Read through the following article:
Answer the following questions:
1. Explain the issue at hand. Why are some people upset?
2. Describe your thoughts on the issue. Defend, challenge, or qualify the FBI's actions regarding this issue.
The FBI has been monitoring potential terrorists and criminals by covertly using a webcam on a computer or laptop without the knowledge of the owner of said computer/laptop. People are upset because this is an invasion of privacy, regardless of the intent.
ReplyDeleteI would like to qualify the FBI's actions. I understand that their reasons for doing what they are doing is solely for the purpose of ensuring the safety of the country. Terrorist, I understand, are hard to find and pinpoint, and if they are not found in time, they will wreck havoc upon whatever their target. The US is also a major target for terrorist attacks, such as 9/11. Because of this, it gives a valid reason for the FBI to spy on certain individuals. But, at the same time, it does not validate the FBI spying on "potential criminals." We, as human beings, are entitled to our privacy. Especially at home. Home is where you can be completely at ease, and with the knowledge or the thought of FBI spying on you is very unnerving. Unless the FBI has an absolutely valid reason (such as factual evidence or a warrant) they should not be using one's webcam without their knowledge to find out if you are a terrorist or criminal.
The issue is that the FBI can hack into someone's webcam or cloud without the person know that they are there. People are upset because it is an invasion of privacy and the information the FBI records is susceptible for being used wrongfully by the FBI agency or a personal. This also may make people feel that the Government is getting a little too powerful by being able to tap into anyone's personal life and them not be aware of it. The FBI claims it would only be used for terrorism case but that does help to ease American's worries. The FBI's reassurance to the public is that it would only be used for terrorist like activities , but what if some teenager were to rant on a blog about America's wrong doings and a bomb of some kind. Would that be considered as a terrorist action? what about al the many anti-America comments of social media. will the owners of those accounts count. People that make videos against American values like policies and laws, ect. an put them on youtube or just saved in their computer. they could be watched by the FBI and never know it. This knowledge about a person's webcam being hacked into impedes on Americans freedom of speech. what is considered terrorist actions? Many Americans daily express their joys or curse America in so way or form. In 1984 by George Orwell, Big Brother controlled everything down to a person's very thoughts. the FBI almost sounds like the being of Big Brother. People want to be or say what they want to say about whatever either good or bad. Vine and Skype use video as another way of communication and, people on it would have to watch what they say for both don not want to arouse attention from the FBI to hack into their webcam and spy on them. The capitol in the Hunger Games controls everyone's action and puts people in fear to speak their mind. when people feel their security is gone, people may unravel, become mute, violently protest or slander someone in charge. things like this cause disruption in the average Americans life. There is an invisible curtain the surround a person's person life from their public life. That curtain should never be disturbed. FBI should use the webcam hacking carefully and only when needed
ReplyDeleteJana Traywick
ReplyDeleteThe issue at hand is that the FBI can activate an individual's camera on their computer without the indicator light coming one. Some people are upset because it is an invasion of their privacy. I think that it is not completely ethical since it can invade one's privacy and does not turn the indicator on to make the person aware that their private life is being intruded upon. Although I can see why it would be useful in terrorism or high profile cases, it shouldn't be allowed to be activated for just any reason on any person's computer. So perhaps, a limitation on when and why such a tool might be used should be made to make it more ethical.
The issue is that the FBI is accessing people’s web cam without the indicator light to spy on people in certain cases and hackers are getting into the system to also look at these cameras. Some people are upset because it is an invasion of privacy to the person being spied on and it is not only the FBI seeing these webcams. No one wants to be seen doing there things in private because it involves changing and other things. On the other hand, I feel like this is a really good tool to stop criminals and the FBI should continue to do this in order to keep the nation safe from terrorism. It is fine for FBI to do this because if you are an everyday citizen and you are doing nothing that seems guilty, then you should not have to worry about being spied on, so this is not an issue for you, other than hackers. There is not a high rate of hackers so it is rare that you will be spied on. This tactic is only used by well trusted FBI employees to find criminals with the exception of a few hackers. I am on my computer all the time and I leave it open and go along with my business, but I do not have to worry about being spied on and releasing exclusive information that I wouldn’t want a random hacker to hear. I do think more firewalls and passwords should be put up to stop hackers but wether the FBI uses your webcam or not to spy, hackers will still find a way to do the same. The FBI is extremely qualified and I agree that is is okay for them to spy on whoever they want to keep close watch on terrorist and other criminals.
ReplyDeleteBrooke Gilbert
Katy Howard
ReplyDeleteThe issue at hand is whether the FBI should be able to activate an individual's webcam without the indicator light turning on. Some people are upset with the FBI for spying without the light. Also, some look at it as an invasion of privacy. I believe that the FBI has the right to do this. It is their job. s much as they do to help and protect our country, they should get the right to invade privacy, if necessary. For example, if an act of terrorism was taking place online, the only way for the FBI to take action is by following necessary actions online, such as activating a webcam without any indication.
The issue at hand is that the FBI has been able to access a person's computer from the computer internally and covertly. People are upset because it can be seen as a violation of privacy.
ReplyDeleteThe FBI's ability to activate a person's personal is...wrong if a persons' content is not harmful to the public or anyone in general. This also violates a portion of an individual's rights. However, the FBI's interests in activities that pose threats to the public such as terrorism or any type of infidelity are totally justified due to the fact that in some cases the FBI is focused on public safety and internal safety within the country.
People are upset with the issue at hand because they feel that this is an invasion of privacy. Supposedly, the FBI can spy on you through your computer without you knowing it. But, if they do so they say it is for national security to catch a terrorist or other dangerous criminal. There is one TV show called "Person of Interest" where a genius of a man has created a program that activates every camera in the world to act as a 24-hour regulating system. But, he and his crime-fighting partner use it to catch criminals and stop bad events from taking place. After all this, I defend what the FBI is doing because although some people may see it as an invasion of privacy, I see it as a protection against terrorism and crime as long as the FBI use it only for that.
ReplyDelete-Bethany Lovell
The FBI has been able to access a person's webcam to see what they are doing without them even knowing. This is a sensitive subject to some people because it is an invasion of privacy. Though it is wrong to intentionally spy on a person's social and personal life, I do understand why the FBI would use this technique. I believe that the technique can and should be used but only for terrorist, political, and criminal reasons, not to watch what innocent people do with their webcams behind closed doors.
ReplyDelete~ Emmy Melchior
The issue is the FBI is spying on people by using their webcams without them knowing. People are upset because their privacy is being invaded, and they have no way of knowing that the FBI has secretly turned on their webcam to spy on them. I challenge this issue because the FBI is taking advantage of their power. If the FBI is using this tactic to find information about crimes in peoples homes, then they are illegally invading their private life. For example, if the FBI wanted to search someone's home then they would have to have a search warrant.
ReplyDeleteKatie Irvin
The FBI is using different tools to turn on individuals' webcams without them knowing. The red light that comes on to let an individual know that the webcam is recording does not come on. Many people are upset because it is an invasion of privacy. They are uncomfortable at knowing that the FBI can monitor their every action.
ReplyDeleteI challenge the FBI's actions because what they are doing is wrong. Everyone deserves to have privacy, and the one place you are allowed complete privacy is your home. The FBI is denying that privacy. Also, since the FBI is extremely powerful, they can solve problems or find out information in a plethora of other ways. They are taking advantage of their immense power, and if they were looking into other individuals' webcams under any other organization, it would be considered illegal. However, since the FBI's name is on it, it is considered perfectly legal (which it is not). Therefore, the FBI's actions were wrong in more ways than one.
Kate Singley
Sierra Chunko
ReplyDeleteThe issue at hand is the ability of the FBI and hackers to access a webcam without the light turning on. People are upset because it is a violation of privacy. I think in some cases it is acceptable. If they are to use it for a serious criminal case or a possible terrorist attack, they should be able to access the webcam. If it is just a by stander, they should not be able to hack the webcam and spy on anyone. In the FBI's case, what they are doing is not an invasion of privacy, but restricting criminals from getting too far into their crime.
Morgan House
ReplyDelete- The FBI is now going to lengths as far as hacking into webcams without people knowing and people are upset by these actions for this is a total and complete invasion of privacy. The FBI claims that they use this to stop terrorism, which would sound perfectly fine, BUT, what is their definition of terrorism? All a person would have to do is say or write one negative thing about the government and the FBI could use this as a suspicion of terrorism to gain access to your home. I could post on Facebook, "I hate the government" and that could be reason enough for them to hack my camera and spy on me? This should be illegal for it violates the constitution. Without a warrant to enter someone's house, you cannot enter. Well, is the same issue not at hand here? They are entering your home through video. If they do come across someone doing something illegal, they cannot use it against them to arrest them or in court because they were not legally permitted to enter that persons home therefor the evidence is not viable. However, the FBI, the government, even the president seem to not care what is constitutional and not constitutional; they will find a reason to enter your home so that they can use the evidence acquired against you. If the FBI has a warrant to enter your home, tap your phone, tap your webcam, then go right ahead. But they don't and that is what allows them to have way more freedom than they should. Obviously there are going to be those members of the FBI, government, Ect. that don't just use it to prevent "major" crimes and terrorism but use it to spy on every day people. The FBI's actions, in my opinion, should be considered unconstitutional and should be stopped. I should not have to put a piece of electrical tape over my webcam on my laptop to prevent getting spied on by the government in which I'm supposed to trust. “Americans should not perceive that they have any possibility of proximity privacy.”
-A.G. Holder
Kacy Howard
ReplyDeleteThis article talks about how the FBI is able to activate a computer's webcam to spy on people without turning on the indicator light for them to be able to tell that someone is watching them. Many people are upset because that is intruding on their privacy and does not seem right for them to do that. I somewhat think that this is okay for the FBI to do because some cases may call for this like terrorism, and by using the webcam, it might be the only was the FBI is able to do their job. With this being said, I also think that it is wrong in a way. I feel as if it invades a person's privacy and it also doesn't seem legal, even though the FBI is doing it.
1) The FBI can spy on webcam users via their webcam without the owner's knowledge of it. Some people are upset because their privacy is being taken away from them by the FBI peeking on them through their webcam without the owner's consent or knowledge of it.
ReplyDelete2) I believe the FBI should have the right to do it to protect the citizens of America, and I understand the other side's claim that privacy is important; however, I think we can all agree safety is a priority over privacy. Therefore, the FBI can use this power for the safety of the owner and that is all. Any other reason would be immoral and unjust.
The issue at hand is the FBI being able to access everyone’s webcams without turning the light on that makes you become aware that it is one. People are upset because this is most certainly invading our privacy. We are safe no where now, not even in front of our electronic devices at home. The FBI should not be able to take such actions, although I see it is to help with terrorist and other serious cases.
ReplyDeleteI feel that some people, and we all know them, abuse their power of being able to do such things. Yes, some agents are probably using this hack as they should be, but there are also other just being nosey. It is hard to stick to one side on this issue. I do understand and agree that we shall use this hack to help with terrorist and such. But, I also feel that we deserve our own privacy.
Kaitlyn Elwood
The issue at hand is the concession of privacy as the cost of criminal investigation. People are upset because the FBI can invade their privacy at any time by accessing the people's web cameras on their computers. Because of the increasing amount of acts of terror committed in the United States, I believe that the FBI's actions are justifiable. They are doing it for the safety of U.S. citizens to bring criminals to justice. If someone commits an act of terror and the FBI can trace their laptops and get images of them, that would help bring justice about. In saying this I believe the FBI's actions are justifiable.
ReplyDeleteThe issue at hand is that the FBI is spying through people's webcams secretly. Some people are upset because the FBI is invading peoples privacy without the victims knowing. The victims private lives are being invaded by people that have so much power and think they can take advantage of that power. I challenge the FBI's actions because the FBI is taking advanatage of people. They are using a webcam to spy on people and people dont know because they have it programmed to where the red light, that usually lights up when its in use, doesn't turn on. The FBI could use different strategies besides spying through peoples webcams to figure out secret things about people. For example, anyone could look suspicious through a webcam because you aren't actually socially interacting with that person. Instead they could get a warrant and find the evidence themself.
ReplyDelete-Danielle Deese
1, the issue is that FBI agents are intentionally spying on people in the safety of their own home. the main reason people are upset is because it is a complete invasion of privacy..
ReplyDelete2. I disagree with the FBI's actions. It is not ok to tamper with someone's privacy no matter the situation. It is their personal life and their business what goes on in their own home that they pay for and take care of. You can not just spy on people like that.
The issue is that the FBI is able to turn on webcams without the indicator light turning on. People are getting mad because it is an invasion of privacy. I disagree with them being able to do this. It does no good for them to snoop around and see what people are doing. Terrorist are not going to have their webcam looking at their bomb making so it does no good for the to use this. If they want to look in someone's house the need to just ask or get a warrant.
ReplyDeleteNisha Singh
ReplyDeleteThe whole issue is an ex official stating that they FBI can see a persons webcam
without the computer actually being on. People are upset because it's invasion
of privacy. I feel like the FBI should not be allowed to see what you search or
do based on our constitutional rights. I qualify the FBIS claim because for one
it is not right to randomly start looking up what people do in there spare time.
It's none if the FBI's business what anyone does on their computer. In some
cases I can see why they would feel the need to, for example they might have a
lead on a bombing or shooting, and by monitoring there computer they can stop
it. I agree to disagree with the FBI's claim, it is invasion of privacy but it
can also stop people from threading innocent people.
The issue at hand is that it has been discovered that the FBI can secretly activate a computer’s webcam to spy on an individual without turning on the indicator light. And they’ve been doing it for years without our knowledge – to spy mainly in terrorism cases or the most serious criminal investigations. It’s not only our computers but also our mobile devices. People are upset over that but also that if the government can do this what is preventing a random hacker to do the same.
ReplyDeleteI feel the government has crossed the line this time. I support our Homeland Security Department and the need to keep terrorists from causing harm but this is going way too far. It is invading my privacy and the privacy of my family. Is there any limit as to what the government can do? What happened to our freedom of privacy? I’m not sure what the solution is because I know the government needs to keep on top of the terrorist and their activity but this doesn’t seem fair to an average American citizen.
- Megan Bandy
The issue at hand is that it has been discovered that the FBI can secretly activate a computer’s webcam to spy on an individual without turning on the indicator light. And they’ve been doing it for years without our knowledge – to spy mainly in terrorism cases or the most serious criminal investigations. It’s not only our computers but also our mobile devices. People are upset over that but also that if the government can do this what is preventing a random hacker to do the same.
ReplyDeleteI feel the government has crossed the line this time. I support our Homeland Security Department and the need to keep terrorists from causing harm but this is going way too far. It is invading my privacy and the privacy of my family. Is there any limit as to what the government can do? What happened to our freedom of privacy? I’m not sure what the solution is because I know the government needs to keep on top of the terrorist and their activity but this doesn’t seem fair to an average American citizen.
- Megan Bandy
The issue at hand is that the FBI can view someone via his/her phone without the phone owner's knowledge or consent. Many people feel that this is a violation of one's privacy.
ReplyDeleteThe FBI should have the right to tap into people's cameras. If the FBI does not, criminals and terrorists can get the upper hand and cause destruction throughout the United States. Many innocent people can be injured or even die if the FBI does not take the precautionary measures to keep Americans safe. If the precautionary measure is using someone's phone without his/her knowledge then so be it; I am willing to do whatever it takes to maintain my safety and the one's I care about.
Timothy Brown
ReplyDelete- This issue at hand is that the FBI can secretly check in on your webcam with you not even knowing. People are upset because the government can secretly spy on you, and you not even paying attention. I feel that it's stupid for the government to secretly look, and you not even knowing, just tell people what you are doing. However, there is no reason to look through people webcam anyways, there's a thing called private or personal space apparently the government knows nothing about it. Why should they feel the need to look at people anyways? That's just my opinion and why i challenge.
1. The issue at hand is that the government is using our own private technology to spy. Some people are upset because they feel like they have lost privacy and that the government has taken this spying too far.
ReplyDelete2. I think the reasoning behind the spying (being criminal investigations and terrorism cases) makes a lot of sense. We have to trust that the government's overall reason for spying is for those two scenarios only. I agree with the reasoning behind the government using the webcams to spy on criminal investigations or terrorism cases because it is being used to save lives. Although, I do not think the government should be spying on everyone. There should be some regulations for the government's spying and use of webcams. Janna Meeks
Anna Marie
ReplyDeleteThe issue brought up in this article is that the FBI is supposedly activating peoples webcams without them being able to know. This upsets some people because it is a violation of privacy. I qualify this argument. I understand that the FBI can use this to help with investigations and that this could potentially save lives of those endangered by a certain crime or terrorist attack, but I also understand that people have a right to privacy and sometimes the FBI have been mislead and they could activate someone's webcam that has nothing to do with a crime. If I found out that the FBI had activated my webcam I would be upset unless I knew that it was helping an important investigation. In situations like the FBI are put in a hard situation. If they are going to be allowed to secretly activate webcams they should have to make people aware.
For many years now, the FBI has had the ability to spy on people through their webcams. This has upset a lot of people because it is seen as an invasion of privacy, since the FBI can watch everything that happens in front of the webcam without your knowledge. Should the FBI be allowed to do this? If so, then to what extent can they use it? I believe that the FBI should be allowed to use the technology, but they should have to be granted a search warrant just like any other way of looking into people’s private lives. They cannot enter a person’s house without a search warrant or probable cause; so, how is this any different? They both allow law enforcement to see inside of a house and the lives of the people they are looking into. At the moment, the FBI can go and look at anybody they want without you even knowing. This cannot be allowed to happen because the FBI may abuse the power that this can bring. It would allow them to look into celebrities lives, which just because they are law enforcement does not mean they are trustworthy, but on the other hand it could help to prevent terrorist activity. When they have someone who is suspected of illegal activity, then they could get a search warrant and look into their lives without the person ever knowing because no one was physically in the area. This would help in reducing a lot of the illegal activity in the United States because no one could know that they had been compromised, but the FBI would not be invading privacy because they have a search warrant issued by a judge to access their webcams. With the wide spread use of the internet and the severity of crimes being committed today, the FBI needs to find new ways to crackdown on illegal activity. They’ve implemented statistical analysis to predict crimes, set up cameras in different hotspots around town, and started creating neighborhood watch programs in various cities. To keep up with the times, law enforcement should be allowed to access people’s webcams, but only with a search warrant or probable cause, such as if they were to enter someone’s house, since it would be legal and increase the amount of criminals caught.
ReplyDelete~~Colton Herren~~
Meghan Adamczyk
ReplyDeleteThe issue at hand is that the FBI is allowing themselves to access people's computers through their cameras. Some people are upset with this issue because it is an invasion of privacy and only the FBI knows when it happens. My thoughts on this issue stand with the people who believe it is an invasion of privacy. I look at it both ways though because in certain situations (tracking down a terrorists) it can benefit the FBI and civilians in many ways. On the other hand, it's a huge invasion of privacy, which is why i qualify the FBI's actions regarding this issue.
The issue at hand is of the FBI's capability of spying on citizens using a citizen's camera on their devices. People are upset over this because it invades their privacy. I do not believe that the FBI should use this tactic of spying anymore because it causes American's to distrust the government even more and puts citizens in danger if the information that they gather leaks out. When i was a child my sister would always spy on me by listening through the door when i had to have a private conversation with my parents or a friend to see what i was talking about. When i get up to leave the room she would run away and pretend she was doing something else, and because of her actions i can not bring myself to trust fully like other siblings.
ReplyDelete~Azeeza Abdulrauf~
Sydney Moore
ReplyDeleteThe issue with the FBI being able to secretly turn on your webcam without triggering the light that indicates it is recording is an issue of privacy. Even though the FBI claims to only use this advanced technology for serious crime investigations and terrorist situations, people are afraid that this technology could be used in other ways to invade privacy. I agree with the FBI's actions. Unless you have something to hide, why would you be worried about this advancement. Also, advancements such as these may aid in persecuting terrorists and hackers. Personally, I have no reason to believe that the FBI would ever have to utilize this technology regarding myself. Even though some may argue, such as the people commenting below the article, that they take such devices into the restroom as they take a shower, for example, I believe the FBI has better things to do than invade some can't-live-without-their-phone teenager's privacy.
President Vladimin Putin, Russia's president, is doing away with Russia's state news agency, RIA Novosti. He wants to control the news media and how Moscow is viewed all over the world. The move is a statement of his authority. The new new's headquarters will be in central Moscow in RIA Novostis original headquarters. The first Admendment of the constitution guarantees Americans the right to free speech and free press. Putin is trying to take away this right in Russia. Government control of the news media outlets allows for too much power. With this power, public would only know selected information, what the government wants you to know. Another reason why government media control would be dangerous is it allows only hand picked media groups to earn all the profits. This type of control would not be a good thing.
ReplyDeleteJake Presley
1. The issue is that the FBI can secretly activate an individual’s webcam without the indicator light turning on. People are becoming upset because they can view people without their permission over the webcam at any time.
ReplyDelete2. I can see why the FBI would use it to view criminal activity, but it’s violating your private life. I disagree and agree with this issue. I agree with it because there are criminals and terrorists that the FBI needs to catch and they can do this more by looking through the webcam secretly in order to get information. I disagree because once the FBI can do it hackers can do it as well. Hackers will hack into someone’s computer to spy on the innocent rather than other criminals. They could hack into someone’s webcam to view their private life for personal enjoyment rather than to catch criminals. –Kelsey Skurka
Shelley curry
ReplyDeleteThe issue at hand in the article is that the FBI can activate a webcams without a person knowing. They are able to hack into your computer and turn it on without the light showing up. They use this tactic in terrorist situations and situations with criminal investigations. I agree and disagree with the FBI on doing this. It is very helpful because it could keep our country and people safe but it is also an invasion of privacy. It makes people wonder if that could be happening to them. I qualify with the FBI's actions because there are some good points and bad points to this.
People are upset because apparently the FBI can activate the webcam on your computer to watch you without you knowing about it .I would both agree and disagree with this technique because it can be successful if used for the right reasons, like catching a terrorist. An example would be the Boston, where it could be acceptable to use this technique to catch those criminals. However, if used for the wrong reasons, like spying on people for no reason, then it could be a bad thing because of invasion of privacy.
ReplyDelete-Reece Johnson
The issue at hand is that the fbi can see can see you on your computer through your webcam. They can access it without the indicator light coming on also. People are upset because the government and fbi can see you. I think its ok for them to do it because it could catch criminals and terrorist. But me personally I think it's ok. I defend this article. -stephon mcullough
ReplyDeleteThe FBI uses webcams on personal computers in order to investigate people; however, they are able to do so without activating the light that indicates that the camera is recording. As a result people are being recorded without their knowledge
ReplyDeleteMark Chapman
ReplyDelete1. The issue is that the FBI can covertly watch anybody through their webcam. This upsets people because it gives the FBI the power to invade the privacy of any home with a computer. It really creeps people out and it is flat out disappointing. They expect better from the people in charge of "The Land of the Free".
2. While I do understand the fear of terrorism, and that the FBI is doing what it thinks will protect us, I can't help but go against the FBI on this one. I know the other side claims that if I have nothing to hide, then why do I care, and I believe those people are missing the point. You are not in charge of where the line that divides right and wrong is drawn, the people who can watch you inside your home are. By allowing this to happen, citizens of the country have put themselves in a position below the government. Besides the whole totalitarian aspect, the thought of someone watching you is uncomfortable. Imagine if an actual person sat in your room and just watched you. Then one day you do something that he dictates as "terrorist activity", he springs up, and tackles you to the ground. This is the same reason people don't like when police officers are on the road with them. Even though the police officers are there to protect them and make them feel safe, the average driver gets nervous and starts checking everything. I personal feel this way too, I'll even drive under the speed limit because my definition of speeding could be different than the man with a gun who is watching me. Same applies here, except with the definition of terrorism.
For several years the FBI have had the ability to secretly activate a computers webcam. People are upset because they think that no one should be allowed to do that and they feel like their privacy might be being violated. I do not think that my privacy is being violated because I have not made any reason for the FBI to spy on me. As long as the FBI get a warrant for each individual whos webcam they plan to use I am just fine with it, however It also should not even be possible for the webcam to turn on without the indicator light turning on. The webcam should be wired together with the indicator light because if the FBI can do it so can experienced hackers.
ReplyDeleteJohn McDonough
Abriana Fornis
ReplyDeleteThe FBI is using information gathered via webcams on personal computers. The agency is able to do so without activating the light that indicates the camera is in use. Many feel as though the FBI is invading the private lives of innocent civilians. Although many believe this method of reconaissance is crossing the line, I agree that it can at times be unethical, but I disagree at times when this method is used for surveillance on terrorist organizations.
The use of personal webcams for surveillance can be unethical because the person the agency may be watching could be an innoncent person. The FBI would be able to find out the most intimate information. For example, on the crime drama Law and Order: Special Victims Unit the police strategically placed cameras in a suspect's apartment. The suspect ended up not being the murderer, and he was able to press charges against the police for illegally obtaining information about him.
On the other hand, webcam surveillance has allowed the FBI to successfully track the activity of terrorist groups. These methods have led to the capture of some terrorists and the prevention of some acts of terrorism.
The FBI's ability to spy on you through your webcam without your knowledge only adds to the government's vast number of methods of collecting information about the American public. This collection of data is completely unacceptable, and people are angered by this because it is just one more way government agencies can monitor civilians and remove their right to privacy at will. The FBI's ability to do this will only add to governmental control and taking away our freedoms, as witnessed by the citizens or Nazi Germany, and other regimes that gained complete control of their citizens' private information.
ReplyDelete-Caldwell Wagenheim
The FBI can turn on webcams without the light coming on; therefore the user/owner of the computer doesn't know that anyone is watching them. This is an invasion of privacy. I would think if they must have a warrant to get a computer and look through its files then this would be the same. I believe they should not be able just to turn on someone's web cam and watch what is going on at the time. I do understand that people like terrorist and stuff need to be watch but will this bleed over to the average person.
ReplyDeleteThe U.S. government is able to view video feed from cameras in the phones and computers of those citizens who possess these things. Many people are upset since this is an extreme invasion of privacy and further illustrates the government's hunger for power, information, and possible aspiration for complete power. If the government is able to view us at all times, then when do we have privacy in our own homes? Even if we aren't necessarily doing anything illegal, private moments are just that: private. People are upset about this due to the fact that these private moments are becoming quasi-public with the government and FBI viewing them.
ReplyDeleteThe FBI surely can find other methods of monitoring criminals. There is no reason for the government and FBI to have this kind of absolute power, a crowbar that can break through the little privacy we have left. No one wants their personal Skype calls broadcasted for all to see. Nobody wants their embarassing computer selfies to be seen by anyone but themselves. There is also a certain creep factor to the matter. Some people aren't necessarily clothed when they decide to get in front of their computer or phone. All in all, this is a terrible thing for the government to do.
Sharly Lovitt
People are upset because they feel that the government is invading their privacy by activating their webcams with out their permission. I both agree and disagree withe the FBI's actions. These techniques cab be useful in regards to terrorism and threats to our country. As far as activating the general publics webcams, I think that is stretching their power a little to far. If they are going to spy on someone, they need a good reason.
ReplyDeleteThe infiltration of people's privacy via webcam by the FBI has outraged many due to the fact that it is unethical. I believe this to be disagreeable due to the barrier betwixt the realms of privacy and publicity. The government should not be able to wield such power because it condescends the principles on which the government was created.
ReplyDeleteIyana Gray
Many people are upset about this issue because it is an invasion of privacy. These concerns are justified because people feel like they are being monitored in their homes, which is usually a place where you do not have to worry about the inquisitive eyes of other people. In the case of capturing terrorists this is beneficial; however, for most people their privacy is being needlessly encroached upon. Also, in this situation the FBI’s policy is uncomfortably similar to Big Brother.
ReplyDeleteJakeias McGee
I believe people are really scared by this. this is something the government should not be able to do because it infringes on peoples rights of privacy. I believe that they should not be able to do this and that they they should think of it this way. what if we were watching them. they wouldn't want all of there secrets to be revealed or there lies to be uncovered now would they? they shouldn't do it to other people then.