Read the following opinion piece:
Answer the following questions related to the piece:
1. Summarize the RAISE Act of 2016 (will require some independent research).
2. According to Lee, why can't teaching be compared to working in a shirt factory?
3. Rhetorically, why would he use the shirt factory example?
4. In what city does Lee live?
5. What one reason did teachers in the cited study give for why their personal efforts would not lead to student achievement gains?
6. In your opinion, would offering teachers incentive for test scores improve the educational system? Why or why not?
7. What would improve the educational system?
Madeline King
ReplyDelete1.) Most teachers don't teach for their pay check they cant work like factory people work they are responsible for their students education
2.)Teachers cant teach the same thing every single day unlike factory workers who make the same shirt every day
3.)Because shirt makers make the same thing every day they can not change the way the shirt is made and like I said before they are opposite from teachers because teachers are required to show new material to their kids every day of the whole year
5.)The article showed how teacher are not robots and kids are not customers
6.)yes because it has already happened at the high school, if your student makes a certain grade then they are automatically paid
7.)maybe new ways of learning different materials that kids are struggling with and the teacher could take more time with them if its available
Baylie Smithson 5th Period
ReplyDelete1. Bonuses will be offered to teachers whose students have better grades.
2. All buttons and zippers used in shirt factories are the same. Every single student is different from one another.
3. To compare students to something.
4. Montgomery
5. They don't believe their personal efforts are as strong as the influence that the students family has on their achievement.
6. No, the teachers should want their students to succeed for the students benefit not theirs.
7. What I personally think would improve the educational system is focusing more on stuff students actually absolutely need to know in their life and also encouraging students to open their minds. Some teachers make students feel like they won't succeed in life because they didn't make an A on test, thats why some kids don't succeed in life is because they were told they wouldn't. I had an art teacher in middle school that told us about how fleas and students compare. He said, "Fleas jump really high for something that small. Well, when you put that flea in a box or container and they try to jump and hit the lid they'll jump lower. Then when you let them out of the container they won't jump high ever again. Seriously try it, that's all we did when i was a kid was put fleas in jars and watch them. But now think about that. Thats exactly like the school system. They put you in this building for 8 hours with terrible food so you won't jump high anymore. They don't want you to jump high they don't want you to dream or open your mind. Yet, thats all they tell you to do is 'Dream big! Go after your dream job!' Then when you start to do that they start saying 'Oh no we want you to dream about acing your math test! Dream about college! More tests!' DONT LET THEM! Im telling you right now, DREAM! Reach your dreams and goals! JUMP! Don't let this place that you come to for 8 hours a day tell YOU what YOU can do. No, YOU show them what YOU can do." I have lived by that tiny lecture ever since I heard it in 7th grade. Ive had another teacher tell the class how because we don't write on the board, we won't make good test grades and the grade tells them whether we'll get into college or not. I understand grades are important but even if I made a 0 on the test and they told me I won't succeed, I still know that I can. Other students though, tell them they won't succeed and they'll think ,"Well if I'm not going to succeed might as well not even try." The ones that are told they'll succeed because they made a good score, yes, they'll probably go to college, because they were TOLD they'll succeed, so they live up to it. The educational system needs to help students actually learn instead of getting them to memorize things they wrote down that they will completely forget in a year or two's time.
Rachel Walker
ReplyDelete1. Teachers get a bonus or raises depending on how much their students excel.
2. Teaching shouldn't be ran like a business like working in a shirt factory was.
3. He's trying to prove that teachers aren't robots and students aren't customers. All students are not the same "collar" over and over again.
4. Montgomery.
5. The teachers did not find it motivating.
6. It would not improve the educational system because offering teachers incentive means it will be more difficult to find good teachers that can work without a general system. I say that because all students differ and need to be taught differently.
7. I think the educational system would improve if we could move away from a standardization system because learning needs to be individualized both in format and pace. We should replace standardized testing with support for a students education including their personal social-emotional needs.
Elle Turner
ReplyDelete1. Teachers will get bonuses/raises depending on their students grades and test scores.
2. Beacuse no kid is the same as another one, unlike shirts.
3. To prove that some jobs are different.
4. Montgomery
5. Concerns of family enviroment
6. No, some kids just dont want to learn.
7. Kicking kids out if they dont want to learn. Also why reward the teachers if the kids do good? Dont the kids deserve something for working their butt off? :-)
KaRon Coleman Jr
ReplyDelete1. Alabama will offer bonuses to teachers if their students get better grades and hard-working teachers will suddenly be smarter and better trained.
2. Because you can't run schools like a business. With working in a shirt factory, you don't get smarter and work-harder when you put collars on shirts or zippers in pants. That's just memory stuff. You do it again, and again, and again.
3. He believes that when you do better at your job, you get promotions, like teachers.
4. Montgomery
5. "Ditch the RAISE Act of 2016!!!" They want teachers to just forget about it.
6. It's always good to have motivation. It helps me a lot to improve my education.
It could always help teachers as well.
7. Motivation, they should separate kids based on grades too.
Lacey Martin
ReplyDelete1 RAISE stands for "Rewarding Achievement and Incentivizing Successful Employees" so it basically is saying in this act that teachers will be offered higher pay wages according to the success of their teaching as effected on their students and then alters the National Labor Relations Act.
2. Because students are not shirts, they require different things, students are not identical carbon copies with the same needs!
3. Because it provides a simple example we relate to and that anyone can understand
4. Montgomery
5. family environment has a bigger impact on student achievement than teachers efforts
6. No, because every teacher has a different class and students will very different circumstances, so everyone will get different results regardless of what effort they put into teacher and planning.
7. Programs that center around the special talents of everyone and their circumstances, so if you have a bad home life and you have felt comfortable enough to tell a teacher about it, they should have counseling for that, or if you're a dyslexic they should put students that are dyslexic in the same class because they might learn closer to the same rate and less people will get behind or confused.
Destini Erwin
ReplyDelete1. Some people think that if they raise the teachers pay, it will raise the smartness of students.
2. Lee implies that in a factory, you can determine whether or not the materials are good enough, but in a school you have so many suppliers, and you can't say that the supplier isn't good with its work because we can't determine how a human will be.
3. Lee uses that because humans are not shirts, you don't always get what you want.
4. Montgomery
5. Because their programs are boring.
6. Yes, because if they found out they were going to get more money for making students have better grades, then they would make more of an effort for kids to do their stuff.
7. Students actually trying.
Kelsi Hobson
ReplyDelete1. The RAISE Act of 2016 changes the way teachers are evaluated and compensated. It also outlines the way tenure can be earned and can also be revoked.
2. The people that work in a shirt factory are doing the exact same thing every day. They work with the same materials and they stitch the collars on the same way to every shirt. Teachers work with a class where each student learns deferently, so the teacher can't treat each student the same way like workers in a shirt factory treat shirts.
3. To emphasize why the RASIE Act of 2016 is flawed.
4. Montgomery.
5. Due to the influence of family enviroment on the childs achievment.
6. I do not think that offering teachers incentive would improve test scores because if a teacher can not motivate themselves to help a child do better, then how would someone else be able to motivate them.
7. I believe teachers with self motivation would improve the educational system.
1. The raise act was created to raise the minimum from $8.00 an hour to $12.
ReplyDelete2. Because it never works.
3. The people can never become better trained if they never can do anything different.
4. Montgomery.
5. they believed that it was family issues that led them to do poorly.
6. No, because they would then have some instances where teachers lie on the test scores in order to get better pay. Teachers should not be paid based on their students progress. If you have a person willingly refusing to do good and continues to fail then a teacher should not be punished from their pay for that.
7. What will help the educational systems would be better technology and better resources. Our science books are held together by duct tape. We need better resources to be able to learn better. Also, we need teachers that will teach to our learning style. We need to group every one by their learning style. The kinetic learners need to be in one group and the auditory need to have different classes, so the teachers can teach according to our learning style.
Jared Snyder
ReplyDelete1. Basically it is saying that the better the teachers teach the more money you get. For better grades from students..
2. "Student are not customers and teachers are not robots"
3. He said it should be use in school and is called piece work.
4. In Montgomery
5. Failing schools get the personal attention that is needed
6. I believe they shouldn't pay teachers for better grades. All it will create is problems and tension. I think that if a teacher isn't obtaining good grades than they should be let go. If I was a teacher and I got payed for being the best I would let everyone else know, and that wouldn't go to well with others.
7. Better educators that actually have teaching degrees and are interviewed for the job. Not just some random lady who claims to know about school.
Sam Webb
1. The employer does not have to pay more than what the people agreed on.
2. Every student is different and it is not fair to teachers that get bad kids.
3. To show how the two things are not alike.
4. Montgomery
5. The teachers did not respect the performance pay systems.
6. No because most students do not care and it goes back to them.
7. The students have to care for any improvement.
ReplyDelete1. Teachers whose students have better grades, get paid more.
2. Because it's not like a business.
3. The shirt factory is a business.
4. Montgomery.
5. The effects of their family environment.
6. No, they could make the test easier just so they'd get more money.
7. The education system could be improved with teachers who actually teach their students instead of the idiots just passing you a work sheet and then expect you to teach yourself.
Tyra Dunn
ReplyDelete1: teachers get money rewarded to them for a student making a good grade.
2: Students are diverse and shirts are all the same
3:Because in a shirt factory you only make that one type of shirt until you have enough stock.
4: Montgomery
5: The family environment.
6: No because the teacher is already getting paid to teach. They shouldn't be rewarded when a student uses their own brain to make a good grade on a test.
7: Have rewards for students excelling in classes aka get paid for making better grades.
Arianna Taylor 5th
ReplyDelete1. The RAISE Act of 2016 is an act that encourages teachers to increase their performance in the classroom in order to make kids smarter by being paid more.
2. Lee is implying that when students are smarter it makes the teacher smarter.
3. It contrasts the work they have to put in from when they had to do it back then.
4. Lee lives in Montgomery, Alabama.
5. Teachers don't find their work to be motivating.
6. In my opinion, offering teachers incentive for test scores would not improve the educational system because you can't make a teacher perform better in the classroom.
7. If teachers provided personalized learning methods for students it would improve the educational system because test scores would be higher.
Amy Ingle
ReplyDelete1. The raise act is an act for salaries to increase. Minimum wage would increase to $8 and continue to increase after years of experience.
2. A worker in a shirt factory does the same thing repetitively however a teacher has to do different things for some students. In education many different scenarios come up. A worker in a shirt factory doesn't face different situations in their job.
3. He used it to compare the difference between the two jobs to give an example and a thinking point to the readers.
4. Montgomery, AL
5. The students want a reward for their learning. They don't care as much about the teacher benefitting than they do about themselves benefitting.
6. I think if a teacher only teaches for test scores and money than they would be a very poor teacher. It shouldn't take money to get them to care about the performance of their students. Teachers should already do whatever they can to help their students improve grades and get the best education possible. Although, some teachers do not give it their all and would probably be motivated by money. Even though that shouldn't be the case I think it is.
7. I think if teachers focused more on helping their students and not just on test scores. I find that if I have a good relationship with my teachers I learn more. If someone helps you out it makes you help them. I think the same goes for teachers and students. If my teachers seem to put effort in their job I have more motivation to put effort into my work.
Reagan Ray
ReplyDelete1. The RAISE Act of 2016 states that the better a student does on test scores, the more a teacher will be paid.
2. Lee argues that every student is not the same and cannot be made/taught the same way as everyone else, and get the same outcome.
3. He used the shirt factory example because it related to his family and proved his point.
4. Lee lives in Montgomery.
5. Many teachers agreed that a teacher's pay should not be based on how well they do on tests because the test scores do not show the teacher's skills.
6. No, I think that teachers would be too concerned with receiving a higher pay, and wouldn't focus on the individual students.
7. I think having fun activities that go along with what we are learning will help us to be more engaged in class, and we will develop a positive feeling towards the subject.
Elaine Doyle
ReplyDelete1 it makes it easier to fire teachers and teachers are payed more if their students do well on tests.
2 no two students are alike
3 lots of people he is related to work/worked in a shirt factory
4 Montgomery
5 the influence of family life
6 No of course not!Good teachers are not the ones who will be bribed by money, and it might not be the teachers fault if their students have bad test scores, the teacher might be amazing, the students might be terrible students!
7 the money could be used for better equipment for the classrooms, to help the kids who are having problems at home which is definitely a reason why students do badly in school, or bigger classrooms, or more teachers (so students can get more attention). The teachers should still be tested to see if they are legit though. but they should not be judged by their students work.
Liam Andrus
ReplyDelete1. From what i understand, the RAISE act is a system where teachers paycheck comes from the grades of the students (The better the students do on standardized testing and stuff, the more money they get)
2. Because all students are different, where in a factory, everything thing that is produced is exactly the same.
3. it might invoke some feelings of compassion towards students and persuade the audience because thinking of people all being exactly the same is kinda scary.
4. Montgomery, AL
5. the influence of family
6. in my opinion, offering teachers incentive for test scores would not improve the educational system because i would not be surprised if teacher let their greed over come the well-being of their students. To earn more money, they would make their students do an excessive amount of in school and out of school work in hopes of bumping up test scores.
7. There are two major things i think would improve the educational system, the first of which is focusing more on learning and less on making good grades. People could learn so much more, and possibly even enjoy it, if they could not worry about what their next test score would be. Yes, there would still be general assessments to make sure that they were actually learning something, but it wouldn't so labor intensive and stress inducing. The next thing that would improve the educational system (and probably the country as a whole) would be making fine arts (like band and art and stuff) more of a focus. playing music and expressing your inner creativity is what will make the rising generation exactly what America needs. Innovative and Creative.
1. It changes the way teachers are evaluated and compensated. It changes the way a tenure is earned and also provides a way it can be provoked.
ReplyDelete2. Not every kid is the same like every shirt is the same.
3. Because factory workers were using the same type of system called "piece work".
4. Jefferson county
5. family environment effected grades more.
6. No, because teachers could just give better grades so that they would make more money.
7. If teachers could teach students the way they wanted instead of using stardardized testing.
Aly Meadows
ReplyDelete1. The RAISE Act of 2016 is an act that will give teachers a raise based on standardized test scores.
2. Because unlike working in a shirt factory where every collar is the same each student is different and learn in different ways.
3. Because when people think of factories they think of bad things and the education of the future of America isn’t a situation that should be taken lightly.
4. Montgomery
5. That the personal lives of teachers isn’t what teaches kids
6. In my opinion no, because students don’t go into a test with the mind set of getting their teachers money. Students shouldn’t have the responsibility of teachers getting extra money for their families. Plus the fact that some students just don’t test well, they know the information they just freeze up on tests, and that isn’t anyone’s fault and neither the teacher nor the student should have to pay for that fact. And what if the day of the test the student is having a bad day or didn’t sleep well the night before, they can’t be expected to be perfect every day, they shouldn’t be responsible for the teacher’s money income.
7. Motivation for students would fix this educational system. If all students felt motivated enough to try their hardest then there would be less of a dripline problem and the teachers would be able to give the students more opportunity and freedom.
Elijah Lane
2. Because to be a teacher, you go through many different programs and a lot of hard work to be qualified to be a teacher, and that desire to help students to grow can't be manipulated by money. Unlike when you run out of options and working in a sweatshop is all you can do, and you want to get as much as you can financially.
3.Possibly because its one of the type of professions that can easily be manipulated by money, which could warp the reader's mind to think being a teacher and being in a shirt factory can easily be swayed by dollar bills.
5. Because they only get maybe at college 2 hours to help a student, less at any school below that. They can't have too much impact on the student, after all, it relies more on whether the student wants to learn in the first place.
6. It would do the opposite because then the educational system would become money-fueled and be no better than a business corporation.
7. More involvement to an extent in student's lives. The movies that feature the teacher moving in a student's life really does portray what should happen in real life. Maybe it won't always work, but it can improve student morale, their attentiveness in class, and their attitude all toegether.
Alex George
ReplyDelete1) The Raise Act is using something called VAM (Value Added Modeling) to project the performance levels of students and pay teachers based on whether their students meet their targets.
2) You can’t compare a school to a business because school is a place that you go to learn not somewhere that you go and work all day without any learning experience.
3) Because it’s a prime example of peace work and it was personal to him.
4) Montgomery, Alabama.
5) Teachers did not have high expectancy that their personal efforts would lead to student achievement gains due to concerns about the influence of family environment on student achievement.
6) No because teachers would focus more on forcing the students to learn the curriculum for better test scores causing them to focus more on themselves and their income instead of the students and their learning experience.
7) More money, smaller class sizes, and they should have a social worker in every school that helps children deal with situations that can affect their lives. Teachers can focus more on teaching students and less on helping them with things that happen at home.
Marley Hobbs-
ReplyDelete1) The Alabama Senate is working on legislation that would end the tenure system for future teachers and replace it with a plan that ties employment and pay more closely to student performance.
2) Because every person is different, unlike an assembly line where everything is supposed to be the exact same.
3) Because one is made to be the exact same while the other is individually completely different.
4) Larry Lee lives in Montgomery.
5) They said it had to do with concerns about family environment on student achievement
6) I think that it would motivate them a little bit but the teachers have to want to do it for the kids for it to really help the kids tremendously.
7) I believe it all has to start with the understanding that the teacher and the student will work there hardest to get the best test score possible.
Brianna Ashcraft
ReplyDelete1.) Rewarding Advancement in Instruction and Student Excellence; They would increase the number of years for a young teacher to get tenure from three to five years. Performance track teachers would be paid more but have a higher chance of being fired when a student had poor performance recorded.
2.) The children at a school are not an exact copy of each other and the shirt collars are the exact same in a business.
3.) He chose that example because it is obvious that no child is just alike and it's obvious that shirt collars are the same, so it is certain there is a difference.
4.) Montgomery, Alabama
5.) It would be due to concerns about the influence of family environment on student achievement.
6.) No, I don't think it would improve the educational system. I think this because if the teacher is qualified to teach and they teach thoroughly then it shouldn't effect the teachers pay on whether or not the student does well, you have to study and if that student doesn't it's not the teachers fault.
7.) I believe that allowing kids to choose what classes and how many they take as long as they can meet the requirements should be okay. I also think that we could start a little bit later because some people don't do well in their first and maybe second class because they aren't fully awake, everybody's always pushing getting the right amount of sleep but yet we have eight classes and homework for all so we're up late doing homework then have to get up early to get to school on time. I think not having as many classes would be a good adjustment as well.
Maxine Ball
ReplyDelete1. RAISE stands for Reforming Access for Investments in Startup Enterprises, and is basically an act that President Obama passed that is mainly about transporting funding.
2. The teachers aren’t robots and the students aren’t customers, and he thinks it wouldn’t work but it never did.
3. Because like in a shirt factory years ago, which got bad pay, if the workers were offered a raise, they would automatically work harder.
4. Montgomery
5. Because they believe that family environment is what leads to student success.
6. No, because it’s not exactly the teachers who give the students their test scores, it’s the students themselves. Sure, the teachers teach the material, but it’s up to the students to study and prepare for the exams and tests. If they don’t study and they make a bad grade, that should be on them, not the teachers.
7. Probably starting school later in the morning. I read that it was scientifically proven that the brain doesn’t start working properly until 10 am, and most schools start at around 8 am. I don’t know if it’s true or not, but starting school later may make the students who believe this work harder.
Elle Allen
ReplyDelete1. The raise act of 2016 offers raises to teachers if their students make good grades
2. "Yet the whole premise of RAISE is that we will offer bonuses to teachers if their students get better grades and magically, hard-working teachers will suddenly become smarter, harder-working and better trained. This is the same premise used in shirt factories 50 years ago where some of my kinfolks sat at a sewing machine all day putting collars on shirts or zippers in pants. It was called piece work.”
3. He feels that America runs schools like a business and that it shouldn’t be that way.
4. Montgomery
5. The teachers thought that their personal dedication and abilities wouldn’t have an effect on the students school performance
6. No, I don’t think that offering teachers more money for their students grades would improve the education system. I don’t think that most teachers are in it for the money in the first place, but the ones that are could easily water-down their work or scale grades for their own benefit.
7. I think that the education system could be improved if everyone cared more. I think there are a lot of teachers and students that could work harder and have more respect for each other.
1. If a teacher’s students do well on standardized testing, it will be assumed that the teacher is behind their success, and so they will receive a bonus for their work.
ReplyDelete2. No student that you will teach is just like the other, and there is no way that they can be taught or treated like they are all the same.
3. He may have used that specific example because working in a factory can be a very mechanical process, and he wants people to understand that kids should not be treated like that simply because of a money incentive. A teacher cannot just go through the motions with all of their students and treat everyone the exact same. Oftentimes, factory jobs are mainly for those who are in need of money, and those who go into teaching rarely go into the field to be wealthy.
4. Montgomery, Alabama
5. “..due to concerns about the influence of family environment on student achievement.”
6. No, whether the teacher works well or not, it all depends on how the students are. All of the students have different learning styles, different backgrounds, and many disparities that cannot be changed or improved by the teacher. If the teacher miraculously becomes great because of their pay raise and are able to explain out material to the students fairly well, there is a possibility that some students will improve, but some will not. Certain material can be difficult to certain students, and that’s why they all must be treated differently.
7. It is highly improbable, but I really think if teachers spent more time with students individually and help them through their weaknesses, things would improve. I also believe that students would be a little bit less stressed and open to learning if they didn’t make them do so much work because they should understand that they have many other classes, and SOMETIMES YOU ARE INTERNALLY DYING ON THE INSIDE FROM EVERYTHING YOU HAVE TO DO, so, yeah, I feel like that could help out, too.
Abbey Ray,
ReplyDelete1. The Raise Act of Alabama basically says that a teacher will make more money based on how well their students do I class.
2. Teaching can’t be compared to working in a shirt factory because in the shirt factory every shirt and collar are the same, but in a classroom every student is different and requires different needs than another student.
3. Lee used the shirt factory example because it helped him prove his point that no two students are exactly like the other.
4. Lee lives in Montgomery.
5. The teachers doubted that their own personal efforts would affect the student’s achievements due to how that student’s family environment felt about school achievements.
6. I think that giving teachers incentive based on their students test grades is a bad idea because some teachers have harder material to teach; therefore, the students may not do as well on their tests. Also, a student’s test grade doesn’t necessarily show how well the teacher teaches, but how well the student studies.
7. I think that if some teachers were more helpful in class and more willing to help you understand the material, then student’s grades may improve.
Joy Chou
ReplyDelete1. The RAISE Act of 2016 increases a teacher’s pay based on their students’ performance.
2. All students have different abilities and paces of learning; they’re not carbon copies that can all be handled the same way.
3. He uses the example to show that education doesn’t work in the same way business does.
4. Montgomery
5. The teachers were concerned about the influence of family environment on student achievement.
6. To a certain extent, although it may not be very much; the success of students depends primarily on their own will to learn and study.
7. School should be about learning, rather than getting good grades. If students didn’t feel so pressured and burdened with making A’s all the time, they’d likely develop a genuine interest in learning.
Samantha Hayes
ReplyDelete1. The RAISE Act of 2016 is raising the pay of minimum wage to eight dollars this year, nine the next, and so on.
2. Kids aren't shirt collars, they're all different.
3. To explain that you can't run a school like that because they have personalities and one is never the same as another.
4. Larry Lee lives in Montgomery, Alabama.
5. They said that the little amount of raise didn't deserve more efforts.
6. For some it might, some not. Some could probably care less about the students gain. All people want is money and they don't realize that that's not all that matters.
7. It would help if more kids engaged in their work, but sometimes it's not just the student. Some teachers don't even teach, they pass out a worksheet everyday.
Zoie Pritchett
ReplyDelete1. the RAISE act stands for recognize, assist, include, support and engage. It requires the development of a strategy that would identify specific actions that government, communities, providers, employers and others can take to recognize and support family caregivers. It will help people live at home, where numerous surveys show they want to be, preventing more costly are and saving taxpayer dollars.
2. Because in a shirt factory every shirt is that same, but at school everyone is different.
3. To show how old and similar the two can be.
4. Montgomery
5. Concerns about the influence of family environment on student achievement.
6. I think it would a little bit, but I don’t think it would raise dramatically. If the student still doesn’t have a very good life and has no motivations and doesn’t try, then that’s not the students fault.
7. Our schools aren’t the safest, so I think if we has better schools all round, it would affect the students to actually want to come and learn something, rather than wanting to come to an old, moldy school.
Burton Drawhorn
1. The Raise Act is an act that is trying to be passed to change up how teachers are paid, the idea is for their salaries to be based upon how well students score and the type of evaluations students and their parents give them.
2. They cannot compare the two because people are real, they cannot be programmed to do something perfectly and they two are totally two different things.
3. Using this example is prime to anyone who knows nothing about teachers, what they do and all the effort they put into teaching and the thrill of it everyday. I can tell that most teachers enjoy what they are dong because they really don't make the most money doing it. They do it because it is what makes them happy, this act would destroy teachers as people and make it a million times harder for them to operate and to really teach kids how to learn.
4. Montgomery
5. The one reason that they stated was that they didn't believe that family environment influences would affect student achievement.
6. I think that this is the most horrible idea offered to man kind, I don't believe by affecting teachers pay off of test score, evaluations and other things will improve anything about the school system whatsoever. Not only will it make it harder to hire teachers, it will make it more difficult on working families, middle class people and others who have dedicated their lives to teaching. While some teachers are great, there is always the one student who messes up, takes it to the extreme and complains about the good teacher or the one who is nice to everyone.
7. What I say may sound cruel and harsh but I believe it is necessary to grade students equally, to push for hard work and determination to suceed, and to stop lowering standards just to make it look like students are passing. Not only do you trick students into believing they are doing better, but by teaching them that by being lazy that they can succeed. We do not need people like this out in the real world, therefore by pushing for hard work, and grading equally we can better improve the education system.
Jake Hammonds
ReplyDelete1. The RAISE act of 2016 changes the way teachers are evaluated and compensated in Alabama. It also changes their earning a tenure for 3 to 5 years.
2. Students aren't like shirts, they're all different and no student is the carbon copy of another
3. His family are both shirt makers and teachers so he compared the two
4. Montgomery
5. Concerns about the influence of family environment on student achievement.
6. Yes, I believe it would work for some people, but honestly sometimes you really can't help some students because they just don't want to learn.
7. A better more flexible curriculum.
Jack Smalley
ReplyDelete1. Teachers salaries will be based on their students performance.
2. Kids aren't the same copy of everybody and everybody will not learn the same.
3. It was an example where people work hard for bonuses and are very well trained.
4. Montgomery
5. It was't motivating.
6. No because some people are just not smart or some come to school everyday just to fool around.
7. What would improve the educational system is an idea I got from the way schools in Germany do. What you do is make students take a test that levels their intelligence. Then what you do is put them in separate classes of low,medium, and high intelligence. Then you could pay teachers for their students success. Say the lower classes students improve just a bit then the teacher gets a raise and so on.
1. The Raise Act of 2016 is when teachers are paid more based on the academic improvement of their classes.
ReplyDelete2. Working in a shirt factory is easy because all the parts are identical. In a school, every student is different, so teachers have to find ways to reach their students and help them learn.
3. All the parts of the shirt are the exact same, so it isn’t that difficult to assemble it.
4. Montgomery, Alabama
5. Teachers know that what really determines a child’s success in school is their family environment on student achievement.
6. Overall, it wouldn’t improve the education system. It will make the teachers try a little harder, but the improvement falls a lot on the willingness of students to learn and work hard.
7. I think students and teachers would need to work together to improve the education system. Students will need to work hard and their families are responsible for teaching them that type of work ethic. Teachers should take the time to work individually with students who might struggle because even though classes are separated where the smart kids are in one class, there will still be those within that group who struggle a little more than the rest. Some students are auditory learners while others might be visual or kinesthetic, so it is the teachers’ responsibility to provide the different types of learning styles in order for everyone to benefit.
ReplyDelete1. Creates a merit pay system for educators, changes the tenure laws and creates a new government agency called the Longitudinal Data System
2. Every collar is the same, but no two students are the same
3. To say that school isn't business or piece work
4. Montgomery
5. The influence of family environment
6. Maybe, but the students that were least likely to succeed would get even less attention and the ones that were more likely would be the only ones that were focused on.
7. Giving incentives to children.
Joshua Giles
ReplyDelete1.Teachers wants raises because they are paid to little
2.because everyone is not the exact same , and working in a shirt factory all the shirts have to be made the exact same.
3. To explain how old fashioned the idea is
5.said their personal efforts cant control what happens outside of the classroom
6.No, because some students aren't as studious as others and also, others teachers might be upset with other teachers receiving more money based on the students they have that are lucky and smart enough to make good grade.
7. Students might be better if teachers cared more and students cared more and also if teachers wouldn't focus on tests all the time.
caitlyn lewis
ReplyDelete1.Prevents an employer from paying the employee higher wages.
2.It would be calling school and education a business.
3.because they would get higher pay if their students did well and people in a shirt factory got higher pay if the shirts they made did well.
5.Family Environment
6.It really depends. If the teacher really does care about their students and wants them to succeed, the money won't make them do that they will do it themselves and the higher pay would just be a bonus. Now, if the teacher just wants to get paid that would hurt the system much more because they would probably be over working their students and not caring about anything but they extra raise.
7.A lot of teachers need to start working with their students taking them on field trips(wink wink)and just being involved. We need more Mr. Rays in our school system. :D
Christian Taylor
1. It's about tranportation funding.
2. Because teachers in Alabama have around 730,000 students' future in their hands and you can't run education or schools in general like a business.
3. Because that is a type of business and a field you just can't compare to education.
4. Montgomery.
5. due to concerns about the influence of family environment on student achievement.
6. In my opinion I don't think it will improve the test scores for the educational system. Because, it depends on the student if they want to learn or not, and how they want to do in their future.
7. What would improve the educational system I believe would be to have students who actually want to do something with their lives such as myself, be in school. Because, sometimes the people who are not interested in school, could harm their education doing ignorant things, such as disrupting class, talking while the teacher is talking, etc. It could, I believe, improve the educational system.
Keyanna Stokes
ReplyDelete1.Amends the National Labor Relations Act to declare that neither its prohibition against interference by an employer with employees' right to bargain collectively, nor the terms of a collective bargaining agreement entered into between employees and an employer after enactment of this Act, shall prohibit an employer from paying an employee higher wages, pay, or other compensation than the agreement provides for
2.because shirt factories call it a piece of work and they want to run the school like a business.
3.because shirt factories have customers and he used it to say that students are not customers and teachers are not robots
5.due to concerns about the influence of family environment on student achievement.
6.I think it would be a good idea to offer it to the teachers because they worked hard every day to teach us new things and to get us ready for ASPIRE, ACT, SAT,PSAT ,etc. They stayed late after school to make our educational plans for the school year and i feel they should be recognized for that.
7. Our average school attendance, The salaries and earning potential of teachers, our Test scores in the math, science, and literature, and the Employment rates
Naiya Rice
ReplyDelete1. The Raise Act of 2016 basically says they will raise the amount of money you make if your work ethic changes for the better. Taking a teacher for example if their students come out more successful by the end of the year. Their salary will increase.
2. According to Lee he states that a shirt is all made the same no matter what they should all come out the same but with children you have different mind sets so the outcome of each child will not be the same.
3. At a shirt factory everything has the same material and all is shaped the same way to make the same outcome but it's totally different in a school environment.
5.Teachers did not think their plans were motivating.
6. No, at the end of the day a teacher can only teach they can't force a child to do the work. They can only encourage and do their job if the student doesn't want to receive the knowledge that is the child.
7. Everything starts at home so if a parent doesn't care about their child's education then depending on the child's mindset by the time they have reached their junior or senior year they will more than likely drop out.
1. The RAISE Act of 2016 prohibits an employer from paying an employee higher wages than their legal agreement states
ReplyDelete2. Everybody is not the same like parts in a factory
3. He uses the factory because it's a quick and effective way to get things done and it's easy for everyone to understand what he's talking about
4. Montgomery
5. It's all about the family environment and how it influences the student.
6. No sometimes the teacher can't teach the way a student needs and the student doesn't understand their methods which leads to lower test grades. If the students in their class doesn't do well it might be cause they don't study and not the teacher's fault. It puts an unnecessary stress on the teacher to make sure all the students get high grades.
7. Understanding that just because a student is sleeping in class doesn't mean that they are lazy it could mean they were up all night doing homework. not all students are slackers. most work very hard but no matter what they do they just aren't up to the standards society sets. AND also if schools weren't so focused on sports and actually education things would be better. yes i know sports gets you scholarships but knowledge gets you farther.
Hallie Grace Hamner
ReplyDelete1. The RAISE Act is basically an act that would end tenure for teachers and raise or lower their salaries based on how their students are doing academically.
2. Because teachers are not robots and students are not their customers, meaning that you can’t run schools like a business because it’s too cold and impersonal.
3. To convince people that the RAISE Act is indifferent to the feelings of actual people by comparing two unlike things.
4. Montgomery.
5. Because they believe that student achievement is affected by factors outside of their control.
6. No, it would not. I believe this because teachers aren’t doing their jobs for the money. Sure, they want to earn money, or else they wouldn’t bother having a job, but if teachers really only taught to get paid, then they would have chosen a different job. My mother doesn’t stay up until 12:00 AM for a week straight making lesson plans, grading papers, and making individualized scrapbooks for each of her students because she wants more money. She does it because she loves her job and her students. She actually cares about how they do academically. She, and every single one of our teachers, want us to succeed. By cutting or raising teacher’s salary based on performance, we are making our schools too clinical. As the article said, teachers are not robots and we, the students, are not their customers. Not to mention, teaching is kind of a mixed bag, especially for elementary school teachers. One year, you could have a class filled with sweet little angels who are eager to learn, and the next year, you could have a class of students who refuse to do their work, and simply don’t care, no matter how hard their teacher tries to get them to. It’s completely up to fate, which,when you are talking about actual, real people’s lives and salaries, seems all too harsh and unfair.
Hallie Grace Hamner
ReplyDeleteHahaha I totally forgot to do #7 here it is:
7. We can improve the education system by getting on a more personal level. For a start, we could show students why it's so important to do well in school. That to get anywhere in life, you have to be a good student first. Maybe remove them from a large class into a small group or one-on-one tutoring to eliminate the distractions that prevent so many from doing their best. We could also make learning materials more accessible to struggling students, or try to get them interested in learning and school through the use of things they actually like. For example, technology. Involving students in a more technology-based learning process could keep their minds more active and help them stay focused, which would ultimately improve our education system.
Crystal Bolden
ReplyDelete1. They will offer bonuses to teachers if their students get better grades and magically, hard-working teachers will suddenly become smarter, harder working and better trained.
2. Because working in a shift factory you sat there at a sewing machine all day putting collars on shirts and zippers in pants.
3. Because they work hard and give a lot of hours to get the difficult job dome.
4. Montgomery, Alabama
5. School choice prevents students from having an educational gain.
6. Yes, because if they did it would make more people want to do better at teaching, and have our next generation do better in school.
7. Having teachers be more dedicated, instead of just giving an assignment and not helping the students. They should take more pride in what they do. Teachers are the real backbone to our leaders today.
Jesslyin Edwards
ReplyDelete1. The better the students do in school the more money teachers will get like raises and bonuses.
2. Students are not customers, and teachers are not robots. Teachers teach, because they want to and they are not forced to do it.
3. A shirt factory is run in an order and the workers have specific stuff they have to do in a dead line, and in a factory the harder you work the more money you make.
4. Montgomery.
5. The student’s family environment.
6. No, because you can’t bribe someone who doesn’t have the drive to do better. Money won’t change anything, because there is only limited things that teachers can do and if that isn’t working money won’t help it at all.
7. Providing students with prized every time they do good in school, and other new and fun opportunities that they will like.
Cameron Wyatt
ReplyDelete1)It gives incentive to teachers if their students' grades go up but they have to give up their tenure.
2)Because not all kids are the same so they can't be taught the same way unlike shirts being put together identically.
3)To get his point across.
4)Montgomery, AL
5) Students' home lives influence them more than the teachers
6)Yes because then the teachers would do a better job teaching.
7)Putting more money into the school systems.
Luke Hinton
ReplyDelete1. to cut tenure
2. teaching is harder
3.becouse you cant do anything difrent. you do the same thing all day, but teachers are faced with diferent kids with diferent ways of leanring
4.Montgumary not cansiter program motivating
6. no, need to do it on their own
7. hands on activitys and music
Avery Thomas
ReplyDelete1. The RAISE act is a part of the FAST act that incentivizes teachers to get their students standardized test scores up.
2. No student is just like another, but all the shirts in a factory are the same.
3. He would use this example to point out the differences in students learning style and how you can’t teach all students the same way.
4. Montgomery
5. The influence of family structure on student achievement
6. No, students are the ones that determine how hard they try on those tests not the teachers. Plus, teachers don’t teach for money they teach because they want to help the students.
7. Having more passionate teachers who love their job more than anything would help because that sparks passion in the students who then perform better.
Natalie Neubert 5th
ReplyDelete1. The RAISE act was something that could help out teachers. This is because teachers don't get paid enough money. If teachers got paid more there might be more people wanting to be a teacher.
2. Teaching can't be compared to a shirt factory because being someone that makes shirts does not have to go to school as long as teachers do, teachers have to go to school longer because they have to learn the correct ways to teach and the proper way to explain things.
3. Something easy to provide so people could better understand work ethics and other things about teachers.
4. Montgomery
5. They should that even though they are a teacher it might not help a student that wants to be a doctor because teachers teach basic knowledge and to be a doctor you have to know a lot more things.
6. Yes, because if the teacher does not teach well then they wont get very much money and everyone wants some money so this could help teachers strive to teach better.
7. I think that having kids come to school later in the day would be better because kids go to sleep late and this means they could get more sleep and during this time teachers could be making lesson plans and getting ready for the day.
1.Teachers will receive money for test grades in their classes and that everybody can learn the same thing together.
ReplyDelete2.Because shirt factory workers receive the same brand while students are all diverse and different from one another.
3.Because he had a cousin who worked at a shirt factory attaching collar to shirts.
4.Montgomery, Al
5.Teachers believed that students would still be affected by their family and social environment hurting their goals at changing the students gains.
6.No, test scores is not a test of intelligence but usually memorization. I believe that they should be given incentives for the amount of hard work a student puts into studying and schoolwork he does.
7.We need to change the idea of fear behind school and turn into a place of acceptance. Its about learning not just what rank the school is and its test scores. It is more important for the students to succeed later in life than on that one test he took his junior year. A once in a lifetime test that chooses what colleges you get into is limiting to those without the appropriate surroundings with things such as prep books and practice tests that are only good for once in your life. When will you ever take this test after high school or even college. We need a chance for the students to pursue knowledge by themselves and not by the fear that you won't get a job or you won't get accepted into that college you like because of one test. The human mind is an excellent machine for memorization but it has no value when you don't have a lust for knowledge or you aren't a hard working character. To change schools there needs to be individualization among the students, let them choose their dreams, if he wants to become a art major let him don't scare him away from a goal that can be achieved through hard work and dedication. There is a requirement for us to be clustered into groups or paths to be taken during the span of going to school. Such as there being a path to take towards engineering and other scientific careers. It needs to start of small though with things like in primary school teaching kids to work hard and do their work. Then elementary focuses on their dreams narrowing down their selection into broad groups. After that it would middle school were you choose what type of job you want to do such as something to do with art or literature. Finally, high school where you work at determining what job you want in that field and pinpointing it to a select few and graduating to get a major related to that job. Of course the different paths will be separated by academic classes but there should be more social gatherings to decrease isolation from other groups of people. An example would be if a guy in a science path crossed a guy in an English path by having a science fiction writing class as an elective or a girl having an art path cross with a girl that has a history path that wants to study ancient art. These changes could provide a significant difference in just having everybody do the same thing at different difficulties. This needs to be expressed and explained to school boards so that they can remove the dream limiting common core system.