Monday, September 30, 2013

Ninth Grade Current Events Blog for Week of September 30

Read through the following article:

Answer the following questions:

1. Is it okay for researchers to take this kind of liberty in mapping out a city?
2. Do you think that the blimp has any ulterior motives for this action?
3. Should residents of Washington D.C. have the right to call for the blimp's removal?


  1. I think that it is fine for the researchers to map out the city as long as their not spying on people of course. The blimp might have ulterior motives but noone can be sure except the people in the blimp. The people of Washington D.C. have the right to call for the blimp's removal ONLY if it makes them extremely uncomfortable.~ Jordan Chestnut

  2. I think it is fine for researchers to map out the city. I dont really believe that the blimp has ulterior motices. I think that the residents of Washington D.C. hace a right to call for the blimps removal, although I do not see why they would find it neccissary. If the blimp was bothering them then I would think they would have a reason but since the ballon is only flying over them I do not see that the removal is neccissary.

    -Taylor Burge

  3. Jane Frances Armour
    It is okay for researchers to take this kind of liberty in mapping out a city because if there was danger in that city they would need to know the layout to know how to strategize and make a plan. I think that the blimp does not have ulterior motives for their actions. Residents of Washington D.C. do have the right to call for the blimp's removal because if they feel uncomfortable or threatened they have the right to call.

  4. If it is for the country's safety, then it is perfectly ok. There are many possibilities of ulterior motives, those are for conspiracy theorists to mull over. Residents of Washington D.C. have every right to ask for the blimp's removal.....doesn't mean the government will do it.
    ~Blake E. Lockridge

  5. It is perfectly fine for researchers to use a blimp to map out a city. Anyway, the effects of this research will most likely benefit the residents of that city. I seriously doubt the blimp is doing anything other than boring cartography stuff. The residents should definitely not have any sort of decision making power because the blimp is not doing anything to harm them or cause problems. Also giant navy blimps are pretty darn cool, and it would make my day if there was one just floating around Tuscaloosa.
    Marie Doyle

  6. 1. Yes, because it's necessary to update maps every now and then because roads and buildings change all the time. 2. Not that I would know of. I honestly just think it's re-mapping out a city. 3. I don't think that the residents of Washington D.C should have the right to have the blimp taken down, mainly because its not invading anyone's privacy. All it's doing is mapping out a city.

    Rett Saele

  7. Nikhil Singh

    I think it is okay for researchers to take the liberty of using MZ-3A blimp to conduct an aerial mapping of the city. I do not believe the actions of the blimp have any ulterior motives. Their is no reason for residents to call for the removal of the blimp because I see no harm coming from aerial mapping, the only way it would be right to call for the removal is if they had any evidence of avowed motives.

  8. Yes it is okay for researchers to take this kind of liberty in mapping out the city of Baltimore. No I do not think that the blimp has any ulterior motives for this action. Yes the residents of Washington, D.C. have the right to call for the blimp's removal because it's their city and if they do not want a blimp flying around mapping out their city, then they should be able to tell it no.
    - Mayson McGee

  9. Casey Page 5&6 periods
    yes because it is way easier to see how a city is layed out from the air.
    this blimp may be doing something secret, but most likley its not, because it would probobally be easy to figure out if it was doing something suspicious.
    no, if someone wanted to fly their blimp they should be able to fly it.

  10. I, personally, think that it doesn't really matter that they do this. They are not harming anyone or disturbing them. Also, I do not think it is used for any bad reasons. But, it also might be really creepy to have someone watching them all of the time. I also think that residents could call, but I do not really think that this would be necessary. - Abby Nelson

  11. In my opinion it it fine for the researchers to map out the city because it keeps everyone safe in DC and the surrounding areas. Also I do think the blimp has any other motives for this actions because it's the government there is always and ulterior motive for their actions. The residents do have a right but that does not mean they should act upon unless there is a good reason.

    -Jordan Tatum

  12. If they are only doing it I map out just the city then it's okay. Although, if they are doing it to spy on their citizens then no they shouldn't do that. I think the blimp does has different motives because it's not exactly normal for a blimp to fly around for the past days
    -April McCool

  13. I think it's okay for the blimp to be there. It's not causing anyone any harm or problems. Wouldn't you want to show your kids where you lived and the statement as a whole? The blimp could maybe have some other ulterior motive, but that's mainly paranoia speaking. Of course the citizens have a right to question anything happening in their own town, but then again the blimp isn't hurting anyone.

    Andrea Rosario

  14. I think it is okay for researchers to do this but they should have told the public. If they had done so nothing would have happened in questioning what it is. But possibly why their doing and if its necessary. I believe the blimp may be for planning restricted airways but it is for other things as well. Citizens have reason to want the blimp removed because they don't know what its for which scares people.
    1st period
    Gabby Traywick

  15. It is okay for the government to map out an area from a blimp. I believe that the blimp could have some other purpose for flying around Baltimore but if you can’t trust the government’s reason for a blimp flying around, you can’t trust them for much at all and then the government would be pointless if no one believed it. I would take their word for it. Residents in Washington D.C. have the right to ask for its removal; however the government should not have to listen to them. Despite the possibility that it is watching you, I would not be concerned because if I choose to live in the capitol of the most powerful country in the world I would expect to be under surveillance. If the government were really watching people it would most likely be much less obvious than a blimp. It is probably monitoring the city with drones and satellites already.
    John McDonough

  16. I believe that the government mapping out cities for national security is justified by the means, however, the use of a blimp in doing so is so irrelevant that it raises suspicion.
    With modern technology (More advanced and cheaper than a blimp) available, the government should have no need to use a blimp to get results. This raises the question, just what was the blimp doing? In this case I have no idea, but I know that it is not mapping. The citizens of D.C should have petitioned its early removal. There is no telling what they have done.
    ~John Foster

  17. ~Laura Coats
    I think it should be fine if for researchers to map out the city if its not hurting anyone. As long as its helpful and merely arousing curiosity, its alright. They might have ulterior motives, but maybe only to monitor "suspicious" behavior. No, they shouldn't have the right to call it off. They shouldn't be getting mad, its only a blimp. Unless it interferes with their daily lives, they shouldn't be getting angry.


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