This week's current events blog is a little different. Instead of simply reading a news article and then debating its ethics, you are going to read an ongoing ethics debate and join the conversation. The following link contains three opinions regarding the news coverage of mass shootings.
To receive credit for this week's blog, complete the following:
1. Set the rhetorical scene for the debate. In other words, give a short synopsis of what the debatable topic is.
2. Read each of the three debaters' points of view. Then, give a warrant and the claim from EACH of the debater's writings. ADDITIONALLY, decide what avenue of argumentation each claim best fits in.
3. Give a rebuttal for each of those warrants/claims.
4. Add your own warrant and claim to the discussion. In other words, choose an avenue of argumentation and add your opinion to those that should be considered in this debate.
1. The debate is on how much the media influences the rise of mass murderers.
ReplyDelete2. James Warren: We cannot make an analysis of mass murders because we don't have enough data/information.
Testimony (statistics)
Mark Follman: The notority that mass murderers gain from the media creates "copy-cat" killers who are influenced by notorious murderers.
Relationship (cause/effect)
Anthea Butler: The media makes out colored people to be "thugs" and "terrorists" while whites are just "mentally ill"; this causes racial descrimination.
Definition (division)
3. James Warren: There have been hundreds of mass murders throughout history, how can there not be enough information to make an analysis?
Mark Follman: If the murderer's notority isn't high, how can he be brought to full justice?
Anthea Butler: A murderer is a murderer, it makes no diference what race he is.
4. The media should not make one murder more important than another. Murder is wrong any way you look at it. No one murder is better or worse than another. Their will always be murderers on Earth. Race, religion, culture, these factors do not necassarily dictate a person's violent nature or blood lust. No amount of gun control or lack of coverage will help. People kill people. Anyone is capable of murder. The difference between regular people and murderers is that murderers CHOOSE to take a life. They make a conscious choice to kill. No amount of media coverage (or lack their of) will change the personal choice to kill.
~Blake E. Lockridge
Tanner Bramlett
ReplyDelete1.How should the news media display and cover mass shooters?
2.Follman:Shooters are often troubled individuals who are inspired by other shooters.
Warren:One cannot determine why a shooter does what he does because of the lack of information.
Butler:All white shooters are displayed as troubled individuals, whereas other races are displayed in cold blood.
3.Follman:The shooter may have been raised as a child to believe his or her duty is to cause havoc.
Warren:Shooters share similar pasts that may differ from non-shooters, inspiring them to lead shootings.
Butler:Not all News Media outlets display the shooter differently based on race.
4.The best option is to display all mass shooters as what they are: mass shooters.
-There is no use trying to figure out why a shooter does what he or she does after the event has occurred. Blaming the shooting on psychological issues fixes absolutely nothing. There is no reason for a shooter to be displayed as "troubled past" "lone wolf" or "ill" as stated by Butler, a shooter should simply be denounced as a shooter and left at that.
1. The topic is about how the media should cover mass shootings. With the recent shooting at a community college in Oregon, The New York Times has set up this debate to examine three different viewpoints on how this matter should be settled.
ReplyDelete2. Mark Follman
Claim: Mass shooters emulate the shooters they see covered on the news and identify with them.
Warrant: The media makes them seem superhuman and cool to the mentally disturbed.
AOA : Past Fact
James Warren
Claim: We need the media to report on these shootings to understand them more
Warrant: News conspiracy theories do not exist and are ignorant.
AOA: Degree
Anthea Butler :
Claim: The News described all mass shooters that are not white as "Thugs" and "Terrorists"
Warrant: White mass shooters are favored over colored people by the media when it comes to mass shootings.
AOA: Maxim
3. Anthea Butler : White Shooters are discriminated against too by the colored people. It is not a one way street.
Jim Warren : The media can, in fact, worsen the issue of mass shootings by inspiring someone else of that mindset to commit the same atrocious acts.
Mark Follman : The news not covering mass shootings so in depth will lead to less shootings and less people getting these crazy ideas in their heads.
4. Claim : The news should be able to over mass shootings but in a reserved manner
Warrant : Full disclosure of shootings can lead to more shootings while no coverage does nothing to help prevent it from happening again.
Lauren Beatty
ReplyDeleteNews media coverage on mass shooting can inspire future murderers, mislead the listeners, and sanctify the killer. In “Taking a Different Ethical Approach in the Media Coverage of Mass Shooters”, Mark Follman claims news media about mass shooters can inspire future criminals, because when a mass shooting occurs, the shooter becomes famous. Follman explains that a lone wolf could easily see the potential to gain attention through a mass shooting. Overall, he sees to end inspiration for potential criminals or minimalize the news reporting. However, minimalizing details can be injurious to the people watching by not putting emphasis on major events, such as mass shootings. Follman’s big question is “means to an end” and his little question is “cause/effect”. However, in “Information is Light in Understanding Mass Shootings”, James Warren argues that news media needs more data and more evidence as to avoid being misinformed. Misinformation or the lack of information leads to the glamorization of mass shooters, and could cause a “copycat” shooting. In contrast, news media does not aim to glamorize horrendous acts. Warren uses the big question of “means to an end” and the little question, “cause/effect” as well. Anthea Butler in “When Covering Mass Shooters, Avoid the Racial Stereotypes” claims that stereotypical names for mass shooters such as “lone wolf”, “troubled”, and “mentally ill” can put false reasoning behind the killing, therefore making the act seem reasonable. She says these terms are stereotypes for most white male shooters, not other races or genders, making it seem acceptable and not threatening. Though Anthea may think these terms may make the act seem acceptable, I know that a reasonable person would never rationalize the mass shootings of people, especially children. Anthea uses the big question “justice/injustice” and the little question “antecedent/consequence”. Mass shootings are horrendous acts that should be remembered and learned from, or history is doomed to repeat itself. Since mass shootings have occurred rather often in the past means they will continue to occur unless we as a nation gather accurate information and do not glamorize these acts.
Emily Free
ReplyDelete1.) The debatable topic is about how media should go about covering mass shootings.
2.) Opinion 1: The media should be cautious when covering mass shootings, because copycats may see the coverage and aspire to be like the killers they see on the news.
Opinion 2: Coverage of mass shootings is needed, because if we are to understand the acts that are committed, we need to have knowledge of them.
Opinion 3: Stereotypes should be left out of the coverage of mass shootings, because the focus should be on what makes one commit a crime, not the color of their skin.
3.) Rebuttal 1: There is not a clear link between copycats and media coverage of shootings.
Rebuttal 2: There are other ways to be educated about mass shootings than coverage from the media.
Rebuttal 3: Stereotypes are not prevalent in media coverage of mass shootings.
4.) There should be coverage of mass shootings to an extent, but the media should be extremely cautious when covering such stories, because there is a possibility that people might get ideas from the information given.
Taylor Burge
ReplyDeleteThe article is about how generally white shooters are described as mentally ill while shooters of color are described as thugs or terrorists. The first point of view is that referring white male shooters as the lone wolf or mentally ill it places them in a different place of society. They say this because in some cases the media tries to excuse white shooters because of their allegations of a "mental illness". The second point of view is that the white and black shooters are both removed from society. The author backs this up by furthering her use of the language "mentally ill", and "thug". The authors third point of view pertains to the media wanting to continue the sale of guns. The author says it is like this because calling the white shooters "mentally ill" allows gun sales to continue without enforcing more strict gun control regulations. The first claim uses the similarity vs. difference argumentation. The second point uses the division argumentation because the white and black shooters are being added to different standards and different consequences. The third point uses the maxim law venue of argumentation because the author claims the media is only trying to continue gun sales.The first poni5t of view is innacurate e author claims the "mentally ill" shooter is placed above society whereas in reality people who are mentally ill are more pitied than put on a pedestal in todays society. My rebuttal of the second point would be how only shooters of color are referred to as "thugs", media does not use street terms as they are expected to uphold a level of responsible journalism and "thug" is not an accurate term to describe anyone. The authors third point of view is also inaccurate because on no distinguished news station are any type of weapons advertised. In the news today, anchors are generally used to being attacked about language when pertaining to these subjects and they tend to not use racial stereotypes: the media changing the way they phrase their news stories will not help the situation, only those who hear the story have the opportunity to stop racial stereotypes.
Gabby Traywick
ReplyDeleteThe debate is that when a mass shooting occurs whether to mention the shooter or his or her background and it comes down to how the media portrays the shooting and guns in general. Warren believes that the more information on the shootings, the better because information will shed light on the situation. His avenue of argumentation was similarity because he states that we need information on shootings, like we get information on why planes crash. His claim that the more information, the better is not always accurate because some information is unnecessary and can be used to purposely sway an audience. Follman claims that it may be better to not give out information or images of the shooter, in hopes of a copy cat or similar situation not taking place because of the given information. He uses past fact as an avenue of argumentation to state how history will repeat itself and copy cats will make it happen. Although, more information could be used to get the audience to learn what caused the situation and attempt to keep it from reoccurring. Next, Butler believes that when information on a shooting is given out, the information is depicted differently by the media depending on the race of the shooter. She used division as her avenue of argumentation to show how media uses words like thug or terrorist to describe shooters of color and words like lone wolf or mentally ill to describe white shooters. Many outlets of media do depict information differently, but some do not and state what is known and not assumed. I believe that information is needed on shootings, so they are not repeated and I believe the information stated should be solidly fact and not opinion or assumptions on the shooter to avoid misguided information that would only add more problems to the situation.
April McCool
ReplyDelete1. The article describes the different labels society places on shooters in regard to their skin color and ethnicity.
2. Anthea Butler- claim #1: that reports on the the shooters should not include common stereotypes and why they committed the shooting not based on their skin color. warrant #1: News labeling white shooters as mentally ill and black shooters as thugs. Avenue: division Jonathan Metzl & Kenneth MacLeish- claim #2: Both white and black shooters are treated equally when in news reports. Warrant #2: brought up that in the 1960's pro-gun black politicians (Like Malcolm X) were labeled by the FBI as schizophrenic. Avenue: past/future
3. Claim #1: reports should include basic information required for both white and black shooters Warrant #1: Both white and black shooters are labeled the same. Claim #2: Black & White shooters are treated very differently in relation to skin color Warrant #2: some shooters may genuinely have an illness and those illnesses shouldn't be tossed around as nothing.
4. Claim: White shooters are treated better than black shooters. Warrant: most policemen/departments are more lenient to white shooters while it's the opposite for black shooters. Avenue: precedent
Brandon Appling
ReplyDelete1.The topic of the debate is mass shooting and how we should label those that commit that act.
2.Anthea Butler: Racial stereotypes should be avoided when talking about gun violence because they are often thrown around in a way that influences more gun control and increases hate of the colored races.
Mark Follman: More and more mass shootings are inspired every day because of the news media; they are constantly reporting on the individuals who commit the shootings and showing videos or pictures of them. This causes mentally unstable or confused people to follow in the footsteps of those who committed these acts in the past.
James Warren: We (the media) as well as the law enforcement need more knowledge to stop these mass shootings, there is no evidence that news reports on the criminals encourage "copycat" acts. Light is understanding.
3.People from the middle east are often just terrorist, while middle class white kids are typically mentally unstable and need help.
There is no hard evidence that more information influences more shootings. Why would we want to deprive more citizens of information.
There is evidence though, as more shootings happen the amount of shootings multiply, I think we could label that as "copycat" crimes.
4.The public should be entitled to more information, we cannot stop "copycat" killers anyhow and copycats do not necessarily need to view the persons face or know their name to identify with them and copy their actions,
Emma McGrinn
ReplyDelete1) The debatable topic is what is the right way and what is the wrong way to classify mass murders based on their physical appearance.
I) Andrew S.
Claim- The media makes every mass murder look like whites are being racist towards any other ethnic group.
Warrant- In news articles after you see a murder and the murderer has been classified as a "thug" or "terrorist" the main problem isn't talked about. The racism card gets thrown into play.
Ave. of Argumentation- Cause and Effect
II. Lowren
Claim- Until the media has all of the facts about the murder they shouldn't make any assumptions about the person.
Warrant- Things like racism get thrown up when people do not gather all of the correct information.
III. Nigela
Claim- If the role got turned around and the mass murders were called black, it would turn into a huge war.
Warrant- White people take a lot of issues and just look over it.
3. I) Just because facts are being stated does not mean it is a racist issue.
II) People can look with their own eyes and see what the physical appearances of people are.
III) Black people are called out everyday for things they do.
4) Claim- Anyone from any race can and have murdered people.
Warrant- Terrorists bombed on 9/11, there was a shooting at an elementary school and it was a white guy.
Dillon Baker
ReplyDelete1. Should racial stereotypes be a part of the conversation when regarding mass shooters.
2. A. Butler: warrant-All white shooters are labeled as mentally ill and all colored shooters as terrorists or thugs. Claim: We should not label shooters judged by their skin color.
B. Follman: warrant- Killers are motivated by wanting to be more infamous than those before them Claim- If news coverage was less sensational and gave less info than this wouldn't be as large of an issue
C. Warren: warrant- More information and coverage will lead to less brutal shootings and more awareness. Claim- If the media gives more coverage and avoids glamorizing shooters than they will be even less common
3. Butler: It has been historically proven that this is not the case and that there are exceptions on both sides regarding this claim
Follman: Some killers have no motivation at all and may just be insane or just enjoy it
Warren: More intense media coverage may lead to more mistakes in the coverage or it could prove too gruesome for some of the public.
4. Warrant: Media blackout will lead to people who are less aware of the violence occuring.
Claim: If we gave more intense media coverage than this will increasw public awareness and may lead to more precautionary steps
1. the debate topic is on how mass shooters are portrayed in the media.
ReplyDelete2. "when covering mass shooters" claim: by portraying gun violence in the media, mass shooters are given a special status in society. warrant: all mass shooters are recognized by the media.
" taking a different ethical approach" claim: the media should not portray shootings in the media. warrant: media coverage has a direct effect on the amount of mass shootings.
"Information is light" claim: due to lack of evidence, factors involved in mass shootings are unknown. warrant: the media does not have a direct correlation to gun violence.
3. not all mass shootings are publicized
other factors are involved in gun violence, not just the media.
media coverage has a direct correlation to gun violence, because of the attention on the shooter.
4. claim: the media should not publicize gun violence or mass shootings. warrant: publicizing violence or shootings leads to more shootings and violence.
1. The rhetorical scene for the debate is whether or not the news and other social media sites report mass shooting and how they report on them.
ReplyDelete2. Anthea Butler believes the news outlets shouldn’t report the mass shooters with stereotypes such as “thugs” because there is more behind why someone picks up a gun than just their skin color (genus argument). Mark Follman believes that news outlets shouldn’t report mass shooting because there are at risk people who would copy cat what the shooters are doing and they look up to the shooters as heroes (division argument). James Warren believes that if news outlets report on mass shooting, then it should inform the people of meaningful data behind the shooting with well edited coverage because information brings the light on the subject (cause and effect argument)
3. Stereotyping helps put the society as ease about things such as mass shootings because we are too scared to see the real reason behind the shootings. News outlet should publish about mass shooting to keep the people informed and you can’t just keep the information from the copy cats. All the evidence on the shooting shouldn’t be reported in order not to scare the people and put them at more harm.
4. People believe that keeping things hidden from the public view about mass shootings keeps people at ease. I believe this to be true. In the recent months and years, news outlets only report certain things about the shootings. By keeping more in depth information hidden from the public, then we the public will not be so paranoid to the point where we feel scared to walk out of our own houses. (cause and effect)
Casey Coggins
ReplyDelete1. The rhetorical scene for this debate is whether or not the media needs to be more conservative when covering mass shootings.
2. Follman- Claim: When risky young men see superfluous coverage of killers on TV, they are inspired to be “copycats”; the public still needs to be informed, but anything needs to be done to reduce the risk of copycats.
Warrant: Reporting shootings with minimized details will help to reduce the amount of shootings.
Avenue: Cause and effect.
Warren- Claim: Information is light; when accurate information, not canards, is shown, a real solution to the problem of shootings can be found.
Warrant: Shootings can only be prevented when all data is available and accurate.
Avenue: Genus/Cause and effect.
Butler- Claim: Media reports of shootings must stop being racialized, because these comments only bring more issues to society; only when these comments are removed will the real motives of shooters be found.
Warrant: Racial comments are preventing the end of shootings.
Avenue: Cause and effect.
3. Follman- There has been no correlation between the media and copycats;
therefore, hiding some information would only delay the finding of a solution to shootings.
Warren- Information is light; however, the FBI works to solve shootings not the people watching the media. Therefore, the media should only inform the people with the basics of a shooting.
Butler- Getting rid of petty racialized comments may appear to help find the solutions to shootings; however, with the rising racial tension these days, many shootings are a matter of race/affiliation.
4. Claim: As citizens in a country of freedom, we have the right to know all of the details concerning things that happen in our country, because it helps America to focus on the real problems and not create racial divisions.
Warrant: When Americans are not given the details entitled to them, internal problems cannot be accurately solved.
Avenue: Authority
Drew Gardino
ReplyDelete- On the article "When Covering Mass Shooters, Avoid the Racial Stereotypes"
Claim: Not just white male shooters that are "mentally ill" should be the reason for gun control, but terrorists and thugs should be included in the push.
Warrant: You should not stereotype criminals of mass killings based on their color of skin.
Argumentation: antecedent/consequence
Rebuttal: Not all people of different races are thugs and terrorists some could be mentally ill like the other criminals.
My Warrant and Claim: If you see more and more mass shootings then why not make the final push and get gun control in place.
- On the article "Information Is Light in Understanding Mass Shootings"
Claim: We need more information or "light" before we say that these killings are copying other killings.
Warrant: We need to not give out that much information about the killers in these killings.
Rebuttal: We should let the people know who the criminal is if it is a criminal who was in their community.
Argumentation: Degree
My Warrant and Claim: If the shooting have happened in the past when they were announced by media the they will keep happening.
- On the article "Taking a Different Ethical Approach in the Media Coverage of Mass Shooters"
Claim and Warrant: If the killers keep on getting shown on media then the killings will keep happening.
Rebuttal: We need to let the community know what is going on in their community.
Argumentation: Past/ Future Fact
My Warrant and Claim: Making it harder for people to get guns and stopping the media from putting the names of the criminals on news and social media will slow down the killings.
Matt Sloan-
ReplyDelete1. What should the media and the people's roles be in mass shooting.
Mark Follman- If the people are aware of the details of the shootings, then we can prevent them. Cause/Effect.
James Warren- If we have more information and details of an event(more light), then we can prevent an action. Cause/Effect
Anthea Butler- Racial profiling in media coverage of shootings, causes a less ineffective method of preventing these acts. Cause/effect
Follman- Giving more detail about a shooting, will influence more shooters.
Warren- There is just as much research showing that copycats will arise from these coverages as there are showing more details of a shooting help prevent it.
Butler- there is no research or evidence showing the different evaluations of shooters based on race prevent the number of shootings that occur.
4. Knowledge is important and anything that prevents the acquisition of knowledge that has the ability to prevent horrible acts is wrong.
Cole Frederick
ReplyDelete1. The topic is about how should media cover mass shootings.
2. Anthea Butler:
Claim: We should know what drove the person to commit the act instead of steriotype them
Warrant: White shooters are not mentally-ill, nor are black shooters thugs.
Avenue: Contradictions and Contraries
Mark Follman:
Claim: The press needs to cut back details of these mass shootings.
Warrant: All kids who commit mass shootings do it for the attention of the media.
Avenue: Cause and Effect
Jim Warren:
Claim: The press should pursue as much as possible to gather evidence and data.
Warrant: If the press gets more information, then we can stop mass shootings.
Avenue: Cause and Effect
3. A.B. rebuttal: If you go to the point of killing a bunch of people, you are mentally-ill. Also, there have been some thugs who have commited mass shootings, such Maurice Clemmons, who opened fire on a police station shortly after he got out of jail.
M.F. rebuttal: Not all kids who commit mass shootings do it for the media, since there was a school shooting in Louisville, Kentucky in 1853, was before there was ever media to blow up the story.
J.W. rebuttal: The press could pursue to gather information by giving it a lot of media attention, but that could just result in more shootings for attention of the media and the media never be able to stop it.
4. Claim: The press should leave as little as detail as possible to the media.
Warrant: The less attention giving out to the public as possible, the less number of shooters who do it for attention.
ReplyDelete1. The occurrence of a mass shooting is always frightening to hear about or even induces hatred toward whoever causes it. Similarly, this same hatred can become unreasonable and can get out of hand. What causes a person to go out and start blasting away at their soon-to-be victims? Is it because of a "just" cause or is it just bias? How can people prevent such things from happening? Sadly, the questions are always more spatial in scope than the answers themselves.
2. Follman: All mass shooters copy the actions of past shooters to become famous and gain notoriety. (genus)
Warren: People need to be more informed of the statistics behind causes of crime so as to prevent them in the future. (cause and effect)
Butler: People view mass shooters through the use of discrimination and stereotypes allowing for subjectivity to take place. (maxim)
3. Follman: Mass shooters kill to express their hatred towards others, not for publicity.
Warren: Crime occurs almost every minute so there is "plenty" of information to prevent such events from happening.
Butler: Mass shooters encompass every ethnicity around the globe so there is no need for judgmental opinions.
4. Warrant: People do things for a reason, there is never an incidence where there is not one.
Claim: All mass shooters kill to incite change within a society. (genus)
The reasons for this claim and warrant is the fact that every time the mass shooters kill, they are doing it for a reason. That reason is for change in a society. Clear examples of these changes are stricter gun laws and changes to school procedures to better prevent these things from happening again. The shooters did it for the sheer risk of wanting change within their societies, quite possibly, so that people will be safer from the ones who made it possible.
Colby Free 3rd
ReplyDelete1. Whether or not the news should give names or show pictures of the mass shootings and its details.
2.Mark Follman- The media will not end the mass shootings, but if what the media does will help reduce the frequency in mass shootings we should definitely do whatever it is that will help.
James Warren- The media being specific will allow there to be no theories or misinformation.
Anthea Butler- The media should be specific and give details because society needs answers on how someone could do such a terrible act, such as shooting a mass of people.
3. F- why cant the media put a stop to mass shootings?
W- What if the media is the cause to the misinformation or the theories?
B- How do you know that the media will provide you with these answers.
4. Giving more details about the mass shootings to society will allow citizens to be more aware about the details of the shootings. Allowing the media to give these details will not stop the mass shootings but it will allow people to not miss any important information about such acts.
Dylan hydrick
ReplyDelete1 Anthea Butler-attacks the idea of racial labels of mass shooters and acts of terrorism.
Mark Follman - attacks the study of how some shooters commit the crimes they commit from being inspired from news reports of mass shooters and the publicity gained by said shooter.
James Warren- attacks conspiracy theories and their false data to back them up and believes law enforcement needs to gain more routes of data to the cases.
2 Anthea Butler-warrant and claim: Because people shouldn't be subjected to special treatment due to their race, color, or mental stability, white mentally ill shooters should receive the same punishment as a common terrorist. / justice,injustice
Mark Follman-warrant and claim: Because studies show that new shooters seek somewhat attention, news reports shouldn't show mass shooters faces or pictures to make them widely known and create a type of model for new shooters./ justice, injustice
James Warren- warrant and claim: Because there isn't stable data or evidence, people cant make the assumption that shooters are inspired simply by news reports of prior shooters./ justice,inustice
3 Anthea Butler-rebuttal: if people cant change or afford the treatment to help their condition, how do you expect them to fix it and become more "normal".
Mark Follman-rebuttal: how can you blame news reporters for causing mass killings of innocent people when all they are doing is their job.
James Warren-rebuttal: people search for answers immediately after disasters such like mass killings , by telling them there isn't a clear explanation , they will make up their own anyways.
4 warrant and claim: because all opinions from the debate make valid and argumentative points, all opinions should be considered and studied in finding explanations to mass shootings.
Sarah McWaters
ReplyDelete1. How the media affects a mass shooter's stigma.
2.Anthea Butler - Claim: By calling a shooter a "lone wolf" or "mentally ill" we are giving them a free pass from their transgressions. Warrant: All media uses racial stereotypes in labeling mass shooters. Avenue: Praise/Blame
Jim Warren - Claim: There is no immediate connection between shooters and media coverage. Warrant: All conclusions come from ignorance and confusion. Avenue: Means to an End
Mark Follman - Claim: Mass shooters emulate their infamous predecessors. Warrant: All shootings are emulations of past horrors. Avenue: Means to an End
Anthea: We are not giving the shooters a "free pass", we are simply calling them what they are.
Jim: There is plenty of enlightening data to prove that media and shootings are directly related in some shape or fashion.
Mark: More research needs to be conducted before any conclusion can be made regarding a connection between shootings and media coverage.
4. Racial stereotypes concerning mass shooters needs to be avoided at all costs. By using these stereotypes we condone and welcome this despicable behavior, making the culprit feel accomplished and successful.
Yasmine Evans (3rd)
The topic is about how being labeled by racial or cultural stereotypes because of their gun control makes them either thugs or mentally ill.
Butler- You should not label blacks as thugs or whites as terrorist because of their mass shootings; division avenue
Follman- We should not put mass shooters names in the news because it can lead to copycat shooters; best or worse avenue
Warren- We should not assume media is the cause of mass shootings because we are missing the information about their motive; past or future avenue
Butler- Mentally ill people don’t deserve guns because they go on these types of shootings
Follman- Their names need to be in the news to protect someone in the future from getting hurt
Warren- Their motive is to kill. Why else would they have these guns?
People diagnosed with any type of mental illness should not have the right to have a gun because they could go on these mass shootings under the influence of a game like Call of Duty.
Alyssa Gore
ReplyDelete1) The scene for the debate is three journalist debating about mass shootings and how the killers are seen in the public eye.
2) A- Mark Follman believes that if the media didn't give the killers so much attention then the troubled men wouldn't be inspired to kill.
B-Jim Warren believes that there is no such thing as "copycat" shooters because we don't know what the influence is on the killers or if it even influences them at all,
C-Anthea Butler believes that race and ethnicity has a huge influence in how people see certain races and if they are considered mentally ill or "thugs".
3)A- If we didn't report about the mass shootings then how would we know about them and if it ever happens around us how do we handle it.
B-If there are copycat shooters then we need to be more aware and more considerate of what we put out into the media and how we portray certain people.
C- If race wasn't a big deal in the mass shootings would we still care as much about how people are seen.
4) Mass shootings are taking over the media and the world and if we don't hear and know about them then we aren't being informed about how society is changing views about certain races/ethnicity and if people are suffering from a mental illness.
Frankie Malveo Jr.
ReplyDelete1. The debate topic is about how media coverage of mass shooters should be handled. Should they be categorized into generic groups? Should we take away something from the incident to use later on and prevent something like it from happening again? These were the questions asked and answered in the debates.
2. A. Anthea Butler- The warrant in Butler’s debate is that mass shooters s are grouped into categories that don’t reflect who they actually are/were. The claim is that all the mass shootings are making mentally ill people look bad as well as increasing gun sales. (difference)
B. Jim Warren- The warrant of Warren’s debate is that we can’t prevent mass shootings because we don’t have enough information about them. The claim of his argument is that mass shootings are actually low statistically and that we don’t know that much about them. (statistics)
C. Mark Follman - The warrant of Follman’s debate is that the previous mass shooters influence new mass shooters. The claim is that since the media makes mass shooters appear as “antiheros” they appeal to people at risk. (precedent)
3. A. The reason that mass shooters are put into “categories” is because pretty much all have the same background. Lone wolf, exclusion, etc. which causes them to kill many people.
B. We have plenty of information about mass shooting as well as ways to prevent them from happening by counseling and affirmative action.
C. Why would the media portray a shooter as a hero? The media helps to shed light on the situation as well as inform the public of why the shooting happened and how we can work to prevent more
4. Warrant- The media should shed more light on mass shootings.
Claim- If we shed light on situations like this we can work to prevent more from occurring.
Avenue- Cause/ effect
1. Should media cover up details about shootings? How much should media actually reveal in the details of shootings? What does the information cause?
ReplyDelete2. Information is Light- Claim: Information to a killing does not cause more mass shootings, they are so uncommon as it is and we need this information so we are not left in the dark and can be more aware of the events occurring around us. Warrant: Copycat mass shooters are so few in number that the information given out through media has no effect.
Taking a Different Ethical Approach in the Media Coverage of Mass Shooters- Claim: Emphasizing the horror and bringing lots of attention to killings spark future killers to commit the same acts in hope for similar recognition.
Warrant: All copycat killers have committed murder due to the significant attention given to their antihero.
When covering mass shooters, Avoid the racial stereotypes- claim: Titling killers "mentally ill" or "troubled" isolates them from society's norm and almost justifies their actions, yet most titled this are white men. Warrant: Only white killers are troubled and killers of any other race are terrorists or thugs.
3. Information is Light- Information is what gives the mass shooters inspiration and techniques to commit these crimes successfully and receive medial recognition.
Taking a Different Ethical Approach- The information needs to be given in order to inform the citizens whom have a right to know occurrences that go on in their country.
Avoid the racial stereotypes- Titling killers according to their personal lives does not justify their actions, but gives people a better understanding of why they would commit such a heartless act, regardless of their race.
4. Claim: Information given in media should not be in detail because that causes the image of the murder to be played in people's heads, which creates ideas in the ill-minded. Warrant: Information should be given just enough to inform, not include irrelevant detail.
kayla compton
ReplyDelete1. the topic being deabeted is whether we should report on mass shootings, and how we should based on the races, stereotypes, and the possiblity of copy-cat shooters
2. mark follman - because there is the risk of a copy-cat shooter, we should not publish articles on mass shootings. all mass shootings create copy cat killers. means to an end
james warren - because we need to know more about mass shootings, there needs to be more media coverage on them. all mass shootings should have published information. praise / blame
Anthea Butler - because the way the media portrays these mass shootings, people do not know the true extent of them. all media portayal of shootings involve stereotypes. justice/injustice
3. mark follman - just because the media coverage can create copy cat shooters does not mean we should not report on them
james warren - knowing more about mass shootings will not help us prevent them
anthea butler - race and stereotypes do not affect how media portrays mass shootings
4. contradictions / contraries - although you may think that not portraying media coverage of mass shootings will decrease the numbers of copy-cat killers, it will really increase the amount of shootings due to a lack of knowledge of the consequences.
Rett Saele
ReplyDelete1. the Media has a big role on mass shootings and how they are labeled, and why they occur.
2. Anetha Butler. Warrant- that all colored people are described thugs and terrorists by the news and media when involved in mass shootings. Claim- That news channels and media portray and give the colored race inaccurate labels when describing them in mass shootings. the claim best fits in giving a "definition".
Jim Warren. Claim- that there isn't enough data out there to determine if media influence is a real factor on mass shootings. Warrant- The university of chicago crime lab says they don't really know if there is a link between news coverage on mass shootings and copy cat shootings. It best fits "Relationship" arguments.
Mark Follman. claim- There is a growing body of forensic evidence that mass shooters emulate their most infamous predecessors.Warrant-Over the past three years, my colleagues and I have spent a great deal of time and effort reporting on mass shootings, including building a comprehensive database of them. It best fits "testimony".
3. Anetha Butler- Who's to say all colored people get this label? It's not a matter of color it's a matter of crazy and evil.
Jim Warren- mass shootings are happening all the time, How could there not be enough data?
Mark Follman- There is only so many ways to preform a mass shooting of course they look the same because they're all mass shootings.
4. There are always going to be mass shootings because we live in a fallen world. Yes they are tragic and heartbreaking, but ever since the beginning of time man has killed. Even back to when Cain killed Able.
Aaron Pugh 2nd
ReplyDelete1.The debatable topic focuses on the relationship between the media and mass shootings.
2. Jim Warren
Claim- There is a direct correlation on news reports that jump the gun which leads to theories and and a misinformation of the subject matter.
Warrant- All news coverage leads to theories that misinform.
Avenue of Argumentation- This article uses the cause and effect avenue by saying that the less media coverage the more productive the investigation is, and the less people are misinformed.
Anetha Butler
Claim- The media uses stereotypes and unfairness when they should be focusing more on the actual motives of the shooter.
Warrant- All stereotypes of news stories are true.
Avenue of Argumentation- Butler uses degree as the avenue of argumentation; Butler states it is better to leave out the race or ethnicity of a mass shooter.
Matt Fullman
Claim- Mass shootings occur because of the overexposure of it through the media which causes copy cats.
Warrant- All mass shootings are caused by someone who is a copy cat or wants fame.
Avenue of argumentation- This debater uses consequence as the avenue because Fullman claims that all media coverage can lead to copycat killers and fame hungry lunatics.
Warren- Not all news coverage leads to the misinformation of citizens.
Butler- Not all people of color are innocent and they may actually fit into the stereotypes.
Fullman- Not all mass killings are caused by copycat killers or fame hungry lunatics.
Claim- Anyone who commits a mass shooting should be put into an mental institution.
Warrant- All people who commit mass shootings are mentally unstable.
Demetrius Smith
1. This debate is being held in the aftermath of recent School shootings and other gun related violence.
2. The lone wolf article follows the justice/injustice avenue of argumentation. She claims that non-colored people get lighter and better reputation for their crimes than people of color. The warrant behind that is that non-colored people get off lighter for their crimes. This is not always true as sometimes when the crime is deemed too heinous it doesn't matter what race they are.
In the information is light article he takes a means to an end argument. He claims that getting more information out on the shootings well help stop them. The warrant behind this is that the more information we have on anything will help the situation. While this may be true in some cases this could inspire some people to commit the crimes just to gain immortal notoriety or strike unnecessary fear into the public.
The different ethical approach article makes a degree argument. The claim is that by removing the specifics and only stating the general facts it will help lower the amount of encouraged copycats. The warrant behind is that by masking the specifics the deed or act will be recreated less. This is a good idea in theory but if there is a self motivated shooter he will be more motivated to do the plot on a larger scale so that it will gain notoriety and infamy.4. This type of situation that has the possibility to grow and multiply requires human action and not logical action. The shooters or just one of the shooters must be made to face a pure human emotion and made to show a point to other shooters about the general reception to their type of actions.
Katelyn Hardy
ReplyDelete1. The debate is about mass shootings and the shooters.
2. "Consider a Different Ethical Approach" :
Warrant: If one person is influenced to commit a murder by seeing a news report about a
mass shooting, then everyone will be.
Claim: News reporters should be careful as to how they portray the news, because it might
come across as a type of outlet into the world of fame for the offender in some people's
Avenue: Means to an End
"Information is Light" :
Warrant: Because there are questions uprising with the current news, we need more
information that is accurately researched and broadcasted so that there aren't any
Claim: Information is the light, in which we need more of.
Avenue: Praise/Blaim
"Avoid Racial Stereotypes" :
Warrant: If the mass shooters are white, then they are all mentally ill, and if the mass
shooters are colored, then they are all thugs and terrorists.
Claim: The race of the shooter should not make a difference on the matter of the offense that
Avenue: Justice/Injustice
3. "Consider a Different Ethical Approach": It doesn't matter how other people portray the news. It is informative and should cover all aspects of the topic at hand.
"Information is Light": There are some topics in which it would probably be best to leave certain details out of the discussion.
"Avoid Racial Stereotypes": The race of the shooter does matter in the sense that it stems back to slavery. The white people didn't know anything other than mistreating the blacks, so therefore it could relate to being mentally ill. The blacks are just taking their anger out from the days of slavery when they cause mass shootings and that is why they are considered thugs.
4. Claim: Mass shootings should be well publicized so that we are well informed about them, and we know what to do if one were to occur.
Warrant: If mass shootings are well publicized, then they won't occur as often.
John Threadgill
ReplyDelete1. The debatable topic is the ethicality of mass shooters and how they have an impact on society.
2. Bultler- Justice/ Injustice
Claim- All persons behind shootings are being stereotyped and classified based on their race.
Warrant- Society is quick to generalize anybody in any situation.
Warren- Means to an end
Claim- We need more information on the shooters' motives to prevent ignorance and confusion.
Warrant- Less information makes a problem more difficult to solve
Follman Means to an end
Claim- The media needs to prevent copycats of mass shootings by reducing the publicity and popularity of the shootings
Warrant- Subjects that are given a lot of attention to are more likely to reoccur over subjects that are not given much publicity.
3. Butler
Rebuttal- It does not matter if society stereotypes people who purposely harm others
Rebuttal- Any information, whether it's true or false, could bring a possible answer to why the event occured. We can't sit back and let these possibilities drift away.
Rebuttal- Trying to shelter a subject limits awareness and decreases the chances of society wanting to reform to improve it.
4.Because mass shootings are occuring often we should stop "glamorizing" the shootings to limit the possibility of it happening again- Means to an end
Julie Morrison
ReplyDelete1. This article is talking about how the media should look at killers in a different way but also in an equal way and how the shootings should be talked about equally in the media.
2. A. Mark Follman believes that if the killers weren't praised as much as they are on social media and get as much attention as they do from people then they wouldn't be as inspired to do the shootings. This avenue of argumentation is praise/blame.
B. Jim Warren believes that people or social media are not the reasons or influences on the shooters and that there is no evidence that would make us know what the real reason is. This avenue of argumentation is means to an end.
C. Anthea Butler believes that the people's race and ethnicity influences the shooters and their choices and how they have been considered as mentally ill. This avenue of argumentation is justice/injustice.
3. A. Social media is not the reason for the shootings, maybe the shootings are the reason for people giving them attention not attention making them cause the scenes.
B. Social media could be the main reason for the shootings due to cyber bullying or many other things and by making them seem more than what they re by calling them mentally ill and more.
C. Race and ethnicity does not influence the shooters thoughts, the shooter was born that way so it did not happen in the middle of his/her life. Race and ethnicity comes from your family and would not influence you in anyway.
4. In todays society, social media is a big deal and has a lot to do with many things that happen worldwide. Cyber bullying has caused many shootings and suicides and could be the reasoning for the shootings. When people make things a big deal it influences people to do crazy things for attention and praise. If we could put a stop to this, we could possibly put a stop to shootings.
Hannah Glasscock
ReplyDelete1. They are talking about how mass shootings should be covered by the media.
2. A- Mark Follman believes that if the media didn't give the killers a lot of attention then they wouldn't have the urgency or want to kill as much as they do now. Praise/Blame
B- Jim Warren believes that shooters are not copycats bc we don't know for sure about what type of influence is being taken on the shooters or if their even is an influence on them. Means to an End
c- Anthea Butler believes that race and ethnicity has a big impact on how people characterize different races and if they should be considered mentally ill or thugs. Justice/Injustice
3. a- The shooting could be the reasons for the media bc the media always tries to blame someone else instead of using their own reasons for bringing the situation up.
b- The media could possibly be the reason for making the shooters stand out especially when they make a big deal about it.
c- Race and ethnicity could possibly have nothing to do with it, its just how a certain person looks at it and thinks of it in their own way
4. Social media is the main reason for shootings happening bc if they didn't make such a big deal about it then the killers wouldn't want to kill as much as they do now.
Gretchen Whisenant
ReplyDelete1. The debatable topic for this article is how the media goes about portraying what the shooters are like and how they get to the point of deciding to shoot people.
2. "Whatever you do, avoid the racial stereotypes." Warrant: Because of race/ethnicity or social status, we are given stereotypes. Claim: The media should refrain from using typical labels and use honesty to avoid stereotypes. Avenue: precedent.
"Information is light." Warrant: There is not enough information behind why people decide to shoot. Claim: Because we don't have a lot of information about the minds of shooters, we cant discern why these shootings are happening. Avenue: Cause/effect
"Consider a different ethical approach" Warrant: We are influenced by what we see in the media. Claim: Because we are influenced by the media, we should not give so much detail about the shooter and their background. Avenue: antecedent/consequence.
3. "Racial stereotypes"- The media wants the article to be talked about.
"Information is light"- We could question the shooter and test the shooter instead of killing them when we see them.
"Consider a different ethical approach"- Rumors will spread about the shooter, then we won't be able to tell truth from lie.
4. Warrant: Our minds are susceptible to the media. Claim: Since the Columbine shooting, there have been more than enough shootings, each one under the influence of the last.
~Heather Williams
ReplyDelete1. The debaters are debating on how mass murderers are portrayed in the media's eyes.
2. In "When Covering Mass Shooters, Avoid the Racial Stereotypes," Anthea Butler claims that the media classifies mass murderers by race because if you are white, then you are a lone wolf, troubled, or mentally ill; however, if you are of color, you are a thug or a terrorist. The avenue of argumentation that this debater used was an antecedent argument.
In "Information Is Light in Understanding Mass Shootings," James Warren claims that the media needs to relay more of the hard facts about the mass murderers because without full knowledge they are creating conspiracies. Warren is using the cause/ effect argumentation.
In "Taking a Different Ethical Approach in the Media Coverage of Mass Shooters," Mark Follman claims that guns are the common denominator between all of the mass murders because all of the mass murderers want to be known and decides to copycat the prior shooting incident. Follman uses future fact argumentation to defend his claim.
3. For Anthea Butler's claim: Colored people can be mentally ill or a lone wolf just as easily as white people can be thugs or terrorists; there should not be a definition through race.
For James Warren's claim: The more knowledge you have, the more detrimental the outcome.
For Mark Follman's claim: The mass murderers focus only on their goals/ targets/ enemies and do not care of what or how the previous mass murderers accomplished theirs'.
4. The media should report only the facts to provide the necessary research to deter future mass shootings, because citizens could be mislead with the "How" or the "Why" things happened.
Kelsey Appiah-Opoku
ReplyDelete1. Should the press be more careful when reporting about murderers in shootings in order to prevent 'copycat' crimes?
2./3. a. C: The media distributing less information about shooters and other murderers would help to prevent people from wanting to be like the people they see in the news and performing copycat crimes.
W: The relations between killings such as Columbine or the most recent Virginia shooting to other, more recent shootings such as the one in Roseburg, Oregon.
Ave: Precedent
R: The media needs t release more information about killers so that people understand what may have caused the shootings or how more shootings could be avoided.
b. C: Media should be giving as much information about shooters as possible so that citizens are not left in the dark on the details of each shooting that occurs.
W: Dr. Paul Applebaum and the words of Tom Stoppard.
Ave: Means to an end
R: It would be safer to keep citizens partially in the dark about shooters so that they will not panic or fear.
c. C: The news media should refrain from using racial stereotypes or treating certain races differently when reporting about mass shooters.
W: Study published in the American Journal for Public Health by Metzl and MacLeish.
Ave: Division and Means to an end
R: Race can be important to media reports of killings because trends can be found in the behaviors of shooters from certain races.
4. It would be better to allow media to report a set amount of information about killers to the public than it would be to release either all or none of the information, because people should know enough that they fully understand the situation but not so much that they have the opportunity to perform a copycat act.
James Atchison - 1st
ReplyDelete1: How should the media deal with mass shooters?
2: A) The media should take steps to avoid over-glorifying mass shooters, because others at risk of becoming shooters may be inspired by their predecessors.
B) The Media should cover the shootings in a manner that is as well-informed as possible, trying not to glorify the shooters, but prioritizing accurate information, because there is no strong evidence that news coverage inspires "copycat" shooters.
C) It is important that the media avoids applying racial stereotyping to their coverage, because racial stereotyping would interfere in gun-control politics and the racial climate.
3: A) There is no strong evidence that media coverage of mass shootings correlates to more shootings in the future, so the media should not take steps to censor their stories.
B) the fact that there may be no hard evidence does not invalidate the notion that people may become inspired by other mass shooters. Therefore, we shouldn't risk pushing potential shooters over the edge simply because there is no "hard evidence".
C) The media should cover these stories however they wish, which includes the ability to describe the shooters as "mentally ill", "thugs", or "terrorists", because not only is the media at liberty to do this under freedom of speech, there is also no evidence to conclude that these descriptions are truly interfering in gun control politics, or are truly upsetting racial climate.
4: The media should cover these stories to inform the public, not sensationalize them in the name of the American dollar, because sensationalism would be the factor to push potential shooters over the edge, provided it is a risk.
1. How should the media cover mass shootings?
ReplyDelete2. Anthea: Race should be ignored during mass shooting coverage, because it only separates the shooter from civil society and creates more tension with the racial issues currently in America. DIVISION
Follman: Coverage of mass shootings should take a new ethical approach, because the current approach influences and increases violence in America. DEGREE
Warren: Media should continue to cover mass shootings with as much information as possible without glamorizing the shooter, because being well-informed causes less ignorance on the subject and helps law enforcement discern trends. DEGREE
3. Anthea: The shooter already disconnects themselves from civil society by committing the heinous act on the public.
Follman: Why should the news have to change their coverage of mass shootings just because these people are unable to control themselves?
Warren: But the current media coverage has been proven to increase violence and influence others to go out and commit these acts.
4. Because mass shootings involving race are occurring rapidly in America, the media should not focus on race nor should they glamorize the shooter in any form.
Kailee Post
Ben O
ReplyDelete1. The debatable topic is whether it is right for the media to show pictures of mass shooters on social media or newspapers and magazines. All three have different views, one is affirmative, and one is negative, while the third sheds light on the same topic but in a different way on something else.
2. Mark Follman-His thesis is that the media coverage should not go around showing pictures of mass shooters because it would help those who are on the verge of such violence to emulate them and that not doing it will reduce such violence. Warrant-If the media coverage does not show pictures or cover mass shooters, there would be less turn out of mass shooters as a whole. If we shed more light on the shooters, maybe more people would think of them as outcasts and look down on such things
James Warren-His thesis is that the media coverage should cover and show pictures of mass shooters because the more light we can shed on this debacle thing, the more people would not want to be like that. Warrant- If the media coverage depicts the mass shooters in a bad light, it would be a deterrent for future mass shooters.
Anthea Butler-Her thesis is that shooters are divided by certain situations (i.e. if they are black they are thugs, if white, they are mental ill, and other, they are terrorists) by their skin color. If we would focus more about the bad things that the shooters actually did, than their skin color, the future mass shooters would be more learned in why it was bad and that they were punished. Warrant- That if we focus more about the bad, we should prevent more mass shootings to occur.
Julie brown
ReplyDelete1. Set the rhetorical scene for the debate. In other words, give a short synopsis of what the debatable topic is. How with it is a male shooter he is denounced as mentally ill, but if it is a colored person they are a thug or a terrorist. And how the news are portraying it
2. Read each of the three debaters' points of view. Then, give a warrant and the claim from EACH of the debater's writings. ADDITIONALLY, decide what avenue of argumentation each claim best fits in.
Mark follman- claim is that the news are messing up and putting our lifes in jeopardy but when its their own they keep their mouths shut. News anchors keep getting shot due to copycats and when it is the news in trouble they don’t say anything for safety reasons. He is trying to make it better.
Anthea butler is trying to avoid racial stereotypes because that is all everyone does. Warrant is that that’s all everyone does and it just worsens the situation. She wants to change things.
Jim warren he wants to end mass shootings
3. Give a rebuttal for each of those warrants/claims.
4. Add your own warrant and claim to the discussion. In other words, choose an avenue of argumentation and add your opinion to those that should be considered in this debate.
We should treat everyone equally and stop selling guns period.
Cameron Simon
ReplyDelete1) Avoiding making stereotypes when recognizing shooters
2)a.shooters should be identity not by their color because it leads to white be labeled as mentally ill while blacks or others are thugs and terrorist b. People are labeled as outsiders to society to continue gun sales. c. We should remove these labels because we can then see their motives for committing these crimes.
3)a if we don't label them then people would then need to find someone to blame. b. People are labeled as this because if they are not then how can riots against gun control would break out. c.If we remove them them we cant blame it on their mental illness.
4)We should not label people on stereotypes because if we do then people would not listen to the truth behind why the person did it.
Austin Levins
ReplyDelete1. The first debates the media calling whites different things than some African American and Muslim killers. The second and third discusses the release of information about mass murderers, as well as the third also giving a stance in gun control.
2 a)Whatever You Do, Avoid the Racial Stereotypes- Claim- Whites should not be claimed as loan wolves, because it promotes the idea that mental illness is the reason white commit heinous acts while when people of color do it they are considered a thug or a terrorist. She uses division of race to defend her claim.
B) Information Is Light in Understanding Mass Shootings- Information about the shooter should be released to the public. Information leads to clarity. He uses facts to support his argument.
C) Taking a Different Ethical Approach in the Media Coverage of Mass Shooters- Information should not be released on mass shootings due to copycats. if information is harmful it should not be released. He uses past fact.
3. A) The reason for what they are called is not based on race, but on the nature of the crime. They are called a lone wolf if they are a lone wolf.
B)Information may be good, but the information is often not reliable.
C) Information is important of people to know, and it has not been confirmed any of the mass murders are copycats.
4. The media is protected by the first amendment, and therefor people have a right to know all information that is not specifically harmful to anyone. The government cannot legally withhold information that cannot be confirmed to be of threat to the nation.
ReplyDeletecameron rico
1.) The topics are mass shooters
2.) Anthea Butler- Claim- don't make racial profiling while dealing with mass shooters, warrant- it creates racial tension, its avenue of argumentation is antecedent/consequence.Mark Follman- don't give mass shooters fame or spotlight. warrant- it will prevent copycats. precedent.
Alex Holliday
ReplyDelete1. This ongoing debate regards current mass shootings, and the reason behind it. Overall, they all agree about the importance and severity of this current, ongoing situation going on in our world today.
2. Anthea Butler: Warrant- All white shooters are labeled as mentally ill and lone wolfs
Claim- All shooters that aren't white are considered as thugs and terrorists
Jim Warren: Warrant- The media stirs up the persons whole life
Claim- Most news stories are not accurate and need to stop focusing on the background
Mark Follman: Warrant- Some troubled kids see the shooters as a tiger's and might copy them
Claim- News reporters should stop making such great stories
3. Anthea Butler- Most white shooters are mentally ill prior to the shooting
Jim Warren- If the reporters didn't focus on the background then we wouldn't know how we should feel about the shooter besides the fact that they shot people
Mark Follman- If the reporters didn't make good news stories then the public wouldn't learn the whole story
4. Labeling the white shooters as "lone wolf " is not right because others of color could be lonely and shoot people but they'd still be labeled as terrorists or thugs, but labeling only whites as mentally ill is wrong because the ones of color could be mentally ill as well but they don't get that label.
1. This ongoing debate regards current mass shootings, and the reason behind it. Overall, they all agree about the importance and severity of this current, ongoing situation going on in our world today.
ReplyDelete2. Anthea Butler: Warrant- All white shooters are labeled as mentally ill and lone wolfs
Claim- All shooters that aren't white are considered as thugs and terrorists
Jim Warren: Warrant- The media stirs up the persons whole life
Claim- Most news stories are not accurate and need to stop focusing on the background
Mark Follman: Warrant- Some troubled kids see the shooters as a tiger's and might copy them
Claim- News reporters should stop making such great stories
3. Anthea Butler- Most white shooters are mentally ill prior to the shooting
Jim Warren- If the reporters didn't focus on the background then we wouldn't know how we should feel about the shooter besides the fact that they shot people
Mark Follman- If the reporters didn't make good news stories then the public wouldn't learn the whole story
4. Labeling the white shooters as "lone wolf " is not right because others of color could be lonely and shoot people but they'd still be labeled as terrorists or thugs, but labeling only whites as mentally ill is wrong because the ones of color could be mentally ill as well but they don't get that label.
Abby Nelson
ReplyDelete1. The topic is if the media is affecting people involved in killing in mass shootings.
2. Anthea Butler: claim- People that are white male shooters are considered as mentally ill, while people of color are seen as thugs and terrorists, and people shouldnt be sterotyped like that as these things can not always be proven true(genus).
warrant- People shouldnt assume the reasons behind why some are involved in shootings based on their race.
Mark Follman: claim- The media is partially assisting in copycat killings(cause/effect).
warrant- The media should be careful with what they tell the public because they give some people the wrong ideas.
James Warren: claim- There needs to be more research on these traumatic events that occur(possible)
warrant- Basing these shootings on the reason that they occur because of media influence is not necessarily the right thing to do because there is more that goes into these events that need to be researched.
3. Anthea rebuttal- It isnt always just stereotyping; the reason people say these things is based on what has happened in the past and some try to base it on the facts they know.
Mark rebuttal- The media is not the reason these people are killing; they are their own person and make their own decisions.
James rebuttal- There's only so much research you can do on these events, it wont help them cease to happen.
4. The media does have an effect on people that are involved in shootings; some of these people get ideas from what they see on the news and it ends badly. This means the people are getting some of their ideas from what they have seen or have heard happen in the world because of the media that is showing it.
Talia Gordon
ReplyDelete1. The debate is about gun violence. It is also about how different races are labeled in the media, and if people are influenced by mass shootings in the media.
2. Anthea Butler:
Claim: Saying a mass shooter is mentally ill is an excuse to continue the sale of guns.
Warrant: People will always find an excuse to do what they want.
Jim Warren:
Claim: There is no clear link between the media coverage and "copycat" shootings.
Warrant: There is never a clear line between the media and a story.
Mark Follman
Claim: Having the media tell about shootings inspire some people to be a "copycat" shooters.
Warrant: People are inspired by different things in the media.
3. Anthea Butler:
Rebuttal: There are many other excuses to continue the sale of guns such as the shooter felt as though they were "lonely."
Jim Warren:
Rebuttal: There is no evidence that says that they are not linked besides the fact that people try to copy them.
Mark Follman:
Rebuttal: Informing people about mass shootings will make people more cautious of what they watch.
4. Claim: Buying guns will always be an issue , as well as racist labeling by the media.
Warrant: people should be more cautious of what the watch on television as well as what they let influence them.
mills Harrison
ReplyDelete1. why do we stereotype shooters because of there race and look into what made them do it
2. Anthea/ we should not stereotype shooters/ killers are stereotyped/realationship:contradiction and contraries
mark/ shoot are mentally ill copy cats/ killers are copy cats/ testimony;statistics
james/ we should have more evidence before we start labeling reasons/ testimony; statistics
^^^^^^^^ format name of writer/claim/warrant/avenue of argumentation
3.anthea/ we are not stereotyping because usually that is the actual reason we are making an assumption
mark/ not all of them are copy cats they just go to the places where there is less resistance
james/ we usually can make assumptions just be looking at what they did
4. we should use more statistics before we start labeling but usually we just start labeling because we up set at what happened
Alex Holliday
ReplyDelete1. This ongoing debate regards current mass shootings, and the reason behind it. Overall, they all agree about the importance and severity of this current, ongoing situation going on in our world today.
2. Anthea Butler: Warrant- All white shooters are labeled as mentally ill and lone wolfs
Claim- All shooters that aren't white are considered as thugs and terrorists
Jim Warren: Warrant- The media stirs up the persons whole life
Claim- Most news stories are not accurate and need to stop focusing on the background
Mark Follman: Warrant- Some troubled kids see the shooters as a tiger's and might copy them
Claim- News reporters should stop making such great stories
3. Anthea Butler- Most white shooters are mentally ill prior to the shooting
Jim Warren- If the reporters didn't focus on the background then we wouldn't know how we should feel about the shooter besides the fact that they shot people
Mark Follman- If the reporters didn't make good news stories then the public wouldn't learn the whole story
4. Labeling the white shooters as "lone wolf " is not right because others of color could be lonely and shoot people but they'd still be labeled as terrorists or thugs, but labeling only whites as mentally ill is wrong because the ones of color could be mentally ill as well but they don't get that label.
Alex Holliday
ReplyDelete1. This ongoing debate regards current mass shootings, and the reason behind it. Overall, they all agree about the importance and severity of this current, ongoing situation going on in our world today.
2. Anthea Butler: Warrant- All white shooters are labeled as mentally ill and lone wolfs
Claim- All shooters that aren't white are considered as thugs and terrorists
Jim Warren: Warrant- The media stirs up the persons whole life
Claim- Most news stories are not accurate and need to stop focusing on the background
Mark Follman: Warrant- Some troubled kids see the shooters as a tiger's and might copy them
Claim- News reporters should stop making such great stories
3. Anthea Butler- Most white shooters are mentally ill prior to the shooting
Jim Warren- If the reporters didn't focus on the background then we wouldn't know how we should feel about the shooter besides the fact that they shot people
Mark Follman- If the reporters didn't make good news stories then the public wouldn't learn the whole story
4. Labeling the white shooters as "lone wolf " is not right because others of color could be lonely and shoot people but they'd still be labeled as terrorists or thugs, but labeling only whites as mentally ill is wrong because the ones of color could be mentally ill as well but they don't get that label.
Na'Daisha Mckinstry
ReplyDelete1.-News reports associate people that kill people a "lone wolf", "outsider" or a "monster" because they were isolated and they automatically deemed mentally unstable and we should know what more can we do to see the trends of a mass shooting before it happens again and we should somewhat limit putting the shooters face on the news so we don’t influence at risk teens.
2.-Butler‘s Claim: Stereotyping can only allow people to see one side of a person, if we go into detail we can analyze them and understand why they are like that.
Warrant: News reports/reporters only describe a mass murder as one thing, such as loner, monster of outsider.
-Warren’s Claim: The more information we have on a subject, the more we know, and the more light is shown on it, we can prevent mass shootings or whatever from happening.
Warrant: At this point in time there is little light shown on why people commit mass shooting .
-Follman’s Claim: The less reporting or the summarization we have on mass shootings will help minimize the amount of copycatters we have.
Warrant: The showing of a Mass shooters face will Limit the amount of information at risk youg teens are for wanting to copy the killer..
3.Butler: stereotyping is apart of society we do it regardless of where we are, what age we are and what race we are.
Warren:even if we have a limited amount of information on a subject we can still solve something especially with the technology we have today.
Follman: the more we report and show about these things the more the community knows about the characteristics of the shooters
4.Butler: My claim: stereotyping can help in some ways but not many such as loner, dirty, etc.
my Warrant: we can see this i when we are describing a type of person or a person.
Warren: My claim: Have a lot of information on something will make the ability to make it go away quicker or catch it before it evens happens.
My warrant: This happens a lot in the cancer research were they know more about one cancer than another so the one they know about is treated quicker and better than the lesser known one.
Follman: My Claim: : Information should be limited because if the shooter see that they are on the news they maybe do more damage.
My Warrant: this is seen in many Life time movies where the killers aren't caught but know they are on the news and commit the crime over and over again.
Marlee Ashcraft
ReplyDelete1. It is being discussed whether we need to minimize or maximize the coverage of mass murders and their perpetraitors.
2. Butler- Maxim
Claim: We need to avoid racial profiling in cases like these
Warrant: most white male murderers are mentally ill and black murderers are "thugs"
Warren- Means to end?????
Claim: We need to knw more information on mass murders
Warrant: If we know more we can avoid more mass murders
Follman- Means to end
Claim: We need to minimize media coverage of murders
Warrant: The less they show, the slimmer chance we have of a copycat
3. - Profilesof murders show that most white males are mentally ill when they commit such acts
-the more information that the media gives the public the more chance we have of having a copycat murderer
-If we limit media coverage of murders we limit the publics knowledge on murders/murderers and put them in danger
4. I think that we do need more informations on mass murders to be able to profile the killers and anser the question of what pushes them to commit such acts. By answering that question we can take more precautions and avoid more murders.
John McDonough
ReplyDeleteThe debatable topic is how the perpetrators of mass shootings should be portrayed in the media.
Jim warren's claim is that the media should cover the perpetrators of mass shootings in order to learn more about them and their motives so we can prevent future attacks and avoid conspiracy theories. His warrant is that media coverage can be effective for discerning motives and does not spur copycat attacks, however there is some evidence that media coverage does lead to copycat atacks.
Mark Follman claims that the media should be very careful to not glamorize shooters in any way. His warrant is that glamorization of shooters in the media can lead to copy cat attacks, however the resesrch backing up this warrant is very scarce.
Anthea butlers claim is that when reporting on shooters reporters should be careful to avoid racial stereotypes. Her warrant is that calling white mass shooters lone wolves , troubled, or mentally ill absolves the guilt of white killers whereas black killerd are called terrorists and thugs. However those words are not merely racial they are descriptive of the shooterd mental state. Furthermore the terms lone wolf and terrorist are often used together despite her claim that they are reserved for different races amd the man who shot the reporters in Virginia was labeled mentally ill despite being black.
I think that contemplating shooters' motives should be done in private way by police and other authorities who would be able to make effective use of the information instead of the media, because showing interest in shooters could be seen as a form of glamorization thay could spur copycats to attack.
Jordan chestnut
ReplyDelete1. The topic of the article is the media covering mass shootings.
2a. Anthea Butler - Genus
Claim- The news favors to call white mass shooters "mentally ill" but all other races "thugs" and "terrorists".
Warrant- The news labels all white shooters mentally ill and all other races thugs and terrorists.
2b. Warren - Statistics
Claim- We don't need to hide the identities of shooters, we need to understand why they did it.
Warrant- The advocates for covering the identities of the mass shooters are misguided.
2c. Follman - Consequence
Claim- Some individuals who carry out mass shootings are influenced by previous shootings.
Warrant- Previous shootings influence upcoming mass shooters.
3a. Butler- No matter what the news declares the shooters, they are still shooters. No matter of race or mental stability.
3b. Follman- Some shooters are influence by previous shootings, but most are simply mentally ill.
3c. Warren- Showing the identities of shooters gives them infamy and publicized the shooters.
4. Claim- Murders will continue to be murderers; but with the way media covers it, influences other people to commit similar crimes.
Warrant- Murderers will always be murderers.
AOA- Possible/Impossible
Will Ernest
ReplyDelete1)The topic is the media coverage of mass shootings.
2) Butler is using the genus approach were white shooter are ill, and other are terrorists.
Warren is using stats, we need to understand why, instead of how.
Follman is arguing cause and effect old shooter influence new shooter.
3) Butler, it does not matter the race mass shooter are mass shooter.
Follman, some are copy cat shooter, but most are mental.
Warren, showing the shooters across the news only gives them fame.
4) Murder is murder, the only question is how much of a spin will the media put on it.