Sunday, January 19, 2014

Ninth Grade Current Events Blog for Week of Week of January 20

Read through page 1 of the following article:

After reading the article, answer the following questions (MAKE SURE TO PUT YOUR NAME IN YOUR RESPONSE):

1. Who is Robert Stewart?
2. What class of medication is Ambien?
3. Who is Patrick Kennedy?
4. The article claims that, "In addition to giving consumers extra information so they could take the medication more carefully, the warning labels also gave legitimacy to the Ambien (or Zombie) defense."  PARAPHRASE this statement in your own words.
5. If someone commits a crime while under the influence of this medicine, ultimately, who is responsible for the crime?


  1. Robin Stewart stormed a nursing home and killed eight people and wounded two. The Ambien is a member of the hypnotics. Patrick Kennedy had a wreck and said he had taken Ambien and didnt remember anything. The Ambien medication label now gives more information on the drug. The person who took the medicine, they should know
    the side-effects and consequences.

    -April McCool

  2. ~Laura Coats
    Robert Stewart was a man who, while under the influence of Ambien, rushed into a nursing home and attempted to kill his wife, and ended up killing multiple people. Ambien is in the class of hypnotic drugs. Patrick Kennedy was a man who after being involved in a car crash believed he had been running late for a vote. The article is basically saying that they put all the necessary info on the medicine, and said the effects were true. I believe that if someone commits a crime while under the influence of Ambien that it is essentially not the persons fault if they experience side effects, however, it should also be their duty to speak to their doctor about getting a medicine that helped with whatever they were taking the Ambien for instead of just repeatedly taking it and committing multiple crimes.

  3. Robert Stewart is a 45 year old man who brutally killed eight people. Ambien is in the class of medications known as hypnotics. Patrick Kennedy was a man in a car accident. The medications gave really good warnings about side effects. The labels even mentioned the Ambien defense. The person who committed the crime is definitely at fault. You are responsible for what enters your body.

  4. Matthew Sloan

    Robert Stewart is a 45 year old man who brutally killed eight people. Ambien is in the class of medications known as hypnotics. Patrick Kennedy was a man in a car accident. The medications gave really good warnings about side effects. The labels even mentioned the Ambien defense. The person who committed the crime is definitely at fault. You are responsible for what enters your body.

  5. Taryn Dockery
    Robert Stewart, in attempt to murder his ex-wife, killed eight people in a nursing home in North Carolina. The drug Ambien is of the hypnotic class of medicine, and is meant to help insomniacs with their sleeping troubles. Patrick Kennedy got in a car accident while on Ambien and claimed to not remember the night’s events. The labels try to make people be more careful, and they gave the zombie defense authenticity. If someone commits a crime while on any medicine, it is their fault. They should be more careful when taking any medicine, especially sleep aids.

  6. Frankie Malveo -
    1. Richard Stewart is the man who stormed into Pinelake Health and Rehab nursing home in Carthage, North Carolina and killed eight people while wounding two.
    2. Ambien is in the hypnotics class.
    3. Patrick Kennedy is the man who had a car accident in 2006 after consuming ambien.
    4. They gave warnings to help consumers use the medication responsibly and the warning labels explained the zombie effect.
    5. I would think the the company should be held at fault but, if so then it could be abused so the person would have to be at fault.

  7. Gabby Traywick, 1st
    Robert Stewart is a victim of Ambien's powerful and dangerous side effects, he is now in jail for second-degree murder. Ambien is a hypnotic or otherwise known as a sleep inducing drug. Patrick Kennedy is yet another victim who got in a middle of the night car accident after taking Ambien. After all these reports started popping up the FDA made the company write extra information on the dangers of Ambien on the label, the warning labels acknowledged the 'zombie' effects. When someone commits a crime under the influence of Ambien, I believe the person who took the Ambien is responsible because they knew the risks. Also, the manufacturer put out legitimate warnings.

  8. 1. A 45 year man who opened fire on pinelake health and rehab center.

    2. A hypnotic drug

    3. A man that was in the middle of the night car accident.

    4. That America's number one prescription sleep aid is becoming more well known for causing weird behaviors.

  9. 1. A man charged with 8 counts of murder who claimed he was under the influence of the drug Ambien.
    2. Hypnotics
    3. Another person who had an episode involving "sleep driving" who blames it on Ambien
    4. The people who make Ambien should explicitly state on the packaging the symptoms. They should also recognize their critics.
    5. If someone commits a crime while under the influence of Ambien, they should be held partially responsible, but only if the symptoms were stated.if they were not, Ambien is responsible.

  10. Robert Stewart is a man who killed 8 people and injured 2 while "under the influence" of Ambien, a sleep aid used to treat insomnia. Patrick Kennedy was a man that had taken Ambien and got into a car wreck in the middle of the night and had no memory of it the next day. Warning labels made the idea of "Zombies" a fact. Ultimately the consumer is the one at fault they didnt have to take the medicine. Even if Ambien was recommended by a doctor, its only a recommendatioin, not a command.
    ~Blake E. Lockridge

  11. Robert Stewart is the man you took some Ambien and opened fire in a nursing home and killed eight people and received 142 – 179 years in prison. Ambien is in the class of medication of hypnotics. Patrick Kennedy is the man who also took some Ambien and then got in an accident in the middle of the night. In my words the article is saying that," Instead of just giving the consumers extra information to be more careful with the medication, the warning labels legitimized the Ambien defense. If a person knows the side effects to the medicine then it is their fault for taking the medicine when they know there is a risk and they are responsible for the crime.

  12. Brooke Allen

    1. Robert Stewart is a man who took Ambien and went on a shooting spree. It was possibly pre-meditated murder because his presumed target was his estranged wife. He was convicted on eight counts of murder.
    2. Ambien is a schedule IV drug.
    3. Patrick Kennedy is a man who, after taking Ambien, drove his car without knowing it and had an accident. He told the police thet he was late for a vote. After this inncident, Ambien recieved nation-wide attention due to the side affects of the medication.
    4. The warning labels were changed so that the consumers were sufficiently warned about the side effects of Ambien. The labels also acknowledged and warned consumers about the Ambien (or Zombie) defense.
    5. If someone is unaware and the crime is unintentional, then they aren't responsible for the crime. However in the cases of Robert Stewart and those who abuse the medicine, they are responsible for their crimes because they had an intent and those who abuse knew that it was harmful as with any drug, but they did it anyway. What it really boils down to is, did they intintionally do this? Did they take they recommended dose and use it for the intended purpose? If yes, then they arent responsible. If no, then they are.

  13. Robert Stewart is a man that under the influence of the drug Ambien stormed into a nursing home with a gun and killed 8 people. Ambien is a sleep aide. Patrick Kennedy is another man who was under the influence of Ambien when he wrecked his car. The makers of Ambien say that there is an substantial amount warning on the labels of Ambien and that they are not to blame for these side effects. Ultimately if someone commits a crime under the influence of this drug the company that makes the drug is responsible. -Brandon Appling

  14. 1. Robert Stewart is a man that took Ambien and killed 8 people at a nursing home.
    2. Ambien is in a class of medication called hypnotics.
    3. Patrick Kennedy is a man that was taking Ambien and was in a middle-of-the night car accident.
    4. Even with the warnings for the medication, it can still cause you to act like a "zombie"
    5. In my opinion, both the company and the person is at fault. If the company does not have it labeled what the side effects are then its their fault. But, if the people knows the side effect and what it does to their body, then they should be at fault because they made the decision to drive with it in their system.

    -Ava Travis

  15. 1. Robert Stewart was a 45 year old man who went into a rehab nursing home and killed eight people, while on the use of a medicine Ambien.
    2. A class known as hypnotics.
    3. Patrick Kennedy was a man who had been taking Ambien and had sleep-drove in his car, causing an accident. He said he couldn't remember what had happened.
    4. The company that sold Ambien put more information on their medication, so they cannot be sued or blamed for any mishaps that may happen while someone was on their drug.
    5. I believe the person is responsible, because normally, like when under the influence of alcohol, you wanted to do whatever you did wrong. Stewart probably already wanted to kill his wife, the medicine just drove him on to do it. It's still his fault though.

    -Celena Miller

  16. Kailee Post

    1. A 45-year-old man who was convicted on eight counts of second-degree murder after taking Ambien.
    2. Hypnotics.
    3. A former U.S. Representative who used Ambien.
    4. They issued stronger warning labels and provided more information on how to carefully take the drug. Labels even validated the Zombie justification.
    5. I believe it depends on the amount taken. If the medicine is taken like told, then the FDA/makers of Ambien are to blame. BUT if the medication is abused and not taken as it should and one commits a crime under it's influence, the person is responsible.

  17. Robert Stewart is a guy who took some medicine called Ambien. The Ambien took control of his body making him kill eight people. He was put in jail for second degree murder. Ambien is a member of the class of medicines called hypnotics. Patrick Kennedy is another victim of the medicine. He was on his way to a vote and ended up getting in a car accident. Patrick Kennedy didn't recall any of the events of that night after taking the medicine. So the consumers of the Ambien medicine are completely informed of every side effect, the medicine now has a label that warns anyone who takes it the legitimacy to the Ambien defense. If someone commits a crime under the influence of medicine, the person is still responsible for the crime. This is because the medicine isn't going to make someone go kill another. Somewhere the person was already thinking about it, the medicine just made it happen.
    ~Heather Williams

  18. Robert Stewart is a guy who took some medicine called Ambien. The Ambien took control of his body making him kill eight people. He was put in jail for second degree murder. Ambien is a member of the class of medicines called hypnotics. Patrick Kennedy is another victim of the medicine. He was on his way to a vote and ended up getting in a car accident. Patrick Kennedy didn't recall any of the events of that night after taking the medicine. So the consumers of the Ambien medicine are completely informed of every side effect, the medicine now has a label that warns anyone who takes it the legitimacy to the Ambien defense. If someone commits a crime under the influence of medicine, the person is still responsible for the crime. This is because the medicine isn't going to make someone go kill another. Somewhere the person was already thinking about it, the medicine just made it happen.
    ~Heather Williams

  19. Abby Ingle
    1. Robert Stewart is a man who shot 8 people while under the influence of Ambien.
    2. Ambien is in the hypnotics class of medication.
    3. Patrick Kennedy is a man who took Ambien, later had a car wreck, and whose case shed light on the dangers of the medication.
    4. The company claims that they are providing consumers with information about the medication, and they do include some side effects on the label, but they should have done more to show the dangers of the side effects.
    5.The person who took the medication is responsible for the crime because they should have known about the warnings and possible side effects.

  20. Austin Levins

    Robert Stewert killed 8 people at a doctor's office. He said his target was his wife. He was not found guilty because he was under the influence of Ambien. Ambien is a hypnotic drug and used to help you sleep. It can cause sleep walking, driving, eating and more. This was brought to light when Patrick Kennedy got in a car crash under the influence of Ambien. He did not know how he got there.

  21. 1. He stormes into the Pinelake Health and Rehab nursing home in Carthage, North Carolina and opened fire, killing eight people and wounding two.
    2. It was designed for short term use to combat insomnia and was a welcome change from the prevailing sleep aid at the time, Halcion which had been implicated in psychosis, suicide, and addiction and had been banned in a half a dozen countries.
    3. In 2006 he had a middle-of-the-night car accident and subsequent explanation to arriving officers that he was running late for a vote that the bizarre side effects of Ambien began to recieve national attention.
    4. They are now being careful with Ambien.
    5. The person who commits the crime.

    Grace Glasscock

  22. Robert Stewart is the man who was under the influence of Ambien when he broke into a nursing home and attempted to kill his wife. Ambien is a class of medication called hypnosis. Patrick Kennedy is the man who brought the national attention to the drug Ambien. The warning labels give information to use the drug safely. If someone commits a crime while under the influence of Ambien they should be help accountable for their actions. If it was an illegal drug people will still be charged with the crime so it should be the same with an over the counter remedy.

    ~Taylor Burge

  23. Rob Stewart is a man who went into a nursing home and killed 8 people and wounded 2, while in search to shoot his wife.The class of medication that Ambein is a hypnotics. Patrick Kennedy is the culprit in a middle of the night car accident while under the influence of Ambein. The warning labels help people understand what is in the medicine adn how it works. IF someone commits a crime under the influuence of the medicine the person who committed the crime is responsible for the repercussions of their actions.
    -Jordan Tatum

  24. 1. Ambien user that tried to kill his wife but instead killed 8 other people and wounded 2
    2. Hypnotic
    3. Man who took ambien, had a accident in the middle of the night, and couldnt remember any of it
    4. The article claims that ambien causes bizzare side effects and behaviours and induces a "zombie state" on users. They will do things and not recall any of the events and will have very strange eating habits such as eating buttered cigarettes and swallowing eggs whole, shell and all.
    -Dillon Baker

  25. Kryana Brown
    1)Robert Stewart was a murderer who killed eight people.
    3) Patrick Kennedy was a man who took medicine in the wrong way which led him into a car accident.
    4) Give more careful instructions to the patient on how to use the medicine properly.

  26. 1. Robert Stewart is a 45 year old man who, while under the influence of Ambien, killed 8 people by open fire at Pinelake Health and Nursing Home.
    2. The class of medication Ambien is in is hypnotics.
    3. Patrick Kennedy is a man who has taken Ambien and after taking the drug, as a sleep aid, wrecked his car, while sleeping.
    4. Including extra warning information about Ambien, so the consumers act cautiosly, labels also proved the Ambien (or Zombie) defense.
    5. If someone is under the influence of Ambien i believe it is that persons and their doctors fault for what happens. I believe the person because they know what the drug is cappable of and they can choose to take it. The doctors because they gave that drug to the person even though so many negative things have resulted from Ambien.
    Victoria Jones

  27. Nikhil Singh

    Robert Stewart is the man, on March 29, 2009, who went into a nursing home and
    opened fire, killing eight. He was targeting his wife and under the influence of
    Ambien, a sleep pill. Stewart was charge with 2nd degree murder, receiving
    142-179 years in prison. Ambien, a medication in the class known as hypnotics, used for short term combat against insomnia. Patrick Kennedy was involved in
    a car accident in the middle of the night, his explanation to the police was
    that he was running late to a vote. These were causes of Ambien's peculiar side
    effects, but Kennedy's story made Ambien rise to fame, making it a top seller in
    the sleep aid department. If the taker of Ambien does something bizarre, they
    can not blame the medicine, due to warning labels. If someone does commit a
    crime while under the influence of Ambien, it is the fault of both the medicine
    and the taker. The taker will take Ambien at their own risk and be responsible
    for reading the warning labels, but it's the medicines fault also for causing
    such bizarre acts.

  28. 1. Robert Stewart was a 45 year old man, who went into his wife's work and killed 8 people and wounded 2. He was on the drug Ambien, so when he was sentenced he did not get the death sentence, but 142-179 years of prison.
    2. Hypnotics.
    3. A man that, under the influence of Ambien, had a midnight car accident. He said he was "running late for a vote." He claimed to have no recollection of what happened.
    4. The sentence is saying that it gives you warning that you might do things that you do not remember. Like sleep- shopping and sleep- eating.
    5. I personally think if someone commits a crime while under the influence of Ambien, I think it is there fault. Yes, you are on medication, but that does not give you the right to commit a crime. Just like in the Robert Stewart case, he had enough knowledge of where his wife worked and how to get there, he should know it is wrong to kill someone. I think it was right to keep him in jail, but not the death penalty because he was on the drug.
    -Abby Cooper

  29. Luke Yarbrough 5/6 Pre-Ap
    1. A man, under the influence of ambien, that shot and killed eight people, wounding 2.
    2. It is classified as a hypnotic drug
    3. Another man under the influence of ambien, that drove a car in a state of sleep and wrecked.
    4. Sanofi has given more in-depth instructions for the dosage of their medicine, also, defending their company.
    5. I believe that both parties are responsible for the crime. Sanofi has produced an unstable drug. However, sometimes these events are motive-driven, such as Robert Stewart's attack on his wife's workplace.

  30. 1. Man who took ambien and opened fire in a nursing home supposedly targeting his wife.
    2. Hypnotics
    3. Man who, under the influence of ambien, got in a middle of the night car accident, claiming he was late for a vote.
    4. As well as putting larger warning labels on the medication, they put truth to the claim of ambien inducing strange behaviors.
    5. The individual is not to be put to blame for the crime, the medication influenced them to do things that he/she had no control over, therefore, it is not the person's fault.
    Kailie Porter

  31. mills harrison
    1.he was the gunman
    3.he was the man who sleep drove after taking the drug abmien
    4.the user of this drug should be aware that the drug my cause them to go into a state of doing multiple thing or in fact any think while they are asleep. is hard to side with the people but mostly the people who make it and the people who take it if the drug has symptoms like this don't take it and the maker should not sell or prescibe the drug to any one if the drug is dangerous.

  32. 1. Robert Stewart was a 45 year old man who opened fire, killing eight people, and wounding two, at the Pinelake Health and Rehab Center, in North Carolina.
    2. Ambien is a member of the class of medication hypnotics.
    3.Patrick Kennedy was a man who had taken Ambien, with no recollection of the night before, and gotten into a car accident.
    4.Instead of giving the takers of Ambien instructions on how to take this medicine more carefully, they put warning labels of the known "Zombie" effect it had on people.
    5.If someone is to commit a crime, under the influence of Ambien, the manufacturer of this medicine is ultimately held responsible for the crime, not the person.

    -Carli Colburn

  33. Hannah Glasscock
    1. Robert Stewart is 45, he stormed into the Pinelake Health and Rehab nursing home in Carthage, North Carolina and opened fire, killing eight people and woundeing two. His apparent target was his estranged wife.
    2. Ambien, a member of the class of medicines known as hypnotics. It was designed medications for short term use to combat insomnia and was a welcome change from the prevailing sleep aid at the time, Halcion which had been implicated in psychosis, suicide, addiction, and it had been banned in half a dozen countries.
    3.Patrick Kennedy's 2006 middle-of-the-night car accident and subsequent explanation to arriving officers was that he was running late for a vote and that the bizarre side effects of Ambien began to recieve national attention.
    4. They are now being more careful when taking ambien.
    5. I belive that everyone is responsible for their own actions and so whoever commits the crime is responsible for the crime that they made.

  34. Robert Smith is a man that went into a nursing home and killed eight people. Ambien is a sleep aid in the class of hypnotics and could be a reason why he couldn't control his actions. Patrick was someone that was in a car wreck which was caused by the side effects of Ambien to receive national attention. This part in the article means that they now have labels on the medicine bottle so they wont start, basically, "sleepwalking." Lastly, it is ultimately the one who took it's problem because they should've known the side effects.
    - Abby Nelson

  35. 1. A 45 year old man that opened fire at a nursing home.
    3. A man who was in a car accident that led to Ambien beginning to receive national attention.
    4. They were given instructions on how to properly take the medicine and a warning label that made it legal.
    5. The makers of the medicine
    - Destinee Ferrell

  36. -Katelyn Hardy
    Robert Stewart was a 45 year old man who fired shots at his wife, while under the influence of a drug called Ambien. The medication Ambien is in the class of hypnotics. Patrick Kennedy was a man that was in a car crash after taking the drug Ambien as a sleep aid. To paraphrase the the claim, the company is warning consumers that this drug could lead them to do things that could be considered "zombie" actions. If someone commits a crime while under the influence of the drug Ambien, the person consuming the drug is ultimately the one to blame for the crime, because they chose to take the drug.

  37. Robert Stewart went on a shooting rampage and killed eight people. He was on Ambien at the time. Ambien is in a class of medication known as hypnotics. Patrick Kennedy crashed his car in the middle of the night in 2006 while under the Influence of Ambien. He then proceeded to tell cops that he was late for a vote. He brought attention to the strange side effects of Ambien. Warning labels warn consumers about the dangers of a product and also add legitimacy to Robert Stewart's claim because the makers of Ambien admitted that it has weird side effects. If someone commits a crime under the influence they are still ultimately responsible because they put themselves into that situation and should have been aware of the risks. John McDonough

  38. claudiamartin
    #1-robert stewart was a 45 year old man, who killed eight women while he was under asleep aid

  39. claudiamartin
    #2- hypnotics

  40. claudiamartin
    #3-another man who also took the sleep aid, and had a car accident

  41. Robert Stewart is a man who shot and killed 8 people while under the influence of ambien; which is a hypnotic drug. Patrick Kennedy was a man who got into a car crash while "sleep-driving" under the effects of ambien. Even the makers acknowledge the zombie effect. In the end though no one can truly be held liable.
    ~JOhn FOster


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