Saturday, August 29, 2015

Pre-AP English 9 Current Events Blog for Week of August 31

Read the following article that discusses the use of video recording equipment in relation to the police:

Answer the following questions related to the article:

1. How have smartphones made it easier to record police activity?
2. Why do you think that police have a "bad response" to someone pulling out a smartphone to video them?
3. According to the article, if it is legal to record police in a public space, which has been protected under rights defined by the First Amendment, how have police been trying to stop this recording?
4. How is this video recording costing taxpayers money?
5. What is the NYCLU?  How has it been "fighting back" to ensure citizens are able to film the police?
6. Explain the "Right to Record Act" that was passed recently in California.
7. In your opinion, should citizens have the right to film the police while in a public place?  Do police have the right to confiscate their recording device or to ask them not to stop filming?

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