Monday, September 9, 2013

AP Language Current Events Blog for Week of September 9

Read through the following article and answer the following questions:

How do you feel about the state of mental health care in this country?  Do you think that enough is done to diagnose and treat mental health, or are a lot of mental health cases "swept under the rug"?  Does this article support or refute your theory?  Does it even have anything to do with your theory?  Make sure to cite either personal experience or other readings to support your claim.

On a more rhetorical note, why did the author of this article state the last three lines the way that he/she did? What do you think that he/she was trying to accomplish?



  1. Not very much is done to really diagnose a mental issue in a person in this country it seems, and many health cases are "swept under the rug" if the case itself doesn't benefit a certain party in a certain way. This article doesn't exactly support my theory, because it has more to do with hate and racial crimes than with a mentally unstable man randomly assaulting citizens. I, myself, have never really seen a mentally unstable person, even though when I was younger a man supposedly escaped a local mental hospital and committed some crime I can't remember. Still, in this article it seems like no one really asks why the man did what he did, leading me to believe not much is done to diagnose mental instability and such. Everyone assumed it was a simple hate crime, but there could have been more to it than simply that.
    Also, the last three lines were put in as simple, short sentences to show their importance. Of course the author is definitely appealing pathetically to the audience by telling them the victim's senile "92-year-old mother" is short one caregiver due to the incident.

  2. The state of mental health care in the United States is not adequate. Clearly, mental health care is not classified as a priority in the United States as opposed to medical care; many cases of mental illness are indeed overlooked because mental health is not a priority in American society, so not as many people are diagnosed even though they might be suffering from mental health problems. For instance, during the summer of my 9th grade year I worked in the Veteran's Association Hospital; there were many people there that would be classified as "mentally ill." However, i believe that there were many people working there that should have been treated for mental illness. Once, a woman that was working there accused me of burping down the hall when i did not even come downstairs that day. Upon hearing these allegations I became certain that this woman should indeed be a patient and should be at least tested for mental illness. The article does not particularly pertain to my theory because the article is primarily about the incident being an obscure, hate crime rather than about mental health. In the last three lines of the article the author introduces the elderly mother of the man who was attacked in order to create a pathetic appeal. The author uses this to evoke emotion from the reader and make them feel devastated at the fact that this man was killed. It is inevitable in any society that there will be people who have mental illness but are not diagnosed; however, the United States needs to put more emphasis on mental health care than they have in the past to defeat this growing issue. The United States will most likely eventually address this issue and improve the state of mental health care in the country.

    Sidhanth Chandra

  3. Timothy Brown
    - Mental health isn't given ,much thought in today's society. When someone diagnosed as being "mental" the majority of the parents doesn't want to believe it, and just face reality, so they sweep it under the rug. Or they are taken to some hostpital place. The article doesn't support my theory because it never mentioned if the mother knew if he was mental or not, most likely if he would have been know for being crazy or in nice word " mental " he'd be taken to somewhere he could be taken to be better retained or not by himself. My cousin can't hear, nor talk, but he know what he be doing. If something doesn't go his way he gets mad and tries hitting you, and expects you not to hit him back, he extremely smart. They can only blame the man in the article mental-illness to an extend, he had to have some kind of since if he was walking in the street by himself, or else he shouldn't have been out there by himself. In the last three lines the author includes that he took of his mother, so that's another point that he has sense or else the mother would have been staying with another relative or a nursing home. Concluding, the man was well aware what he was doing when he attacked the three individuals

  4. the state of mental health care has major room for improvement. Many people can get by some of the test that mental specialist give out because they can manipulate the machine ,or they can appear mentally stable ,and in most cases just lie. they say what people want then to say so they can get out of there. more should be done to detect how and how is not mentally ill. the article advocates my theory by the need for more evaluations to be don to filled out who is mentally ill and how stable are they. the man had a random outburst of rage or really nothing and killed an innocent man. something has to be wrong with this man because no one commits a murder or homicide in board daylight. if this man had any sense reason to kill, the murder would have been planned out not where everyone could see it. the man had no though process it was just action on his own wild emotions. people that are schizophrenic, sociopaths, mental retarded, insane, ect. all need to be helped and supervised based on severity of the condition. Adam Lanza, the man the killed the kid in Newtown, Connecticut. many people that knew him said he was intelligent and kind ,or Cho Seung that massacred students a Virginia tech for no reason. both were described by people as either highly intelligent and kind but also to themselves. that is were the danger comes, America needs to get better procedures to determine the mentally ill. the author states the danger and heart ach of leaving the mentally people to their own devices. this make a pathetic, and ethical appeal by don't lave this issues for the next year or your loved ones could be killed in a random act of violence by a mentally ill person

  5. Yes, there are many mental health cases that are "swept under the rug," but I believe that since there is no perfect human being on this earth, we can not really say that no one has a type of mental issue. Everyone has at least one, although it may not be severe nor noticeable. For example,many people claim to be ADD or ADHD, but to be honest, who can sit completely still during a class period and focus only on the class? Our minds are going to drift because we are bored, so I think many mental health cases are ignored because of the mass of people who claim to have an issue, but actually do not. It can also be the opposite. There is a boy in the marching band who does not seem to know when it is okay or not to comment on certain things. He is very obviously somewhat autistic, but his mother refuses to think he is, so his "issue" is never dealt with and therefore "swept under the rug." This article proves nothing to my theory, especially because it was so vague and included no specific facts concerning the state of the attacker. For all we know, he could have been a war veteran who just came back from the war and had a sort of outbreak. He may not have had a noticeable mental issue until just then.
    The author used connotative diction to create an ethical appeal. He could have used a different word than "caregiver," but he used that word specifically to provoke a saddening emotion toward the reader when they realize that the man who was attacked can no longer take care of his mother who has been relying on him to care for her.

  6. I believe that the state of mental health care in this country could be much better than what it is now. Since the Mental Health budget has been cut, fewer people will be able to get services. This means that more people will end up on the street. A lot of mental health cases are carelessly over looked, or "swept under the rug." This article supports does not have much to do with my theory, although I believe that the case should be looked into a lot better than it had been. Instead of announcing him brain dead, they could have explain what steps that were going to take place in caring for this innocent man. For example, I read an article from Fox News that stated that a young man named Adam Lanza killed twenty children and six adults. The only brought up answer was gun control. This shows the ignorance of the mental health care system. Guns are not the issue, but mental health is. Furthermore, the author of this article adds the last three lines to play with your emotions. The author wants you to feel awful for the family and, she wants you to be even more angered by the situation. She wants to create, in each of her readers' hearts, a want for better mental health care.
    Katy Howard

  7. Kayla Wilkins
    Mental health care in this country has too many gray areas. There is no definitive symptom that causes someone to be considered eligible to receive mental health care. As a result of this many people who need mental health care don't receive it and some people who don't necessarily need it receive it. Also as a result of this many metal health cases are simply looked over and considered unimportant. This article supports the theory that many mental health cases are often looked over. Jeffery Babbitt is a prone example of a mental health case that may have previously been looked over and may still be looked over even after this explosive act of violence seen from him in Union Square. Another example of a mental health case being looked over is the case of the man involved in the Atlanta elementary school shooting. He also committed a random act of violence, although he did not permanently damage anyone as Babbitt did. In the last three lines if this article the author mentions the age and state of Babbitts elderly mother by saying the Babbitt was her "primary caregiver" which which creates an image of a very helpless elderly woman. This image makes a pathological appeal to the reader.
    Kayla Wilkins

  8. The United States is doing little for the people with mental health care needs. The price of mental health care is one of the biggest reasons many people go undiagnosed in American. If the price of care was reduced then many people’s mental health status might improve. Insurance only covers mental health in the higher tiers of insurance. Because of the fact that mental health is not a top priority in the minds of Americans, research and medication advancements have been limited. So, many mental health cases are “swept under the rug”. For example, my aunt went ten years before ever being diagnosed with schizophrenia because every doctor she ever went to simply stated that he/she did not have time to deal with her. By the time she was diagnosed, she had become so encapsulated in her own reality that she believed every voice she heard in her head. This caused her to come close to death on many occasions, but had she been diagnosed earlier many things could have been done to help her try and live with the voices like Eleanor Longden has been doing for years. Longdon got help earlier and was able to find a way to control the voices in her head. So, if the care of mental health patients in the United States were to improve then many bad situations would possibly be prevented. In New York City, a deranged man walked up to a 62 year train conductor, punched him in the head, and left him brain dead. The article about the deranged man does support the theory above because if he had been able to get help then maybe the problem that cause him to randomly punch people would have been prevented and treated. Jeffery Babbitt, the 62 year old man that was left brain dead, may have had a better chance of surviving if the mental health care in the American was better because if it was better, then it might have been able to reverse the affects of brain damage. The last three sentences of the article were stated in that way because the author wanted to demonstrate that Babbitt was a person that was loved and cared for others. The author was trying to create a pathetic appeal because the fact that he was the one that looks after his mom, brings out emotion in any reader, since he is now dead.

    ~~Colton Herren~~

  9. Anna Marie:
    Mental health care in the United States is often "thrown under the bus," as some would say. Many American citizens struggle with a variety of mental disorders and are never acknowledge or given the correct treatment needed. My brother suffered from Luekimia at the age of 11 and now, at age 28 has been diagnosed with Schizophrenia. Although I do not see him often I know that his mental diorder is a difficult challenge for him. A mental disorder is not something to be taken lightly. It is something that is time consuming and has to be constantly worked at to get anything accomplished. Many mental disorder treatment centers are open to help people in the United States, and although it may seem as easy as just walking in and go getting help, it is very diificult when you are actually the one in the situation. There are always factors that play in to such situations such as: issues with finiaces and emotional issues like embarrasment. If doctors really wanted to reach out and help you would hear more about awareness of mental disorders, more options of how to treat mental disorders, and less people struggling with this illness. This article does somewhat support my theory.A man that had no control over the situation is currently suffering from a mental disorder. If there were more advanced and specialized offices open in the United States this man might have more of a chance, but just because mental disorders are not somthing that is very important and something considered urgent there are not enough resources to help this man. The author ended this article this way by using connotative diction and visual imagery to creat a pathetic appeal.

  10. Mental health care is good when it come to giving people the medicine they need. It is up to the mental patients to take the medicine and go to the doctors when needed. The facilities and doctors do all they can for the mental patients and the rest is left to the patient. The main problem is the undiagnosed patients who do not know they have an illness or refuse to believe that they have an illness. This article neither supports nor refutes my theory because it is unknown if the man was diagnosed as mental yet or if he was not taking his medicine. The man was most likely not being treated or not taking his treatment seriously, in this case it is left up to the patient not the mental health care. Sometimes people just lose it for no reason. I have ADHD and it is up to me to take my medicine and try to deal with my illness, the doctors cannot make me do that. All the doctors have the power to do is prescribe the medicine and have check ups. The author stated the last three lines to create a pathetic appeal. The author did this to make the reader care more about the situation and to show that man was a regular guy and now the mother is in need of a stable caretaker.
    Brooke Gilbert

  11. I feel that mental health care in the united states is horrible right now. And i know there are ways to fix it. I think enough is not done fix it and its swept under the rug.This article makes my theory more accuate. I havent had any perconal experience nor has any of my family members. In the last 3 sentences the author wanted to point out imagry i guess to show that babbitt took care of his mother now shes taking care of him.

  12. Nisha Singh
    In my opinion mental health care is the step child of our health system. Mental health care should be equal with other health delivery systems. Lots of insurance companies do not cover mental health services. There are high deductibles and co pays to seek mental health service. Seeking mental health care services is still considered a taboo in our county. Because of lack of recourses and lack of mental health experts, ,many of the mental people remain undiagnosed. The general practitioners lack the expertness to diagnosis and treat mentally ill patients. These factors lead to lack of treatment for our mentally ill patients , "swept under the rugs." The article depicts the theory I have stated, lack of violence can be apart of mental illness., though it is not clear it's safe to come to the conclusion that the person who acted violently must be mentally unstable. It is hard to come to terms that this violence could have been stopped by a good mental health delivery system , because of limited information. We need more information to come to inform conclusion. This article may lead to support my theory , there are still missing information on this violent man. With the all the long going violence in our community we can safely conclude a better mental health system could have permitted this tragic event. My dad is a child psychologist, and I worked there in the summer. My personal experience is that agitation and violence can be controlled by proper therapy. Many disorders like bipolar , impulse disorder , and psychotic disorder ,which can cause violence, can all be welled control by psychotropic drugs and proper therapy.

  13. The state of mental health care is not good in our country because in many cases health insurance can be very restricting. They often do not allow for enough coverage or the right kinds of doctors. There is such a stigma attached that many people do not seek treatment. Instead they find others ways to cope like drugs, alcohol, and violence.This article helps support my theory because instead of seeking treatment, the man who beat up 3 people, resorted to violence. A relative of mine can not afford to get the treatment they need because the insurance will not reimburse the doctor. The author of this article chose to make those the last three lines because it leaves you with a sense of despair over the fact that she has no one to care for her. The author was trying to accomplish that health care is very important and is a necessary part of life because without it, many lives can be ruined.

  14. This article is another example of the horrible mind set that most people in America have that are not looked to. There have been many more scenarios of crimes like this that happen but the reason can never be truly explained. people with mental instability are often sent to mental hospitals or asylums; however that is mostly filled with criminals. in fact my mother has told me stories of people who come to the pharmacy with a mental problem where they will often say what is exactly on their mind without thinking about it first, and they do not process their actions either. The women was asking my mom if she wanted a puppy and told my mom that, "the dog didn't do anything so my child would just beat up! It has a broken leg but I'm sure you'll be able to take care of it!" She said that with no remorse, she bought this small little puppy for a boy who was three years old. The boy cut off all of its hair and tried to paint its fur but he would fail. My mom almost bought the poor dog, but a friend who also worked at the same pharmacy with my mom said how sh wanted the puppy and bought him instead. My mom says how she always sees people come in like that and it shocks me. People with mental issues that do not commit crimes are not looked at and it concerns me. This article just proves my point. On a side note the author shifts the tone and ends the article with the three lines about his mother to create a pathetic appeal in order to make the audience feel how upsetting the situation is.
    ~~Azeeza Abdulrauf~~

  15. Mark Chapman
    This topic is very tricky, in that i believe my opinion on it varies from case to case, but in any case I'm left conflicted with my answer. For instance, in this particular case my initial thought is that the man should be put in jail for a very long time. He did something stupid that resulted in a person becoming brain dead. So, logically, the consequence should be directly proportionate. He took away a man's right to live, therefore his should be taken away from him. However things get a little sticky when you throw insanity into the mix. Because now, no one can just jump to a sentence, and that is where the line between right and wrong becomes several lines, all ridiculously close to each other but all a little different in color as well. Questions are asked, like, "What kind of illness does he have?" "Has seen anybody for help?" "Does he have a violent history?" and "Now what do we do with him?" thus resulting in a sticky web of intertwining, colorful lines that rest in between the floating temple that is "right" and above the fiery hole of disapproval that is "wrong". But I digress, the question is about mental health inn general, which is a rather broad question so I will supply a broad response, "Yes". Yes, i do think that enough is done to treat mental health. After all, there is only so much you can do to "fix" a human being before it becomes rather inhumane, so I think people are doing the best that they can. Yes, i do think a lot of cases are "swept under the rug", because i think in a lot of cases, people just use insanity to get less punishment. There is no surefire way to tell if someone is actually insane, so people are left to assume things. In short, when you lose hard evidence, you lose all credibility behind the case. Yes the article supports my theory, because even if he doesn't have a medical record, it may just be because he was ignorant and embarrassed. He could or could not be crazy, and we have to believe what a psychologist believes based on a finite number of easily cheated questions. For example, if you want to act crazy, when asked, "Do you often feel like hurting other people?" just say "Yes, the voices tell me to." There is no proof that you heard voices, nor that you didn't. The system is broken, so people just consider crimes like that inconvenient poker games rather than a fair trial. My grandmother was diagnosed with Alzheimer's. The last year of her life she was crazy. One day, she punched a nurse in the face while i was visiting her. After my mom escorted the nurse out, I heard my grand mom laughing. I was tickled myself, all things considered, and it was only made worse when she reenacted the scene with her mashed potatoes, screaming "POW!" as her fist knocked the potatoes out cold and face down on the tile. She laughed harder and said, "She had better clean that up too." She was acting out because she knew that she could get away with it. I mean, who's going to get mad at a crazy old lady who's decaying with every breath? When I'm old I'll do the same sort of things, and claim it's because i'm old and crazy. Everyone would forgive me, because, morally, crazy people can get away with murder (pun extremely intended).
    The last three lines were used to express a pathetic appeal to the audience. It emphasized his humanity through the feelings evoked when learning that he spent his time taking care of his elderly mother. It makes the victim seem more innocent and more importantly, more human.

  16. Mental health care in America is not taken seriously enough. It is proven that around 1 in 4 people 18 or older suffer from a diagnosable mental disorder in a given year. In the recent school shootings across the United States, majority of the shooters were proven or considered mentally ill. In the Union Square rampage case, it is very likely that Marten had a mental illness of some kind, considering his actions before, during, and after the attack. Some psychiatrists and psychologists are being unjust or inaccurate with the diagnosis of patients. Many mental health cases are "swept under the rug" unfortunately. This article supports my theory simply because Marten had not received the diagnosis he needed. This is a big issue right now because of general health care. Americans are not receiving the treatment they need and are left unsure that they have a mental illness. Their disorder causes them to behave violently. I have a friend whose brother is Bipolar. He attends a special school for children with mental illnesses. Being around him feels no different than being around a child who is not Bipolar. His medicines and treatment help him to behave normally and keep him from acting violent. When he has not taken his medicine or when his disorder becomes more serious, he begins to act up. My friend's family knows how serious his disorder can be if it is not taken seriously, as do I. The author of the article wrote the last three lines to emphasize the importance of Babbitt in her life. This creates a pathetical appeal for the reader because it targets the emotions of the audience. Also, it is very personal. The writer relates his story to the audience by including the feelings of Babbitt's mother, which helps persuade the audience to believe the way he or she does.

    Janna Meeks

  17. The state of mental health care is far from great in the United States. Although we have come a long way since Dorothea Dix, there can still be progress made. The response the attacker made before, during, and after the attack makes one believe that he has a mental issue. What is unknown is if he craves attention of if there is something deeper. A lot of people are scared of people with mental illnesses because they don’t understand. Incidents such as the man shooting people in a movie theatre and finding out he has a mental illness puts people on edge when around people considered to be “different.” Autistic people often make others uneasy because of their mood swings and there social awkwardness. I’ve worked with children who have autism and I have seen breakdowns and attacks but only because they have a difficult time communicating what they need or want. Once the desire is met and they calm down, everything is fine. With better mental heath care treatments and places, people with disabilities could have a better chance of adapting to and becoming part of society. This article shows that there are people everywhere who might need help. With better care for the mentally ill, incidents like the hate beating might not happen. I do believe that there are a lot of mentally ill cases “swept under the rug.” People respond differently around the mentally ill and no one wants to publicize or announce if they need help. The article supports my argument that there should be better mental health care in the United States. The author used the last three lines to create a pathetic appeal and make people sympathize with the family. If his mom as no one to take care of her then both of their lives are gone. The author says this to make a point that if there was better mental health care then horrible things like this would not happen.


  18. I do not like the state of mental health care in the United States. Few people pay attention to mental health and things, like what occurred in the article, occur because of the lack of attention. Many cases are just "swept under the rug." This article is a prime example. No person in a stable sense of mind would ever do this horrendous action. Another example is the massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary. Adam Lanza, the murderer, clearly had mental issues yet no one took action to help him. As a result, he went mentally insane and killed dozens of elementary children in cold blood. This shows the need for increase attention to mental health care in the United States.
    The author wanted to create a pathetic appeal with her readers in the last three sentences. She wanted the reader to sympathize with the victims mother and understand her circumstances. She successfully established a pathetic appeal with the reader and the reader achieved a better understanding of how the tragedy impacted others.
    Chandler Roberts

  19. This story does not strike me as odd or surprise me at all. The mental health care in this country is something that is "put on the back burner." People do not want to have to realize that there are things about the human body that we may never fully understand. It is not enough to just throw out a diagnosis such as ADD or Bipolar disorder when you do not really know what is going on with someone. Doctors see someone who acts "strange" and they just diagnose them with something so they can be done with it. A lot of mental health cases are "swept under the rug" because the doctor does not really know what the cause of the issue is. Even if they could figure out what the problem was, our country does not want to admit we have people with mental illness. We only want to believe that we have intelligent, healthy people in our country. No one ever wants to acknowledge the bad in something. This article supports my theory because Lashawn Marten obviously has some mental disorder, but the government treats him like a criminal and charges him with felony charges. He should be analyzed and studied for mental disorders. I know from a personal experience that some doctors try to get by with doing the very least amount. My mom almost died about 7 years ago after a surgery she had. The doctor, however, was convinced there was nothing wrong with her and he did nothing wrong in the surgery. She ended up being in a coma for 6 weeks. The author stated the last 3 lines the way they did in order to create a pathetic appeal.
    Sydney Moore

  20. Kacy Howard

    As a whole, I think America could do a better of a job of how we handle the many mental illness cases.I think that a lot of mental illness cases are indeed "swept under the rug" because possibly a person that is unable to afford mental health care, and so doctors will not want to deal with them because of this. This article goes perfectly with my theory because I personally think that the man who assaulted the three white men had a mental health problem, but could not seek for help because of financial reasons. I do not have a personal experience, but an idea. Most of the time when I'm driving down the road I see many homeless people who could easily have many mental disorders, but can not afford the treatment they need.

  21. I think that a lot of mental health cases are "swept under the rug" like this one because lots of people don't seem to care about these people. I think that our country does not spend as much money or attention on this issue that it should. This article supports my theory because it was not a major news story and most people probably want here about it. From what I have seen at some schools they don't have a very good mental disorder department and need to improve in this area. She stated these lines to show how this crime not only ruined the man's life but his mothers too because, he was her primary caregiver. I think she was trying to make people angry and that the suspect should be severally punished.
    Reece johnson

  22. Tripp Harrison
    I believe that mental health care in this country is not very good. We do not do enough to diagnose and treat it. We simply just place them in mental health institutes and leave them sitting in there for the rest of there lives.A lot of the cases are swept under the rug in my opinion because just sticking someone in a mental health hospital is not the cure or the answer. I believe we need to do more to help people with mental health disorders have more of a normal life. This article supports my theory because they are doing nothing for this man who is lying brain dead in the hospital.

  23. The state of mental health care in the country is horrific. Children and adults are, later in their lives, being diagnosed with things such as ADD and ADHD; mental illnesses should be screened for and diagnosed as a child. I have a member of my intermediate family who has a chemical imbalance in their brain which was not diagnosed till they were eleven years old. They currently are suffering from very extreme sicknesses due to the medicine that was distributed by a physician for their disease that is equivalent to blood pressure medicine ( the family member already has extremely low blood pressure). Needless to say, the doctors are not careful and precise with their distribution of their medicines. Not to mention all of the smaller, but still all the same important illnesses that go under the radar from doctors. Serial killers usually have something psychologically unstable; thus, an example of the lack of mental health care. This article supports my theory due to the fact that it was never mentioned that the attacker could have been mentally insane, meaning it is a sign of the lack of mental health care in the country. With the last lines of the article the author uses colloquial diction to make a pathetic appeal to the audience so that they will feel sympathetic towards Babbit and his mother, and to set people against the attacker.

  24. Griffin Sheffield,

    Mental Health Care should be greatly increased throughout the nation for the sake of every American citizen. An average person should be able to walk through a park without being brutally attacked like what happened in the article. Events like this can be avoided by diagnosing and treating all mental illnesses and not just having them "swept under the rug." This article supports my theory because Marten is obviously mentally ill and should definitely be on medication but clearly is not. There are even people at Hillcrest High School that should be under mental health care even though their mental illness is not near as obvious as others. I say this because a completely mentally stable person would just follow the rules and not be trying to start fights everyday. The author of the article uses the last few lines to create even more sympathy for the victim by showing how his mother is now without a caretaker.

  25. Kaitlyn Elwood
    Mental health care is something very serious. Most people don’t feel this way though. In the U.S. more than likely when someone hears or sees a person with a mental disability the first thought that pops in their head is “what a crazy person.” Society is almost always wrong though. Diagnostics are not very well thought out there are more mental cases “swept under the rug” than thought out and solved. Mental health is something that needs to be addressed more and to be looked at more carefully. Many people in the U.S. have a mental disorder. Just because it may be a little more difficult, time consuming, and odd; does not mean they should just put it to the side. My grandmother has alzheimer’s disease. This affects your mental health. It’s very difficult to bear knowing that there is not much they can do for this type of disease. This article has nothing to do with my theory of thinking America looks over mental health.

    The author stated the last three lines to show how mental health is affecting America. Although he was not actually involved with a mental issue he was killed by someone who does have one. Which if the U.S. looked deeper into they could probably solve. Babbitt lived with his mother and most importantly was her care giver. Not only did the mental disorder affect the person with it but it has affected another families lives. The author states the last three lines to create a pathetic appeal.

  26. The state of mental health care is fine in our country. I think that some mental health cases are taken to the extreme and people assume things about others just because they are a certain way. In eighth grade i was having a migraine (blurred vision) and the nurse was like let me check your back for scoliosis and i was like sure...and she was like you may have scoliosis ...i was like um no i don't and she was like we will just wait until 9th grade and as i said i do not have scoliosis an that had nothing to do with my migraine, the point is that mental and physical disorders should be handled with care. This article refutes my theory and i feel like whoever martin was hanging around was influencing his decision and i also feel that you know someone has a mental disorder there are things that they shouldn't be exposed to like violence or racial discrimination. I think the reader was trying to create an awareness affect, trying to make you be aware of others with mental disorders so you can put them in a category.

  27. sorry _uniquelly_diff is meeeeee!! Shaquala Courtland

  28. Silvia Brosolo

    I do not live in this country, so I don't know much about the situation in the US, or at least not closely, and everything I know I have learned it from "a long distance". Anyway, probably mental health is not taken care of enough to prevent the kind of accident described in the article; a factor is surely the fact that health insurances don't cover mental care properly, so that people, especially those who have economical difficulties, seldom take care of their mental problems. Another reason could be the attitude towards mental diseases: being sick, even if it's nothing serious, is cause of shame and embarrassment, if not even disgrace, so people prefer "not knowing" if they are, and they don't go to doctors or take medications. The article doesn't really give an opinion about this topic, but it simply reports a real fact happened in New York; the purpose of who wrote it is to give readers the chance, the motivation to reflect about this rather delicate issue.
    I don't really have any personal experience, but I know about some facts where mental problems caused people to do some terrible actions (which unfortunately affected many other people's lives) like the slaughter in the Connecticut's elementary school last year or the shooting in the movie theater in Aurora, Colorado, at the Batman's premiere. Probably these actions could have been prevented if the men who acted that way had been cured properly.

  29. Sarah Tisdale

    Mental health is a serious problem in our world; however, doctors do a great job at diagnosing and treating patients with mental problems. There is always room to improve the treatments and diagnoses of mental problem, but I believe they are handled well. in the article, the man that attacked the innocence man may have done the act completely in his right mind. Many people would claim that he was probably insane or had mental problems. personally, some people may truly have a mental problem, but many do crazy acts of violence or hatred without having any type of mental problem. For example, the man that poisoned the trees at Auburn was considered insane or mental ill by many people, but he may have been in his right mind when he committed the crime. The author included the last three lines to evoke a pathetic appeal. he did this by using connotative diction in order to draw the readers emotionally to agree that the attacker was insane for killing such an innocent and caring man.

    Sarah Tisdale

  30. I believe the state of mental health care should be better because people are more experienced these days than they were years ago. I believe there should be more done to diagnose and treat mental health care because some doctors vaguely diagnose patients with symptoms when they should be more exact. My third cousin had a tumor that took his life away this past year. One specific doctor vaguely diagnosed him when he went to the doctor’s office, but when he went to another doctor’s office they knew exactly what to do. Unfortunately for my cousin, the tumor had gotten too big to remove. If only he switched doctors earlier, he would be alive and he could’ve had the tumor removed. This article supports my theory because the doctors for Babbitt should’ve done more tests with him to confirm there assumption. Yes, because this shows that mental health care isn’t what it’s supposed to be, it’s supposed to be better. The author wanted to show that Babbitt did have a caregiver and she probably knew more about him them all the doctors. He was trying to accomplish to say the mental health care is up to date and isn’t reliable. ----Kelsey Skurka

  31. After watching the video I used Google to try to figure out if the attacker was mentally ill. I did not find anything that would suggest he was, however, I did come across an interesting comment. The commenter argued that the “…perp will get some kind of diagnosis that blames the attack on mental illness.” Attitudes like this are part of the reason that mentally ill people do not get the help they need. They are often given labels such as “crazy”, or they are stigmatized as being dangerous. This causes a lot of people to not seek help. However, that is not the only reason mentally ill people do not get the diagnosis and treatment they deserve. As I mentioned in a previous post I have an aunt who is a psychologist. She works with several psychiatrists, and she has mentioned to me that some of the psychiatrists spend approximately ten minutes with a patient before diagnosing him/her with bipolar disorder and prescribing medication for him/her. This actually is not surprising in a healthcare system that values quantity over quality. I can also attest to this because of my summer volunteering at DCH. The story itself does nothing to support or refute my theory, but comments like the one mentioned above definitely support it. If we were a society that did not stigmatize or shame people with mental illnesses and we had more professionals who actually care about their well being more people would be willing to seek help for their disorders. On another note, the last three sentences were meant to evoke a feeling of sympathy, and show the audience how a violent act can destroy more than just one life.

    Jakeias McGee

  32. Sharly Lovitt
    Like most things in America, I believe there are many more stories similar to this one that have been hidden or simply not released to the public. In this sense, they have been "swept under the rug". Cases like this one have only been revealed due to the mass amount of witnesses in such a public place. In smaller areas where something like this occurs, it could easily be shadowed and brushed over to make it seem like it didn't happen to provide a sense of security in the country. The man in the article obviously had mental problems, and as soon as they were noted he was taken away. They were only noted, however, when something this drastic occurred. Surely he displayed signs of mental instability prior to his incident, and surely someone must have noticed. If that someone had suggested he get help or personally request help for him, then the man may never have injured two people and put one into a coma with brain damage.

    The author's use of background information provides the reader with a sense of guilt and despair in an attempt to further highlight the tribulation of this event. It is a pathetic appeal to really tug at one's heartstrings.

  33. In this country enough is done about mental health care. Doctors put forth the effort to diagnose patients quickly and accurately, and they provide a plausible treatment plan for their patients’ illnesses. These treatments may include medication. For instance, a family member of mine was diagnosed with a mental illness at a young age. His doctor was able to pinpoint an accurate diagnosis and start a treatment plan for him; his plan included a medication regiment. Although the article does not have anything to do with my theory, its author included the final three lines in order to create a pathetic appeal on behalf of the victim of the hate crime.
    -Abriana Fornis

  34. Jake Presley
    Unfortunatly, most young Americans today care more about pop culture because the generations of today are not into political news. They are more interested in having fun and what's happening with their favorite actor or music star. I think in Russia and Israel, the people feel like they have more to lose and are wanting to know what is going on in the world and have a real concern about it. I think there are so many Americans that take what we have for granted and just don't want to keep up with all the depressing news.

  35. The state of mental health in this country is poor. Many of these people who commit these random acts of violence are described later as, "somewhat autistic" or "strange." Many parents and teachers ignore these symptoms of what could lead to a serious breakdown or more serious mental disease later in life. For instance, Adam Lanza was described as being unsociable and awkward, and the man who ate the homeless man's face had been described as mentally ill after threatening to kill his mother. Enough is not being done to prevent such tragedies, regarding mental health and the steps that should be taken to treat it. These last three sentences of the article were meant to establish a pathetic appeal upon the reader, in order to give reader a perspective of how awful this crime actually was.

    -Caldwell Wagenheim

  36. Arielle Gray

    The state of mental health care in this country is still very premature in its efforts towards productivity. In the past, mental health care treatment has seldom been a crucial topic in the media until recently when school shootings and other haphazard happenings have occurred such as the Colorado movie theater shooting and Sandy Hook shootings. Although mental health care has not effected me personally, many of my mother's family members have suffered from mental "disorders". I feel that this is a crucial issue that should not be "swept under the rug" any longer. This article definitely supports my theory. It complies with my idea that mental health care should be reformed and handled with greater,more minute detail.

  37. Mental health care in America is neglected;there are few opportunities for American's with mental handicaps. For example, last year, Mrs. Barnes tried to organize a group that would be able to assist the mentally handicapped children at our school by putting them in social situations that they would eventually have to become accustomed to such as teaching them how to respond while out to dinner or shopping for groceries and etc. After high school, however, would be a different story due to the fact that America lacks programs with the ability to properly accommodate special needs adults as well as children; not enough is being done to help with special needs people. The last three lines of the article imply that the brain-dead man is no longer able to take care of his 92 year old mother due to the lack of a solution for his mental handicap; the author was trying to convey this point and uses past tense when referring to the man who is technically alive, however dormant to emphasize his perennial loss.
    Additionally, I felt the article was a little vague. It did not give any insight as to the mental stability of the attacker, just his victim. Most sane people do not commit such random crimes, which is not to say that they would not but that it is highly uncommon that they would in such a manner.
    Iyana Gray

  38. Morgan Green: It is obvious that there is a major problem with mental health care in this country. Although many health facilities provide mental health care options to the public, these options are not taken advantage of. If some authority does not mandate it, then most individuals will deny the possibility of having a mental health issue and refuse to seek treatment. This article supports the aforementioned theory because had someone of authority taken the time to recognize Marten's problem and encouraged him to seek treatment, the tragic incident might have been prevented. I personally know someone who struggles with the bipolar disorder as well as depression. It is clear to me that this individual could improve her life significantly by seeking treatment and counseling; however, because no authority figure has made her do so, her dilemma only worsens. It is sad and ridiculous that in a country known for its freedom, we have, in some cases, become so liberal with the freedom offered to individuals that our society is harmed rather than helped. As for the last three lines of the paragraph, the author gives additional information about the victim to create a pathetic appeal. Although this information is basically irrelevant to the rest of the article, the author uses it to make readers empathize even more with Babbitt and further despise Marten.

  39. Mental Health Care in the United States is not taken as seriously as it should be. This article proves a theory of mine to be right: if more is done concering mental health, situations as this one are less likely to happen. The author chooses to end his/her article with a pathetic appeal. It touches the hearts of people all over the country knowing that Jeffrey Babbit's mother, needing his undivided attention, was giving him hers. The author portrays to the world the idea that not only is the suspect, Lashawn Marten, having to suffer his own consuquences for his wrong doing, Babbit and his family are having to suffer consequences of their own. Unlike Marten, their's are undeserved.

    - Emmy Melchior

  40. I believe that there are too many people in this country who have mental illnesses and are not treated for this. Many people who are homeless today actually have mental health disorders, and that is the reason for them being homeless. There is a fine line between someone with a real mental disorder who could pose a threat to the public and themselves, and someone who is just struggling with life. For example, sometimes when families have a kid who is a troublemaker, like one of my old friends, and he/she does things that make the family feel embarrassed and ashamed, the family may just say they've had enough and try to diagnose the kid with a mental disorder in order to get him/her put up, when in reality the kid is merely a teenager who is struggling with life and the family is not making it any better. What I don't understand is how these cases never get overlooked. However, if it was an actual case where someone really does need to be diagnosed and get help, they get overlooked completely. Like the rest of this world, that's just plain backwards. This article definitely supports my theory that there should be more done to uncover mental disorders. Because of Martin, one man has pretty much lost his entire life. He is now brain dead, therefor he is practically a lifeless being who cannot do anything but lay in bed the rest of his "life". I do not believe that Martin just one day randomly broke out in a violent rampage, I believe that there had to be many signs leading up to this tragedy that were just overlooked or not caught. No normal person lives there life, well... Normally, and then just almost kills someone one day. There are little things that lead up to stuff like this, and Martins friends and family may be at fault as well for not recognizing and for overlooking any signs pointing to Martin's behavior. The author definitely wrote the last three lines to create a pathetic appeal. He was trying to deter our emotions and make us feel sorry for the brain dead man and his extremely old mother by telling us how she was by his side in the hospital and that he was the one who always took care of her, in fact she even lived with him. Now who is going to take care of her? I conclusion, something needs to be done, and be done soon, to take care of these multiple cases of mental disorders that are overlooked in today's society until it is too late.

  41. I believe that because the brain is such an unknown and confusing topic that people are scared to talk about it. Things like depression and schizophrenia have always been taboo subjects. Also in the court system, Insanity and such have been known as a way to get out of charges. People just don't take any of the symptoms seriously. The man in the article who jumped innocent bystanders obviously has some issues. If he was being treated then this senseless act of violence may not have occurred.

    In Mark Rice-Oxley's article, "Depression-the illness that is still taboo" he states "According to Graham Thornicroft, a professor of community psychiatry at the Institute of Psychiatrists, between 20% and 25% of adults will have an episode of mental illness in any given year. Over a lifetime, the risk rises to around 40%. In Britain, antidepressant prescriptions have doubled in the last decade. The World Health Organisation warns that by 2030 depression will be second only to HIV/Aids in the toll it exacts on society." This shows that it is out there and we need to do something about it. We just don't. We are scared of what we might find out. We might be in that 25% and we don't want to admit it.

  42. The state of health care in our country is not what you'd call ideal. I feel that there are little options of health care for certain people, and that is not fair.
    I believe that the most extreme cases of mental health issues are the ones that get publicized the most, therefore the one that get treated more and have more time spent on it. However, if a mental health case is not to the extreme, or if it seems impossible to understand, it is ignored.
    This article supports my theory. This mental patient went on a rampage that could have been prevented had doctors paid more attention to his illness. He was most likely examined, but after being given a prescription or two, was probably sent out the door and soon forgotten about by the doctors.
    A family friend had a wreck and hurt her arm, so she went to the doctor and got it checked out and the doctor said there was nothing wrong. She went to another doctor and was told she had a serious break and would need to have surgery. That proves my point that if doctors do not know what is going on, they tell you everything is fine. That is definitely not the right thing to do, but it is the mindset of a big amount of doctors.
    The author uses connotative diction in the last paragraph to create a pathetical appeal.


  43. The metal health care of this country is weak because more & more mental patients are being released. I don't there is much you can do about this problem. Many people are claiming to be mentally ill just to be above the law. So I don't know how the government will ever actually handle this situation. This article doesn't suggest anything about the suspect being mentally ill. Was he mentally ill? Or just tired of looking at white people Lol. My sister has down syndrome & when she act out, we don't blame it on her illness because she knows better. The author wrote the last lines for the reader to have sympathy for the victim & let them in on a little of his life.

    Kamika Sneed

  44. BradyAF14
    The mental health care institution of this country is in a moderately good place. As far as treatment, most cases and the afflicted patients are treated appropriately and effectively. However, many may argue that the lacking arises when it comes to the diagnosis of diseases, and that sometimes true diseases (ADD, ADHD, the like) are not given enough emphasis, and leave the patients in a very unpromising and unfair place. As far as the article's relation to this issu, it doesn't too closely parallel any of these theories, yet it does somewhat display the emergency health system, although that is beside the point. The final 3 lines of this passage are in place to, through explaining the mother's now desperate situation because of her son's passing, derive an emotional appeal, which also could spark interest and/or uproar in accordance with the "hate crime" involved.


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