Read the following opinion article:
Answer the following questions related to the article:
1. Why does the author begin the article by describing his own use of portable technology?
2. Describe how the narrator's son became "addicted" to the iPad.
3. Describe how the narrator discovered that the son's use of technology was a problem.
4. Who is Mr. Vernon? (hint: he is a character from an 80s movie.) What is it called when an author makes a reference to another work? (hint: the term starts with an "a")
5. Why would the narrator reference Mr. Vernon?
6. Is the narrator appealing to pathos, logos, or ethos when the he says," As a parent, I know I'm not perfect. I know we're all just trying to do our best, but it broke my heart to see my young son so preoccupied with technology that he couldn't enjoy life around him." EXPLAIN YOUR ANSWER.
7. What is the narrator's claim about a parent's responsibility when it comes to children and technology?
8. As a teenager, how involved do you believe that YOUR parents should be with YOUR use of technology?
Colby Free 3rd
ReplyDelete1.To show how "addictive" the use of technology may be for everyone.
2. Constantly being on it. Watching youtubers and playing the games the youtubers were talking about and then playing more games.
3. When he took it away from him and he was having "withdraws" from it and begging for it back and acting as if it was life or death.
4. The character from The Breakfast Club: Allusion
5. He was comparing himself to Mr. Vernon because of the way he was punishing his son and standing his ground.
6. Ethos because it is him wanting whats best for his child.
7. Responsible for showing them that there is a world outside of technology.
8. I think its important for our parents to teach us that there is a world outside of technology. I think that they should tell us to go outside and to not be on our phone during a family dinner. Honestly in the world we live in now, technology has taken over everything even our parents so I do not believe that they can do anything but encourage us to enjoy the earth, be respectful when it comes to technology, and to be safe when using it.
Cole Frederick
ReplyDelete1. To give a personnal example of how technology had a hold on him.
2. He loved playing games on the ipad, and then developed a daily routine of downloading and playing games.
3. He was at a neighborhood party and his son started throwing a huge temper when his dad took the ipad away from him, so the kid went home and hid.
4. Assisstant principle in the breakfast club; allusion
5. Because in the movie, they all go to detention, which he relates to his son not having the ipad, which is like his "detention" and the dad feels like Mr. Vernon, who is strict.
6.pathos because that is like dealing with emotions. The dad talks about how it breaks his heart, which deals with emotion.
7. Since children get addicted to technology so easily, parents should supervise how technology they allow them to use and protect them from getting addicted.
8. As a teenager, i do not think they should be involved. Teenagers are getting to the age where they have to make their own decisions and if they choose to get addicted to technology, thats on their hands.
Taylor Burge
ReplyDelete1. The author begins the article by talking about his own use of technology to established his right to talk about the topic.
2. The narrators son became addicted to the ipad because he was constantly on the device.
3. The narrator realized his sons problem when he wanted his son to see a Tommy Hawk. He expected his son to be excited and to want to see the bird but his son was not interested in getting up from his ipad to check it out.
4. Mr. Vemon is an iconic character from the 80s classic "The Breakfast Club". The tools used in this comparison is an allusion.
5. The narrator would reference this character because he is iconic and Mr. Vemon is almost universal to the point where everyone would know who he is and what he did in the movie.
6. The author uses pathos as his mode of appeal because he wants people to understand his emotions about the situation that his son was in.
7. It is the adults job to keep children from getting swept up in these addictions, adults need to find an equal balance in their kids world.
8. I believe that my parents should be involved in my use of technology. I think that parents should help their child understand technology and what it can do. But I think the most positive way my parents could monitor my own technology would be through example. If I see my parents doing things without technology that could be fun I would want to join and experience whatever it was with them. When you are participating with your family there is less of this chance to slide into a technology addiction.
Ben O
ReplyDelete1. It shows us that everyone is able to get some sort of addiction to technology.
2. He became addicted to it when his parents didn't take it away to teach him to stay with the family. He got addicted to his iPad by always being on it and playing games and being entertained by it.
3. He discovered it by when he took it away from his son, his son acted like it was the worst thing possible that could be done to him. He truly acted like he was heart broken over it and that something terrible happened when in reality, it was just an item that man made.
4. He is from The Breakfast Club. It’s called allusion
5. He did that to compare himself with the guy who didn’t fall to his son’s lower lip.
6. Pathos because he was trying to reach the hearts of all the parents to show that he was and is truly doing his best.
7.He says that it is the responsibility for all parents to get their children focused on real life and real relationships in life.
8.I believe that my parents are on me like the guy was to his son the first time he took his iPad away. My parents are always on to me about me being on my phone. I do not believe that they should care how long I’m on my devices or computer because we are old enough to decide how much time we should be on it. We know the pros and cons and as young adults should judge likewise.
Cameron Simon
ReplyDelete1) To relate to the addiction can happen to anyone
2) His would watch youtubers play games then play those same games and then watch youtubers do funny things
3) He wouldn't look up from his iPad and then got mad when it was taken away
4) The Breakfast Club Character; Allusion
5) The way he was punishing his son
6) Ethos, He wants whats best for his child
7) It is our responsibility to keep our children from even the happiest addictions
8) I believe that parents should have a say in our use regarding its safety and encourage us to enjoy life but it is our responsibility to use it respectfully.
Kailee Post
ReplyDelete1. To relate to the audience.
2. By having an endless supply of games, playing the games, and watching youtube videos about the games.
3. He physically took the iPad away from him, which resulted in his child pouting and running home and hiding under the covers.
4. The principal from The Breakfast Club. An allusion.
5. Because the intended audience for his article is probably adults with children around the same age as him who have seen The Breakfast Club. Mr. Vernon is a disciplinary person, which is what the parent was trying to do to the child.
6. Pathos, because he appealing to the reader's emotions. He uses words/phrases such as, "I know I'm not perfect" and "broke my heart" which are for invoking emotions in parents that are in the same situation as him. This makes them relate to each other with their feelings for their child.
7. He claims, "But it’s our responsibility to be the adults and protect our kids from even the most enjoyable of addictions". The parents are supposed to allow only a healthy amount of time with the technology. They should not let it take over the child's life.
8. I understand where my parents come from when they tell me to stop using my phone so much, but it rarely happens. I truly do not use my phone much at home, I honestly use it more at school. My mom uses her phone a lot at home and my little brother stays on his iPad constantly. I take it lightly when my mom says I use my phone a lot, because she uses her phone more than I do. They have the place to tell me when I can and can not use my technology. This is not a big deal in my household actually. But parents should be involved with their children's use of technology when it becomes excessive at home.
Lauren Beatty
ReplyDelete1. He begins the article this way because he is showing it is a problem for him as well, not just his son.
2. The son became addicted by playing games, winning prizes, and forming a “routine.”
3. The narrator discovered this problem by being informed by his wife and while trying to get his son to come outside to see Tommy Hawk. Usually this would be exciting, but he had to physically make his son come outside only to receive a temper tantrum from him.
4. Mr. Vernon is a teacher in The Breakfast Club who assigns detention and an essay on a Saturday. This reference is called an allusion.
5. Because Mr. Vernon is a horrible teacher who assigned detention and an essay on a Saturday.
6. The narrator is appealing to pathos, because he relates himself to other parents and appeals to their emotions. By saying “I know we’re all just trying to do our best, but it broke my heart…” he is explaining his emotions and how they could relate to other parents in the same situation.
7. That it is the parent’s responsibility to be the adults and protect their kids from the most enjoyable of addictions.
8. I believe that parents should either be involved or not allow us to have technology at all. Technology can give you access to anything, good and bad, and it’s the parent’s responsibility to protect us from it. Especially if they are the one’s giving it to us.
Mayson McGee: Week of Nov. 9
ReplyDelete1) To show my technology can affect his and his family life.
2) His son was continuously watching videos and stuff on the iPad and just got used to being on the iPad.
3) When he had to physically remove it from him, and when he did he started pouting, and having withdrawals and begging his dad just to give him the iPad for 5 minutes.
4) Character from the breakfast club... And it’s called an allusion
5) He used Mr. Vernon because he stood his ground just like Mr. Vernon and would NOT think twice about the punishment.
6) I believe ethos, because he wants his child to be the best he could be and not let the iPad take hold of his life.
7) The narrator is just trying to tell parents that their kid needs to have a life other than just technology so don't let them get addicted to technology.
8) I believe it is important to have a life outside technology. My parents hold me accountable with technology. If I get caught up in watching too much Netflix then my mom will let me know I need to stop. Our coming up generation is going to have the hardest time because my little cousins already know how to work a computer better than my parents so parents just need to keep their kids from getting addicted to technology and to let them know that there is life outside of it.
1. The author is showing how addicting technology can be.
ReplyDelete2. He began getting on it and staying on it and was hooked on watching "Youtubers", then later playing games that he watched others play.
3.Once taken, he began having a fit as if it were the end all, be all, and additionally had withdrawals from having it taken away.
4.Mr. Vernon is a character from the 80's movie, The Breakfast Club. Allusion.
5.To compare the way he is treating his son to how Mr. Vernon through the way he punished him and the way he defended hisself.
6.Pathos. He says it breaks his heart which means it emotionally hurts the father to see his son not be able to enjoy his life. He wants his child to enjoy life which can't be done sitting behind a screen all day.
7. A parent is responsible for making sure the child is not so indulged in technology that they began to make that their reality instead of what is the physical world.
8. Before I had the friends I have now, it was rare for me to be asked to do anything outside of a video game whether it be through a console, cellphone, or by computer. The problem with that is, is that it creates isolation. While you may make friends online that you can talk to and enjoy, it does not provide the same feeling as it does to go out in the physical world and enjoy and feel real things and experience real things. This results in a massive amount of isolation, sadness, and may later cause things such as depression. Additionally, being hooked on electronics will create such an addiction that you cannot take enough time to do homework and other things that need to get done. Some even take it so far as to deprive themselves of the necessities of life such as drinking and eating (and when eating, it is usually either fast food or unhealthy snacks which can later lead to health risks). Also, you cannot get the physical exercise that you need. Now, I make plenty of time to hang out with my friends. My parent's role in this is that my mother made me realize what I was missing out on and depriving myself of. She encouraged me to go out into the real world and make more friends that I see regularly.
However, this summer I was fortunate enough to meet one of my long time internet friends that I made who is from Texas. From my personal experiences, it was so much more enjoyable to be able to do real things like go to the park, the mall, and many other places as opposed to playing a video game through a screen miles and miles away.
Overall, the parents role is to ensure that their child is to be able to use technology unless creating an addiction, which if occurs, create more restrictions to thus break the addiction. Their role is to encourage and promote to go outside of their house and become more social, as long as they remain safe.
1. The author starts out the article with his own experiences to show how addictive and time consuming the use of these technological devices are on people today.
ReplyDelete2. His son was constantly on his iPad from a very young age, which led him into the habit where he had to constantly be on it. He would watch youtubers play the games and then play them himself on a normal basis.
3. The boy had become so addicted to the iPad that when it was taken away from him he acted as if he were going to die without it, as any person who is addicted to anything might. He made mean and rude comments to his father for doing so, which were completely unnecessary.
4. Mr. Vernon was the principal of the school in The Breakfast Club and the term for an author making a reference towards another work is called an Allusion.
5. The author compares himself to Mr. Vernon in the way that he is standing his ground by not giving his son his iPod back throughout all the screaming fits and begging. He knows he is doing the right thing for his son.
6. Pathos because it is the parents emotional and saddening response to how he feels about his sons growing addiction to his technological device.
7. It is the parents responsibility to protect their kids from even the most enjoyable addictions.
8. I believe that my parents should be more involved in my use of technology then they already are. Technology as a whole has consumed many of our lives completely, and we live and breathe to be on our devices. Kids aren't the only ones effected, parents are too. A parent cant effectively restrict our use of technology if they themselves are consumed by it. I do believe that a parents should restrict the usage of our devices and in turn encourage outdoor play and more involved activities.
Casey Coggins
ReplyDelete1. He describes his own technology use to point out that everyone these days is addicted to technology and that this addiction disturbs family time.
2. He became addicted to the iPad by his endless cycle of playing games and watching videos and all of the “rewards and thrills” they offered, so much so that he did not want to do anything else.
3. He discovered it was a problem when he noticed the stress and anxiety it caused his son, when his son had more interest in a game than Tony Hawk, and when he went through severe withdrawals when the iPad was taken away.
4. Mr. Vernon is the assistant principle in The Breakfast Club. He is the antagonist in the film. An allusion is when an author makes a reference to another work.
5. He made the reference because he had to antagonize his son in order to do what is best for him. The reference to a mean principle allows for the author to show that with more clarity.
6. The author is appealing to pathos, because he is pulling at the heartstrings of readers by evoking pity and causing other parents to have the same emotion of distress towards their child’s technology addiction.
7. Parents must take responsibility and monitor their child’s technology use, because, when they do not, they are allowing that child to become an addict and escape the world around them.
8. I believe that my parents need to be very involved in my technology use because there are tons of inappropriate things online that can put me in jeopardy, and I believe that my parents are the ones who protect me from these things; it is their job. Also, I want them to butt in when I am on technology too much, because I would hate to miss out on the wonders of life from staring at a screen all day.
1. The author began the article by describing his use of technology to foreshadow what the rest of the article will be talking about and how it effected not only him, but his family.
ReplyDelete2. The narrator’s son became addicted from the iPad checklist his son had. From watching videos to playing games without ever looking up and when his son stopped spending time with the family.
3. The narrator discovered his son had a problem when there was a block party that they had to force their son to attend and the negative reaction they received when they took his iPad away.
4. Mr Vernon is a character from the 1980s movie The Breakfast Club. When an author make a reference to another work it is called an allusion.
5. The narrator referenced to Mr. Vernon because he was the “bad guy” in the movie and would always do thing that the kids hated but did what they needed.
6. I believe that the author is appealing to pathos. The author tells his story of what technology with to not only him, but his child. Which appeals to your emotions to make you “feel bad” for him or for your own circumstance that you’re in.That even though you might not make the best decisions, you still have a chance to change them.
7. The author claims that it’s the parents responsibility to protect children from any type of addiction.
8. I personally believe that my dad should not be heavily involved in my use of technology. From time to time his does check my social media to make sure I stay in line. Most of the time if I’m on my phone it’s because I’m bored and it keeps me entertained. When I’m with my friends or out having a good time I’m not on my phone because I want to enjoy the little things in life that I might miss out on if I’m with my friends. If my dad were to take away my phone, I know I wouldn’t go “crazy” without it because I’m not addicted to it.
Brianna Snow
ReplyDelete1) He is showing that this is not just a problem that children face, but also adults such as his self.
2) He became addicted to it by constantly playing games and getting on YouTube, and eventually he made a mental list of things he "has" to do on the iPad everyday.
3) At a neighborhood block party Tommy Hawk made an appearance and the narrator had to pry his son's iPad away to make him get up and meet Tommy Hawk.
4) Mr. Vernon is the principal from The Breakfast Club. When the author makes a reference to another work, like this author is doing, it is called an allusion.
5) The narrator makes this reference to Mr. Vernon because he is punishing his child in the same type of way that the principal punished his students.
6) When the narrator says this he is appealing to pathos. It is pathos because he is appealing to your emotions and showing you the sadness in how his son, and people in everyday life, got caught up in living a virtual life rather than his own real life.
7) The narrators claim is that it is a parents responsibility to protect their children from even the most enjoyable addictions.
8) As a teenager, I believe that my parents should be involved with my technology and know what I am doing on the internet and that it is safe, and I also believe that they should not allow me to waste all of my time doing things on my phone, or other devices, rather than enjoying my life. However, I do not believe they should be able to take my things away from me if I am not doing anything wrong or if I am not spending a majority of my free time on the internet.
ReplyDelete1. The author begins the article to show that he too is in love with technology and admits that it is quite addicting.
2. The narrator's son became addicted to the iPad as he "immediately" took it as a past time and had a vast amount of games on it.
3. The narrator discovered that the son's use of technology was becoming a problem when he noticed that a Tommy Hawk appearance did not strike as much appeal to the son as the games did.
4. Mr. Vernon is a character from "The Breakfast Club." It is called an allusion when an author references another work.
5. The narrator referenced Mr. Vernon because Vernon is seen as the strict, disciplinarian principle of a high school.
6. The narrator is appealing to pathos because he exhibits emotion and passion by caring for his son and wanting him to be normal again and for him to "have a life" in general.
7. The narrator's claim about a parent's responsibility when it comes to technology use: While technology is fun, it is a parent's job to determine the amount of technology use.
8. As a teenager, I believe that parents should be very much involved with my technology use (except for my phone) as they are the ones who should see what is beneficial to their child and what is not, but they also should not be taking things too far either. However, I am only saying this as my own parents are doing a fantastic job of it (no TV, no videogames, no iPads, just a phone and a laptop for schoolwork).
~Heather Williams
ReplyDelete1. The author starts the article like this to explain how the phones can be addictive but also how it takes a person's attention away from their family.
2. His son played a handful of YouTubers' shows about games, plays those games, then some other games, Once he finishes those games, he watches YouTube for more videos of people doing stupid things for fame.
3. When the dad took away his son's iPad, his son sprinted home. The dad found him under his covers, hiding because he was afraid of being cut off from his video games. On day two, my son woke me up to inform me that I have ruined his life and then slammed the door. He wore all black, my daughter informed me, to show me that I had taken the color and fun out of the world.
4. Mr. Vernon is the teacher from The Breakfast Club. When an author makes a reference to another work, it is called an Allusion.
5. He did this because Mr. Vernon was very strict, and he was being as strict as the teacher.
6. He is appealing to ethos for thinking that he was doing the right thing for his son.
7. That it's the parents' responsibility to be the adults and protect our kids from even the most enjoyable of addictions.
8. I think that parents should be involved with a lot of kids' use of technology because there are many hackers and terrible people in the world that can interact with a child over the internet. My mother always taught me the rights and wrongs on technology uses and different things. She is already pretty involved but she also knows that technology is very important in this world and it is actually hard to take it away when it's needed for school, jobs, etc.
Taryn Dockery
ReplyDeleteThe author describes his use to establish his credibility to speak on the topic, or ethos. He became addicted by forming a mental checklist of “tasks” to do on the iPad. He discovered the problem when he tried to take away the iPad at a neighborhood party and his son became extremely upset. Mr. Vernon is the principal from The Breakfast Club. This is called an allusion. He referenced Mr. Vernon to show the audience how he felt, and also to make the reader laugh. He is appealing to pathos, or emotions. By talking about his broken heart, it makes the reader sad. His claim is that parents should protect their children from technology addictions. Parents should be able to say when it is time to put up the electronic devices because family time is important, but they should not constantly complain that we are always on our phones because a lot of times, so are they.
April McCool
ReplyDelete1. To explain that he too uses them and isn't scolding the world for technology use
2. He played and discovered the "prices he could touch and see" and repeatedly played games
3. When his son was indifferent to the appearance of Tony Hawk and refusing to let go of the ipad
4. Supervisor of detention in The Breakfast Club, called an allusion
5. The technology has taken over who his son is and wants him back (Mr. Vernon has those students in detention right an essay on who they are and what they did to get detention)
6. Pathos and Ethos: pathos because the author appeals to the emotions of parents who have struggling relationships with their children and ethos because the author identifies with parents because he himself IS a parent
7. Make sure your child spends more time with you than they do with technology
8. My parents are divorced and I'm now the only child at home. If my phone was to disappear, I probably would be devastated because I do love social media but it's also my only way to communicate with my family.
Brandon Appling
ReplyDelete1. To show it is addictive for everyone.
2. Daily "tasks" he had to do. (YouTube, certain games)
3. When he took it away from him and he showed all the signs of a drug addict.
4.Allusion, a character from the Breakfast Club.
5. Because he was punishing his son like Mr. Vernon.
6. Ethos because he is understanding to the child and wants the best for him.
7. That the parent is responsible for guiding the kid in the right direction when it comes to technology, and showing him/her that there are other things in the world.
8. Parents should be very involved in a kids technology until a certain age. The difference between a very little kid's mind and a 12+ year old kid is extremely different. At that age the kid has a lot more common sense and knows the dangers of technology and how addictive it can be. If a kid is given a lot of time with the device his/her mind may begin to become warped, and they will start to have the mentality they would in a video game (The world is centered around me, I control everything).
Dillon Baker
ReplyDelete1. To show how much tech Is used
2. Always being on it doing various things as entertainment
3. The son made a huge deal about not having access to his ipad
4. Character from the breakfast club; allusion
5. He was doing things the character would do such as punishing his child
6. Pathos because it is appealing to other peoples sense of emotions because they can see this is a man who just wants the best fro his child
7. It Is their responsibility to teach the child about life
8. I believe they should have a say in what we do with our spare time but in the end it is up to us to make the choice about whether or not we want to explore the world and find out about life outside of technology. A parent may be able to force their kid to limit their use of tech. but they can not force them to truly appreciate the world around them.
Emily Free
ReplyDelete1) To show that technology addiction can happen to anyone.
2) His son spent a majority of his time on the Ipad, playing games and watching Youtube videos instead of playing with his friends.
3) When he took the Ipad away, his son had temper tantrums and acted as if his life was ruined.
4) He is referring to a character from The Breakfast club. This is called an allusion.
5) Mr. Vernon is extremely strict, and the narrator had to be strict with his son.
6) He is appealing to pathos, because he is using his emotion to relate to other parents who may be dealing with the same problems.
7) It is a parent's job to teach their children to be responsible with technology and not become obsessed with it.
8)I think it is extremely important for parents to have rules when it comes to the use of technology. My parents encourage me to take time away from my phone and do more productive things. Technology seems to be taking over society, as it is extremely addictive. I believe that this is a very big problem, and parents should be a little more strict when it comes to the usage of technology. When I'm a parent, I plan to encourage my children to get outside and enjoy life-not sit behind a screen all day.
Christina Cabanero
ReplyDelete1.The author uses his own use of technology to acknowledge that it’s typical to struggle with the amount people use technology and make it seem more relatable.
2.The narrator’s son became addicted to the iPad by using it everyday and basically creating a checklist of things to do on the iPad such as watch YouTube videos on games, play the game, play other games, and return to the YouTube videos.
3.The narrator discovered that his son’s amount of use of technology was a problem when his son refused to participate in some exciting events at a neighborhood block party, where the narrator had to physically take away his son’s iPad, in which his son freaked out and threw a temper tantrum, running all the way home and hiding.
4.Mr. Vernon is the teacher who holds detention in the Breakfast Club. An allusion is when an author makes a reference to another work.
5.The narrator would reference Mr. Vernon because he wanted to give the reader of the article some imagery as to what he acted like, which told you he was was very stern with trying to enforce the rule.
6.The narrator is appealing to pathos in the quote above. This is because pathos is the emotional appeal and the narrator uses phrases such as “it broke my heart” and “couldn’t enjoy life” thus showing feelings and emotions. He also admits that he is not perfect, showing that he is human and makes mistakes showing that other parents and people reading this can feel that they relate, appealing more to their emotions than ethics or logic.
7.The narrator claims that it is a parent’s job to protect their kids from getting addicted to things, even if they are enjoyable addictions, such is technology.
8.As a teenager, I think it is fair for my parents to have a say in the amount that I use techonolgy, but I don’t think that parents should have something to say about it everytime I go to use my electronics. Although it gets annoying to be told not to use it, they are trying to regulate me from becoming totally addicted and having proper manners such as a simple request to not use your phone at dinner. However, I don’t think parents should meddle with my technology every single time you use it because as teenagers we have to be trusted to be responsible with it.
Abby Ingle
ReplyDelete1. To show that even though the primary focus of the article is his son, technology is used by almost everyone, and that everyone has the potential to use it too much.
2. He was constantly playing games and watching videos on it.
3. He discovered it was an issue when he took the ipad away from him and his son pitched a fit over it
4. According to google, Mr. Vernon is a character in the breakfast club, and it's an allusion.
5. I've never seen The Breakfast Club, but I'm assuming its because he punished his son.
6. Pathos, because he's trying to be a good parent, and do what he thinks is best for his son.
7. Parents have both the right and responsibility to control their child's use of technology.
8. As a teenager, my first thought is, "NO! My parents should absolutely not come between me and my phone", but if they see an issue, then I would want them to interfere, as they are usually right, and I would probably thank them later. This goes for technology in any form. My parents, like many others, want the best for me and even though I may not like it at the time, it is their right as my parents to do what they see best fit in regards to my use of technology.
Rett Saele. 3rd
ReplyDelete1. To show that they aren't the only ones with the addiction of screen time.
2. By staying on it constantly and letting his world be dictated by the games.
3. When he took it away from him his son couldn't handle it.He pitched tantrums, begged for it back, and even said he would do anything just to get five minutes with it.
4.He's old dud from The Breakfast Club, and the allusion
5. He used him as a comparison from the way he wasn't letting his son get the better of him
6. Ethos because it's his emotion and feelings for his child.
7. He is responsible for standing his ground for recognizing that his son had a problem, and helping him break his addiction so he can enjoy life outside of his i-pad.
8.Now with me two years away from graduating I don't think they should be involved at all. However I think it is very important for parents to be involved when their kids are younger because the younger you are the easier it is for parents to teach their kids to make good habits that will help them in life.
Alyssa Gore
ReplyDelete1.He shows how at any age technology can be addictive.
2.His son was always on it and never took a break from apps and games.
3.He tried to take the ipad away and his son was willing to do anything to get it back.
4.The principal from The Breakfast Club : allusion
5.He was teaching him that there's more to life than technology and that he had to be firm while punishing his kid.
6.Pathos because its affecting his parenting and relationship with his son,
7.Parents have the responsibility to control technology in their household.
8.I think that parents should be involved to some extent.Parents have the right to make sure their child is safe but not invade their privacy.Personally my parents have my passwords to any social media network but they only check when they feel its necessary.
Julie Morrison
ReplyDelete1. To show how addictive the technology is no matter the age.
2. The son constantly plays games all day and every day. He never goes outside and never interacts with any other kids.
3. He discovered this when he took it away from him and the boy pitched a fit, and told his dad that he had ruined his life and had taken all of the fun out of it.
4. He is a character from the movie "The Breakfast Club" and it is called an allusion.
5. He was comparing how they both stand their ground in the situations.
6. I say ethos because he is talking about how much he cares for his son and how he knows he's not perfect but he cares.
7. It is the parents job to supervise the amount of technology used in their families.
8. I believe that our parents should be concerned but not to overbearing with it. They should teach us how to live without technology and how to enjoy life the correct way. But, they should also understand and keep in mind that that is how teenagers communicate today and that it is ok to do that sometimes.
Matt Sloan-
ReplyDelete1. To show that he is just like many of the readers in that he uses technology as well.
2. He used the ipad too much and turned it into a daily ritual.
3. He was not even wanting to do other activities.
4. The breakfast Club. An Allusion.
5. Because he was punishing his son.
6. Pathos because it is appealing to your emotions by describing his concern for his son.
7. There is a responsibilty to teach your kid the difference in reality and an internet world.
8. It depends on the age and the individual. For any kids under 16, parents should control the use of technology because the kids still need guidance. but if a kid is 16 or older then many core morals and philosophies have already been instilled in the kid or havent been, so they should be able to make correct judgements when it comes to technology.
Grace Glasscock
ReplyDelete1. The author begins the article by describing his own use of portable technology to show how technology can become so addictive to us that we can hurt the relationships with our family.
2. The narrator's son became addicted to the iPad by constantly being on it and enjoying playing on it constantly.
3. The narrator discovered that the son's use of technology was a problem when he would take the phone away from his son and he'd throw tantrums and fits because he was so addicted and enjoyed it so much that he wanted it back.
4. Mr. Vernon is the assistant principal off The Breakfast Club; allusion.
5. The narrator would reference Mr. Vernon because he was comparing himself to the way Mr. Vernon is assertive and firm with what he says.
6. Ethos because it is appealing to what is ethically right for his child, or what is the best for his child.
7. Parents are to show their children that there is much more to life other than their worlds revolving around today's technology.
8. I believe that my parents should be very involved with me and my siblings' use with technology because we can become so addicted to it that it can change our actions and attitudes. Parents should limit the use of kids and technology before it becomes an issue and starts changing their demeanor on life.
Sam Andrus
ReplyDelete1. To show that he loves technology and is not biased against it.
2. The narrator's son got involved with games that require constant upkeep and he also got sucked into the "YouTube Vortex." Oh how I despise the YouTube Vortex.
3. He saw how zoned in that his son was on his Ipad and how scared his son was about loosing his video games. He realized that his son's top priority was his Ipad.
4. Mr. Vernon is the principal from the Breakfast Club. It is Allusion.
5. To compare his actions to the disciplinary harshness of the actions of Mr. Vernon.
6. The narrator appeals to pathos because he describes how his son's actions made him sad and how his son was missing out on joy in life.
7. His claim is that parents have the responsibility to protect their children from addiction and to help them learn how to find the most real joy in life.
8. If I had children who wasted time on pointless electronics while they could be doing something much more productive, I would eliminate or at least limit their ability to trade their precious time for something as inconsequential as video games. However, it would be most important for me to teach my children to spend their time wisely, to have self control, not be lazy, and realize that they should be actively seeking to develop and train their mind and body. Considering that for them to learn these things they would have to have experiences and make their own choices about how much they use their electronics, I would allow them a certain degree of electronic freedom, but if they ever show signs of addiction then it is game over. Literally. I expect my parents to have similar views and I respect them.
kayla compton
ReplyDelete1. to give people a reason to believe he knows what hes talking about was because he had a bunch of games to choose from, each with different rewards, and possibly him being given the ipad when his parents want alone time
3.when the narrator and his son where at a party and the child was angry and anxious without the ipad.
4. the teacher in the breakfast club. it is an allusion
5. because he was taking the ipad and making a stand against it
6.pathos, because it is appealing to peoples emotions, because he as a parent wants whats best for his child and he is mentioning how he is not perfect and it broke his heart to see his child so into the ipad.
7. children can become easily addicted to technology and it is a problem for both the child and the parent
8. i believe that at the age i am now,16, my parents should not become very involved with how much technology i use, however if i were a younger child i would believe my parents should limit my hours or create better activities to keep me away from this technology.
Hannah Glasscock
ReplyDelete1. To show how consuming technology can be in someone's life.
2. She would stay on it constantly and use it everyday by playing all different types of games.
3. When he took it away from him and he kept begging for it back and he was acting like it was the end of the world
4. The character from The Breakfast Club and an allusion
5. Because of the way he stays true to what he says and doesn't let the kid run over him
6. Ethos because he wants what's best for his kid and he shows that by saying what he says
7. Parents have the responsibility to show their kids that their is much more to life than staying caught up in technology all of the time
8. As a teenager I think that it is very important for our parents to be involved with our technology. They should teach us that their is a life outside of technology and that technology should not consume you. They can always encourage us to be safe when we are using it and how we should sometimes just go outside and enjoy the atmosphere around us. Even though parents can be annoying when it comes to looking at all of our messages, it is for the good of us and they are just trying to help.
Aaron Pugh
ReplyDelete1. He does this to show that he also takes part in what has turned his son into a drug-like addict.
2. His son was so fascinated with the infinite amount of games, possibilities, and awards.
3. He realized that his child was addicted when his child did not respond to the presence of Tony Hawk as a normal child would. When he removed the inadequate his son acted like an addict going through withdrawal.
4. He is a character from The Breakfast Club. This type of reference is called an allusion.
5. Mr. Vernon was a very stern person and the way he is handling the situation is similar.
6. The narrator is using pathos, because he usesaid words like "broke my heart", and "trying to do our best" to appeal to the emotion of the reader.
7. The parent is claiming that it's okay to partake in entertaining activities, but when it changes you as a person, socially and mentally, it should be stopped.
8. My parents should definitely monitor my use on electronics, because I know for myself it is easy to not notice an addiction and it can lead to a number of problems. In the past my mother had to limit my video game use because it was affecting my grades. When I noticed the problem after my mom literally beat it in me, the addiction was broken.
Drew Gardino
ReplyDelete-To show that anyone can get addicted to technology.
-He became addicted by constantly being on the iPad and playing his game.
-When his son was having temper tantrums and acting as if his life was over.
-A character from The Breakfast Club; Allusion.
-He was alluding to this character because of the way he stood his ground and the way he was punishing his son.
-Ethos, because he feels bad that he has to do this for his son and only wants what is best for him.
-It is the parents responsibility for them to not let their child get too addicted to technology and to let them do kid things.
-I think that parents should teach us how to have a normal conversations without looking at our phones, teach us that there is a world outside of social media, and keep us from getting too addicted to technology, but I also think that they should not always be monitoring how many hours you are on it they just should not let their child get too addicted.
Jane Frances Armour
ReplyDelete1. He does this to show that he uses technology and understands how it can be enjoyable and how he over used it too.
2. The narrator's son became addicted to the iPad because it is entertaining, gives him prizes, and is mindless. He was constantly on it watching YouTube videos and playing games.
3. The narrator found out his son's is technology use is a problem because at a neighborhood block party the son did not pay attention to Tommy Hawk so the father took the iPad and the son pouted and was mad and ran home to get under his covers.
4. Mr. Vernon is the school assistant principal in "The Breakfast Club" who has to watch the students during Saturday detention. When an author references another work it is called an allusion.
5. The narrator referenced Mr. Vernon because in the movie he would not let the students do anything and he tried to make the students listen and follow his rules.
6. The narrator is appealing to pathos when he says that because he is appealing to their emotions by saying things like "it broke my heart". Also, ethos because he says he is a parent and this gives him the authority to write this about technology affecting his son because he is a parent.
7. Parents are responsible to manage their child's time with technology because they are responsible for protecting their children from the most fun addictions.
8. My parents should give me privacy when it comes to technology, but during meals and family and friend events they should make sure I'm not on my phone and I am actually talking to people. My parents need to make me get off my phone so I know how to talk to adults so when I'm in an interview for a job it won't be my first time talking to an adult. Also, they need to show me how to be safe online, so I do not meet someone online who could hurt me.
Kelsey Appiah-Opoku
ReplyDelete1. To show how an overuse of technology can become dangerous for anybody.
2. Simply by spending too much time on it, doing things that were not necessarily bad things. He watched YouTube and played games constantly.
3. When he finally had to pry the device away, his son acted as though not having it was detrimental to his health.
4. The principal in the breakfast club
-an allusion
5. He compared himself to Mr. Vernon, a character who was somewhat harsh and unrelenting when it came to discipline.
6. Ethos because he believed he was doing what was best for his son.
7. Parents are responsible for protecting their children from the dangers of technology and for showing them that things do exist outside of technology.
8. Obviously no teenager would want to be the first to say that they want their parents to control their technology usage, but honestly I feel that it wouldn't be the end of the world if they did. It's very difficult for people of all ages, including myself, to set limits or restrictions with technology by themselves. I think it would be helpful if my parents were slightly more involved with my use of technology, mainly so I would have someone there to tell me when to teak a break from it and connect with the real world, which is something people seem to forget to do these days because we are all so caught up in the wonders of technology.
James Atchison 1st
ReplyDelete1: To establish credibility and relate to the audience.
2: Interactive games and YouTube held his interest.
3: His son barely looked up from his Ipad after the announcement of a Tommy Hawk appearance. He also threw a fit once it was taken away.
4: The Breakfast club. Allusion.
5: because of the way he pushed his son
6: Pathos because the dad states it broke his heart to see his son so uninvolved with reality.
7: While technology can be beneficial and fun, it is the responsibility of the parent to ensure addiction doesn't occur.
8: I don't believe my parents have to be too involved because I can balance real world responsibilities and screen time.
Brooke Allen
ReplyDelete1) He wants to explain that he does use technology and that he isn't against it in general.
2) He used it every moment possible, he got angry when he didn't have it and he threw tantrums.
3) There was a Tommy Hawk appearance and his son would rather continue to play on the iPad than get out of the house and go see it.
4) Mr. Veron is a character from The Breakfast Club. It was an allusion.
5) Because he didn't change his mind and he stood ground despite his son's pleads.
6) Pathos because he is a father who only wishes for what he believes is best for his child.
7) It is the responsibility of the parents to regulate and make to prevent their child from becoming addicted to technology. They should make sure that their children don't become completely absorbed and obsessed with the world of technology rather than the real world.
8) I think that my parents have no need and shouldn't monitor my technology use. I have never proven myself to be untrustworthy and I am generally a honest and obedient child. I do use technology a bit too much, but I have the ability to monitor myself and to know when to cut back.
Julie brown
ReplyDelete1. Why does the author begin the article by describing his own use of portable technology?
That he too is guilty
2. Describe how the narrator's son became "addicted" to the iPad.
He had anexiety and temper tantrums and couldn't put it down
3. Describe how the narrator discovered that the son's use of technology was a problem.
He would hide because he was scared to loose his iPad.
4. Who is Mr. Vernon? (hint: he is a character from an 80s movie.) What is it called when an author makes a reference to another work? (hint: the term starts with an "a") principal in the breakfast club. Allusion
5. Why would the narrator reference Mr. Vernon? He was so angry.
6. Is the narrator appealing to pathos, logos, or ethos when the he says," As a parent, I know I'm not perfect. I know we're all just trying to do our best, but it broke my heart to see my young son so preoccupied with technology that he couldn't enjoy life around him. Pathos because it plays with his emotions that his child is becoming like this.
7. What is the narrator's claim about a parent's responsibility when it comes to children and technology? To protect them.
8. As a teenager, how involved do you believe that YOUR parents should be with YOUR use of technology? They should make sure I don't go over board but at the same time respect my privacy.
Michael Ayala
ReplyDelete1. So he could get people to see he too has an addiction to technology as well as others.
2. By watching people play games and later go play them for himself and later return to watch more videos.
3. Because when it came to meeting a star he was more focused on the technology and didn't want to talk to him.
4. A character from The Breakfast Club. Allusion
5. Because of the way he was he was standing his ground to his son.
6. Ethos because he is only wanting what's best for his son.
7. That we should limit the kids technology use so they can have a better time in the real world than on a tablet or phone.
8. I believe my parents are fine because I rarely try to stay on my phone and am mostly outside or going out somewhere with friends. But in other people cases they should be more on top of it to limiting the technology use so kids can grow up to enjoy the beauty of life itself.
Frankie Malveo
ReplyDelete1. Why does the author begin the article by describing his own use of portable technology?
To show that he too uses technology.
2. Describe how the narrator's son became "addicted" to the iPad.
The narrators son was able to use the device with no limits.
3. Describe how the narrator discovered that the son's use of technology was a problem.
He realized when his son was becoming too attached to the ipad.
4. Who is Mr. Vernon? (hint: he is a character from an 80s movie.) What is it called when an author makes a reference to another work? (hint: the term starts with an "a")
Mr. Vernon is from the breakfast club. Allusion.
5. Why would the narrator reference Mr. Vernon? To show the reader that he appeared overbearing.
6. Is the narrator appealing to pathos, logos, or ethos when the he says," As a parent, I know I'm not perfect. I know we're all just trying to do our best, but it broke my heart to see my young son so preoccupied with technology that he couldn't enjoy life around him." EXPLAIN YOUR ANSWER.
He is appealing more to ethos because being a parent is often times an emotional job and other parents will be able to sympathize.
7. What is the narrator's claim about a parent's responsibility when it comes to children and technology?
He claims parents should make sure that their children do not become too observed in thier electronics.
8. As a teenager, how involved do you believe that YOUR parents should be with YOUR use of technology? I believe parents should not be overbearing but should make sure you are wasting your life away to a little box.
Cameron Rico
ReplyDelete1.) He does this to show that he uses technology and understands how it can be fun.
2.)The son constantly plays games all day and every day. He never goes outside and never interacts with any other kids.
3.) he didnt want to go out he just wanted to stay inside all day.
4.) A guy from the breakfast club: allusion
5.) Because he had to be strict and stand his ground.
6.)He is appealing more to pathos because being a parent is often times an emotional job and other parents will be able to sympathize.
7.) that sometimes they need to make sure their kids arent to absorbed into technology.
8.) I think my parents shouldnt really care to be honest, im not bothering them and they arent bothering me its a win, win. and i use my phone for listening to music 94% of the time.
Katelyn Hardy
ReplyDelete1. To show that he was using the device like his son, and because he was addicted just as much, he didnt see it as a problem.
2. By developing a daily routine of the games he had to play and videos that he had to watch.
3. When he tried to take his son's iPad away, he threw a tantrum and ran home to hide under his covers.
4. He is the principal in the movie, "The Breakfast Club". It is called an allusion.
5. He felt like he was being a mean adult who was taking away privileges from his kid.
6. He is appealing to pathos because he is trying to get the reader to understand his emotions when he says, "I know I'm not perfect".
7. It is the parent's responsibility to be in charge of the amount of time that their children get to spend on their device.
8. I don't think my parents should be too involved in my usuage of technology unless they can tell that it is becoming a problem and effecting my everyday life negatively.
Abby Nelson
ReplyDelete1. He begins the article by talking about his use of technology to relate his son and others who use portable technology.
2. His son became "addicted" to his ipad because he was always on it playing games and watching videos and never seemed to want to put it down.
3. He discovered it was a problem when he was so preoccupied with the IPad that he was ignoring his life around him.
4. Hes the principal in the Breakfast Club- Allusion.
5. He compared himself to Mr. Vernon because he was acting like a authority figure to his son and punishing him.
6. The narrator is appealing to pathos because he brings up emotion when he said it "broke his heart" when his son got so caught up with technology.
7. It is a parents responsibility to monitor the time that they spend on technology and make sure they don't lose track of the world around them.
8. I believe that parents shouldn't let their children's lives revolve around technology and make sure they still are involved in the world around them.
Ashlyn Grantham
ReplyDelete1. By showing how he can relate to the topic, and sharing his own personal experiences with technology.
2. by having a checklists of tasks to complete such as watching Youtube videos and playing video games by which created anxiety for the 8 year old.
3.he had to physically remove the iPad from his hands, and when he took it away from his son, his son begged and offered anything as a sacrifice for the return of his precious iPad.
4.Mr. Vernon is from the Breakfast Club; allusion
5. to signify he was interfering and taking it away
6. pathos because he wants what's best for his child and only wants him to succeed
7. to protect them from it when it becomes addicting so that they can enjoy the life around them
8.I believe that as a teenager, we should have the responsibility of controlling our own technology along with our other responsibilities,. However, if it becomes a problem in family life or the teen's everyday life, the parent should intervene.
11/9 BLOG
ReplyDelete1. To show how an overuse of technology can become dangerous for anybody
2. Simply by spending too much time on it doing things that were not necessarily bad things. He watched YouTube and played games constantly
3. When he finally had to pry the device away his son acted as though not having it was detrimental to his health
4. the principal in the breakfast club
-an allusion
5. He compared himself to mr Vernon, a character who was somewhat harsh and unrelenting when it came to discipline
6. Pathos. The narrator can emphasize with other parents because he has a since
7. Parents are responsible for protecting their children from the dangers of technology and for showing them that things do exist outside of technology
8. Parents have the right to control the use of their child's technology. Technology is useful but can also be harmful. It's the parent's job to allow their child the appropriate amount of use.
Talia Gordon
ReplyDelete1). To show how easily everyone even him is affected by technology.
2). He did not listen to his wife and used the iPad as a distraction for him and his wife to have some alone time.
3). When he took the iPad and his some went home and his under his covers afraid to be cut off from his videogames.
4). He is the strict vice principal in The Breakfast Club: Allusion
5). Because he had to become strict with his son like Mr. Vernon did in the movie.
6). Pathos, because he is emotional over his son not being able to enjoy the life around him.
7). That since children are too easily addicted to technology it is the parents job to find an equal balance of outside playtime and technology time.
8). I think parents should be involved in teaching their children the dangers of technology instead of monitoring everything they do. Parents should be able to trust their child with whatever technology they have knowing that they are safe. Parents should also have a certain age limit on when they are completely free of their monitoring except on some occasion. In certain situations their should be a time limit on how often and how long you are allowed to use it.
1. to foreshadow what the article is about
ReplyDelete2. because he never got off of it, and was reclusive from the real world
3. when his son threw a tantrum when he took his iPad away
4. Mr. Vernon is the principal from the breakfast club; an allusion
5. because he was doing what was best for his son even though he doesn't like it
6. appealing to pathos because he is trying to show what happened to his family and how it could happen to yours or anyone
7. claiming you have to do what's best for your child and the parent has to be responsible
8. Somewhat involved due to the fact that some children and/or teenagers don't know the dangers of the Internet or social media as it could lead to bullying on both ends, sexual predators, and etc. Children should be taught on Internet and technology safety at a young age so that in today tech leading society they will know the difference between right and wrong.
Will Ernest
ReplyDelete1) To relate with all the other technology user reading the article.
2) He wouldn't stop playing it and would do anything to play it if taken away.
3) When his son became defiant and unruly at the lose of his toy.
4) The vice principal in charge of detention of the breakfast club; an allusion.
5) He was doing what needed to be done despite his son not cooperating.
6) Ethos, he is conveying the same thought all parents feel, no one is perfect.
7) That we should use technology, but control it or it will control you.
8) In most teenagers of this generation,every bit; but I personally can not get into that much trouble, computers are too sophisticated.