is the biggest part of our life that it is a distraction that we don't see because most of us indulge in it so much.
    4) He uses "Black Mirror" by saying that we are one click away from getting are minds wrapped into something that is not healthy for us but is helpful.
    5) I do agree with the article because yes we do need technology for CERTAIN things but not all. I have seen experiences at school where students are so busy hiding there phones from the teacher texting their peers that they miss the main point of the lesson and are left clueless then blame their problems on the teacher. Even with myself, I sometimes get caught between the things that are happening around me and whats on my phone screen, which is NOT good. For example, I am on my phone and someone says "I know how you can get a million dollars by doing this" but, I missed that opportunity because my phone was so much more important.I find myself trying to find quick solutions to problems on the internet instead of just letting that problem happen and learn how to deal with it with my own knowledge.

  24. Cole Turner 1st
    1.) Microsoft's release of the HoloLenses. They project holograms in real vision if one wears the HoloLenses.
    2.) He claims that technology has advanced our lives so much but, has taken a larger role than anyone every intended it to.
    3.) No, I don't believe so. He doesn't because he never alludes to missing life before the unprecedented technological advances.
    4.) He utilizes it to show what our lives are headed to according to the patterns we have developed in our use of technology. In the show technology doesn't only play a huge part in the characters lives, it completely controls it.
    5.) I think that the author is completely right, the last thing we NEED is a bigger role of technology in our lives. One of his main arguments was our strange obsession with social media. Personally, I gave up social media for Lent & afterwards just gave it up for good. Yes, it did take a little getting used to but, my life became less, honestly, controlled. I became more efficient at what I was trying to do and after a few weeks, I didn't even miss social media. Therefore, I can attest to the fact that we don't need social media.

  25. 1. Microsoft has created HoloLens, which are goggle that superimpose the operating system and the actual world.
    2. The author portrays technology of what the world is becoming. The "Black Mirror" represents the black screens that are on walls, desks, and in our pockets; basically TVs, computers, and smart phones.
    3. The author somewhat contradicts himself because he says that the we are perhaps the most bored species or generation because we are distracted by different technologies. He partially contradicts himself because he is not nostalgic, but he basically is saying that humans in today's society have been overridden my technology.
    4. He uses "Black Mirror" to show how the close future could take us away from actual reality and put us in a world where virtual reality is the main way of life.
    5. I agree with the author because technology can very well takeover our society. For example, at public places such as malls and bowling alleys and other recreational and public areas, all I see is people on phones, tablets, or laptops. Even at family get-togethers most of the younger family members just sit and piddle with their technical devices rather than sit and have a civilized conversation. The world is escaping the reality that past generations have encountered. New generations will learn from the current one and this is not a trend that should be set for the future. The author is correct in saying that society is becoming tangled in the wires of technology.

  26. Addie Melchior
    1. Microsoft made a set of goggle called the "HoloLens" that superimposes the operating system on the actual world.
    2 . The author feels that technology has become way too powerful in our lives. He says that now people use technology as distractions for their distractions because no media viewing seems complete without telling your friends all about it. He also thinks that in today's society barely anyone has real friends they just have their "friends" from social media.
    3. He somewhat contradicts himself because he says he does not miss the days without modern technology but then questions moving forward.
    4. He explains that the Black Mirror is about all the technology we use like TV's, cell phones, computers, and things like that. By talking about this he helps argue his point about the HoloLens.
    5. I think that we do not need more screen time. I think the HoloLens idea is extremely fascinating, but our society is going downhill because of all the technology we currently use. People are forgetting how to socialize with people in person since they only socialize on their phones. I went out to eat not too long ago with my family and after we had already been at the restaurant for about 20 minutes I realized that none of us had barely looked up from our phones, which is not how I think it should be. Now we try not to use our phone when we go out to eat together because it's honestly sad how dependent everyone is on technology nowadays. If we started using HoloLens it would just get worse.

  27. Nicholas Ratliff
    1) Microsoft has created hologram glasses.
    2) he portrays technology as pervasive and something we cant go without.
    3) he says he likes technology , but he acts like it is something that is taking over our lives.
    4) he uses the show as an example of how technology could be abused.
    5) I agree, besides school most of my life is taken up by technology. TV, Playstation, computer and a smartphone which is normal for most people, so technology can only become more dominate of our lives.

  28. Emylee

    1. Goggles (HoloLens) that creates holographs in the real world.
    2. We as humans are constantly bored and while watching tv and on phones at the same time. Also we are able to order groceries.
    3. Not really because he talks about all the technology that he currently has, but does reminisce about the days without technology.
    4. The author uses Black Mirror to emphasize the characters' lives and how they're affected by technology as a parallel everyday humans and how technology affects their/ our lives.
    5.I agree with the author's opinion on technology. I think technology can be both good and bad. It's easier for me to researching things; doesn't take quite as long with the answers at your fingertips. However, technology takes me a way from my family time a little bit and makes me take time with them for granted and I don't spend as much time getting outdoor exercise like I used to on the weekends, because I enjoy watching Netflix for hours and eating toasted chocolate fudge poptarts from my technology toaster while drinking chocolate milk.

  29. Harrison Armour
    1. A set of goggles will integrate a virtual world into the real world.
    2. Technology is a part of our lives that is used everyday, and sometimes abused as well.
    3. No. He just doesn't want the virtual world to overtake or replace the real world and reality.
    4. He gives examples of how technology ruined people's lives in the show and how the virtual world had something to do with it.
    5. i agree with the author. After looking at a screen for a while, whether it be a movie or a video game or something else, it takes me a second to adjust back to reality. Also, sometimes I find myself wishing that the virtual world was reality. Only when I take a step back to I come to my senses. A perfect virtual world juxtaposes an imperfect real world. If the virtual world was ever-present, then people would begin to lose their grip on reality and a fantasy world will mean more to us then the real one. Go Pats!

  30. 1. Windows has created goggles that project a virtual world onto whatever surface they are pointed at.
    2. He says that though he is not anti-technology, he has become increasingly aware of how little reality we actually face because of it.
    3. I don't think he does. I think it is possible to indulge in the luxury that is modern technology and still be in touch with reality, a skill which the lack of is rapidly increasing.
    4. He uses Black Mirror to underscore his argument because instead of being based in a virtual or unrealistic world, it is based in ours. He uses it to show that our constant need to see or watch things is what really what makes technology "evil."
    5. I agree that technology can be a wonderful thing in moderation, but I have noticed that among my friends and peers, actual conversation sometimes feels forced and awkward, while talking to one another over social media is simple. I've seen (and been) that person who goes out with friends for the sole purpose of hanging out, but spends more time than necessary on my phone. Though I'm not really able to long for the days pre-modern technology, I agree that it is very useful. However, I wholeheartedly believe that an invention like HoloLens could make actual interaction in the "real world" much less appealing, which is not healthy.

  31. Topazia Dubose
    1. Microsoft is releasing HoloLens which superimposes the operating system in the real world.
    2. That soon our lives could be in a holographic world.
    3. He claims that he is afraid of what technology might do to the world but has a lot of the new technology products.
    4. Black Mirror reflects on how much the world is absorbed by technology now & how mostly everything can be done through it right or wrong.
    5. I agree because i am always on my phone for most of the day. Once on a certain social media app i experienced how technology and what people say influence how people think and talk.

  32. Mi'Asia Barclay
    1. The Hololens let people play games and its like a virtual world they are in.
    2. Technology is an outlet for people to get away from reality. the author is trying to make it easier for people to really escape into the virtual world.
    3. Yes, Because he sometimes would like to escape from the world as well as others would.
    4. Black Mirror is referring to the blank screens that live on our walls, desks, and other surfaces.
    5.Yes I agree, our lives are revolving around technology, My mom seems to think that she has to have every new Iphonethat comes out and my brother seems to think he deserve every new video game and every new controller. When he don't get the game he thinks have the best graphics he catch an attitude. Technology has changed my life because we don't have to purchase a GPS we can just pull out our phone and use it instead.

  33. Spencer Budzius
    1. The HoloLens is designed to create holographic images for its consumers.
    2. He states everything that he has and speaks about how much it helps him throughout his day. He always talks about helpful they are to others such as businesses.
    3. Yes, he states that he loves technology but throughout the passage he implies that it is possibly going to far.
    4. He uses the show as a back bone for his arguement. By starting off with explaining the show he can better explain his point.
    5. I do agree with the fact that technology has helped us come a long way. Personally i have bought many things online ranging from shoes, music, games, jackets and much more. Many of these things would not have even been known to me if I did not have access to the internet.

  34. Andrew Parrish
    1. The Microsoft HoloLens was the new technology that elicited the writing of the article.
    2. He portrays the technology as taking over our consciousness as a human race.
    3. He semi-contradicts himself by saying that he doesn't miss the days of no technology, but that he hates how technology has absorbed our lives in the present.
    4. He uses Black Mirror to show the possibilities of the near future in a non-dystopian society, which is one that is more like what we live in presently.
    5. I personally think that technology, even if it is prone to take over our lives, is not necessarily a bad thing when it comes to the advancement of the human race. I have had a lot of access to the latest technologies personally, such as the Oculus Rift and Google Glasses, before they were released to the general public, so I have seen the way that modern technology will be used and how it is going to be used to further the human race in limiting the amount of problems that we will face in the future.

  35. MY LUU

    1. The technology that exited this article is a Microsoft's project called Hololens. This project lets people see items online in 3-D to the point where they can physically touch the item and try it on ex. Clothes.

    2. The author portrays technology as an major role in our lives that turns into a addiction compelling us in every aspects of our lives.

    3. Yes, the author does contradicts himself in his writing. He does this when he mentions his grandchildren coming to his house and scared of them being bored and then they don't even talk to him.

    4. He creates a logical appeal to preference how society would revolve if technology get out of control.

    5. To a high population around the world, technology is extremely important and something we could not live without but in my opinion, I disagree with the author because i don't think technology should dominant our lives. Two years ago, I went to Vietnam and stayed there for a month without my phone. Instead of staying in my room and going on my phone for hours, I went outside to communicate and play with my family. When I got back to the USA, I realized how technology is not as important as I took it to before I went to Vietnam. This experience taught me a lesson on how technology does not dominant my life.

  36. 1. The new technology is the innovative idea released by Microsoft named HoloLens
    2. The author is a great proprietor of all things technological but sees the soon to be harmful possibilities that can become a reality.
    3. He contradicts himself in the way he says he has a multitude of technological resources at his disposal which he greatly likes.
    4. Black Mirror is a show which interprets the growing technology world as a harmful outcome to society.
    5. I agree wholly that technology is a benefactor to society. It has opened up a massive realm of untapped intelligence that humans could never begin to fathom on their own. However if we use technology for the negative ways in life it can surely mean the end of society as we know it. Tyler Poe

  37. Jagory White

    1.A set of goggles called the HoloLens that makes holograms appear in reality.
    2. It creeps him out, but secrets of a hologram isn't what he's worried about more as watching something on a different screen.
    3. Because he understands that the world is evolving and technology is the future.
    4. It emphasizes the change in reality even if we are ahead of our game when it comes to technology that we do not completely understand.
    5. I think it qualifies because we rely on it so much today and it is a good resource but it can also be a distraction such as texting and driving which all in all causes accidentsand is a greater danger than we take it for.

  38. Morgan Fomera
    1. Glasses that are able to try things on for you.
    2. As a "black mirror"
    3. He doesn't contradict himself. He is able to give examples without putting his own stories in there.
    4. This show gives examples of the negative ways new technology can be used.
    5. The current technology and rising technology can be used as great resources. Such as it would help law enforcement and the economy. But with everyday people it is harmful. For a wife or husband to be able to see someone is cheating, to find out crucial information you should have heard from someone personally. Technology is getting very evasive. And is being used for more harm than good.

  39. Kalee Jones

    1. A set of goggles called HoloLens by Microsoft Windows
    2. He says that Holograms scares him. They are starting to come to our everyday lives more often. He basically describes that technology is taking over us.
    3. Yes he does. He says that he is not nostalgic abut modern technology, but the proceeds to give his opinion on how technology creeps him out, and how it is taking over our lives.
    4. He explains how the black mirror of the title refers to the blank screens that live on our walls, on our desks and in our pocket.
    5. Technology today HAS helped us move through life progressively. I do think we could live without it. Phones have helped me when i needed to get in touch with my parents from school. If i didn't have my phone, i wouldn't know to pick up my brother or that i had an emergency i needed to take care of. Just like a car. I would not be able to get to where i needed to without the car. So i don't think technology is taking over our lives, but it is a big part of it.

  40. Cassie House
    1. The new technology is a pair of lens that you wear like glasses that allows you to see both the world you live in and the technology world.
    2. He portrays technology to be as if it is becoming a bad thing instead of good and we are so consumed with it.
    3. Yes. He contradicts himself by in the beginning stating how much of a benefit technology is but then claiming this generation is full of idiots because of the same technology.
    4. He uses the show to show how technology could become a bad thing by giving people scenarios on what could happen in the future.
    5. I agree with the author to an extent. Our advancement of technology has both positives and negatives. For example, I use my phone to check my grades or look up stuff for school that I can't find on my own but if I use my phone to help with my homework I usually end up getting distracted and getting on a social media website. So I think technology is both good and bad.

  41. Tempie Ennis
    1.The new technology is the innovative idea released by Microsoft named HoloLens
    2.The author says that technology is very important and useful in everyday life, but it is too important and takes up too much of our life.
    3. I don't think he contradicts himself because he is not he is saying technology is completely terrible, he's just saying that it's gotten to a point where it hinders social interactions if you allow yourself to become completely immersed within it.
    4.He talks about how it is trying to portray what is happening now into a show.
    5. I think that technology is the biggest influence of out lives. Things such as cyber bullying can ruin someone's life. Phones are the biggest distraction in school and keep people from paying full attention in class.

  42. 1. Describe the new technology that elicited the writing of this article.
    Windows lenses that can superimpose virtual images on reality.
    2. How does the author of the piece portray the current role technology plays in our lives?
    It is now common in almost every part of our lives.
    3. The author claims that he is not nostalgic about days without modern technology, but does he contradict himself in his writing? Why or why not?
    No, he doesn't because saying that too much of a good thing is a bad thing is not a contradiction.
    4. How does the author use the show Black Mirror to underscore his argument?
    It helps him show that technology has negative aspects.
    5. Do you agree with, disagree with, or qualify the author's opinion about technology. To receive credit for your response, explain your stance using a personal, first-hand account you have had with technology's influence over your life or the lives of those around you.
    I agree with the author; technology is dangerous in the wrong hands. Sometime it's just annoying like when someone tries to sreenshot a picture they took of you with their snapchat or it's distracting because you spend hours on social media, or you get into arguments on Twitter. What happened to the good old days when you could just go spit on someone you had a problem with?
    Lizzy Liston

  43. Sidnie

    1. HoloLens
    2. Technology is addicting to today's society.
    3. The authors recalls recent but addictive technology that has had a high affect on today's society.
    4. He says that "the series uses technology as a way to reflect on who we are becoming in the increasingly screen-infested environments we move through."
    5. I have half of the same opinion as the author but the only technology I think is extremely useful is technology that is used to better our lives (medical science technology research technology, etc). I feel think social media and things that are addicting to today's society are unimportant. My parents take my phone from me a lot (for stupid reasons like drugs, partying, etc. JUST KIDDING) but every time they do I notice how much time my mom spend on Facebook. I try to ask her a question, she waits 5 minutes, doing the "my eyes are glue to the phone right now" head twist/expression, then she answers a really short, invaluable answer then she goes back to her phone weather she's back to looking at Facebook or back to observing the national ranks of my brothers baseball team (she occasionally snapchats as well). But then again, look at me. How can I say that I'm any different than her. I know just as much about technology than she does, yet, I'm sitting her e complaining about how she is constantly on her phone.

  44. josh smalley

    1.Microsoft announced that they will soon release the product Hololens

    2.He thinks technology plays too much of a role in our everyday lives.

    3. Yes and no, because he claims that he has a couple tablets and some cell phones but then states that he thinks technology plays a major role in our world.

    4.It shows that real world life is currently and will inevitably be affected by technology and that quite possibly if our govt ever gets too crazy , the could potentially threaten us all by spying.

    5. I absolutely agree with the author because i believe the use of technology is rapidly being over used with use of drones and NSA spying. I also think that potentially our govt will become too large (sooner rather than later) and will rely on spying through technology for Intel for home and abroad. "Those who would give up Essential Liberty
    to purchase a little Temporary Safety,
    deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.'' - Benjamin Franklin


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