Friday, August 16, 2013

Ninth Grade Current Events for Week of August 19

Pre-AP and Advanced 9

Read through the article found on this website.

Now, in the comment section of the blog, post your answers to the following questions (MAKE SURE TO TYPE YOUR NAME AT THE END OF YOUR COMMENT):

Is it ethical to use technology to ensure that we are doing what we are supposed to be doing?  In other words, should people be trusted to do what's right, or should we be forced to do obey by authorities using cameras, computers, and cells to track our behavior?  Is there any danger in having our actions tracked electronically, or should we sacrifice that privacy to those in authority?


  1. Although I can see how this kind of technology could easily be abused, it is ethical because the workers are agreeing to watch the video by taking the job.
    Marie Doyle

  2. I do not think that it is ethical because if you are not doing what you are supposed to be doing you have to suffer the consequences and be trusted to do what is right. There is danger in having our actions tracked electronically because we have a right to privacy.
    Jane Frances Armour

  3. Ok, honestly, who likes being watched...NO ONE! I find it very unethical to have a piece of technology watching you to make sure you are doing what you are supposed to. We should be trusted to do what's right, not be forced and lose our right to privacy.

    Rett Saele

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I might find it ethical if it only applied to important uses that should be paid attention to such as the trainee video. But it is not ethical for unimportant uses. There is danger in having our actions tracked electronically and we shouldn't sacrifice our right to privacy.

    Gabby Traywick

  6. I have mixed feelings about this honestly. In a job interview, you would want to make sure they wouldn't be some bogus, lazy person that doesn't care, right? You would want someone to be capable of doing a simple task. It's understandable to want to know if someone is competent enough to have a job. BUT, then there is the factor that someone sees a window of opportunity of abusing the technology, and such. It's a brilliant idea, but not all brilliant ideas work out in the end.

    Andrea Rosario

  7. It is not ethical to use technology to ensure we do what we are suppose to do,
    people should be trusted to do the right thing. We should not be forced to obey
    authorities, or at least not in that specific way, as for tracking our eye
    movement ensuring they are on the screen would anger many people, thus making
    them feel "controlled" by the authority. Tracking eye movement will also feel
    like an invasion of privacy because the truth is no one would want their eyes
    being tracked and their own or other peoples devices controlling them.

    Nikhil Singh

  8. If your watching a learning or educational video and you look away it'll pause and you won't miss anything. When you look back it'll continue right where you left off. But if a camera is watching and observing your every move you could be paranoid and uncomfortable.

    April McCool

  9. Mills Harrison
    I think that we should not have to use it because,people should be doing the right thing in the first place. Its pretty bad when the government has to watch your every move. I also think its kind of creepy, its like your being stalked.

  10. i think it is very unethical and that a device of any kind should not be programmed to keep a tab on you. also i think that if a person acts right in the first place there would not be a need to be watched.

    Madison Bray

  11. I do not think it is ethical to have technology seeing if we are doing what we are supposed to do. I think that people should be trusted to do what they are supposed to do. If they are not doing what they are supposed to, they should except the consequences. Also, we shouldn't have to sacrifice OUR privacy just to make sure we are doing the right thing. - Abby Nelson

  12. I think the software is good in the sense that it keeps people from screwing up their jobs, and if it can be used to treat Alzheimer's and Autism. However I do NOT think it should be used to monitor people. Nobody wants an invasion of their privacy.

    ~ Blake E. Lockridge

  13. The only good thing about this software is that it keeps workes from messing up their jobs but no it should not be used to monitor people that is an invasion of privacy.
    Katie Kinder

  14. I dont think it is ethnical to use technology in this way. I think we should be trusted to do what is right. I am a fan of technology but there will always be people who will try and abuse it. As for the fact of handing over our privacy we should never let someone take that from us.
    ~Taylor Burge

  15. If a business or etcetera wants to use technology to make sure that workers are paying attention I think that they should be allowed to as long as the workers are made aware of this and knowingly consent. I personally don’t like the idea of having my eye movements and facial expression constantly monitored and I think that this could go wrong in many ways but the technology itself is not bad. Even though I think that people should be trusted to what they are supposed to I know that some people are not honest and can see why a business try to maximize profits would use technology in this way. I find it to be highly unethical and the amount of surveillance in modern society to be revolting but the workers signed up for it when they got the job.
    John McDonough


If you are in one of my English classes, please make sure to type your name at the beginning of your comment so that you will receive credit for your thoughts.