Note: The numbered section of this article contains medically imagery that is moderately graphic and may be skipped without a loss of understanding of the article's main point and without impairing your ability to answer the questions related to the article. Because of the length of the assignment, this article will be worth forty points instead of the normal twenty.
Read the following article:
Answer the following questions related to the article:
1. Name the two parties involved in this lawsuit.
2. What two other organizations, besides Johns Hopkins, are named in the case?
3. What three types of Guatemalans does the article specifically address as being targeted for the study?
4. How many people are still alive who directly survived the program?
5. Why was the US government exonerated in the 2012 case that involved this program?
6. Why do you believe that the author of the article included "May God forgive them" as a part of Marta Orellana's quote about the program?
7. In the novel series Harry Potter, a major adage of the pure-blooded philosophy is that atrocities against muggles may be committed, "For the greater good," in other words, if society would benefit from the mistreatment of a few, then that mistreatment should be considered ethical. In situations such as this one, does this adage apply? In other words, if medical advances for society can be made because of the sacrifices of a few people, should those people's welfare be willingly and legally sacrificed?
8. If Johns Hopkins is found guilty of coordinating and supporting this study, what would a suitable punishment be for them?
Makenzie Taylor
ReplyDelete1) Johns Hopkins University and 800 plaintiffs that have been affected.
2) Bristol-Myers Squibb and Rockefeller Foundation
3) Orphans, prisoners, and mental health patients
4) 60 people
5) The U.S. government could not be held liable for actions outside of the US.
6) By including that part of Marta Orellana's quote, so that people would understand the degree of horror in their actions. Committing such a corrupt crime to the most vulnerable of people against their will, without them even knowing what they were doing is sick. Using this quote helps show the pain and suffering of this girl.
7) I do not think that this applies in this case. I've heard that scientists have stopped doing harmful tests on monkeys because it is the equivalent of hurting a 6 year old human child. If we treat a WHOLE other species (one that is thought to be inferior to us) better than we treat our own kind, that really says something about humanity. People don't value human life, or life in general, like they should. Just because these people are thought of as "unwanted", does not make their life of any less value. No matter how I look at this situation, I don't really see it as ethical. Now, as for the rest of society and advances in society, I think those brave people who volunteer for these types of things are a better subject. As long as people know exactly what will be happening to them, what the possible outcomes may be, and what to do if the situation ends badly, I approve. As long as it's willingly.
8) I'm not one who has the right to judge, and I don't know how the court would typically handle cases like this one. I really wish the main guys were still alive so we could do something to them, but I hope they lived out their lives with a terrible conscience. As for Johns Hopkins, they should acknowledge it, apologize, then rectify it. Or give money to those who were affected.
Emily Perry:
ReplyDelete1. Johns Hopkins University and Guatemala
2. Rockerfeller Foundation and Bristol-Myers Squibb
3. Orphans, prisoners, and mental patients
4. 60
5. The U.S. is not reliable for actions taken in outside countries
6. They never told the patients the truth about what they were really doing and that it now affects all of the survivors daily.It was never the victims fault in this case.
7. In no way do i believe they should be legally forced to sacrifice themselves. This could actually create a downfall and even create a depleting population due to the spreading of the virus. They just need to find a different way unless someone oddly volunteers themselves.
8. The organization should have to pay damages and pay for care of the survivors
Emily Keller
ReplyDelete1) John Hopkins University and nearly 800 Guatemalans
2) Rockefeller Foundations and Bristol-Meyer Squibb, a Pharmaceutical company
3) Orphans, mentally ill patients, and prisoners
4) about 60
5) they believed that the US government cannot be held liable for actions outside the US
6) because they wanted to show how Orellana was scarred, she knew she wouldn't be able to forgive them but she hoped someone would
7) no, if you have to harm someone to gain something, then you should find another was to solve the problem
8) there's no real way to fix the damage that has been done. they caused the death of many people with no regard to them. they can pay the fine and put people in jail, but that won't bring back peoples loved ones. i think John Hopkins should seriously reevaluate what they want to be teaching people.
Kat Phillips
ReplyDelete1. John Hopkins University, guetamolens
2. Rockefeller foundation, Bristol Myers Sqidd
3. Orphans , prisoners, mental heath patients
4. 60
5. Because it happened outside of u.s soil
6. Because they didn't understand the full length of trouble was accuring in the circumstances.
7. i believe if and when and only if and when a person offers themselves u for the experiment and they completely understand what they are going through because like this case taking someones else life and body for you own helping is not okay it is not okay at all to experiment on some one unvolunteery imagine if that was you.
8. Shut ALL programs down and take the main operators of the experiment to life in jail so they can live through all they deserve.
Ke-Anna' Rich: 1. John Hopkins University and the Guatemalans
ReplyDelete2. Rockefeller Foundation and Bristol-Myers Squibb
3. Orphans, prisoners, and mental health patients
4. 60
5. It happened outside of the US
6. They didn't fully understand the problems they would be causing
7. I don't think it applies here because the Guatemalans never sacrificed themselves to this treatment. It would have been different if they had volunteered to be in the program, but they were taken advantage of.
8. They should shut down any further programs/studies until we know for certain if they have decided to do anymore unauthorized testing.
Carter Billings 3rd
ReplyDelete(1 Guatemalans and John Hopkins University are involved in the case.
(2 The Rockefeller Foundation and Bristol-Myers Squibb were involved.
(3 Orphans, prisoners, and mental health patients were targeted.
(4 There were 60 direct survivors.
(5 A judge claimed the US could not be held liable for actions that occurred outside the US.
(6 To create an emotional connection between the reader and the victims. Also to show that she has since forgiven them and hopes God will do the same.
(7 The mistreatment of others for the greater good of others should never be allowed. They are still humans with rights. This doesn't matter if they are prisoners or orphans. just because it helps others doesn't in any way, shape, or form justify putting someone's life at risk.
(8 Since the people responsible are long dead this puts the university in a bad spot. They obviously need to fined, but anyone with no direct involvement should not be punished.
Sydney Emmons
ReplyDelete1. Victims of STD experiments against Johns Hopkins University
2. Rockefeller Foundation and Bristol-Myers Squibb
3. Prostitutes, men, and children
4. 60
5. Because of the Federal Tort Claims Act
6. It shows that she isn't holding a grudge about the situation.
7. I think they could only if they agreed to it. But if they were forcibly told to do things for the advancement of science and medicine, then that is inhumane and unethical.
8. The article said that the people that participated in the study are all dead now, so i think that it is quite silly that they are deciding to sue now. I dont think that innocent people that had nothing to do with the study should be punished.
Lynsey Simpson:
ReplyDelete1. Guatemalan citizens and John Hopkins University medical department
2. Rockefeller Foundation and Bristol-Myers Squibb
3. Orphans, prisoners, and mental health patients
4. 60
5. Because a judge said the U.S. couldn't be liable for the action
6. Because they wanted to make the audience feel like the people had done more wrong than what they actually did.
7. No, because there are plenty of people that die from these STD's daily, they should experiment on the, not on someone who still has a life to live.
8. Their medical program should suffer in some way so close the medical program down for a while, and put the people that have been denying what happened for life in prison with no parole
Alex Turner 3 period
ReplyDelete1. Subjects of the injections and Johns Hopkins University.
2. Rockefeller Foundation and us government.
3. Prostitutes, children, and psych ward patients.
4. 60.
5. Because the U.S. Government cannot be held liable for actions outside the U.S.
6. To show that this patient through the pain it has caused her she has come to forgive them but what really matters is that God will forgive them.
7. I don't think a person should be mistreated for the better of others. Yes it is a selfless gesture if it was THEIR decision. But being forced under an experiment for the better of society because you are less then them what is that teaching our generation that we are all disposable?
8. To have their foundation taken away. Yes that seems drastic considering it wasn't "these" people that performed those acts of cruelty but it was what they as a foundation were built on.
Kayla Fincher
ReplyDelete1.Guatemalans and Johns Hopkins University
2.Bristol-Myers Squibb and the Rockefeller foundation
3.Orphans, prisoners and mental health patients
4. about 60
5.a judge said that the US government couldn't be held liable for actions outside the US.
6. to exaggerate that they were in the wrong by doing the experiments
7. No because if you want to help the people by preventing illnesses why would you give and illness to someone. you should use a different way of testing medical experiments rather than effecting healthy people.
8. loss of medical license and jail time
Troy Banks
ReplyDelete1. Plaintiffs v. John Hopkins University
2. Rockefeller Foundation (not surprising) and Bristol-Myers Squibb
3. Orphans, prisoners, and mental heath patients
4. 60
5. Apparently the US cannot be held liable for something that occurs outside of the US.
6. To emphasize how awful their actions were? To appeal to Christians? I don't know.
7. This is quite an interesting dilemma. This is a problem that only an "advanced" society would come across. Trying to hinge natural selection is somewhat hopeless, so to mistreat people for that purpose is redundant. But if we see it to be necessary to try, then it would depend on the circumstances, as it usually does. Who am I to say with certainty that another person must be practically tortured for the "greater good" of humanity? I don't think that's ethical.
8. The billion dollars that they are being sued for now is suitable.
Grace Singley
ReplyDelete1. Johns Hopkins University and Guatemalans
2. Rockefeller Foundation and Bristol-Myers Squibb
3. Orphans, prisoners, and mental health patients
4. Only about 60 out of 774 are still alive
5. Because it did not take place on US property, so the US can not be held responsible to it.
6. She says this because they didn't know really what was going on when they did these experiments. So they can be forgiven, even though they did something bad.
7. No, I don't really think that's right to sacrifice a few people to help the greater amount of people.... Unless the few people are willing to give themselves up for experiments.
8. If they found him guilty, I think he should be put in jail and have the experiments be shut down for good.
Zahrah Abdulrauf
ReplyDelete1. Johns Hopkins University and 800 people infected with STDs.
2. Rockefeller Foundation and Bristol-Myers Squibb
3. Orphans, prisoners, and mental health patients
4. ~60
5. Because it didn't occur on US soil, so they can't be held responsible for what happened.
6. Because she believes they didn't realize the consequence their actions would bring and she wants them to be forgiven, even though what they did was inhumane.
7. Maybe if the subjects were aware of what was happening to them and willingly participated in their experiments. It isn't right to run studies like this on non-consenting human beings.
8. They should pay the afflicted and have their licenses revoked.
Abbey Kate Gregory
ReplyDelete1.John Hopkins University vs. around 800 Guatemalans
2.Bristol-Myers Squibb & Rockefeller foundation
3.Prisoners, mental health patients, and orphans:(
4.60 direct survivors
5.the United States cannot be held liable for actions taken place outside the US
6. Mabey to show that their actions were so awful that only God (who forgives everything) could forgive a terrible deed like that.
7.Unless a person is willing to give themselves up for HUMANE experiments, its not right to secretly sacrifice a person or do it against their will for a larger group.
8. They should fine and jail only those who took part in, supported, or knew about and did not report this incident. We have to remember this took part in secrecy so shutting down their whole organization would create job loss for innocent people.