Sunday, April 17, 2016

Pre-AP English 9 Current Events Blog for the Week of April 18

This week's blog is worth thirty points.

Read the following article:

Answer the following questions related to the article:

1. In what year did Leslie Van Houten participate in the murder for which she was convicted?  How old was she then?
2. Describe her behavior while she was in prison.
3. Why does Van Houten say that she bought in so easily to Manson's philosophy?
4. According to the article, why did the Manson family kill its victims?
5. Who will make the final decision as to whether or not Van Houten can be paroled?
6. Who is Louis Smaldino?  Why doesn't he want Van Houten to be released?
7. In you opinion, can people who commit such an atrocious act really change?  Should Van Houten be released into society?  Explain your answer.


  1. Cameron Wyatt
    1.1960s, 19 years old
    2.Static, she never changed how she felt
    3."Hetler Ketler"
    4."Common race war"
    5. The Panel
    6. Nephew of Leno La Bianca
    7.No,anyone who kills a person should be killed. Humane or inhumane, depending to the murder they committed. They should be killed the same way as the person they killed.

  2. 1.1969 and 19
    2.She was a model inmate and never violated prison rules.
    3.He had the answers after her parents went through divorce.
    4.They killed them because it was the start of a race war Charles called "Helter Skelter".
    5.District Attorney Jackie Lacey
    6.He is the nephew of Leno La Bianca and he believes she is a stone cold killer who should pay for her for crime against his family.
    7.Yes, when under the spell of influential maniacs and further influenced by psychedelic drugs people lose all common sense. Some of the people in the "Manson family" were exposed to abusive and troubling childhoods making them ripe for the cultural brainwashing Charles Manson was so famous for. She was young, people make mistakes and the world has changed since those times. We don't go spreading free love and are under a looser belt of fear tactics then we used to be. This gives us less paranoia and the understanding of our consequences.

    -Will Yarbrough-

  3. Ben Hall

    1. 1969, 19 years old.

    2. Her behavior was very good, as she didn't commit one serious rule violation.

    3. Because he was a christ-like figure that had all the answers, that would help her during her parents divorce.

    4. Because of an upcoming race war

    5. Governor Jerry Brown

    6. The nephew of Leno La Bianca, because he was still horrified about what Van Houten did to his family.

    7. No, Van Houten should not be released. Once you kill someone, you have reached a type of mental immunity to it, so you're opt to do it again.

  4. Jon Oue
    1. 1969 when she was 19.
    2. She got a college degree and did not have one major rule violation.
    3. He seemed like he had all the answers.
    4. Because of the coming race war.
    5. Gov. Jerry Brown.
    6. He is a nephew of Leno La Bianca. He does not want her to be released because of the way she killed his family.
    7. No, people can not overcome killing someone. She should not be released because there is a high chance of her doing it again.

  5. Jesslyin Edwards

    1. 1969, she was 19.
    2. She had no serious rule violation at all while in jail.
    3. He was a Christ like man who had all the answers so everything he did or said was true and right.
    4. It was a coming race war that dubbed "Helter Skelter" after a Beatles song. They were preparing to fight to the coming war.
    5. District Attorney Jackie Lacey.
    6. Nephew of Leno La Bianca, the Manson family are terrorists and that this isn't the first time they have done this they have been doing this.
    7. Anybody can change, but change can't happen over night it will take time and dedication. People can only change if they want too, so if they don't want to change then they won't change and you can't make them change. I think that she should be released in the society, but since she did commit a crime that was really bad she should be supervised and monitored just in case she does it again.

  6. Marley Hobbs-

    1. 1969
    2. She followed the rules and was a model prison mate
    3. Because all this stuff happened to her at such a young age and she has been in jail so this helped to persuade him.
    4. Due to the coming of what they say is a race war.
    5. Jackie lacey, the district attorney
    6. He is the family of one of the past victims and he does not want her to be put on parole to the horrors she did to his family.
    7. I believe that people can change, though it can take time and I think this person should be put on parole since this was so long ago and she was good in jail.

  7. Samantha Hayes
    1. She was nineteen years old when she was convicted of murder in the 1960s.
    2. She took LSD imagining she was breaking down molecules so she could exit the building.
    3. She believed that he was a Christ-like man that had all the answers.
    4. He believed the murders were the start of a coming race war.
    5. The Los Angeles County District Attorney's office.
    6. He is the nephew of Leno La Bianca, and he doesn't want her released because she murdered his family with a carving knife that they used on Thanksgiving.
    7. Yes, I do think people can change, but no I do not think she should be released. The risk of her just putting on an act is not safe.

  8. Payton Brown

    1. Leslie was 19 when she participated in the La Bianca murders in 1969.
    2. She was described as a "model inmate" which must mean she was well-behaved and obedient.
    3. She bought into Manson's philosophy due to the fact that she came from a broken home.
    4. The Manson family killed it's victims because Charles Manson told them that it would prepare them for war.
    5. Jerry Brown decides whether she will be put on parole.
    6. He is the nephew of Leno La Bianca and he believes the Manson family is full of insane people who should be kept locked away.
    7. When Van Houten committed these crimes, she was most likely doped out on LSD. Not to mention, Charles Manson had easily brain-washed and taken control of her due to her family issues. She was still a child and shouldn't be faulted for a crime she committed over 40 years ago. It is more than likely that she has changed by now. If you stop and think about it, a person can undergo an extraordinary change over a course of three years, so imagine how much time she's had to think about the harm she's done.

  9. Alex George
    1) Leslie Van Houten was 19 when she committed the murders in 1969.
    2) She was a model inmate with no serious rule violations.
    3) She was a psychedelic drug user, but when she found Manson he was a Christ-like man that had all the answers she was looking for after her parents got a divorce.
    4) They were apart in the upcoming race war.
    5) Governor Jerry Brown.
    6) Louis Smaldino, is the nephew of Leno La Bianca, he doesn’t want her to be released because she took part in the brutal killing of his family and he believes that the Manson Family where the homegrown terrorists of the 60s.
    7) I don’t believe that any person who does such a terrible thing can never truly change who they are. They can try and change their appearance and convince themselves that they have changed, but on the inside they are still the same. I don’t think that Van Houten should be released because if you murder someone but act like a model inmate in prison you shouldn’t be allowed to have a chance at getting out.

  10. Baylie Smithson 5th
    1. 1969, 19.
    2. She was a role model for the other inmates, didn't cause any trouble.
    3. Her parents divorce was so hard on her.
    4. It was the start of a coming race war.
    5. Gov. Jerry Brown
    6. The nephew of Leno La Bianca. She caused so much horror to their family and others.
    7. Honestly, I believe they can change, but there are still the ones who only say they've changed only to be let off the hook and back out into the world to continue murdering people. It sucks for the ones who really have changed and aren't allowed their free life, but thats the price you have to pay.

  11. Chris Thomas
    1) 1969 she was 19
    2) She has not had a single rule violation. She even got a degree.
    3) Her parents were divorce and she felt alone.
    4) The believed a race war was coming.
    5) The Governor.
    6) Louis is a nephew of La Bianca. He doesn't her to be released because he knows the atrocities that her cult ave committed. He considers them terrorists.
    7) She should be let out easily. Since she did't participate, she has a logical and sane mind. Not only that, but not one offense in Prison. That is hard to pull off.

  12. Katherine Pham

    1. 1969,19
    2. i guess she was being very obedient because of she didn't violate any rules
    3. because she had a feeling of abandonment from her parents
    4. beacuse of a race war
    5. government Jerry Brown
    6. Nephew of Leon La Bianca
    7. No I don't think they change they could be thinking about another murdering event inside of their heads and no would have known

  13. Jared Snyder
    1.19, 1960's
    2. not a serious rule violation
    3. Manson supposedly had just the right things to say to a abandoned young woman
    4. they are terrorists
    5. District Attorney Jackie Lacey
    6. nephew, she was insane and carved on someone
    7. In this particular situation people could, this woman was on drugs and in a terrible place at the time of her joining Manson. Manson manipulated them into doing anything, so i believe in this situation she could change.

  14. Keyanna Stokes
    1. 1969;age 19
    2.she did not have a single serious rule violation while in prison
    3.The murders were the start of what Manson believed was a coming race war that he dubbed "Helter Skelter" after a Beatles song. Manson had his followers prepare to fight and learn to can food so they could go underground and live in a hole in the desert
    4.Van Houten participated in the killings of Leno La Bianca and his wife Rosemary a day after other so-called "Manson family" members murdered pregnant actress Sharon Tate and four others in 1969
    5.The Los Angeles County District Attorney
    6.nephew of Leno La Bianca, pleaded with the panel not to release Van Houten after the horror she and the others inflicted by taking a carving knife used at annual Thanksgiving dinners to mutilate his family
    7. People who commit a crime like that couldn't change to be honest. They can be let out if the judge thinks it wwas because of a mental illness and let it off. An act like that could terrify their family. They couldn't change because they might feel the urge to kill another person and affect the lives of that person family. So, Van Houten should not be released because what she did was what she thought was right.

  15. Cameron Wyatt
    1.1960, She was 19
    3.She claims she was very impressionable due to drug use and family problems
    4."A coming race war"
    5.The California Panel
    6.Louis Smaldino is the nephew of Leno La Bianca, he doesn't want them back in society.
    7.I think they can but they should always remain in prison. To me anyone who murders a person should be killed. They don't deserve to live when they commit such a tragedy as the Mansons did to the family.

  16. Tyra Dunn
    1: 1969
    2: She never had a single serious rule violation.
    3: he seemed like a "christ-like man with all the answers.
    4: they were raised up to be terrorists.
    5: Governor Jerry Brown
    6: The nephew of Leno La Bianca. because of the horror she and the others inflicted on his family.
    7: no because if you were raised in a bad environment, that will always be a part of who you are. No because its wrong to let them out because there are so many other people convicted of murder that are still in there.

  17. Liam Andrus
    1. 1969. She was 19 years old.
    2. She was fairly obedient, considering that she didn’t commit a single serious rule violation in the 46 years that she was there
    3. Because she found Manson as a solid figure in her life, unlike her parents who divorced and left her feeling abandoned and alone.
    4. Because of their race
    5. Gov. Jerry Brown
    6. He’s Leno LaBianca’s nephew. Van Houten and other people murdered his family.
    7. In my opinion, some people have the capacity to change but in the case of Van Houten, she shouldn’t be released because she has to pay for the mistake that she made, even if she has completely changed since then. Mistakes always come with a consequence.

  18. Arianna Taylor 5th

    1. Leslie Van Houten participated in the murder in 1960. She was 19 years old.

    2. Van Houten hadn't broken any rules.
    3. Van Houten felt that Manson was a christ figure and that he had all the answers.

    4. They killed because of a race war.
    5. District Attorney Jackie Lacey is to decide if Van Houten should be paroled.

    6. Leno la Bianca's son. He feels that the Manson family and all its members are dangerous and terrorists.

    7. In my opinion, people who commit such a act cannot really change because they were obviously influenced and they could never change their ways. Van Houten is a dangerous human being and I don't believe that she is to be released in to society.

  19. Lacey Martin
    1. 1969, she was 19
    2. Leslie was a model inmate, she never committed a serious rule violation in the many years she was held at the prison.
    3. She was living in her drug use and Manson provided a clear leader in her life, some purpose and direction amid her confusion and haziness.
    4. They were killing in preparation of some future "coming war race"
    5. Governor Jerry Brown
    6. Louis Smaldino is Van Houten's niece, he doesn't want her back out because he's had to live with the horror of what she did and doesn't want to dredge up the horrible memories and family shame.
    7. I believe if given the will and drive themselves, anyone can change no matter what they do as long as they have the mental capability. I can't say for sure whether Van Houten is ready for this because I don't know the extent of her acts within the Manson family or personally seen her mental state, but from the way the article describes it, she has made the necessary changes to deserve a shot at parole, obviously she should be on a pretty tight leash, but if she's given parole then it seems like its a good decision since she's been given 46 years to figure out how horrible an act she did and fix it, obviously she is no longer 19 and a drug addict so that's definitely an added factor to her obvious change of lifestyle.

  20. Joshua Giles
    1. 1969 / 19 years old
    2. It was bad and she broke serious rules
    3. Because she was numb and lost and wanted somewhere to go
    4. Because they believed race a coming race war called "helter skelter"
    5. Patricia Krenwinkled & Charles "tex" Watson
    6. She hurt his family and witnessed the Manson's carving into them
    7. No, I don't think anybody who's killed anybody should be released into society. Just because she's old doesn't mean that she's changed. Especially since she's spent most of those years in and out of jail and killing people. Society would not be safe with a murderer in it.

  21. Wynn
    1. 1976, 19.
    2. "...a model inmate."
    3. She fell into drug use and Manson was christ-like with all the answers.
    4. Brutal group stabbings.
    5. District Attorney Jackey Lacey.
    6. Nephew of Leno La Bianca, they used a traditional kitchen knife in the killing.
    7. It really depends on a lot of things, like time. I think she should be released because of how well she has acted in prison, no major rule breaking.

  22. Kelsi Hobosn

    1. It was in 1969 and she was 19 years old.
    2. She never got into any serious trouble and never once violated a serious rule.
    3. "He was a Christ-like man that had all the answers."
    4. They thought there was a coming race war.
    5. Governer Jerry Brown.
    6. He is the nephew of the couple Leslie Van Houten participated in the murder of. He doesn't want Van Houten to be released because of the horrors inflicted on the fmily of her helping mutilate his family members bodies with a carving knife.
    7. I believe people can change, but that will always be apart of them. If Van Houten has truly changed for the best, I think she should be released. She spent 40+ years in prison and never committed a serious rule violation, so I see no reason as to why she shouldn't be let out.

  23. 1. 1969, 19
    2. she was a role model and completed college degrees
    3. she was abandoned and angry and believed he had all the answers.
    4. it was the start of a coming race war.
    5. the governor. Jerry Brown
    6. the nephew of Leno La Bianca, He said that they were like the terrorists today.
    7. No, people who kill for fun do not change and should not be let back into society, They will only continue their old path and kill more.

  24. Jack Smalley
    1. 1969, 19
    2. She has been good. According to the passage, she has not violated one prison rule yet.
    3. She was abandoned and left angry, and he was a christ figure for her.
    4. They were terrorists.
    5. District Attorney
    6. He was the nephew of the person killed with the family's turkey carving knife.
    7. Well, I do believe people can change because they have the choice to. Though, I do not believe under any circumstance that she should be let go. She was involved in the killing of a human being , and she will get the same punishment by staying in prison till the day she dies, in my opinion.

  25. Burton Drawhorn
    1. 1969, 20 yrs old
    2. a model inmate
    3. Because of how she was treated as a child, and what he said spoke to her in such a way that she was willing to kill someone to appease him.
    4. They did it because Manson family members supposedly committed the Tate Killings.
    5. Gov. Jerry Brown
    6. A nephew of the Li Biancas, who doesn't want to see their murderer set free.
    7. I believe that a person always has the opportunity to change. That they can repent and become a better person. I also believe though that people should pay for what they've done and not be let go of it. I do not think she should be released, but I think it is a tremendous step if she has changed and become a much better person

  26. Caitlyn Lewis
    1. 1969. age 19
    2. She was the model inmate and earned college degrees
    3. She felt abandoned after her parents divorced and he had all the answers.
    4. For the coming " Race War"
    5. The governor
    6. He is the nephew of Leno La Bianca. They are terrorists.
    7. Yes, but those thoughts about what they did and can do will stay with them and they will have a hard time in life. I believe she should but kept under close surveillance. She seems to have actually changed and tried to get her life together.

  27. 1. 19 years old in 1960
    2. Calm and obedient despite the hostile atmosphere.
    3. She felt abandoned and alone, and looked to Mansons as people who had all the answers.
    4. In response to a future race war that they thought would be emminent.
    5. The Governor
    6. Louis Smaldino was the nephew of the La Bianca family who believes that they what the Van and Mansons did is worth a full life in prison
    7. People who commit terrible acts are subject to learn from their mistakes and Van is no exception. She has the potential to change jut like anyone else does.

  28. Jake Hammonds
    1. 19, and 1969
    2. It was very good and she was a perfect inmate
    3. She was on drugs and she said Manson was a "Christ-like" figure
    4. Because of the race war that Manson thought was going to happen
    5. The governor of California
    6. He is the nephew of the man that Van Houten and those with her killed. Because he says they are terrorists.
    7. No I do not believe someone could change after doing something like this and they should not let her go because she killed an innocent women and even if she was on some type of drug at the time or anything, she is still a murderer and should pay for the life that she took.

  29. 1. 1969. She was 19.
    2. She did not violate a single rule in the 46 years that she has been there.
    3. She said he was a “Christ-like man that had all the answers"
    4. Manson wanted to start a race war called “Helter Skelter” with the murders.
    5. Governor Jerry Brown
    6. He is the nephew of one of the victims, Leno La Bianca. He doesn’t really believed she has changed since the murders. He still believes she is a terrorist.
    7. Yes, I think some can. Van Houten was so young, and she greatly abused drugs, so she didn’t really understand what she was getting into. However, it doesn’t change the fact that what she did was wrong, and there’s really no coming back from that. She has to be punished like the others who participated in the murders.

  30. Holly McDonough

    1. 1969 She was 19.
    2.She has been a model inmate and never violated a serious rule
    3. He had all the answers.
    4. The murders were the start of what Manson believed was a coming race war that he dubbed "Helter Skelter" after a Beatles song.
    5.Gov. Jerry Brown
    6. Nephew of Leno La Bianca, she inflicted horror by mutilating his family
    7. Yes. She should be released because she has proven that she is worthy of it by having a perfect record and knowing what she did was wrong.

  31. Maxine Ball
    1. 1969, 19 years old
    2. She was in prison for 46 years and didn’t have a single violation.
    3. She saw him as a “Christ-like man who had all the answers”, because she was angry at her divorced parents.
    4. Because they were terrorists
    5. Jerry Brown
    6. The nephew of Leo La Bianca; because of the horror she and the others created when they used a knife used at Thanksgiving dinners to mutilate his family.
    7. I believe that if someone who was young and only participated in an act like that once have the ability to change. Van Houten may be able to be released into society, but not without a parole officer monitoring her actions.

  32. Sam Webb
    1. 19
    2. Not any serious problems.
    3. She grew up in a dysfunctional family and was a drug addict.
    4. Manson felt like there was going to be a race war.
    5. Jerry Brown
    6. The nephew of Leno La Bianca. She helped murder his family.
    7. i think that people can change. No because I think she deserves what she did to the family. She may have changed but Louis will not ever get his family back.

  33. Abbey Ray,
    1. Leslie Van Houten participated in a murder in 1969 when she was 19 years old.
    2. Van Houten never broke a serious rule violation while in prison and was a model inmate.
    3. Van Houten bought into Manson's philosophy because she had been upset about her parents being divorced and fell into drug use, and when she met Manson it seemed like he knew all the answers to everything.
    4. The Manson family killed it's victims because Manson thought that there was going to be a race war and they needed to prepare to fight and go into hiding.
    5. Governor Jerry Brown will have the final say on whether or not Van Houten can be paroled.
    6. Louis Smaldino is Leno La Bianca's nephew. He does not want Van Houten to be released because of the horror that they imposed on him and his family.
    7. Yes, I think that people can change even if they commit such acts, but I don't think that Van Houten should be released. Van Houten did what she did and should have to pay the consequences of her actions because the people that she killed weren't able to live their lives so why should she?

  34. Reagan Ray
    1. Leslie Van Houten participated in the murder in 1969 when she was 19 years old.
    2. In 46 years, Leslie Van Houten had not violated any serious rule.
    3. Her parents had divorced which led her to psychedelic drug use, so when she met Manson he seemed like he knew everything and was the best way to go.
    4. They committed these murders because Manson believed it was a start to a coming war.
    5. Governor Jerry Brown has the final say on whether or not Leslie Van Houten can leave prison.
    6. Louis Smaldino is Leno La Bianca's nephew and says Van Houten should not be released because of the horror of her and the Manson family stabbing his family members with a carving knife.
    7. It depends on why they did what they did. If it was just out of straight up cruelty then no, but if it was because they thought they were helping a better cause, like Manson, then possibly. I think Van Houten should not be put on parole because she should not get her life back because the people they killed cannot get their lives back.

  35. Zoie Pritchett

    1. 1969; 19 years old
    2. All of her 46 years in jail, she didn't have one serious rule violation. She's been very peaceful.
    3. She described him as a "Christ-like man that had all the answers" for a young woman whose parents' divorce had left her feeling abandoned and angry.
    4. The murders were the start of what Manson believed was a coming race war that he dubbed "Helter Skelter" after a Beatles song. Manson had his followers prepare to fight and learn to can food so they could go underground and live in a hole in the desert.
    5. The decision will now undergo administrative review by the parole board. If upheld it goes to Gov. Jerry Brown, who has final say on whether Van Houten is released.
    6. Nephew of Leno La Bianca; because the horror she and the others inflicted by taking a carving knife used at annual Thanksgiving dinners to mutilate his family.
    7. I think that people can change, but it all depends on their mental state. It'd be different maybe if she was mentally unstable, but all of her 46 years in jail she hadn't had one serious rule violation. If she does get released she needs to have weekly checkups.

  36. Rachel Walker
    1. Leslie was convicted for the murder she participated in 1969 at the age of 19.
    2. She has not have any role violations and she has completed college degrees.
    3. She was gullible to what he says because she was abandoned & he seemed to have all the answers for her. Also, he thought a war was going to outbreak so she went with it because she believed him.
    4. Manson believed a war was going to break out and he wanted to prepare to fight before it happens.
    5. Governor Jerry Brown.
    6. Louis is the nephew of Leno La Bianca. He doesn't want her released because he's been scarred for life from what happened right in front of him, and he doesn't want to risk ever coming close to that point again.
    7. I do think people who commit these acts have the potential to change but it really depends if that person is willing to change from what they've done. I think Van Houten should be released if there is a noticeable difference in who she is because she has claimed that she's not the same as she used to be. Although it's very risky, I think they should give her a chance.

  37. Lizzie Shaw 5th
    1. 1969. She was 19/20 years old. (It mentioned oth and never specified)
    2. She was a model inmate. She never had a serious rule violation and even received college degrees in her time.
    3. She was angry over her parent's bad divorce and he seemed like a "christ-like" figure in the midst of it.
    4. Charles Manson convinced his "family" that a race war was beginning and these murders were going to be the start of it.
    5. Governor Jerry Brown
    6. Louis is the nephew of Leno La Bianca. The murder directly affected him and his family so his personal vendetta is against her, of course he doesn't want her released.
    7. I believe someone who has committed and atrocious crime can change, but not all of them will. Van Houten has spent 46 years in prison for a crime she committed when she was 19/20, and while she was under the influence of a cult leader. She has changed, and I am happy that she has been released, as this is how our justice system should always work. When someone has changed, or perhaps a better work is rehabilitated, then they are released. There are some people who won't change, who will hold whatever evil it is that caused them to do these horrible things in their heart forever. It is all up to the person, you can't give a wide yes or no in this case.

  38. Joy Chou

    1. Van Houten participated in the murder in 1969 when she was 19 years old.
    2. She didn’t violate any rules, has completed college degrees, and was a model inmate.
    3. Van Houten’s parents had divorced, which stirred up bitter feelings in her, and she called Manson a “Christ-like man that had all the answers.”
    4. Manson believed that there was a coming race war.
    5. Governor Jerry Brown
    6. He is the nephew of Leno La Bianca. He doesn’t want Van Houten to be released because of the crime she committed against his family.
    7. I think that very few people would be able to change, but it depends on what kind of circumstance they’re in. Van Houten may have changed, but it’s uncertain whether or not she’s truly changed, so she could still potentially harm others if she’s released.

  39. Tyler Frederick
    1. 1969. She was 19
    2. She was a model inmate, completed college degrees, and did not violate any major rules.
    3. She saw him as a Christ like figure who knew all the answers for a girl like her.
    4. They were a start to what Manson believed was a coming race war.
    5. Gov. Jerry Brown.
    6. He was the nephew of the victim Van Houten killed and he doesn't want her to be released because of the horror they inflicted and he believes they are terrorists.
    7. I think that they could change. She was a teenager when she committed the crime and she was heavily influenced by the wrong people. She has been a model prisoner and has been in prison long enough to realize that she made a terrible mistake. I think she should be released into society because she has learned from her mistake and she was only a teenager when she did it.

  40. Elle Allen
    1. 19; 1969
    2. She was a Model Inmate
    3. He was a "Christ-Like man who had all the answers"
    4. "The murders were the start of what Manson believed was a coming race war that he dubbed "Helter Skelter" after a Beatles song. Manson had his followers prepare to fight and learn to can food so they could go underground and live in a hole in the desert, Van Houten told the panel."
    5. The Governor
    6. The Nephew of the man she helped murder.
    7. Yes, I believe that people can change. Obviously she has grown up and matured since then and I do believe that she has the right to be released into society.

  41. Abby Kate Holmes
    1. 1969, 19
    2. she had good behavior and never had a serious rule violation.
    3. she said he was a christ-like figure and that he had all the answers
    4. they believed it was the start of a upcoming race war
    5. district attorney jackie lacey
    6. He is the nephew of Leno La Bianca, they used the annual carving knife used at their familys thanksgiving to kill his family member.
    7. I believe that murderers can change. like paul in the bible who murdered christians but then he saw God and became a christian and helped do good. i believe she deserves a second chance but i think if it was my family member that was killed and tortured i would never want her out.

  42. Avery Thomas
    1.  1969, she was 19.
    2. She was an ideal inmate; she partook  in no serious rule breaking.
    3. Manson had all the right things to say to a a girl who was angry about her parents divorce.
    4. It was the start of a coming race war named "Helter Skelter" by a Beatles song.
    5. Governor Jerry Brown
    6. the nephew of Leno La Bianca (the pregnant woman who was killed and had "WAR" cut into her belly; he thinks that the Manson Family are terrorists and they were way beyond their time.
    7. I think that we go through phases and changes in our lives, some more extreme than others, and we should be given a chance to redeem ourselves. Van Houten was just a teenage girl when all of this went on and has had more than ample time to think through what she has done, and why it was wrong. I belive that she has changed and is in a state of mind fit to be released back into society

  43. Elaine Doyle
    1 1969, 19 years old
    2 wonderful behavior
    3 she was angry and confused because her parents divorced
    4 Manson believed in a coming race war
    5 governor Jerry Brown
    6 nephew of Leno La Bianca because they mutilated his family
    7 Yes, they can change. This woman just sounds like she was stupid and followed the wrong person , not like she is a cold blooded murderer.She should be put on probation not just released because ,even though she might have changed, you can never really tell.

  44. Nia Hodges
    1. 1969; 19 years old
    2. They said she did not have any serious rule violations.
    3. She bought into it so easily because she was young, her parents were not really in her life so she felt abandoned, and he was a “Christ-like man that had all the answers”.
    4. Manson believed there was a coming race war that he dubbed “Helter Skelter”.
    5. Gov. Jerry Brown
    6. He’s the nephew of Leno La Bianca; he believes that the way they were killers back then are how killers this generation are; they were ahead of their time
    7. I think people can change, but I don’t think she should be released. I don’t think any of them should be released. They decided to play God and take away peoples lives without any remorse. Yes, they might have changed , but that doesn’t affect what they have done and the lives they have changed. There are people in jail for less violent crimes that will never be released, so why should she? She was nineteen years old at the time of the murder. She knew what was right and wrong.

  45. India Kasteler
    1. 1969 she was 19
    2. She was a model prisoner
    3. because he seemed Christ like and had all the answers and she had been having a rough life
    4.He believed that the killings were part of an upcoming race war.
    5. The governor
    6. The nephew of Leno La Bianca and he was scared of what would happen to his family at Thanksgiving.
    7. No, she commited murder and didn't think twice about it, there is no coming back from that.

  46. Elle Turner
    1.year 1969 aged 19.
    2. 46 years and not a serious rule violation.
    3. Manson was Christ-like and her parents left her feeling abandoned and angry after their divorce.
    4.The murders were the start of what Manson believed was a coming race war that he dubbed "Helter Skelter" after a Beatles song
    5.Gov. Jerry Brown
    6.nephew of Leno La Bianca, he says they are terrorists and doesn't want her released bc she is a terrorist
    7.I think she should be released, but she should have people checking on her and she should strict rules.

  47. Dustin Spencer
    1.1969, 19 years old.
    2. good behavior.
    3. Manson was Christ-like and her parents left her feeling abandoned after their divorce.
    4.The murders were the start of what Manson believed was a coming race war that he dubbed "Helter Skelter" after a Beatles song
    5.Jerry Brown
    6.nephew of Leno La Bianca, he says they are terrorists and doesn't want her released bc she is a terrorist
    7.I do not think that this woman should get out. She is dangerous and harmful. She is very cray cray and we don't need her in the world.

  48. Sarah Taylor
    1.She was 19 years old and it took place in the 1960s.
    2. Not once in 60 years did she have a serious rule violation.
    3.He was viewed as a Christ figure and thought of to have all the answers.
    4. They saw them as the beginnings of a race war.
    5. Governor Jerry Brown has the final say.
    6. Louis Smaldino is Leno La Bianca’s nephew, and he doesn’t want her released because of all the pain and horrors she and the others inflicted upon him and his family.
    7. The people who followed Manson were in a cult and with most cults come brainwashing and blind following. While none of these facts dismiss the things she and all the others committed, she has served and has done fairly well, if not exceptionally well, while serving her time. These people viewed him as a Christ figure and would do anything they told him much like anyone else would to their Christ figure. Some of the people who committed the crimes had history of violence or participated in more than one of the killings. Van Houten didn’t. I believe she could have changed over that time or even realized her mistakes she made as teenager.

  49. Erica Ramsey

    1 1960s,19
    2 She didn’t have a serious rule violation in 60 years
    3 He was a Christ like figure that had all the answers
    4 Believed to be a coming race war due to a Beatles song
    5 Governor Jerry brown
    6 The nephew of Leno La Bianca who she killed his family at thanksgiving dinner with a carving knife.
    7 No she should not be released because what she did was atrocious. Who is to say she will not do it again. She was probably brainwashed into believing what she did and she was in a bad point in her life when he started to get her to help him. Plus she was young and impressionable.She might have changed but does anyone really want to take the chance and let her out. Even with these things she still should not be let out. She was still a killer and she should serve her time for the damage she did.

  50. Kenna Eldridge

    1. In 1969, she was 19 years old.
    2. She was the perfect prisoner, she has no major rule violations.
    3. She felt abandoned and angry about her parents divorce and he seemed like he knew all the answers.
    4. The murders were the start of what Manson believed was a coming race war that he dubbed "Helter Skelter" after a Beatles song. Manson had his followers prepare to fight and learn to can food so they could go underground and live in a hole in the desert.
    5. District Attorney Jackie Lacey
    6. He was the nephew of Leno La Bianca, he did mot want her to be released because she used the family thanksgiving carving knife to mutilate his family.
    7. No,they cannot change. They cam become a better person and act better nut they are still the same person. Van Houten should not be released into society, there is a reason she has been locked up all this time and she should stay there. Someone can put on a front and not show you who they really are, she is still a murderer.

  51. Jessica Elwood
    1. 1969. 20
    2. She was very well behaved and didn't violate the rules.
    3. She was in a cult and did what the Manson's said.
    4. The Manson family are terrorists, albeit homegrown," he said. "They're long before their time".
    5. Gov. Jerry Brown
    6. Louis Smaldino, nephew of Leno La Bianca. She is the person who used a carving knife used at annual Thanksgiving dinners to mutilate his family.
    7.I think people regret things but it doesn't change what they did. If you kill someone you should be locked up for life because you took their life or put to a death penalty. No person or anything should get away for killing someone. That was someones son, grandson, father, mother, daughter, grandmother, family. You wouldn't want someone murdered in your family knowing that the person who killed them will be able to get out into the world once again. The point is they shouldn't be. If you kill someone in my opinion you should get a death penalty still.

  52. Hallie Grace Hamner
    1.1969, she was 19.
    2. She had extremely good behavior and never violated one serious rule in 46 years.
    3. Because she used a lot of drugs and Manson provided comfort after her parent’s divorce.
    4. Because they thought there would be a race war.
    5. Gov. Jerry Brown
    6. The nephew of Leno La Bianca, he doesn’t want her to be released because they killed his uncle and because he says she is still the same person.
    7. Yes, they can change. She should because I believe that she can change and if she has served her time and realized how wrong she was then she should have the opportunity to build a new life.

  53. Christian Taylor
    2.She seemed ready for whatever it is to come.
    3.She was too easy to convince.
    4.Manson believed was a coming race war that he dubbed "Helter Skelter" after a Beatles song.
    5.District Attorney Jackie Lacey
    6. nephew of Leno La Bianca, pleaded with the panel not to release Van Houten after the horror she and the others inflicted by taking a carving knife used at annual Thanksgiving dinners to mutilate his family.
    7.Yes, I do believe they can change. However they can't change what they did, and there are consequences for the wrong things you have done. Because, you can't go back and change the terrible awful you committed in the past. You commit the crime, you must do the time.


  54. Crystal Bolden
    1. She was 66 years old, and participated in 1960’s.
    2. She completed college degrees and was a model inmate.
    3. She was already a young murderous woman.
    4. A coming race that he had dubbed
    5. California Panel
    6. Nephew of Leno La Bianca; Houten used their annual Thanksgiving knife to complete the brutal murders.
    7. Well, people that commit such crimes are not in their right mind, and afterwards feel empathy for the crime that have commited. But, I do believe that something has been boiling inside of them to do such a brutal crime, and it just finally came out. Know that a person has commited such a crime means that they do deserve some jail time, I don’t put anything over anyone. But they do not need to serve a life sentence, they need to be put in a mental home. To help them coop with their inner self.

  55. Naiya Rice
    1.1969 and 19
    2. She was role model inmate and followed all the rules.
    3. She tgought he was a Christ like man with all the answers.
    4. It was a coming race war that he dubbed "Helter Skelter" after a Beatles song.
    5.District Attorney Jackie Lacey
    6. The nephew of Leno La Bianca, he said they were terrorists long before their time so that meant she is dangerous.
    7. Van Houten at the time did not understand what she was doing, she was 19 and just went through her parents breaking up, leaving her alone to fend for herself. However: she did not have to be so vulnerable and kill a family just because someone told her to. I understand the act of peer pressure ,but something in your right mind would have told you no. I don't agree with her being out in the community because its already so much going on. Who's to say she wont influence younger teens and its a repeat back to 1969.

  56. Grace Gibson
    1) 1969; 19
    2) She was a model prisoner and has not violated any rules.
    3) Because he was like a Christ figure.
    4) Because they were at war with each other and they were jealous.
    5) Gov. Jerry Brown
    6) Nephew of Leno La Bianca; Because he thinks they are terrorists and terrible people.
    7) Yes, they can change. It may be really hard but it's possible. She should be released but she should be carefully watched.

  57. Natalie Neubert 5th Period
    1) 19 Years old, 1969
    2) While in there for 46 years she did not get a single serious rule violation.
    3) One of the Mason's told her to do something and this caused her to join in on the stabbing.
    4) They did not want to live in a underground hole in the desert.
    5) GOV. Jerry Brown
    6) He was the nephew of the victim.
    7) No, people that commit something crazy can say as much as they want that they have changed but turn right back around and do it all over again. No matter what they do it wont change them. I do not think Van Houten should be released because if she is crazy enough to harm someone in the way she did she can do it all over again.

  58. Destini Erwin
    1. 1969, 19.
    2. Not a single rule violation.
    3. B/c he seemed to have all the right answers and her parents left her feeling angry and lonely.
    4. War.
    5. Commissioner Ali Zarrinnam.
    6. B/c she was a part of the killing of his aunt on thanksgiving.
    7. Yes they can. Many people can change if they really want to. it just depends on the persons determination. Yes she should, if she hasn't done a single violation in prison and she was feeling hatred and felt that, that as the only way to get her parents attention.


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