Monday, November 28, 2011

Monday, November 28th

"Piggy" from Lord of the Flies

I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving!  Sorry for not posting last week, but the school's internet was down again.  Thankfully, everything seems to be straightened out now.

In today's class, we reviewed adverbs and how they can be identified and used.  We also had two writing assignments that students completed in their journals.  To finish out the class, we watched the remainder of Harper Lee's To Kill a Mockingbird.

Homework:  Students need to finish reading and reviewing chapters 4-5 of Lord of the Flies (with a special emphasis on chapter 5.)  We will have a quiz on Wednesday, November 30th that covers these chapters, the grammar material we've covered in class, and the Words of the Day.

AHSGE Reading Review
In today's class, we reviewed the quiz that students took last Tuesday covering the concepts of comparing and contrasting, identifying sequence of events, and summarizing a text adequately.  After our review, we finished watching Dead Poets' Society and completed the viewing guide that accompanied the movie.

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