Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Pre-AP English 9 Current Events Blog for the Week of January 11

Read the following article:


Answer the following questions related to the article:

1. Who are the two main candidates featured in this article, both of whom have personal experiences with drug addiction?

2. To whom is Jeb Bush speaking in this article?

3. In your own words, explain Bush's exhortation.

4. What does John Kasich claim changed his view on drug addiction?  How about Chris Christie?

5. Do you think it is correct to politicize the issue of drug addiction?  Is that what these candidates are doing?

6. What are you opinions on addiction of any kind?  Is any kind of addiction a weakness or a "moral failing"?  Explain.


  1. Nia Hodges
    1. Jeb Bush and Carly Fiorina
    2. The New Hampshire Forum on Addiction and the Heroin Epidemic
    3. After sharing his daughter’s history with drugs and her completing a drug program, Bush encourages the expansion of programs dedicated to ending drug abuse.
    4. Personal stories about addiction people shared with him; Christie would rather use treatment instead of turning towards incarceration
    5. Yes, because the government has most control on which state legalize certain drugs and the government also has the responsibility to keep doctor offices in check to make sure doctors aren’t incorrectly prescribing medication. Not necessarily. These candidates are mostly speaking of the importance of programs that are dedicated to those who are addicted to drugs and are seeking help.
    6. I think any kind of addiction can be unhealthy because too much of one thing can have negative outcomes and an individual can develop an unhealthy dependence. An addiction can be both a weakness or a “moral failing”. Certain experiences in life can cause someone to start to depend on something to the point that without it, they are weak and incomplete. On the show My Strange Addiction, many of the people have trouble quitting their addiction because they physically cannot restrain themselves therefore they are weak. Addictions that are considered “moral failings” can be where someone turns to drugs simply because no one was there to tell them what is right or wrong. I remember on one episode of Dr. Phil, a father started doing drugs with his daughter when she was about thirteen years old. A “moral failing” addiction is only considered that by people who were taught that to be wrong.

  2. Elle Turner
    1.Jeb Bush and Carly Fiorina
    2.The Crowd at the New Hampshire forum.
    3.He is urging everyone to expand all drug and rehab centers nationwide.
    4.Kasichs view changed when he became Governor of Ohio because people have shared their stories. Christie says being Governor of new Jersey has changed his view.
    5.Yes, it is right. Something needs to happen to show people how crazy it is. yes, that is what they are doing.
    6.I have a lot of family who have addictions from alcohol to Cocaine, so obviously I feel very strongly about this. I think the first time you try your addiction that is a "moral failing" but every time after that is a weakness and we all have them.
    Roll Tide :-)

  3. Rachel Walker
    1. Jeb Bush and Carly Fiorina.
    2. Jeb is speaking to the crowd of people at the New Hampshire Forum on Addiction and the Heroin Epidemic.
    3. Bush is telling people to not give up because they have a purpose and that everyone has potential.
    4. His view changed because he heard other people's experiences. Chris Christie stated that this should be treated differently and should be seen as a moral failing.
    5. Yes, I do think drug addiction should be politicized because it is a significant problem. Drug addiction has the potential to ruin ones life, even kill due to overdose. I do think these candidates are politicizing the issue because they are putting it into perspective to various people in a political way.
    6. I think addiction should be seen as a real problem, more than others, but I believe it should be something people think about if it is harmful. I don't think addiction should be considered a moral failing because the person could stop the addiction if they really want to. Some addictions are worse than others, but it should be a weakness, not a moral failing.

  4. Lacey Martin
    1. Jeb Bush and Carly Fiorina
    2. The crowd at the New Hampshire Forum on Addiction and the Heroin Epidemic.
    3. Drug addiction is not a moral failing or something to be ashamed of, it is like any other disease and should be treated accordingly without bias or judgement.
    4. John Kasich has heard peoples' personal accounts on the experiences and feels like now he has his own connection through learning from others experiences. Chris Christie thinks that as long as people view drug use as a failure then no one will treat it like another disease.
    5. I think to a certain extent drug use is relevant to their campaign, but they should not be using someones personal experiences, and especially your own daughters, to draw in the vote of someone.
    6. I think addictions are in fact something that once you are addicted you can't control, there are many instances where people that are very good people are addicted and come to the point where they cant stop. I think addiction is not a moral failing or weakness, but I do think that if someone really has the drive and need to stop, they can, with help from people who know addictions.

  5. Joy Chou

    1. Jeb Bush and Carly Fiorina
    2. The public
    3. Bush is encouraging America to move away from the idea that the issue of drug addictions is a problem that can’t be solved. He also wants to remove the shame associated with the issue in order to get those with addictions the help they need.
    4. Kaisch claimed that hearing other’s personal stories about addiction has helped him understand the issue more deeply. Christie focuses on treatment over incarceration for non-violent offenders.
    5. The candidates are politicizing this issue, and their doing so is beneficial for America. This issue is one of importance and its proper recognition as such has long since been overdue. Drug addictions tend to be the root of many other problems, but if people fail to acknowledge the issue, it can’t be solved.
    6. I’d like to be able to say that I wholeheartedly believe that addictions don’t equate to weaknesses, but I can’t help but to be affected by the stigma of the issue. Yes, I do believe that those with addictions should and can be treated, but their circumstances were brought on by their own poor decisions.

  6. Madeline King

    1.) Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush and technology executive Carly Fiorina
    2.)Bush is talking to the crowd about his daughter who has drug addiction problems as well
    3.) He wants to get the point across that drugs are not the way to go
    4.) He has seen what they do to other people and wants to put a stop to it, and Chris also does not wants bullies to take place but to talk to the people about it
    5.)yes, drugs should never be okay in any circumstance, yes they are talking to these people with personal experience
    6.)I know it is really hard to overcome but it should never become an addiction, I think so because you are letting it control you, YOU are allowing yourself to take over

  7. 1. Jeb Bush and Carly Fiorina.
    2. To the people at the New Hampshire Forum on Addiction and the Heroin Epidemic.
    3. People need to be able to talk about the issue of addiction without all the misconceptions and bad things associated with it.
    4. John Kasich said that people telling him their story changed his viewpoint. Chris Christie said that his treatment for incarceration changed his view point.
    5. Yes, this is what the politicians are doing and I believe that it is a good idea do that the voters can see what their viewpoint on it I. We don't want a president who thinks drugs are good, then we know that the U.S. is not the U.S. that it used to be.
    6. My opinion is that an addiction gives you a chance to grow stronger and to better learn your limits. An addiction should have never been started but once you start you need to recognize that you have a problem before you can overcome the addiction. An addiction shows that you were stupid to start, but when you recognize that you need help you are being strong.

  8. Dylan hydrick

    1.Jeb Bush,daughter struggles with addiction. Carly Fiorina, her step-daughter died from a drug overdose in 2009.
    2. those affected in some way by drugs or drug abuse.
    3.bush feels that the importance of prevention and creating recovery programs to help you or your loved ones to get help is high as ever.
    4. people shared their personal stories about addiction in his tenure as Ohio's governor. instead of looking at drug addiction as a moral failing, we should view it as treating a disease that can be cured.
    5.i think it isn't correct to politicize about the issue due to common knowledge on politics, they don't care about anything but votes and ratings, this is exactly what they are doing and I guarantee you wont see another awareness campaign for drug addiction after the voting or ratings because they could care less.
    6.an addiction in everyway a moral failing. the common fact that every person with a brain knows that drugs are bad. especially when some people experience it secondhand and continue to follow that path of destruction. the only way to fix this common problem is to quit babying druggies and tell them they should take responsibility. if we quit helping druggies there will be less druggies because they then will have no fallback once things go south.

  9. Aly
    1. The two main candidates that are featured in this article are Jeb Bush and Carly Fiorina
    2. Jeb Bush is talking to the people at the New Hampshire Forum on Addiction and the Heroin Epidemic.
    3. Bush thinks we should be able to talk about drug addiction without having our minds go to all the disgrace placed upon people with a drug addiction. The process of dealing with a family member who is going through addiction is hard and it is something that Bush wishes to share with everyone because he wants people with drug addictions to get help.
    4. Kasich claimed that the stories he heard along the way of his campaign is what changed his view on drugs. Christie says her view was changed by people calling drug addiction a “moral failing”
    5. I think that these candidates are politicalizing drug addictions and I think that can be good and bad. It can be good because it raises awareness for the disease but bad because in the end people need help and sitting there having a debate about it isn’t going to do anything unless they take actual action.
    6. I think that people with addiction need help but only if they’re willing. If the person isn’t willing to try it’s not going to work and that is just going to waste money. I think addiction is a weakness because people can be addicted to more things besides just drugs and some of the things people become addicted to start as an innocent thing that they didn’t realize was going to turn bad, also I think that it is a weakness because addiction can be embracing and not everyone is willing to admit they have a problem and admitting it can be hard.

  10. Ben Hall

    1. Jeb Bush and technology executive Carly Fiorina.

    2. To people who share their drug addiction stories and people who have had family members that have died through the use of drugs.

    3. To halt the use of drugs, and help people who've used drugs in the past.

    4. John Kasich claimed that talking to people who have struggled with addiction changed his view on drug addiction. This article doesn't disclose how Chris Christie changed his view.

    5. I do think that it is correct. In my opinion, that is what these candidates are doing.

    6. In my opinion, addiction can have both a positive or negative affect. The bad kind of addiction, such as drug addiction, is in my opinion a weakness. If you know the affects that drugs can have on you and you still choose to try them, that is entirely your fault.

  11. Kelsi Hobosn

    1. Jeb Bush and Carly Fiorina.
    2. He is speaking to the people at the New Hampshire Forum on Addiction and the Heroin Epidemic.
    3. We should be able to talk about drug addiction without people being afraid of what others think.
    4. John Kasich's view was changed when he became governer and people started sharing their story with him. Chris Christie's view was changed when he became governer and started focusing on people getting treatment instead of going to jail.
    5. Yes, if it makes people aware and are able to discuss the issue. Although they are sharing their stories with others, I think they are also using it to their advantage to gain support in the presidential election.
    6. A person with any type of addiction has the right to seek treatment. No, because the most upstanding individual can succumb to addiction whether it be drugs, alcohol, gambling, etc.

  12. Marley Hobbs

    1. Jeb Bush and Carly Fiorina
    2. A crowd at the New Hampshire Forum on Addiction
    3. Jeb Bush is basically saying it’s not fun seeing loved one in pain over drugs and we should do whatever necessary to help them.
    4. John Kasich believes that no human being is too far gone for help, and we all have a god given purpose to fulfill. Chris Christie says that our society believes it to be a moral failure to be addicted.
    5. I think it is a good idea or at least an okay one to politicize them because it is only helping people with drug addiction and letting them know they are not alone, because there is help for them.
    6. I believe that addictions of any kind are obviously bad but there is help out there for you. I would consider it a weakness but not necessarily a moral failure because you might not even have any morals on them or just accidentally gotten your self hooked on something, not knowing what you were getting into.

  13. Elle Allen
    1.Bush & Fiorina
    2.The People at the Forum
    3.He wants there to be more treatment options nationwide and he wants people to be aware.
    4.John Kasich says that hearing people share their addiction stories during his tenure as Governor changed his view on addiction. “Chris Christie, meanwhile, pointed to his record as governor of New Jersey focusing on treatment over incarceration for non-violent offenders. He said it is incumbent upon the country's next president to use the bully pulpit to address drug addiction in a meaningful way.”
    5.I think they use it for attention. I think that they are politicizing the issue, and I don’t think that it is right. I believe that is something that should be addressed medically, not politically. They aren’t doctors, they just want your vote.
    6.I agree that drug addiction, or any addiction is a curable disease, not something that is a weakness or a “moral failing.” I think it is one tiny mistake (like all humans make) that leads to something that can be so much bigger, and could cost you your life. I believe that it can happen to anyone, and that even those who are addicted still have so much potential to be who God created them to be. Overcoming addiction is a great story, and example of bravery and strength to set for others, and I believe anyone has the power to do it.

  14. Alex George
    1) Jeb Bush and Carly Fiorina.
    2) The crowd in New Hampshire.
    3) Jeb Bush experienced what a lot of other people in the world go through by having a child with addiction problems and that it is a truly horrible sensation causing a lot of parents to feel helpless.
    4) Kasich said he’s come to understand the issue more deeply during his experience as the governor of Ohio as people shared their personal stories about addiction. Chris Christie, meanwhile, pointed to his record as governor of New Jersey focusing on treatment over incarceration for non-violent offenders.
    5) Yes, as long as the candidates are willing to do something about it. Yes, because they are using drug addiction to help boost their ratings.
    6) Addiction is a serious matter and people need to understand that it is a hard battle to fight especially if you are doing it alone. It depends on the addiction but it is more likely both because pain killer addicts usually start taking the medicine to help cure pain and they quickly find that they cannot function without them. Unless you walk in someone else’s shoes and know what they are going through then people cannot really judge the situation.

  15. Jared Snyder
    1. Bush Fiorina
    2. The people at the forum
    3. He wants people to be more aware and for there to be more treatment options
    4. During his term people changed his way of thinking
    5. yes, there would be a handful of people that would be in danger if this was not politicized
    6. Any addiction is bad, but if you have one its most likely your fault. and any reason could make you be addicted to drugs.

  16. 1.Bush and Fiorna
    2.The people at the forum
    3.He wants people to find more treatment options and to be more aware
    4.John says that during his tenure as gov. that hearing the peoples stories changed his view... Chris says that seeing the non offenders in New Jersey's treatment changed his view.
    5.Yes, because I don't think people should be doing it anyway. Yes
    6. Some can be good and some can be bad. Yes, the ones that hurt a person and their well being.

  17. Jesslyin Edwards
    1. Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, and Carly Fiorina.
    2. The crowd.
    3.People should stop taking drugs, because it affects the people around in a major way. No one’s alone in this battle of drugs, and addiction many people out there have felt the exact same way seeing someone you love use drugs and get addicted to it. We should be able to address this issue without all of the problems that come with it.
    4. Kasich now deeply understands this issue that we have with drugs and addiction, and before he had no addiction or clue about the issue. Christie said that the next president should not address the issue in a bully kind of way and should instead focus on treatments in a nicer way.
    5. Yes, because mostly everyone in the world has been addicted or has/had a loved one addicted to drug use so they are addressing an issue that the crowd is very familiar with and is very sympathetic towards.
    6. It’s very easy to get addicted to something, and I know some people that are addicted to some things so I understand the issue. Any kind of addiction is a weakness that they develop that they can’t control, and it’s a problem that they would need to fix before it can really get out of hand.

  18. Arianna Taylor
    5th Period

    1. Jeb Bush and Carly Fiorina are the two main candidates featured in this article who both have had personal experiences with drug addiction.

    2. Bush is addressing those who see drug addiction as a "moral failing."
    3. Bush feels that people are looking at drug addiction the wrong way, and he is trying to get them to see it as an issue to overcome.

    4. John Kasich claims that hearing people tell their personal stories about addiction has changed his view. Chris Christie says that the incarceration of drug addicts changed his view on addiction.

    5. I think that it isn't correct to politicize the issue of drug addiction because it has nothing to do with politics, it is a private personal matter. These candidates are not relating drug addiction to politics.

    6. In my opinion, i think that addiction is a personal matter and that people can overcome addiction because it is a point in which you can find yourself and become stronger. However, I do believe that addiction is a weakness, but it's only a weakness to become a strength.

  19. Brent Smith
    1. Jeb Bush and Carly Fiorina.
    2. To the crowd of people.
    3. It hurts when some one you care for is struggling with addiction.
    4. personal stories.
    5. No I don't think that is correct it should be someone's choice if they want to use drug's or not and if they get addicted then it's there own fault and yes I do believe that is what they are trying to do.
    6. I do not have a opinion on addiction, it doesn't effect me there for it doesn't bother me any. It could be a weakness depending on what someone's addiction is. If you are addicted to a drug then you wouldn't be able to enjoy everyday life.

  20. Amy Ingle
    1.) The two main candidates featured in the article are Jeb Busch and Carly Fiorina. They have both had drug addictions in their family.

    2.) He said it was a national calling atthe New Hampshire Forum on Addiction and the Heroin Epidemic.

    3.) He thinks that America should do more to help people addicted to drugs.

    4.)John Kasich said that hearing the goveners share their personal stories. Chris Christine changed after focusing on treatment for non-violent offender.

    5.) I don't think drug addiction should be a part of politics which is what these canadidts are doing. Although drug addiction is not something to ignore and people who need help with addictions should get it I don't think it is someone who is in poitics job to handle. When I am old enough to vote I will vote for someone who focus on political problems. It isn't a bad thing he wants to help but it is not something that he should focus on.

    6.) Addictions can have very severe consequences especially drug addictions. I think an addictions is a moral failing. Most of the time when someone starts something bad they don't plan on getting addicted. Even something not health related such as being addicted to your cell phone can happen but the moment someone gets a phone they don't say "I hope I get addicted to my phone." Same for drugs, no one plans on getting addicted. The best way to prevent addictions is to never start it. If an alcoholic never had drank alcohol they wouldn't be an alcoholic. Same thing goes for drugs. Drugs are obviously morally wrong, before someone abuses a drug they no it is not good and that there is a lot of consequences to go along with it.

  21. Reagan Ray

    1. Jeb Bush and Carly Fiorina both have experiences with drug abuse.
    2. He is addressing all of the people at the New Hampshire Forum on Addiction and the Heroin Epidemic
    3. Bush’s exhortation is to expand and have drug court programs nationwide.
    4. Real life stories changed how John Kasich viewed drugs, and Chris Christie was focused on helping imprisoned people who were non-violent.
    5. Yes and the candidates are trying to do that.
    6. I think addictions are formed when someone tries to replace something, with what they are addicted to. I also think that anyone can overcome anything, and something that would help is a positive environment around that person. In my opinion, some addictions are weaknesses. Others however are not because the person does not care and is not willing to change their ways and behaviors.

  22. Elijah Lane

    1. Jeb Bush & Carly Fiorina
    2. Anyone going through the struggles of drugs, or the crowd surrounding him.
    3. Anyone can succumb to the allure of drugs, even a former Florida Governor's daughter.
    4. The personal stories he heard when he was governor of Ohio and Chris Christie had looked upon his time as New Jersey's governor and his enlightened view of drugs as a disease,not a moral failing.
    5. The issue of drugs is serious and out there in the open, but nothing makes people rally up and join in a cause than politics. The candidates aren't being political, they're just trying to help a local cause.
    6. Addiction in my opinion not a disease or a weakness, it is a corrupted state of mind. Any addiction from drug to video games might effect your physical health, but in the end, all of it is mental. Supporting my thoughts, addictions always start out with a little taste, at that moment the barrier in your brain is widely cracked and if the right decision isn't made, then the barrier will completely break. But hey, that's just me.

  23. Holly McDonough

    1. Jeb Bush and Carly Fiorina.
    2. People who's loved ones have drug addictions.
    3. We should put more effort into helping people with addiction.
    4. People sharing their stories with him. Being governor of New Jersey.
    5. Yes because it brings more awareness to the subject. Yes.
    6. Any addiction is an unfortunate situation because it causes problems and affects more than one person. I don't think it should be seen as a moral failing or a weakness because it is not easily treated and should be seen as a disease more than a weakness.

    1)Jeb Bush and Carly Fiorina
    2) He is speaking to those who have a loved one dealing with addiction.
    3) He is saying that it is hard to know someone with an addiction and that there should be more resources and places avaliabe for these people to get help and get better.
    4) Kasich's view was changed by being the governer of Ohio and Chris Christie governed New Jersey.
    5) I think that making the fact of how serious this is aware is good. These candidates are saying what they think about addiction and they are wanting to help those who need to be saved.
    6) Some people fall into a hole or make one wrong choice and it all goes downhill. People should not be looked down upon because they became addicted to drugs or anything else. If they are willing to try and get over their addiction, then they should be given a chance. People's mistakes should not define them or their whole lives.

  25. Liam Andrus

    1. Jeb Bush and John Kasich
    2. he is speaking to the people of New Hampshire at the Forum on Addiction and the Heroin Epidemic
    3. Hes saying that drug addiction affects everyone and that people should stop talking about drugs like its a weakness.
    4. Hearing people share stories about addiction while hes been governor
    5.In my opinion, its not okay to politicize the issue of drug addiction. think they are because they're just talking about drugs in a state thats going through a drug epidemic
    6.Addiction, in my opinion, is a mixture of both. Humans are naturally curious and sometimes our curiosity gets the better of us. I find that a natural weakness. When we don't recognize our addiction is bad and that we need to stop, then its a moral failing.

  26. Abbey Ray,

    1. The two main candidates featured in this article are Jeb Bush and Carly Fiorina.
    2. Jeb Bush is speaking to the people attending the New Hampshire Forum on Addiction and the Heroin Epidemic.
    3. Bush is trying to get rid of the stigma that comes with talking about drug addiction. He himself dealt with the consequences of addiction when his daughter had a hard time with addiction. Since this is such a personal issue for Bush, he his urging this conflict so that everyone knows about it.
    4. John Kasich says that when he heard people in Ohio share their own addiction stories is what changed his view on drug addiction. What changed Chris Christie’s view on addiction is when a possible future president used the “bully pulpit” to talk about addiction.
    5. Yes, I do because I feel like drug addiction is a big problem that needs to be known and fixed. Yes, I think that the candidates are politicizing the issue.
    6. I think that addictions in general no matter what kind they are can be a problem because a lot of times the person is so consumed with that addiction that they struggle with doing anything else in life. Therefore, yes I do think that any kind of addiction can become a weakness or “moral failing”.

  27. Caitlyn Lewis

    1.Carly Fiorina and Jeb Bush
    2. The attendees at the Heroine Epidemic conference and all Americans in general to be honest.
    3. He wants people to stop judging those who have been addicted to drugs and have recovered. He wants people to help those struggling with addiction.
    4. John Kasich said that the citizens of Ohio telling him of their experiences changed him. Christie said he changed because of the treatment of non violent drug addicts.
    5. I don't really have a stance on this subject because I have no experience in the
    subject( Thank God) but yes I do believe that the candidates are politicizing drug addiction.
    6. I believe you are stupid for getting addicted to anything if you were given the choice to do it or not. If you were forced to do the drug or got second hand high(?) it wasn't your fault and you can recover.

  28. Sam Webb
    1. Jeb Bush and Carly Fiorina.
    2. The crowd at the New Hampshire Forum on Addiction and the Heroin Epidemic.
    3. He is saying he knows what it is like to love somebody that is an addict.
    4. People telling him personal stories. Christie says he is focusing on treatment rather than incarceration fro non-violent offenders.
    5. Yes. Yes.
    6. It is not a weakness. In the definition of addicted it says unable to stop taking it without incurring adverse effects.

  29. Maxine Ball, 6th Period
    1. Jeb Bush and Carly Fiorina.
    2. The crowd at the New Hampshire Forum on Addiction and the Heroin Epidemic.
    3. He believes that the nation should be able to talk about drug addiction without bringing the disgrace towards the disorder in the conversations.
    4. Kasich said during his time as governor of Ohio, because people shared their personal stories about addiction with him.
    5. I believe that it may be helpful to politicize drug addiction, as it could help a lot of people who suffer from it, though it may also cause a lot of problems.
    6. I believe that if someone is addicted to something, it was their fault they got addicted to the thing in the first place. Though it is an addiction, and when they say it’s hard/ nearly impossible to get over it, I understand. In a way, an addiction is a weakness, because it could be a danger to yourself and others.

  30. 1. Jeb Bush and Carly Fiorina
    2. the New Hampshire Forum.
    3. Deaths caused by drug overdose have doubled and he wants everyone to help find a way to help victims across the country, and to help prevent instances.
    4. when he was the governor of Ohio people shared their personal stories about addiction with him.
    5. Yes it is right, a lot of people struggle with it and they are doing this because it will help those people.
    6. I believe addiction can be prevented. It is a weakness. its in your mind when you give in to pressure.

  31. Burton Drawhorn 9th 6th
    1.Carly Fiorina and Jeb Bush
    2.He is speaking to American Citizens
    3.He is calling to others to speak up about it and to take action without feeling ashamed or scared to.
    4.John Kasich's role as govenor has changed his view on the topic, meanwhile some of Christie's policies have changed his thoughts.
    5.I think it has come to the point to where the government needs to take more action. It is a serious thing that has gotten way too out of hand and politicizing it may be the only way to solve the issue.
    6.Addiction, unless its like to a TV show or something silly like that, is any sense is a bad thing. For example drugs or sex or something of that nature. If you are addicted to it then its obviously hurting you in a negative way and causing you to not lead the kind of life you want to live.

  32. Katherine Pham
    1. Jeb Bush and Carly Fiorina
    2. his daughter
    3. That drug use could lead to diseases and it should be abandoned without any regret
    4. Because he never understood what addiction was like until he listens to stories about other peoples addiction; she focuses on treatment for addiction
    5. No because its an addiction and it would take time to get over it and yes because drugs affects peoples health
    6. drug addiction would be both a weakness and moral failing because if the person who is addicted they would do anything for the money even kill and without the drugs they would not function correctly.

  33. India Kasteler
    1. Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush and tehnology executive Carly Fiorina
    2. The Nation.
    3. He wants to be more strict with dealers and focus more on recovery programs.
    4. John Kasich heard other people share their own addition stories. Chris Christie focused on treatment for non-violent offenders.
    5. Yes, because drug addiction is a serios problem and it more than likely effects everyone in one way or another.
    6. I don't think that it's ever good to be addicted to something because you rely on it too much and if that thing is suddenly limited to you or taken away it can be really hard to adapt to life without it.

  34. 1. The two main people featured in this article are Carly Fiorina and Jeb Bush.
    2. Jeb Bush is speaking to the New Hampshire Forum on Addiction and Heroin Epidemic.
    3. Jeb Bush says we should be able to talk about addiction without the stigma of it being a moral failing or weakness. He wants more drug court programs.
    4. John Kasich changed his views on drug addiction after listening to personal stores. Chris Christie focused on treatment over incarceration while governor of New Jersey.
    5. I think it is okay to politicize drug addiction because it is a huge problem in America and attention needs to brought to it. These candidates are politicizing it.
    6. If you have an addiction, you need to try and break away from it. Drug addiction is a disease that needs treatment, but is also a moral failing from how our society has fallen. If you're a Christian, you are supposed to go by the Bible. As a Christian, you are taught to stay away from drugs.

  35. Chris Thomas
    1) Jeb Bush and Carly Fiorina
    2)The New Hampshire Forum on Addiction and the Heroin Epidemic.
    3)Jeb promoted treatment over jail.
    4)John's view changed when people shared there stories and Christie's view changed as he became Governor.
    5)Yes so you can fix the problem this is what they're doing.
    6)Some addictions are bad like drugs others no as long as they don't take over your life

  36. Avery Thomas
    1. Jeb Bush and Carly Fiorina
    2. Attendees of the New Hampshire Forum on Addiction and the Heroin Epidemic
    3. Jeb Bush wants people with not to be so judgmental about drug addiction and treat it like a curable disease not something someone has failed at.
    4. John Kasich’s eyes were opened by people sharing their stories with him. Chris Christie learned about this issue while discussing how such cases should be handled during his term as governor of New Jersey.
    5. I think that drug use is a very important issue that needs to be discussed, especially in politics because politicians have the power to start programs and reforms for drug rehabilitation. I do think they are politicizing drugs by discussing it during political campaigns.
    6. I believe that resisting temptation of any kind is a moral decision, but it is also very hard to resist mind-altering substances. While it is a small failing of morality, it is also a disease in the sense that it takes control of your body. The stigma needs to be taken away from these issues for we all fail daily at many things, and these people need our help fighting the battle against addiction.

  37. Samantha Hayes

    1. The two main candidates are Carly Fiorina and Jeb Bush.
    2. Jeb Bush is speaking to the New Hampshire Forum on Addiction and Heroin Epidemic.
    3. Bush says we need to be able to talk about drug addiction without the associated stigma of it being a moral failing. He wants to expand drug court programs.
    4. John Kasich changed his views after listening to personal stories of drug addiction. Chris Christie focused on treatment over incarceration while governor of New Jersey.
    5. Yes, these candidates are politicizing drug addiction, but I think it is okay because attention needs to be brought to it. It is a huge problem in America.
    6.If you have an addiction, you need to try to break away from it. I think addiction is a moral failing because America's morals have fallen. If you're a Christian, you are supposed to live by the Bible. As a Christian, you're taught to stay away from drugs.

  38. 1. Former Florida Governor Jeb Bush and technology executive Carly Fiorina.
    2. The crowd at the New Hampshire Forum on Addiction and the Heroin Epidemic.
    3. The shame that has always been placed on drug addiction needs to be forgotten. [Jeb Bush] understands the pain of caring for someone who has lost themselves to an addiction and that is an experience that [he] shares with many.
    4. John Kaisch says that during the time he spent as Ohio’s governor, people have told him of their addiction stories and, through that, he has come to understand the issue better. Chris Christie referred back to his time as governor of New Jersey to remind the people that he believes non-violent offenders should be treated instead of taken to jail.
    5. I think it is good to spread awareness, and that could mean through politics or it could be through something else. However, it should not be used as an easy boost to a candidate’s campaign, and I believe that is what some of these candidates are trying to do. Yes, they are politicizing it.
    6. Addictions are unhealthy for anyone, and they can ruin many lives. However, people who have addictions should not be considered any less than anyone else. For the most part, addictions occur because someone lacks a certain sensation (fun, happiness, relaxation, etc.) or has reached a very low point in their life. Almost everyone in the world has reached that point or lacked a certain sensation, and it’s totally normal. Addictions begin when a person gets to that point but is so desperate to get back up that they begin to distract themselves with one thing, over and over. Having said that, people with addictions have not failed moral principles.

  39. Tyler Frederick
    1. Jeb Bush and Carly Fiorina
    2. He is speaking to people who only look down on drug addicts instead of trying to help them.
    3. Bush is saying they should not look down on drug addicts and should help them because he knows what it is like because his daughter struggled with drugs.
    4. Kasich says that listening to people tell him their story on their struggles with drugs changed his view. Christie talks about how he wanted to help incarcerated non-violent offenders.
    5. I do not think it is correct. I think this is what these candidates are doing.
    6. I think most addictions are bad and can consume you. I think addictions are a weakness because they can make you focus on less important things but you can still overcome the addiction.

  40. Abby Kate Holmes

    1. Jeb Bush, Carly Fiorina
    2. the country
    3. Bush is trying to tell people that drug abuse can be stop and controlled.
    4. being governor of Ohio, being governor of new jersey.
    5. i think it is okay for it to get politicized because it is a important issue in our country. and i think the candidates are politicizing the issue.
    6. i believe addiction is a weakness. i would consider it a moral failing because you can always stop addiction even if it is hard.

  41. Jake Hammonds
    1. Jed Bush and John Kasich
    2. people at the New Hampshire Forum on Addiction and the Heroin Epidemic.
    3. He is telling about how his daughter is affected by drugs and he knows he is not alone
    4. Being Governor of Ohio;focusing on treatment over incarceration for non-violent offenders
    5. I think it is correct to politicize it because maybe the politicians can help stop drug addiction and yes.
    6. Most addictions are weaknesses because people should be strong enough to stand against addiction and should not have started what their addicted to in the first place.


    1. Jeb Bush and John Kasich
    2. The people of New Hampshire
    3. That we should talk about addictions and help people with addictions without judgement.
    4. John from stories he had heard and Chris how people talked about moral failing.
    5. No it is not because it has nothing to do with politics; Yes they kinda are an di feel like they are doing it to get more supporters.
    6. Addictions are terrible some can be as mild as addicted to skittles and can be as major as heroin. They are easy to start and hard to quit. Addiction can lead to bad things happening just so you can suppress the craving. Even though someone has an addiction to something doesn’t make them a bad person it is what they do to get their fix that can make them bad. I don’t think it is necessarily a weakness and it is only a moral failing if it goes against the morals you have for yourself. I don’t think addictions are good and I am in no way saying I am a supporter of them, but people most of the time have a reason as to why they are addicted. Yes, some are addicted because they think it is cool or fun. Other people it is their way out of their reality, helps them relieve stress, and just forget about things for a while, but there are alternative ways to do this that are less life changing and dangerous and it’s different for everyone.

  43. Zoie Pritchett

    1. Fiorina's stepdaughter and Jeb Bush's daughter.

    2. Candidates at a peer recovery center

    3. To show that everyone goes through struggles and you can always get help.

    4. He's never had to deal with it but no matter how deep you are you can always climb out of it; He said in response to her statement, it's incumbent upon the country's next president to use the bully pulpit to address drug addiction in a meaningful way

    5. Yes, so many people go through with this problem and it needs to be addressed more; Yes, in their state atleast.

    6. Since I've had a personal experience with this kind of stuff, I know how hard it can really be and how sometimes you don't really know how deep you really are; Yes, it's your weakness, it's something that if you're addicted, then you have to do it every single day no matter the consequence.

  44. Keyanna Stokes
    1.Gov. Jeb Bush and Carly Fiorina
    2.To anyone who have loved ones struggling drug addiction
    3.He can feel the same way someone else feel when some family member has a drug addiction because he has been down that road.
    4.the peoples personal stories about addiction; treatment over incarceration for non-violent offenders
    5.I don't think its right to politicize the issue of drug addiction because some people don't want to be out in the open about having a drug addiction but the candidates wasn't trying to do it like that they wanted people to share their stories because they want to know how they change the way they are living without using drugs.
    6.I think addiction is a stress reliever for some people but they also might want to do it because it is fun. We really don't know why people really do drugs. We just know they do drugs by the way are eyes see. A addiction is both a weakness and a moral failing. It is because they want to do it everyday and by doing that they get weak and sick and start having diseases. It is also a moral failing because it brings down their morality and they always stay inside and be always from people. They isolate themselves which changes the way they live and act.

  45. Lizzie Shaw 5th
    1. John Kasich and Jeb Bush (Carly Fiorina as well)
    2. the nation
    3. He is calling on the people as a whole to be more open with the topic of drug addiction instead of just playing up the fact that its horrible and anyone who does drugs is horrible too.
    4. Kasich claimshis opinion was changed by the personal stories he was told as the governor of Ohio. Chris Christie refers to his policy as New Jersey governor which was treatment over incarceration.
    5. Drug addiction is, quite sadly, a fairly common thing. I think politics can help with this issue in the legal system, but not much else. I don't think there are any benefits to politicizing drug addiction. Yes, that is what these candidates are doing.
    6. Addiction is a weakness, but we all have weaknesses in our life.

  46. Payton Brown

    1. Jeb Bush and Carly Fiorina
    2. He's talking to a New Hampshire forum about addiction.
    3. He's asking to eliminate the stigma from addiction.
    4. People shared their personal addiction stories to him. Christie thinks you should focus more on treating those instead of punishing them.
    5. I do not believe it is okay. The candidates are asking to stop politicizing the issue.
    6. I believe all addictions are medical issues and people should be medically treated. No addiction is a moral failing as anyone could be saved from their habits.

  47. Crystal Bolden

    1. Jeb Bush and Carly Florina
    2. New Hampshire Forum
    3. He wants drug addiction to eliminate itself from us human beings.
    4. When john was the governor of Ohio and people shared their personal stories with him. Since Chris Christie is New Jersey’s Governor, He believes that the treatment should be addressed medically.
    5. Yes, and no the candidates are giving their point of view on the situation. And sharing stories to help persuade people not to go down the wrong rode.
    6. Sometimes you can have a addiction to something other than drugs, anf that’s okay. Because, its good that some people are very passionate about stuff, but too much of it can cause it to run your life.

  48. Kenna Eldridge
    1. Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush and technology executive Carly Fiorina
    2. Peer-recovery center in Manchester
    3. Bush is calling for a deeper discussion about drug addiction, not as a moral fail but as a disease that can be cured.
    4. Kasich has come to understand the issue more deeply during his tenure as governor of Ohio as people shared their personal stories about addiction. Christie pointed to his record as governor of New Jersey focusing on treatment over incarceration for non-violent offenders
    5. No, I think drug addiction is a medical issue, not a political one. These candidates are bringing up an issue that has nothing to do with their candidacy.
    6. I think addiction of any kind is a weakness. All addictions are the same the way I see it, whether its drug addiction or sweets, they are both same principle. It does not make it right to do drugs but i think anyone can change.

  49. Jack Smalley
    1. They both have experienced drug abuse.
    2. The people of the New Hampshire forum.
    3. He wants people to listen to him because many people have died from heroin and he knows what it's like to have somebody who struggles.
    4. The people of ohios stories and the people of New Jersies stories for Christie.
    5. Yes because I think in anything where lives are lost somebody needs to step up and put an end to it. Yes they are.
    6. I think addiction is a weakness if it is strong enough to make you do bad things.

  50. Luke"SWAG MONSTA" Hinton
    1. Jeb Bush and Carly Florina
    2. New Hampshire Forum on Addiction and the Heroin Epidemic
    3.we should be able to talk about drug adiction but without all the rumers
    4. You can allways stop. He doesnt know much about drug adiction but he says its never too late
    5. no, no
    6. i belive anything thats adicting keeps you away from having a better life. People allways say its never too late to turn back and i agree but it will be much easyer if you didnt do it in the first place.

  51. Tyra Dunn
    1: Jeb Bush and Carly Fiorina
    2: New Hampshire Forum on Addiction and the Heroin Epidemic
    3: It is hard to watch a loved one gain this addiction and struggle with getting rid of it.
    4: People shared their personal addiction stories with him. He had to focus on treatment for incarceration for non-violent offenders.
    5: Yes because these drugs are harming people, and these candidates are doing that by trying to make a change in society.
    6: Most addictions are bad. Not all addictions make you weaker though. Some of the addictions people have are to work out or read and those kind are helpful. They make you better. Other addictions, like drugs, can cause you to go insane with out it. Just because you are addicted to something doesn't mean you are outing it before you health.

  52. Christian Taylor
    1. Chris Christy and Jeb Bush
    2. the New Hampshire Forum on Addiction and the Heroin Epidemic
    3. He wants to end the stigma of drug addiction.
    4. He understands the issue but not as deeply as Jeb Bush since he has had an actual experience with this topic.
    5. Yes, I think it is correct to politicize the issue of drug addiction, because there are people everywhere struggling with the addiction, and as a candidate you should talk about it and attempt to bring awareness to the world-wide issue.
    6. Sadly, Some people use drugs as an outlet, or something to escape. As sad as that is, people are addicted even when the bad things are out of there lives. It is sad but, those people need every help they can get. We should try to put a stop to it. However, people who are addicted need to decide if they need help on their own, not by force.

  53. Sarah Taylor
    1. Jeb Bush and Carly Fiorina have both been effected. Jeb's daughter had a problem with drugs and Fiorina's step daughter died from a drug overdose.
    2. He is directly talking to the crowd at the New Hampshire Forum but is addressing the whole nation.
    3. Bush is saying that he believes drug addiction should be treated more so as purely an addiction that anything. Instead of just incarcerating someone, people should actually try to help.
    4. Kasich claims that hearing others story on drug addiction allowed him to get a better understanding of the true problem. Chris Christie was the governor of New Jersey and talked about some of the same issues.
    5. Politicizing drug addiction isn’t horrible in all of its entirety. It could easily be abused, but solely based on this opinion or conflict it could peak other's interest in this candidate, but at the same time this a very controversial subject that causes many deaths. If these deaths could be avoided or decreased in the slightest, it is a good thing.
    6. Addiction is a sinister balance of both moral failing and weakness. Every person has moral failings, lapses in judgement, and mistakes. Society chooses certain “moral failings” to be worse than others. Addiction is a disease in and of itself that isn’t easily helped or solved. It takes lives everyday and tears families apart like many other diseases.

  54. KaRon Coleman
    1. Jeb Bush and Carly Fiornia
    2. New Hampshire
    3. He has experience a lot of pain when friends of his had an addiction
    4. He expanded drug education. Christie was going to help non-violent offenders
    5. No it isn't correct because it is there fault they did drugs. Yes I think there trying to politicize it though.
    6. If you get addicted to something bad, it's simply your fault and your doing. It is definitely a failure because it's hard to get out of something you brought yourself into.

  55. Wynn
    1. Jeb Bush and Carly Fiorina.
    2. The New Hampshire Forum.
    3. He talks about how addiction should be an open topic of discussion.
    4. That there is no point past help for addiction. He fills that is will have an impact on the country's next presidency.
    5. No, they are just using it as a way to gain votes.
    6. Addiction is a mental state. It is a weakness of the mind because some people don't have an addictive personality while others do.

  56. Brianna Ashcraft
    1.)Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush and technology executive Carly Fiorina.
    2.)The New Hampshire Forum on Addiction and the Heroin Epidemic.
    3.)He says the nation should be aware of drug addiction problem.
    4.)Ohio Gov. John Kasich said that him being the governor changed his view on drug addiction because people tell their addiction stories to him, Chris Christie said that while he was governor for New Jersey said that since they are focused on treatment over incarceration for non-violent addicts is what changed his mind.
    5.)These candidates are politicizing drug addiction but I believe the way they are doing it is fine and the world does need to know about drug addiction because it could stop someone from possibly doing drugs in the future.
    6.)Addiction to something harmful is not good and I believe that in some ways it could be a moral failing. Sometimes people are brought up in a bad situation and they are almost forced to have a certain addiction and it’s their fault but not fully theirs. I believe that someone who has an addiction can change and get help although it may be hard it is what they have to do.

  57. Baylie Smithson 5th period
    1. Jeb Bush and Carly Fionia
    2.The New Hampshire Forum on Addiction and the Heroin Epidemic.
    3. Bush shares his own daughters' story with drug addiction and wants to expand the education on dealing with drug addictions.
    4. Kaisch shares that his views on drug addiction were changed when he heard people who have dealt with the addiction's stories. Christie says he wants to help the non-violent offenders.
    5. The candidates are bringing more attention to drug addictions and people who struggle very greatly with them, so that they can get help and save lives.
    6. Addictions are temptations, temptations are peoples weaknesses therefore making one weak to a certain thing. All drug addicts have the same temptations of drugs just not the same weakness when it comes to being around a certain drug.

  58. luke " ill buy you a cake" Hinton
    1.jeb bush and carly forina
    2. new hampsure fourm
    3. wants to talk about drug adiction freely
    4.. His view changed because he heard about other people .Chris Christie said that be seen as a moral failing
    5.no, no one really knows what adiction anyone is going through
    6.i belive youfailed as a peson but everyone fails and we learn from it


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