Friday, August 21, 2015

AP Language and Composition Current Events Blog for Week of August 24

Read the following article about the latest Ashley Madison scandal:

Answer the following questions related to the article:

1. Who are the hackers responsible for this latest information link?  Why do they say that they leaked this information?

2. What government agencies have been implicated in the scandal?

3. The Justice Department investigator who is quoted in the article said that he would take what action if someone tries to blackmail him because of the leaked information?

4. What does the article claim that the AP was the first news agency to do?

5. Since participating in this type of web service isn't technically a crime, would a government agency have the right to fire its employees for using the site?  Why or why not?  (Use evidence from the article to answer the question.)

6. If there is a government employee or leader who has been using the Ashley Madison site, should he or she be fired for their moral indiscretion?  In other words, how important is personal morality when it comes to democratic leadership?


  1. Gabby Traywick

    1. The hackers that released the latest link are a group of people, who are trying to expose many government officials and the public's use of the Ashley Madison website.
    2. The departments of State, Justice, Energy, Treasury,and Transportation were found to be associated with the scandal. As well as some from the House and Senate were implicated in the scandal.
    3. The Justice Department Investigator said he would inform his family and employer to prevent it.
    4. Associated Press claimed to have been the first to expose that federal workers used their office systems to access the Ashley Madison website.
    5. The government agency would have the right to fire its employees for using the site, because employees are barred from using government computers to access inappropriate sites.
    6. The government employee or leader should be fired for their moral indiscretion because they should not be wasting time on government computers on websites like Ashley Madison. The employee or leader could access the website on their own time but not the government's.

  2. Casey Coggins
    1. The hackers responsible for this information are the people who broke into Ashley Madison’s parent company, Avid Life Media Inc., a month ago. They leaked the information because they believe it is a deceitful company that needs to be closed.
    2. Government agencies found to be involved in the scandal are the departments of State, Justice, Energy, Treasury, and Transportation as well as the House and Senate.
    3. The Justice Department investigator stated that he would disclose his actions to his family and employer if someone tried to blackmail him.
    4. The Associated Press was the first news agency to reveal the information about the federal workers who used their office systems to access the Ashley Madison website.
    5. Yes, a government agency does have the right to fire its employees for using the site because, as said is paragraph fifteen, employees are not to use the company’s technology for personal use or for anything that would shame the company or be seen as inappropriate. By using the Ashley Madison website, the employees are violating their company and its rules.
    6. Yes, I do believe a government worker should be fired for using such a morally corrupt site because not only is that person violating the rules and regulations of the government to leave personal matters at home but also moral laws in which a person is to be an honest and upright person. For someone to be in such a high government position, I believe that it is his or her duty to be an honest and trustworthy spokesperson for the people and have integrity. You don’t want your leaders to be people who go against their own families.

  3. Frankie Malveo

    1. Who are the hackers responsible for this latest information link? Why do they say that they leaked this information?The impact team. They said they hacked the site because they would not close it down.

    2. What government agencies have been implicated in the scandal? The departments of State, Justice, Energy, Treasury and Transportation. Others came from House or Senate computer networks.

    3. The Justice Department investigator who is quoted in the article said that he would take what action if someone tries to blackmail him because of the leaked information? He said he would just confess what he did to his family and employer to prevent it.

    4. What does the article claim that the AP was the first news agency to do? Trace their government connections.

    5. Since participating in this type of web service isn't technically a crime, would a government agency have the right to fire its employees for using the site? Why or why not? (Use evidence from the article to answer the question.) Yes, because as Associated Press states they were using government property aka taxpayer dollars to hook up with strangers.

    6. If there is a government employee or leader who has been using the Ashley Madison site, should he or she be fired for their moral indiscretion? In other words, how important is personal morality when it comes to democratic leadership? You can't fire someone for doing something on their own time but, you should fire someone who is wasting taxpayer dollars trying to hook up with some stranger. Personal morality is very important when in a leadership position. I feel if you are going to be a leader you should also lead by example.

  4. Emily Free
    1) The article does not specify who the hackers are. They accused the website's owners of deceit, and said that the company that runs Ashley Madison refuses to close the website down.
    2) The list had the names of two U.S. attorneys, an information technology administrator in the White House's support staff, a Justice Department investigator, a division chief, and a Homeland Security Department employee.
    3) The Justice Department Investigator said he would rather tell his family the truth than be blackmailed, because he's worked too hard to be a victim of blackmailing.
    4) The AP was the first to reveal that federal workers used their office systems to access the Ashley Madison site.
    5) It depends on the agency. For example, Homeland Security Employees are not allowed to use government computers to access inappropriate sites.
    6) The websites a person chooses to go on in their own home is their business, though I find the Ashley Madison website to be completely morally wrong. When an official is getting on such websites in their workplace, however, I do believe that they should be fired. They should not be using government computers for such things, as it is completely unprofessional.

  5. Lauren Beatty
    1. The hackers are who demanded for the company to close the site. They leaked this information because the company would not close the site.
    2. The Justice Department, State Department, Department of Energy, Department of Treasury, and Department of Transportation have been involved in the scandal.
    3. The Justice Department investigator said he would reveal his actions to his family and employer to prevent blackmail.
    4. AP says they are the first to reveal that federal workers used their office computers to access Ashley Madison.
    5. Yes, a government agency could fire or punish the employee for using this site. Government agencies, like the Homeland Security Department, have rules saying “devices should be used for only official purposes.” Also, employees should not access “inappropriate sites” that are “racially, sexually, or ethnically objectionable.”
    6. I believe a government employee visiting this site during work hours should be fired, because he is wasting taxpayers’ dollars. However, if a government employee is using the Ashley Madison site outside of work then he should not be fired. An employee visiting the website on his own time should be punished according to his agencies rules.


    1. The hackers responsible seemingly took credit for a break-in at the Ashley Madison parent company called Avid Life Media, Inc. They supposedly leaked the information because of the website's owners deceit and incompetence and their added refusal of closing the site.

    2. The government agencies involved in the scandal comprise of the departments of Justice, State, Energy, Transportation, the House, Senate, and even some White House staff.

    3. The Justice Department investigator stated that he would reveal himself to his family and employer to prevent the full force of shame from a blackmail.

    4. AP was the first news agency to reveal federal workers used the Ashley Madison website and focused on government employees who could become potential blackmail targets.

    5. Yes, because it is ethically wrong to be cheating on your wife. What makes this problem more wrong is abusing federal status and embarrassing the government for a dating site!

    6. If someone who is a government worker using the Ashley Madison site, they should be fired for their moral indiscretion because it is so wrong to cheat on someone you swore your life to. To sum it all up, I believe personal morality is extremely important when it comes to democratic leadership because it defines who you are as a person, it separates you from the rest. Adding that it is a position of recognition, personal morality can mean the difference between popularity or complete shame.

  7. 1. The Associated Press; because the hackers who took credit for the break-in had accused the website's owners of deceit and incompetence, and said the company refused to bow to close the site.
    2. Homeland Security Dept., State, Justice, Energy, Treasury and Transportation Departments.
    3. The investigator said he would reveal his actions to his family and employer to prevent it.
    4. That federal workers used their office systems to access the site, based on their Internet Protocol addresses associated with credit card transactions.
    5. If they used a military email address, yes, because it is against the Uniform Code of Military Justice.
    6. Yes, because they were using their work computers and US government internet access.

    Kailee Post

  8. ashley ford
    1 federal workers and to get money.
    2 homeland security act
    3 ash carter he would reveal actions to family maembers.
    4 first to reveal the federal workers used thier office computers to access cite.
    5 yes becuase that should not be looked up at work.
    6 no.

  9. Ben O:
    1-The ones responsible for the hacking are those that want to reveal those who have been checking and using this website.
    2-Justice department, treasury department
    3-He would promptly reveal his actions to his family
    4-Theirs was the first to reveal that federal workers used their office systems to access the site
    5-They do have the right to because it is a crime to commit adultery in the uniform Defense Secretary Ash Carter confirmed Thursday the Pentagon was looking into the list of people who used military email addresses. Adultery can be a criminal offense under the Uniform Code of Military Justice.
    6- It is very important because their morals affect the decisions made by them to the country

  10. Rett Saele
    1. People who morally object to the cheating website Ashley Madison. Because the company refused their request to shut the website down, so they exposed all the poeple who used it.
    2. dept of justice, dept of defense, homeland security.
    3. He would reveal his actions to his family to prevent black mail.
    4. They were the first to find out the government subscribers to the website.
    5. The department of defense could technically becuase adultery can be a criminal offense under the Uniform Code of Military Justice.
    6.No they shouldnt be fired simply for using the site. Does it make them a sorry human being? Yes! These people do have actual famliles they have to support. At the most they should be suspended from their work place for a certain period of time without pay.

  11. Brianna Snow
    1) The hackers who are responsible for this are those that broke in to Ashley Madison's parent company. They said they did this because the website owners were "deceit and incompetence" and they had refused to bow their demands to close the site.

    2) Government agencies that were involved in this scandal were the State, Injustice, Transportation, or other House or Senate companies.

    3) The Justice Department investigator who is quoted in the article said he would reveal his actions to his family and employer .

    4) The AP was the first to reveal federal workers who use office systems to access the site.

    5) A government agency who finds an employee on these sites does have the right to fire their employee because their employees are told that they are supposed to only use the office computers for official purposes; however, they can get on websites that are not obscene, hateful, harmful, malicious, hostile, threatening, abusive, vulgar, defamatory, profane, or racially, sexually, or ethnically objectionable. And this website does fall into one or more of those categories.

    6) If a government employee or leader is found using this website he or she should be fired. One reason is because it is unprofessional to use such websites at work when you have plenty of other things to do. Another reason is because it takes away your respect and shows you cannot even be truthful to your family or obey your employers rules.

  12. 1. The Hackers are people who claimed responsibility for the break in at Ashley Madison's parent company. The leaked the information because Ashley Madison would not adhere to their demands and close the site.

    2. The departments of State, Justice, Energy, Transportation and about a dozen and a half more agencies.

    3. If he was blackmailed, he would reveal his actions to his family and employer to prevent it.

    4. The AP was the first site to reveal that federal workers used their office systems to access the site.

    5. Most likely, yes. These government employees are representing not only themselves, but every american when doing their jobs. For a government employee of any rank to be spending his/her work time on such a site proves that they are most likely not qualified to be working the job.

    6. The employees should not be fired, but somehow reprimanded for their inefficient use of their time during work hours and on their work devices. Firing someone over a site they visited sounds somewhat against the law (unless it was specified in their contracts) and wrong, but I could see the reasons why the government would fire these employees. Personal morality is extremely important in almost ant job, but especially as a government worker.

  13. Cameron Simon
    1)The hackers who broke in the Avid Life Media Inc, It marketed extramarital affairs.
    2)The departments of State,Treasury, Justice, Energy, Transportation
    3)He would reveal it to his family and employer
    4)To reveal that Fed. Workers use their office systems to access the site.
    5)No, because any device during a workplace setting should only be used for official use not personal use as long as it does not interfere with duties
    6)A government official should not be fired for using a site like that unless it starts to have any personal affiliations with his/her duties.

  14. 1. They are responsible for leaking government worker's personal information dealing with a website that specialized in spouse infidelity. The hackers did this because the owners of the website did not take the website down.
    2. There are more than two dozen involved; some good examples wood be the Department of State, Justice, Energy, Treasury, and Transportation.
    3. He said he would let the information out on his own terms. The worker said, " I've worked too hard all my life to be a victim of blackmail".
    4.AP was the first agency to reveal that federal workers were using office computers to access this "Cheating Website".
    5.Yes a government agency would be completely right for firing them if what they were doing was interfering with their work which, is causes a waste of tax dollars. It would also be if what they were accessing was not appropriate for work.
    6.Yes they should be fire because this situation looks bad on the government from a moral aspect. This also looks bad on the government because these people are using the office network , which is not personal, but is paid for by taxpayer money. Even though it is wrong to come into someone's personal life at work, but hat rule was broken when these people allegedly did these acts.

    Aaron Pugh 2nd

  15. julie brown
    1. Who are the hackers responsible for this latest information link? Why do they say that they leaked this information? U.s government employees with sensitive jobs in national security or law enforcement .

    2. What government agencies have been implicated in the scandal? U.s attorneys, an information tech administrator in the white house support staff, a justice department investigator, a division chief, and a government hacker, and home land security.

    3. The Justice Department investigator who is quoted in the article said that he would take what action if someone tries to blackmail him because of the leaked information? He would reveal this actions to his family and employer to prevent it.

    4. What does the article claim that the AP was the first news agency to do? To reveal federal workers used their office systems to access the site, based on their internet protocol addresses associated with credit card transactions.

    5. Since participating in this type of web service isn't technically a crime, would a government agency have the right to fire its employees for using the site? Why or why not? (Use evidence from the article to answer the question.) yes to a certain degree, it states that you were allowed a little personal use unless for crude or harmful purposes.

    6. If there is a government employee or leader who has been using the Ashley Madison site, should he or she be fired for their moral indiscretion? In other words, how important is personal morality when it comes to democratic leadership. I think he should be fired because we should be able to trust people like that.

  16. Abby Ingle
    1. Government employees and they leaked it because they accused the website's owners of deceit.
    2. State, Justice, Energy, Treasury, and Transportation Departments
    3. He would reveal his actions to his family and employer.
    4. reveal that federal workers used the sight
    5. Yes, but only if they accessed the site at work.
    6 I believe personal morality is important when it comes to democratic leadership. I also believe that employees should not be allowed to look at inappropriate websites while at work using a business computer. Therefore, all government agencies should have the same policy regarding use of computers while at work. Devices should be used for business only and should not interfere with work duties.

  17. Taylor Burge
    We do not know who the attackers were specifically. They released this information because the owner of the site would not close it down when threatened to do so. The departments of state, justice, energy, treasury and transportation were involved in this scandal. The justice department investigator said that he would tell his family about his actions before he would be blackmailed. The article claims that the AP is the first to be able to trace every time the site has been logged onto through the government computers in the last five years. The government would have a right to fire the employees because the article said that some of them used government emails and accessed the site while at work. The person should not be fired for using the site, although I think the government has the option of firing said person for accessing the site through government emails and computers. The people that help lead our country are held at a higher standard than the average everyday American. They should know that because of their prestigious position their actions mean more, and so the people of America that often look to them might not see them as the leader they once thought they were.

  18. Taryn Dockery

    The article does not specify who the hackers were, but they hacked the site because the owners of the website refused to take the site down. The government agencies implicated in the scandal were the departments of State, Justice, Energy, Treasury, Transportation, and the House and Senate. He says he would tell his family and his employer about his use of the site. The AP was the first to find out that users used their office systems to get on the site. Yes, they could fire an employee accessing the site from their office computer because agency rules state that employees cannot use government computers for inappropriate reason, and Ashley Madison would be an inappropriate site to visit at work for anyone, let alone a government employee. They should be fired because government employees are typically held to a higher standard, and this moral indiscretion could make people view the government as untrustworthy.

  19. Brandon Appling
    1.The hackers responsible for the information link say the website owners deceit and incompetence and did not bow to their demands.
    2. Two U.S. attorneys, White House staff, Justice department, and Homeland Security Department.
    3. He would tell his family and would not be blackmailed.
    4. That federal workers used their office systems to access the cite.
    5.Yes, if the government employee was using the website at work, but no if they were using the cite in their own personal time outside of work.
    6.I think that if a government employee or leader was using this cite they would have to be fired or removed from office because the majority of the American people view the using of the cite as immoral.

  20. Tanner Bramlett
    1.u.s gvmt employees. bc of accessing and paying membership fees with government money.
    2.U.S. attorneys, an information technology administrator, a Justice Department investigator, a division chief, and a government hacker and counterterrorism employee. Also, networks operated by the Pentagon.
    3.Reveal info to prevent it.
    4.Use office system to access site
    5.Although morally it is wrong, there is no reason to fire them unless a major controversy and protest happens over it. The public eye's response is the biggest concern.
    6.No. Although it is morally wrong to use a website like that, you separate work from home, just like how school is separation of church and state. What happens at work stays at work, and what happens at home stays at home. You never bring your home life into the work place.

  21. Dillon Baker

    1. They were hackers angry with the website. they leaked it because the website was being deceitful and incompetent
    2. Department of state justice, energy, treasury, and transportation, the house and senate, and various agents from the department of homeland security.
    3. Reveal his wrong doings the his family.
    4. Reveal that government agencies used their office systems to access the site.
    5. Yes I believe they do because in various agencies there are rules against using their work computers for personal matters.
    6. I believe it is very important to have good morals because why should we listen to someone who cheats on their signifigant other? If their spouse can't trust them then how could we.

  22. Yasmine Evans

    1.The hackers leaked this information because
    2. The Departments of State, Justice, Energy, Treasury and Transportation.
    3. He would tell his family and employer everything to prevent the blackmailing
    4. The first to reveal that the site was accessed by the workers from their office
    5.The employer SHOULD be fired because it simply says “Employees are barred from using government computers to access "inappropriate sites" including those that are "obscene, hateful, harmful, malicious, hostile, threatening, abusive, vulgar, defamatory, profane, or racially, sexually, or ethnically objectionable."
    6. I believe the government employers or leaders should be fired. I believe they should be fired because they are at work messing around when they are suppose to be making America a better place and protecting us.

  23. Cameron Rico
    1.) The Impact team and because they were deceptive and incompetant
    2.)departments of State, Justice, Energy and Treasury
    3.) He would confess his actions to his family and his employer
    4.) To reveal that federal workers used their office system to access the site
    5.) No they shouldn't be fire because homeland Security rules states "limited personal use is authorized as long as this use does not interfere with official duties or cause degradation of network services.
    6.) No because their personal life actions shouldn't effect their jobs . it wasn't their fault they were caught and I think they should keep their jobs because being caught was already bad enough

  24. Mayson Mcgee:

    1) They aren't really specific about who the hackers were, but the hackers who took credit for the hack accused the website's owners of deceit and incompetence, and said the company refused to bow to their demands to close the site.

    2) There were two assistant U.S. attorneys, counter terrorism employee at the Homeland Security Department, a Justice Department investigator, a division chief, and a government hacker, and an information technology administrator in the White House's support staff.

    3) He said, if prompted he would share his actions with his family and employer to prevent it.

    4)The AP's review was the first to reveal that federal workers used their office systems to access the site, based on their Internet Protocol addresses associated with credit card transactions.

    5) Yes, because in some cases it would violate company policies and like in the military it would be just like adultery and can be a criminal offense under the Uniform Code of Military Justice.

    6) Yes, because if he can't stay true to his spouse then he can't stay true to his country or leadership position and couldn't be trusted.

  25. Sam Andrus

    1. The hackers call themselves the Impact Team. They leaked the information that they did because they saw the website`s owners as deceitful and incompetent and they didn't agree to close the site.
    2. Homeland Security, and departments of Justice, State, Energy, Treasury, and Transportation.
    3. He says that he would reveal his actions to his family and employer rather than be blackmailed.
    4. AP claims to be the first to reveal that federal workers used their office systems to access the Ashleymadison site.
    5. Depending on the department, yes a government agency would have the right to fire an employee for breaking protocol. For instance, the article referred to the Department of Homeland Security's internet protocol stating," Employees are barred from using government computers to access "inappropriate sites" and those that are "...sexually or ethnically objectionable."
    6. This is a matter of personal trust. If a government employee breaks his or her commitments and are not honest in their dealings, then it causes us to question whether or not we want someone who has been inconsistent in keeping their word to help lead this country. It is hard to trust someone who has inappropriately indulged in selfish and dishonest activities, but to me it depends on the individual. If I believe that I can personally trust an individual then I won't think that they should be fired. Personal morality is indeed very important when it comes to leadership.

  26. kayla compton
    1. the hackers were unidentified but released the info because the website facilitated cheating
    2. departments of state, house or senate computers, transportations, treasury, etc.
    3. he said he would reveal that he had been using the website to avoid being blackmailed
    4. that federal workers used their office systems to access the site
    5. no, a government agency would not have the right to fire someone solely on the basis of their use of this website, however if an employee was using this website during work, government credit money or government emails, then yes, the agency would have the right to fire the employee
    6. i feel as if a government leader (whom we are expected to trust) is using a cheating website without the knowledge of their partner, they should be fired. a government leader is expected to be an example for the country as well as trustworthy and honest.

  27. Nick Sanders 1st
    1. The hackers were people that did not agree with what the site was doing, they accused the site of "deceit and incompetence" and they did not close the site when they threatened them too.
    2.U.S. attorneys, Homeland security, White House support staff, Justice Department, NYPD.
    3. He would tell his family and employer to prevent the blackmail.
    4. That federal workers used the office systems to get on the site.
    5. yes only if they used the site while at work, because federal employees can not use government computers to access vulgar and sexual websites while at work.
    6. yes because if they will put their own families in jeopardy to break up, there is no telling what kind of decisions they would make to put our lives at risk.

  28. 1)The Unidentified hackers claimed the leaked the information in response to them not closing the website as requested.
    2) More than 24 agencies are involved. Included are: State, Treasury,Transportation, Energy, and Justice.
    3) He simply claimed it wouldnt happen and continued on.
    4) That they were the first to reveal that Government workers used their computers to access Ashley Madison's website.
    5) No, they shouldnt get involved in their relations unless they were using a work email or a work computer to do such things. If it doesnt effect their work they shouldnt care.
    6) If a high ranking person exhibited this kind of behavior it would be reasonable for them to be removed from their position for being a bad example to the people theyre leading.
    ~John Foster 1st

  29. Hannah Glasscock
    1. The Impact Team. The blackmailers are blackmailing the users for money.
    2. The departments of State, Justice, Energy, Treasury and Transportation
    3. He would reveal his actions to his family and employer to prevent it
    4. It was the first to reveal that federal workers used their office systems to access the site, based on their Internet Protocol addresses associated with credit card transactions
    5. Yes because you can not take personal business online while being at work or working for the government
    6. Yes because when your put in a place of authority you have less lead way to mess up. Democratic leadership is all about your personal mortality, so your personal mortality is very important.

  30. Nate Sanford
    1) The hackers responsible are people who accused the website's owners of deceit and incompetence. They say that they leaked the information because the company Avid Life Media refused to close the site, Ashley Madison, as the hackers had demanded.
    2) The government agencies implicated in the scandal are the following: Department of State, Justice, Energy, Treasury, and Transportation.
    3) He said that he would inform his family and employer of his actions to avoid blackmail.
    4) The article claims that the AP was the first agency to trace the government internet connections that were from federal networks through the e-mail accounts from when the user subscribed to the site.
    5) Some of the government agencies would have the right to fire its employees for using the site, but some agencies would not. This is because federal policies vary by the agency as to whether or not using sites like this for personal reasons during work hours is OK or not.
    6) As a government employee or leader, one should not be on websites such as Ashley Madison simply because it is spiritually and morally wrong. Those in the listed government positions committing these acts should be fired because personal morality is extremely important, even for a democratic leader; people look up to him or her, and he or she has employees/employers to either be an example for or show good character and hard work to. His or her acts (his in this scenario) either portray morality or immorality and both have consequences, whether good or bad.

  31. Gretchen Whisenant
    1. U.S. government employees with sensitive jobs in national security or law enforcement and federal workers.
    2. Government agencies that have been implicated in the scandal are the departments of State, Justice, Energy, Treasury and Transportation
    3. The Justice Department investigator said he would reveal his actions to his family and employer to prevent it.
    4. The AP was the first agency to reveal that federal workers used their office systems to access the site.
    5. I believe that a government agency would have the right to fire its employees because they weren't doing their job and also because they were using government systems for personal use.
    6. I believe he or she should be fired because, personally, I wouldn't want an influential government official to influence my family in that way.

  32. Cole Frederick
    1. The article does not say who the hackers are, but it does say they are labeled as criminals. The hackers released the information because the company refused to bow down to their demands to close the site.
    2. The agencies included in the scandal were the Department of State, Justice, energy, Treasury and Transportation. The article also mentioned members from congress.
    3. He would reveal his actions to his family and employer to prevent it.
    4. The AP's review was the first to reveal that federal workers used their office systems to access the site.
    5. Yes, because the article states, “Employees are barred from using government computers to access "inappropriate sites" including those that are "obscene, hateful, harmful, malicious, hostile, threatening, abusive, vulgar, defamatory, profane, or racially, sexually, or ethnically objectionable," and this was a sexual website.
    6. He or she should be fired, but probably won’t be. I think that someone like that should exhibit higher moral standards, and not bring a bad name to that government office or position. But, we have definitely had a decline in moral standards in society as a whole, seeing that Bill Clinton wasn’t fired for his indiscretion.

  33. Grace Glasscock

    1. A group that called themselves "The Impact Team"; to blackmail the users for money
    2. Departments of State, Justice, Energy, Treasury and Transportation
    3. Reveal his actions to his family and employer to prevent it
    4. First to reveal that federal workers used their office systems to access the site
    5. Yes, because as said in the article, agencies should use devices for official use only, not to access "inappropriate sites."
    6. Yes, I believe a government employee or leader who has been using the Ashley Madison site should be fired for their moral indiscretion because devices should be used appropriately and not to access websites created for men to have affairs with their wives. Personal morality is extremely important when it comes to democratic leadership because being of higher authority is an honor and people lower in society look up to leaders above them and rely on the actions leaders above them take when making actions themselves. In other words, democratic leaders should be leaders and lead people below them to the right things other than wrong things.

  34. Julie Morrison 2nd Period
    1. This article did not say who the "hackers" were. But the US government had a lot to do with it.
    2.The list includes U.S. attorneys, Justice Investigator, division chief, and a government hacker.
    3. He would reveal his actions to his family and employer to prevent it.
    4. It was the first to reveal that federal workers used their office systems to access the site.
    5. Yes, because its the governments property and should only be used for the job and anything the government tells you to do.
    6. I think he or she should be fired because they're using things that are used to keep the U.S. in line. They shouldn't be allowed to use them for their personal dating lives and certainly not to cheat on their wife.

  35. Hunter Kamplain

    1. The hackers responsible for this latest information link was a group called "The Impact Team," who did this to blackmail the users for their money.
    2. Government agencies such as the departments of State, Justice, Energy, Treasury and Transportation, and others which came from House or Senate computer networks have implicated in the scandal.
    3. The Justice Department investigator said he would reveal his actions to his family and employer to prevent it.
    4. This article claims that the AP was the first news agency to reveal that federal workers used their office systems to access the site by their credit card transactions.
    5. Yes, because employees should use devices for official use only and not to access "inappropriate sites" such as the Ashley Madison website.
    6. I think a government employee or leader who has been using the Ashley Madison site should be fired because they would be breaking the rules set by the agencies to use devices for official use only by accessing the inappropriate website. When it comes to democratic leadership, personal morality is very important because being of higher class you should lead others in the lower classes to take and make the right actions other than wrong actions. Making the wrong actions while being of higher authority can persuade lower class people to take wrongs actions just because someone of higher authority took them as well, so they think it is okay for them to do

  36. Ashlyn Grantham
    1. hackers.... , because they found some information that shows improper use of an NYPD computer
    2. U.S. and Canada
    3. He would reveal his history on the site to his employers and his family
    4. they were the first to share about the officers who used the site
    5. yes; It is not professional to be on cheating websites on an office computer. that is not a personal computer and is therefore abusing the work computer, as it is not carrying out its intended purpose. "Employees are barred from using government computers to access "inappropriate sites" including those that are "obscene, hateful, harmful, malicious, hostile, threatening, abusive, vulgar, defamatory, profane, or racially, sexually, or ethnically objectionable.""
    6. Yes, in order to uphold such a high career position, there is an attitude and a stance on how to act accordingly. A person ranked as a leader democratically must be morally professional in that he should not do anything obscene, vulgar or sexually impure during his working hours or even in his everyday life. Those careers are held to a higher standard, as they are our government leaders and should therefore act like a leader.

  37. April McCool 3rd

    1. The Associated Press, they leaked the information in response to Ashley Madison's denying the request to close the site.
    2. At least 2 U.S. attorneys, justice department investigator, government hacker, info. tech. administrator in the White House's support staff, and employee of Homeland Security
    3. That he would reveal his actions to his family and employer to prevent it.
    4.That federal workers used their office systems to access the site
    5. Yes, because if a worker cannot be faithful to his/her spouse then how can they be faithful to their company and job.
    6. Like #5, if they man/woman cannot be faithful to their significant other, how would they help lead or protect their country.

  38. Ava Travis
    1. The hackers are responsible for this information leak due to Ashley Madison’s parent company Avid Life Media Inc. They leaked this information because the Avid Life is a website for people so they can have an affair.
    2. The government agencies implicated by the scandal are the department of State, Justice, Energy, Treasury and Transportation.
    3. That he would reveal his actions to his family and employer to prevent blackmail.
    4. The AP was the first to reveal the federal workers used their office system to access the site.
    5. Yes, they would have the right to fire its employees because in the article it states employees are barred from using government computers to access “inappropriate sites”. The article also says that, “say device should be used for only official purposes”. Based on these claims, the employees know the purpose of the government device and should follow that rules stated.
    6. Since they are in a government position which is also a high ranking position, yes they should be fired. Their job it to help protect and run this country and how would they be able to do their job effciently when they’re using a site like Ashley Madison.

  39. Drew Gardino

    -Sending out information of US Government membership fees on a cheating website. They linked the information because they didn't meet their demands when being blackmailed.
    -Two US attorneys, an IT admin in the White House,Justice department investigator, a divison chief, government hacker and counterterrorism employee.
    -He would tell his family and employer about him using the site.
    -That federal workers used their office systems to access the site.
    -Yes, because the government knows it is wrong, we know it is wrong, and the people who are using the site know it is wrong. The Justice department investigator said "I was doing some things I should not have been doing."
    -Yes, because if people know you are using the site then you will be looked at like you are a bad person with bad morals and your reputation will end up looking bad.

  40. John Threadgill

    1. Government hackers from the Homeland of Security Department. They accused the owner of the business of being deceitful and incompetent. The owner also didn't listen to their demands.
    2.Homeland security, the Justice Department, White House's support staff.
    3.He would admit his wrong doings to his family and employers to avoid being blackmailed.
    4.Trace government internet connections logged by the website over the past 5 years.
    5.Yes, some of the agencies have rules against using websites for personal gain, using websites that are deemed inappropriate, or using websites that interfere with business.
    6.Yes, because their infractions make more problems. They're taking time out of their work to do something for personal gain. Government officials should be held to a higher standard and serve as role models for civillians. With so much corruption in the government, it is imperative that we purge any and all corruption we find.

  41. ~Heather Williams
    1. The Impact Team leaked out this information to tell the alleged lies ALM told its customers about a service that allows members to completely erase their profile information for a $19 fee. So they leaked most of the information because they didn’t get their blackmail money from some of their clients.
    2. They included more than twenty- four agencies, like the Department of Justice, Treasury of Transportation, Department of Energy, and Department of state just to name a few that were discovered.
    3. That he would come clean to everyone to prevent the blackmail.
    4. It was first to reveal that federal workers used their office systems to access the site.
    5. They can fire them on account of using their work computers for personal use and not doing official jobs.
    6. Personal morality is not important to democratic leadership because they are based off of things that are by the book. According to this leadership, they should not be fired for moral indiscretion but for using their work time for personal use.

  42. Colby Free 3rd
    1 Im not exactly sure about the answer to this question, but the federal government had a lot to do with the situation.
    2 two assistant U.S. attorneys, an information technology administrator in the White House's support staff, a Justice Department investigator, a division chief, and a government hacker and counterterrorism employee at the Homeland Security Department. Others visited from networks operated by the Pentagon.
    3 Act of anonymity
    4 The frst to reveal that federal workers used their office systems to access the sit.
    5 yes because it says "employees are barred from using government computers to access innappropriate sites, and this is an innapropriate non work related site.
    6 I do not think that they should be fired because what these disgusting men do in their free time shouldn't be brought into their work life. Unless the issue is with using work computer to log into site and it becomes a problem at work. Even though most of these men may deserve to be fired, some of them may have just been going through a bad time when they made the decision to be apart of this site, and you can't just fire some and to all. Pretty sure having literally the entire United States know their name on that list is embarrassing enough.

  43. Dylan hydrick
    1.criminals ; the company refused to meet the hackers demands to close the site.
    2.the departments of State, Justice, Energy, Treasury and Transportation
    3.that he would reveal his wrong doings to his family and employer to avoid being able to be blackmailed.
    4. Ap was able to trace the cheaters government Internet connections that were logged by the website. would be right to fire its employees for using the site because federal or political officials are held to a higher standard than your average American citizen . paragraph 10, lines 2-3 says, "Adultery can be a criminal offense under the Uniform Code of Military Justice."
    6. He or She should get fired for their moral indiscretion because this is a clear corruption in our government and the people within it. if a person keeps secrets to a man or woman whom he or she has made vows to, then how can you put faith and trust in them to help protect or run our country?

  44. Jane Frances Armour

    The hackers responsible for the link are anonymous and they leaked it because the site would not agree to shut the site down. The government agencies that were implicated were the department of State, Justice, Energy, Treasury, and Transportation, but also from the House and Senate computers. The person quoted said if someone tried to blackmail him that he would just come out with the truth and what he has done to his family and employer. The article claims that the AP was the first news agency to reveal that federal officers used their office and job computers to get on the site. A government agency does have the right to fire its employees for going on the site, even though it isn't technically a crime because they were not doing their job and they shouldn't mix their romantic lives with their job. Although, it would be better if they just gave them a warning and another chance. Yes, because they are held to a higher standard and it also shows a lack of loyalty and commitment, but then again no, because they are human and in other jobs people do not get fired for having affairs. It is important for the leadership in the democracy to have personal morality because if they can cheat on their spouse, citizens cannot trust them not to lie and manipulate them.

  45. Kelsey Appiah-Opoku
    1.The Associated Press leaked the information in hopes of getting both Ashley Madison and Avid Life shut down.
    2. The House and Senate, as well as the departments of State, Justice, Energy, Treasury, and Transportation.
    3. He would reveal his actions to his family and boss to prevent being blackmailed.
    4.To reveal that federal workers used their office systems to access the website.
    5.They would in some cases because some agencies, such as the Department of Homeland Security, have the authority to do so, as using sites like this is against the policies of those specific agencies.
    6. Not all of them should be immediately fire just because they used the site at all, but the users should be questioned and thoroughly evaluated in order to decide if they really do deserve to be fired or not.
    Personal morality is very important for democratic leaders because every decision that they make will eventually be discovered and judged, no matter how small or secretive. Even though they will be judged at all times, if leaders are able to make better person decisions, it is less likely that they will be put in jeopardy.

  46. John McDonough
    The hackers who leaked the information claim that they did it because Avid Life refused to obey them and shut down the site. Government agencies included in the scandal are the department of transportation, state, justice, energy, treasury, and transportation. The justice department investigator who was quoted in the article said he would tell his wife and son about his use of the site if somebody attempts to blackmail him because of it. The AP was the first news agency able to trace the government Internet connections, logged by the website over five years and as recently as June in order to discover federal workers who connected to the site off of the government networks. Although participating in this type of website technically is not a crime, government agencies would still have the right to fire employees for using the site if they get on using the departments network because it is an improper use of the network. If there is a government worker or leader who has been using the Ashley Madison site he or she should be fired if their use of the site can become a security issue through the possibility of blackmail or if they have to work well with other people where personal morality may come into play often, otherwise personal morality if it does not interfere with their job in anyway or misuse government networks should not result in someone being fired. However personal morality is important in democratic leadership because people who are considered to be immoral will most likely not get into leadership positions in a democratic government because they will have a hard time winning elections.

  47. Marlee Ashcraft
    1. they didn't list the names of the hackers
    2.departments of State, Justice, Energy, Treasury and Transportation
    3.he said he would reveal his actions to his family
    4.first to reveal federal workers used their office computers to access this account
    5.their not allowed to use government computers to access "inappropriate sites" including those that are "obscene, hateful, harmful, malicious, hostile, threatening, abusive, vulgar, defamatory, profane, or racially, sexually, or ethnically objectionable."
    6. I think that their personal morals are up to them, but that when it comes to something like a cheating website that it should not be brought into his/her job. If the choose to cheat and use this website that is their choice, but it is unprofessional and inappropriate to use such a website at your place of employment.

  48. Talia Gordon
    1. The names of the hackers are not present in the article/ The are demanding something from the company that owns the website
    2. White House's support staff, a Justice Department investigator, a division chief, and a government hacker and the Homeland Security Department are the division involved.
    3. He would tell his family the truth to stop it.
    4. They were the first to trace the government internet connections.
    5. Yes, because it says that “Adultery can be a criminal offense under the Uniform Code of Military Justice.”
    6. Yes, they should be because it does not set a good example to or for our country if there are government officials committing adultery. It also shows what kind of people we have running our country.

  49. Matthew Sloan 1.hackers revealing info from the Ashley madsion website.
    2. The state, energy,treasury.
    3.he would reveal his info to his family and employer.
    4.telling the truth.
    5.yes they should because this under work time.
    6. The leader or employee should be fired for using this website because the morals,religious views,philosophical views, and other personal views have an impact on your job and place within the government.

  50. 1. the hackers are from Toronto where they Hacked Avid Life after accusing them of incompetence and Avid life refused to close the site

    2. State department,dept. of Justice, Energy, Dept. of Treasury and Dept. of Transportation. the House of Representatives and Senate have also been implicated

    3. Yes because he said he worked to hard to get where he is to get blackmailed.

    4. they were the first to say the officials used their government computers.

    5. NO. as it says there was no law against this and also no rule. the threat blackmail is real though and they should in turn make it criminal offense to do this.

    6. I believe they should not be fired, but they should either be forced to resign or have the info released.

  51. Katelyn Hardy

    1. The article doesn't make it clear as to who the hackers are. They leaked the information because they accused the website's owners of deceit and incompetence, and the company refused to bow to their demands to the close the site.

    2. State, justice, energy, treasury, and transportation.

    3. He would reveal his actions to his family and employer to prevent it.

    4. The first to reveal that federal workers used their office systems to access the site, based on their internet protocol addresses associated with credit card transactions.

    5. They should be able to let them go. If they can't be faithful to their spouse, how can they be faithful and committed to their job?

    6. I think they should be because it is very important to have personal morality. People can't trust a leader if they don't have morality.

  52. Brianna Snow

    1) The hackers are not clear in the article, but their reasons for hacking the website are that the owners were "deceit and incompetence" and they refused to bow their demands to close the sight.

    2) The government agencies that have been implicated in the scandal are the State, Justice, Energy, Transportation, and others including the House and Senate.

    3) The Justice Department investigator who is quoted in the article said that if he was blackmailed he would just reveal what he had been doing to his family and employer.

    4) The AP Agency was the first to reveal that federal workers use their offices to access the site.

    5) Even though participating in this type of web service isn't technically a crime, the employers who found their employees using this site at work would be able to fire them. This is because they are told that their work computers are only supposed to be used for official purposes; however, if they do decide to use their office computers for other things then they may not use inappropriate sites that are obscene, hateful, harmful, malicious, hostile, threatening, abusive, vulgar, defamatory, profane, or racially, sexually, or ethnically objectionable.

    6) If a government employer or leader is found using this website, he or she should be fired. One reason is because it is unprofessional to use anything like that at work because they have much more important things to do, and another reason is because it creates a loss of respect for the person because they are disobeying their employer and lying to their families.

  53. Kryana Brown

    1) The hackers were two assistant U.S. attorneys, an information technology administrator in the White House's support staff, a Justice Department investigator, a division chief, and a government hacker and counterterrorism employee at the Homeland Security Department.
    2) The U.S. government
    3) He said,"If anything comes to our attention indicating improper use of an NYPD computer, we will look into it and take appropriate action." so basically an appropriate punishment for the crime.
    4) That they were the first to reveal that federal workers used their office systems to access the site
    5) Yes, they should be able to fire them because it is unprofessional and those websites shouldn't be accessed at the office.
    6) It is important but people need to know when it is and isn't appropriate to be looking up these websites at the office where it is suppose to be professional.

  54. Nadaisha Mckinstry
    1.The Associated Press hacked the website, they hacked the website to see how the employees with sensitive positions handle their office systems.
    2. 2 US attorney’s, a White House technology administrator, a Justice Department investigator, NYPD, and etc.
    3. He would tell his family and employer of his doings
    4. They were the first to reveal how federal workers used their office systems to access the site that’s being investigated.
    5. No they wouldn’t have the right to fire them because it’s not technically a crime.
    6. No a government official should not be fired, only because adultery is an everyday thing that happen to people who are normal citizens, he should talk about it with his wife an deal with it privately.
    My opinion on this article is that this site shouldn’t have been made in the first place, if you don’t like your significant other tell them and handle it, don’t go behind their backs a do it.

  55. Na'Daisha Mckinstry
    1.The Associated Press hacked the website, they hacked the website to see how the employees with sensitive positions handle their office systems.
    2. 2 US attorney’s, a White House technology administrator, a Justice Department investigator, NYPD, and etc.
    3. He would tell his family and employer of his doings
    4. They were the first to reveal how federal workers used their office systems to access the site that’s being investigated.
    5. No they wouldn’t have the right to fire them because it’s not technically a crime.
    6. No a government official should not be fired, only because adultery is an everyday thing that happen to people who are normal citizens, he should talk about it with his wife an deal with it privately.
    My opinion on this article is that this site shouldn’t have been made in the first place, if you don’t like your significant other tell them and handle it, don’t go behind their backs a do it.

  56. Laura Coats
    1. They're anonymous hackers.
    2. White House officials and federal workers.
    3. He said he would tell his family and children.
    4. They were the first to reveal that the federal workers were using their work offices to access the site
    5. I don't think they should be fired, but there should be some discussion as to why they were doing their personal business while at work.
    6. I still don't think they should be fired, but there should be a talk about personal morality while in a professional setting and about why they felt they could do that.

  57. 1. Associated Press; they did it because the Ashley Madison site refused to take it down

    2. Departments of the state, Justice, Energy, Treasury and Transportation

    3. He would confess to his family and employer

    4. that federal agents used their office systems to access the site

    5. Yes, but only if the person used their official device or office computer to access the site, in which they are forbidden to do so for any inappropriate or vulgar websites.

    6. No, they should not be fired if they were accessing the site on a private computer or device. It's a wrong thing to do, but a choice the person makes. As long as it does not meddle in their public life or their professionalism, it is a private decision.

  58. Peyton Ochoa

    1. The hackers are unknown at this time, but the reason they hacked the web page was due to the owner's refusal to take down the website.

    2. They more than two dozen agencies have been compromised, a few of them are the departments of State, Justice, Energy, Treasury and Transportation. The House and the Senate were also compromised.

    3. He stated that he would tell his family about his involvement with the website.

    4. They were the first agency to go back five years and investigate the people who logged into the website.

    5. Yes, they went against the protocol that the government has in place stating that you are not to be on inapropriate websites while working. They also disobeyed the Uniform Code of Military.

    6.Yes, personally, I would not have faith in the leader after knowing that they participated in this site. Personal morality should demand respect, if they were on this site I feel that most people would not feel as if they should hold power in the government

  59. Abby Nelson
    1. The article doesn't say specifically, but they leaked it because they refused to remove the site.
    2. The agencies include the Departments of State, Justice, Energy, Treasury, and Transportation.
    3. He said he would reveal them to his family and employer to prevent the threat of blackmail.
    4. They were the first agency to admit that federal workers used their office systems to access the site based on their addresses and credit card transactions.
    5. Yes, because they abused their power and if they're not loyal to their wives online, who knows how loyal they would really be to America.
    6. Yes, because they made their personal life interfere with their professional life. Loyalty is a big part of leadership, and if they lack loyalty, or even trust, they shouldn't be a part of our country's government.


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